import sys | |
import os | |
import re | |
import json | |
import time | |
import shutil | |
import numpy as np | |
import gradio as gr | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from multiprocessing import Pool | |
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool | |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw | |
from skimage.measure import ransac | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from modules.latex2bbox_color import latex2bbox_color | |
from modules.tokenize_latex.tokenize_latex import tokenize_latex | |
from modules.visual_matcher import HungarianMatcher, SimpleAffineTransform | |
DATA_ROOT = "output" | |
def gen_color_list(num=10, gap=15): | |
num += 1 | |
single_num = 255 // gap + 1 | |
max_num = single_num ** 3 | |
num = min(num, max_num) | |
color_list = [] | |
for idx in range(num): | |
R = idx // single_num**2 | |
GB = idx % single_num**2 | |
G = GB // single_num | |
B = GB % single_num | |
color_list.append((R*gap, G*gap, B*gap)) | |
return color_list[1:] | |
def process_latex(groundtruths, predictions, user_id="test"): | |
data_root = DATA_ROOT | |
temp_dir = os.path.join(data_root, "temp_dir") | |
data_root = os.path.join(data_root, user_id) | |
output_dir_info = {} | |
input_args = [] | |
for subset, latex_list in zip(['gt', 'pred'], [groundtruths, predictions]): | |
sub_temp_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, f"{user_id}_{subset}") | |
os.makedirs(sub_temp_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
output_path = os.path.join(data_root, subset) | |
output_dir_info[output_path] = [] | |
os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_path, 'bbox'), exist_ok=True) | |
os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_path, 'vis'), exist_ok=True) | |
total_color_list = gen_color_list(num=5800) | |
for idx, latex in enumerate(latex_list): | |
basename = f"sample_{idx}" | |
input_arg = latex, basename, output_path, sub_temp_dir, total_color_list | |
a = time.time() | |
latex2bbox_color(input_arg) | |
b = time.time() | |
for subset in ['gt', 'pred']: | |
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(temp_dir, f"{user_id}_{subset}")) | |
def update_inliers(ori_inliers, sub_inliers): | |
inliers = np.copy(ori_inliers) | |
sub_idx = -1 | |
for idx in range(len(ori_inliers)): | |
if ori_inliers[idx] == False: | |
sub_idx += 1 | |
if sub_inliers[sub_idx] == True: | |
inliers[idx] = True | |
return inliers | |
def reshape_inliers(ori_inliers, sub_inliers): | |
inliers = np.copy(ori_inliers) | |
sub_idx = -1 | |
for idx in range(len(ori_inliers)): | |
if ori_inliers[idx] == False: | |
sub_idx += 1 | |
if sub_inliers[sub_idx] == True: | |
inliers[idx] = True | |
else: | |
inliers[idx] = False | |
return inliers | |
def evaluation(user_id="test"): | |
data_root = DATA_ROOT | |
data_root = os.path.join(data_root, user_id) | |
gt_box_dir = os.path.join(data_root, "gt") | |
pred_box_dir = os.path.join(data_root, "pred") | |
match_vis_dir = os.path.join(data_root, "vis_match") | |
os.makedirs(match_vis_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
max_iter = 3 | |
min_samples = 3 | |
residual_threshold = 25 | |
max_trials = 50 | |
metrics_per_img = {} | |
gt_basename_list = [item.split(".")[0] for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(gt_box_dir, 'bbox'))] | |
for basename in gt_basename_list: | |
gt_valid, pred_valid = True, True | |
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(gt_box_dir, 'bbox', basename+".jsonl")): | |
gt_valid = False | |
else: | |
with open(os.path.join(gt_box_dir, 'bbox', basename+".jsonl"), 'r') as f: | |
box_gt = [] | |
for line in f: | |
info = json.loads(line) | |
if info['bbox']: | |
box_gt.append(info) | |
if not box_gt: | |
gt_valid = False | |
if not gt_valid: | |
continue | |
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pred_box_dir, 'bbox', basename+".jsonl")): | |
pred_valid = False | |
else: | |
with open(os.path.join(pred_box_dir, 'bbox', basename+".jsonl"), 'r') as f: | |
box_pred = [] | |
for line in f: | |
info = json.loads(line) | |
if info['bbox']: | |
box_pred.append(info) | |
if not box_pred: | |
pred_valid = False | |
if not pred_valid: | |
metrics_per_img[basename] = { | |
"recall": 0, | |
"precision": 0, | |
"F1_score": 0, | |
} | |
continue | |
gt_img_path = os.path.join(gt_box_dir, 'vis', basename+"_base.png") | |
pred_img_path = os.path.join(pred_box_dir, 'vis', basename+"_base.png") | |
img_gt = | |
img_pred = | |
matcher = HungarianMatcher() | |
matched_idxes = matcher(box_gt, box_pred, img_gt.size, img_pred.size) | |
src = [] | |
dst = [] | |
for (idx1, idx2) in matched_idxes: | |
x1min, y1min, x1max, y1max = box_gt[idx1]['bbox'] | |
x2min, y2min, x2max, y2max = box_pred[idx2]['bbox'] | |
x1_c, y1_c = float((x1min+x1max)/2), float((y1min+y1max)/2) | |
x2_c, y2_c = float((x2min+x2max)/2), float((y2min+y2max)/2) | |
src.append([y1_c, x1_c]) | |
dst.append([y2_c, x2_c]) | |
src = np.array(src) | |
dst = np.array(dst) | |
if src.shape[0] <= min_samples: | |
inliers = np.array([True for _ in matched_idxes]) | |
else: | |
inliers = np.array([False for _ in matched_idxes]) | |
for i in range(max_iter): | |
if src[inliers==False].shape[0] <= min_samples: | |
break | |
model, inliers_1 = ransac((src[inliers==False], dst[inliers==False]), SimpleAffineTransform, min_samples=min_samples, residual_threshold=residual_threshold, max_trials=max_trials) | |
if inliers_1 is not None and inliers_1.any(): | |
inliers = update_inliers(inliers, inliers_1) | |
else: | |
break | |
if len(inliers[inliers==True]) >= len(matched_idxes): | |
break | |
for idx, (a,b) in enumerate(matched_idxes): | |
if inliers[idx] == True and matcher.cost['token'][a, b] == 1: | |
inliers[idx] = False | |
final_match_num = len(inliers[inliers==True]) | |
recall = round(final_match_num/(len(box_gt)), 3) | |
precision = round(final_match_num/(len(box_pred)), 3) | |
F1_score = round(2*final_match_num/(len(box_gt)+len(box_pred)), 3) | |
metrics_per_img[basename] = { | |
"recall": recall, | |
"precision": precision, | |
"F1_score": F1_score, | |
} | |
if True: | |
gap = 5 | |
W1, H1 = img_gt.size | |
W2, H2 = img_pred.size | |
H = H1 + H2 + gap | |
W = max(W1, W2) | |
vis_img ='RGB', (W, H), (255, 255, 255)) | |
vis_img.paste(img_gt, (0, 0)) | |
vis_img.paste('RGB', (W, gap), (0, 150, 200)), (0, H1)) | |
vis_img.paste(img_pred, (0, H1+gap)) | |
match_img = vis_img.copy() | |
match_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(match_img) | |
gt_matched_idx = { | |
a: flag | |
for (a,b), flag in | |
zip(matched_idxes, inliers) | |
} | |
pred_matched_idx = { | |
b: flag | |
for (a,b), flag in | |
zip(matched_idxes, inliers) | |
} | |
for idx, box in enumerate(box_gt): | |
if idx in gt_matched_idx and gt_matched_idx[idx]==True: | |
color = "green" | |
else: | |
color = "red" | |
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = box['bbox'] | |
match_draw.rectangle([x_min-1, y_min-1, x_max+1, y_max+1], fill=None, outline=color, width=2) | |
for idx, box in enumerate(box_pred): | |
if idx in pred_matched_idx and pred_matched_idx[idx]==True: | |
color = "green" | |
else: | |
color = "red" | |
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = box['bbox'] | |
match_draw.rectangle([x_min-1, y_min-1+H1+gap, x_max+1, y_max+1+H1+gap], fill=None, outline=color, width=2) | |, basename+"_base.png")) | |
if W < 500: | |
padding = (500 - W)//2 + 1 | |
reshape_match_img ='RGB', (500, H), (255, 255, 255)) | |
reshape_match_img.paste(match_img, (padding, 0)) | |
reshape_match_img.paste('RGB', (500, gap), (0, 150, 200)), (0, H1)) | |, basename+".png")) | |
else: | |, basename+".png")) | |
acc_list = [val['F1_score'] for _, val in metrics_per_img.items()] | |
metrics_res = { | |
"mean_score": round(np.mean(acc_list), 3), | |
"details": metrics_per_img | |
} | |
metric_res_path = os.path.join(data_root, "metrics_res.json") | |
with open(metric_res_path, "w") as f: | |
f.write(json.dumps(metrics_res, indent=2)) | |
return metrics_res, metric_res_path, match_vis_dir | |
def calculate_metric_single(groundtruth, prediction): | |
user_id ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') | |
process_latex([groundtruth], [prediction], user_id) | |
metrics_res, metric_res_path, match_vis_dir = evaluation(user_id) | |
basename = "sample_0" | |
image_path = os.path.join(match_vis_dir, basename+".png") | |
sample = metrics_res["details"][basename] | |
score = sample['F1_score'] | |
recall = sample['recall'] | |
precision = sample['precision'] | |
return score, recall, precision, gr.Image(image_path) | |
def calculate_metric_batch(json_input): | |
user_id ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') | |
with open(, "r") as f: | |
input_data = json.load(f) | |
groundtruths = [] | |
predictions = [] | |
for item in input_data: | |
groundtruths.append(item['gt']) | |
predictions.append(item['pred']) | |
process_latex(groundtruths, predictions, user_id) | |
metrics_res, metric_res_path, match_vis_dir = evaluation(user_id) | |
return metric_res_path | |
def gradio_reset_single(): | |
return gr.update(value=None, placeholder='type gt latex code here'), gr.update(value=None, placeholder='type pred latex code here'), \ | |
gr.update(value=None), gr.update(value=None), gr.update(value=None), gr.update(value=None) | |
def gradio_reset_batch(): | |
return gr.update(value=None), gr.update(value=None) | |
def select_example1(): | |
gt = "y = 2x + 3z" | |
pred = "y = 2z + 3x" | |
return gr.update(value=gt, placeholder='type gt latex code here'), gr.update(value=pred, placeholder='type pred latex code here') | |
def select_example2(): | |
gt = "r = \\frac { \\alpha } { \\beta } \\vert \\sin \\beta \\left( \\sigma _ { 1 } \\pm \\sigma _ { 2 } \\right) \\vert" | |
pred = "r={\\frac{\\alpha}{\\beta}}|\\sin\\beta\\left(\\sigma_{2}+\\sigma_{1}\\right)|" | |
return gr.update(value=gt, placeholder='type gt latex code here'), gr.update(value=pred, placeholder='type pred latex code here') | |
def select_example3(): | |
gt = "\\begin{array} { r l r } & { } & { \\mathbf { J } _ { L } = \\left( \\begin{array} { c c } { 0 } & { 0 } \\\\ { v _ { n } } & { 0 } \\end{array} \\right) , ~ \\mathbf { J } _ { R } = \\left( \\begin{array} { c c } { u _ { n - 1 } } & { 0 } \\\\ { 0 } & { 0 } \\end{array} \\right) , ~ } \\\\ & { } & {\\mathbf { K } = \\left( \\begin{array} { c c } { V _ { n - 1 } } & { u _ { n } } \\\\ { v _ { n - 1 } } & { V _ { n } } \\end{array} \\right) , } \\end{array}" | |
pred = "\\mathbf{J}_{U}={\\left(\\begin{array}{l l}{0}&{0}\\\\ {v_{n}}&{0}\\end{array}\\right)}\\,,\\ \\mathbf{J}_{R}={\\left(\\begin{array}{l l}{u_{n-1}}&{0}\\\\ {0}&{0}\\end{array}\\right)}\\,,\\mathbf{K}={\\left(\\begin{array}{l l}{V_{n-1}}&{u_{n}}\\\\ {v_{n-1}}&{V_{n}}\\end{array}\\right)}\\,," | |
return gr.update(value=gt, placeholder='type gt latex code here'), gr.update(value=pred, placeholder='type pred latex code here') | |
with open("header.html", "r") as file: | |
header = | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
# title = """<h1 align="center">CDM: A Reliable Metric for Fair and Accurate Formula Recognition Evaluation</h1>""" | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
gr.Markdown(header) | |
# gr.Button(value="Quick Try: type latex code of gt and pred, get metrics and visualization.", interactive=False, variant="primary") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
gt_input = gr.Textbox(label='gt', placeholder='type gt latex code here', interactive=True) | |
pred_input = gr.Textbox(label='pred', placeholder='type pred latex code here', interactive=True) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
clear_single = gr.Button("Clear") | |
submit_single = gr.Button(value="Submit", interactive=True, variant="primary") | |
with gr.Accordion("Examples:"): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
example1 = gr.Button("Example A(short)") | |
example2 = gr.Button("Example B(middle)") | |
example3 = gr.Button("Example C(long)") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
score_output = gr.Number(label="F1 Score", interactive=False) | |
recall_output = gr.Number(label="Recall", interactive=False) | |
recision_output = gr.Number(label="Precision", interactive=False) | |
gr.Button(value="Visualization (green bbox means correcttlly matched, red bbox means missed or wrong.)", interactive=False) | |
vis_output = gr.Image(label=" ", interactive=False) | |, inputs=None, outputs=[gt_input, pred_input]) | |, inputs=None, outputs=[gt_input, pred_input]) | |, inputs=None, outputs=[gt_input, pred_input]) | |, inputs=None, outputs=[gt_input, pred_input, score_output, recall_output, recision_output, vis_output]) | |, inputs=[gt_input, pred_input], outputs=[score_output, recall_output, recision_output, vis_output]) | |
# gr.Button(value="Batch Run: upload a json file and batch processing, this may take some times according to your latex amount and length.", interactive=False, variant="primary") | |
# with gr.Row(): | |
# with gr.Column(): | |
# json_input = gr.File(label="Input Json", file_types=[".json"]) | |
# json_example = gr.File(label="Input Example", value="assets/example/input_example.json") | |
# with gr.Row(): | |
# clear_batch = gr.Button("Clear") | |
# submit_batch = gr.Button(value="Submit", interactive=True, variant="primary") | |
# metric_output = gr.File(label="Output Metrics") | |
#, inputs=None, outputs=[json_input, metric_output]) | |
#, inputs=[json_input], outputs=[metric_output]) | |
demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860, debug=True) |