Tai Truong
fix readme
from __future__ import annotations
import uuid
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Annotated, Any
from fastapi import Depends, HTTPException, Query
from fastapi_pagination import Params
from loguru import logger
from sqlalchemy import delete
from sqlmodel.ext.asyncio.session import AsyncSession
from langflow.graph.graph.base import Graph
from langflow.services.auth.utils import get_current_active_user
from langflow.services.database.models import User
from langflow.services.database.models.flow import Flow
from langflow.services.database.models.transactions.model import TransactionTable
from langflow.services.database.models.vertex_builds.model import VertexBuildTable
from langflow.services.deps import async_session_scope, get_session
from langflow.services.store.utils import get_lf_version_from_pypi
from langflow.services.chat.service import ChatService
from langflow.services.store.schema import StoreComponentCreate
API_WORDS = ["api", "key", "token"]
CurrentActiveUser = Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)]
DbSession = Annotated[AsyncSession, Depends(get_session)]
def has_api_terms(word: str):
return "api" in word and ("key" in word or ("token" in word and "tokens" not in word))
def remove_api_keys(flow: dict):
"""Remove api keys from flow data."""
if flow.get("data") and flow["data"].get("nodes"):
for node in flow["data"]["nodes"]:
node_data = node.get("data").get("node")
template = node_data.get("template")
for value in template.values():
if isinstance(value, dict) and has_api_terms(value["name"]) and value.get("password"):
value["value"] = None
return flow
def build_input_keys_response(langchain_object, artifacts):
"""Build the input keys response."""
input_keys_response = {
"input_keys": dict.fromkeys(langchain_object.input_keys, ""),
"memory_keys": [],
"handle_keys": artifacts.get("handle_keys", []),
# Set the input keys values from artifacts
for key, value in artifacts.items():
if key in input_keys_response["input_keys"]:
input_keys_response["input_keys"][key] = value
# If the object has memory, that memory will have a memory_variables attribute
# memory variables should be removed from the input keys
if hasattr(langchain_object, "memory") and hasattr(langchain_object.memory, "memory_variables"):
# Remove memory variables from input keys
input_keys_response["input_keys"] = {
key: value
for key, value in input_keys_response["input_keys"].items()
if key not in langchain_object.memory.memory_variables
# Add memory variables to memory_keys
input_keys_response["memory_keys"] = langchain_object.memory.memory_variables
if hasattr(langchain_object, "prompt") and hasattr(langchain_object.prompt, "template"):
input_keys_response["template"] = langchain_object.prompt.template
return input_keys_response
def validate_is_component(flows: list[Flow]):
for flow in flows:
if not flow.data or flow.is_component is not None:
is_component = get_is_component_from_data(flow.data)
if is_component is not None:
flow.is_component = is_component
flow.is_component = len(flow.data.get("nodes", [])) == 1
return flows
def get_is_component_from_data(data: dict):
"""Returns True if the data is a component."""
return data.get("is_component")
async def check_langflow_version(component: StoreComponentCreate) -> None:
from langflow.utils.version import get_version_info
__version__ = get_version_info()["version"]
if not component.last_tested_version:
component.last_tested_version = __version__
langflow_version = await get_lf_version_from_pypi()
if langflow_version is None:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Unable to verify the latest version of Langflow")
if langflow_version != component.last_tested_version:
f"Your version of Langflow ({component.last_tested_version}) is outdated. "
f"Please update to the latest version ({langflow_version}) and try again."
def format_elapsed_time(elapsed_time: float) -> str:
"""Format elapsed time to a human-readable format coming from perf_counter().
- Less than 1 second: returns milliseconds
- Less than 1 minute: returns seconds rounded to 2 decimals
- 1 minute or more: returns minutes and seconds
delta = timedelta(seconds=elapsed_time)
if delta < timedelta(seconds=1):
milliseconds = round(delta / timedelta(milliseconds=1))
return f"{milliseconds} ms"
if delta < timedelta(minutes=1):
seconds = round(elapsed_time, 2)
unit = "second" if seconds == 1 else "seconds"
return f"{seconds} {unit}"
minutes = delta // timedelta(minutes=1)
seconds = round((delta - timedelta(minutes=minutes)).total_seconds(), 2)
minutes_unit = "minute" if minutes == 1 else "minutes"
seconds_unit = "second" if seconds == 1 else "seconds"
return f"{minutes} {minutes_unit}, {seconds} {seconds_unit}"
async def _get_flow_name(flow_id: str) -> str:
async with async_session_scope() as session:
flow = await session.get(Flow, flow_id)
if flow is None:
msg = f"Flow {flow_id} not found"
raise ValueError(msg)
return flow.name
async def build_graph_from_data(flow_id: str, payload: dict, **kwargs):
"""Build and cache the graph."""
# Get flow name
if "flow_name" not in kwargs:
flow_name = await _get_flow_name(flow_id)
kwargs["flow_name"] = flow_name
graph = Graph.from_payload(payload, flow_id, **kwargs)
for vertex_id in graph.has_session_id_vertices:
vertex = graph.get_vertex(vertex_id)
if vertex is None:
msg = f"Vertex {vertex_id} not found"
raise ValueError(msg)
if not vertex.raw_params.get("session_id"):
vertex.update_raw_params({"session_id": flow_id}, overwrite=True)
run_id = uuid.uuid4()
await graph.initialize_run()
return graph
async def build_graph_from_db_no_cache(flow_id: str, session: AsyncSession):
"""Build and cache the graph."""
flow: Flow | None = await session.get(Flow, flow_id)
if not flow or not flow.data:
msg = "Invalid flow ID"
raise ValueError(msg)
return await build_graph_from_data(flow_id, flow.data, flow_name=flow.name, user_id=str(flow.user_id))
async def build_graph_from_db(flow_id: str, session: AsyncSession, chat_service: ChatService):
graph = await build_graph_from_db_no_cache(flow_id, session)
await chat_service.set_cache(flow_id, graph)
return graph
async def build_and_cache_graph_from_data(
flow_id: str,
chat_service: ChatService,
graph_data: dict,
): # -> Graph | Any:
"""Build and cache the graph."""
graph = Graph.from_payload(graph_data, flow_id)
await chat_service.set_cache(flow_id, graph)
return graph
def format_syntax_error_message(exc: SyntaxError) -> str:
"""Format a SyntaxError message for returning to the frontend."""
if exc.text is None:
return f"Syntax error in code. Error on line {exc.lineno}"
return f"Syntax error in code. Error on line {exc.lineno}: {exc.text.strip()}"
def get_causing_exception(exc: BaseException) -> BaseException:
"""Get the causing exception from an exception."""
if hasattr(exc, "__cause__") and exc.__cause__:
return get_causing_exception(exc.__cause__)
return exc
def format_exception_message(exc: Exception) -> str:
"""Format an exception message for returning to the frontend."""
# We need to check if the __cause__ is a SyntaxError
# If it is, we need to return the message of the SyntaxError
causing_exception = get_causing_exception(exc)
if isinstance(causing_exception, SyntaxError):
return format_syntax_error_message(causing_exception)
return str(exc)
def get_top_level_vertices(graph, vertices_ids):
"""Retrieves the top-level vertices from the given graph based on the provided vertex IDs.
graph (Graph): The graph object containing the vertices.
vertices_ids (list): A list of vertex IDs.
list: A list of top-level vertex IDs.
top_level_vertices = []
for vertex_id in vertices_ids:
vertex = graph.get_vertex(vertex_id)
if vertex.parent_is_top_level:
return top_level_vertices
def parse_exception(exc):
"""Parse the exception message."""
if hasattr(exc, "body"):
return exc.body["message"]
return str(exc)
def get_suggestion_message(outdated_components: list[str]) -> str:
"""Get the suggestion message for the outdated components."""
count = len(outdated_components)
if count == 0:
return "The flow contains no outdated components."
if count == 1:
return (
"The flow contains 1 outdated component. "
f"We recommend updating the following component: {outdated_components[0]}."
components = ", ".join(outdated_components)
return (
f"The flow contains {count} outdated components. "
f"We recommend updating the following components: {components}."
def parse_value(value: Any, input_type: str) -> Any:
"""Helper function to parse the value based on input type."""
if value == "":
return value
if input_type == "IntInput":
return int(value) if value is not None else None
if input_type == "FloatInput":
return float(value) if value is not None else None
return value
async def cascade_delete_flow(session: AsyncSession, flow_id: uuid.UUID) -> None:
await session.exec(delete(TransactionTable).where(TransactionTable.flow_id == flow_id))
await session.exec(delete(VertexBuildTable).where(VertexBuildTable.flow_id == flow_id))
await session.exec(delete(Flow).where(Flow.id == flow_id))
except Exception as e:
msg = f"Unable to cascade delete flow: ${flow_id}"
raise RuntimeError(msg, e) from e
def custom_params(
page: int | None = Query(None),
size: int | None = Query(None),
if page is None and size is None:
return None
return Params(page=page or MIN_PAGE_SIZE, size=size or MAX_PAGE_SIZE)