import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import numpy as np from numpy.typing import NDArray from pyscipopt import Model, quicksum from datetime import datetime # Define the quality tiers and names for the plants PLANTS_TIERS = { "radiant": "RADIANT", "flourishing": "FLOURISHING", "hardy": "HARDY", "feeble": "FEEBLE", "radiant_rarecolor": "RADIANT+RARE", "flourishing_rarecolor": "FLOURISHING+RARE", "hardy_rarecolor": "HARDY+RARE", } PLANTS_LABLES = { "fanged_geranium": "Fanged Geranium", "gillyweed": "Gillyweed", "rose": "Rose", "puffapod": "Puffapod", "wild_pansy": "Wild Pansy", "nifflers_fancy": "Niffler's Fancy", "fanwort": "Fanwort", "ladys_mantle": "Lady's Mantle", "kelp": "Kelp", "mandrake": "Mandrake", "chinese_chomping_cabbage": "Chinese Chomping Cabbage", "dragons_breath_macroalgae": "Dragon's Breath Macroalgae", "peony": "Peony", "begonia": "Begonia", "mayflower": "Mayflower", "hydrangea": "Hydrangea", "ludwigia_glandulosa": "Ludwigia Glandulosa", "daffodil": "Daffodil", "water_hyacinth": "Water Hyacinth", "lily_of_the_valley": "Lily of the Valley", "mosaic_flower": "Mosaic Flower", "sunflower": "Sunflower", "mimbulus_mimbletonia": "Mimbulus Mimbletonia", "water_lily": "Water Lily", } INTERFACE_TEXTS = { "cn": { "gold_label": "葭碧の金币预算:", "strategies_label": "请选择凑单策略:", "clear_btn_label": "❌清除", "calculate_btn_label": "🛠计算", "output_label": "计算结果:", "strategy_options": [ ("最小化售出株数(优先出售高价植物)", "MaximizeStock"), ("最大化售出株数(优先出售低价植物)", "MinimizeStock"), ], }, "en": { "gold_label": "Gabby's Gold Budget:", "strategies_label": "Select a strategy:", "clear_btn_label": "❌Clear", "calculate_btn_label": "🛠Calculate", "output_label": "Output:", "strategy_options": [ ( "Minimize the number of plants sold (prioritize high-priced plants)", "MaximizeStock", ), ( "Maximize the number of plants sold (prioritize low-priced plants)", "MinimizeStock", ), ], }, } def process_csv(file_path): """import and process plants data""" df = pd.read_csv(file_path) df["species"] = pd.Categorical(df["species"]) df["tier"] = pd.Categorical(df["tier"]) # df = df.dropna(subset=["gold"]) df = df.astype( { "gold": int, "gems": int, } ) return df df = process_csv("plants.csv") GOLD_PLANTS = set( row["species"] for _, row in df.iterrows() if row["gold"] != 0 and row["tier"] != "feeble" ) GEMS_PLANTS = set( row["species"] for _, row in df.iterrows() if row["gems"] != 0 and row["tier"] != "feeble" ) def check_currency(plant, currency): if currency == "gold": return plant in GOLD_PLANTS elif currency == "gems": return plant in GEMS_PLANTS def calculator(currency, budget, strategy, extra_rate, *amount): """ Calculate the optimal solution of plant sales based on the given budget and inventory constraints. Args: *args (tuple): A tuple containing: - currency (str): The currency used for purchasing plants ("gold" or "gems"). - budget (int): Gabby's gold budget. - strategy (str): The selected strategy for selling plants ("MaximizeStock" or "MinimizeStock"). - extra_rate (int): The premium rate for selling plants. - amount (list of int): Stock levels of each plant type. Returns: str: A description of the optimal solution, including which plants to sell, the total gold earned, and the remaining inventory. Returns an error message if no solution is found. """ # currency: str, budget: int, strategy:str, extra_rate:int = args[0:4] # budget: int = args[0] # 葭碧预算 # strategy: str = args[1] # 出售策略 # extra_rate: int = args[2] # 高价收购倍率 stocks: NDArray[np.int_ | np.integer] = np.array( [x if x else 0 for x in amount] ) # 植物库存 # Plant names and prices plants_names = [ f"{PLANTS_TIERS[row['tier']]} {PLANTS_LABLES[row['species']]}" for index, row in df.iterrows() ] price = df[currency] # 植物单价 sold_prices = np.array(price * (1 + extra_rate)) # Initialize the master problem model = Model("BewilderingBlooms") # Decision variables in master problem x = [ model.addVar( vtype="I", name=f"x_{i}", lb=0, ub=int(stocks[i]) if stocks[i] else 0 ) for i in range(len(stocks)) ] obj1 = quicksum(sold_prices[i] * x[i] for i in range(len(stocks))) obj2 = quicksum(x[i] for i in range(len(stocks))) # Objective: maximize total value of sold plants model.setObjective(obj1, "maximize") model.addCons(obj1 <= budget) # first optimize model.hideOutput() model.optimize() if model.getStatus() == "optimal": optimal_total_value = model.getObjVal() print( f"[{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] First-stage optimal total value: {optimal_total_value}" ) model.freeTransform() model.setObjective( obj2, "maximize" if strategy == "MinimizeStock" else "minimize" ) model.addCons(obj1 == optimal_total_value) model.optimize() # Final solution processing solution = [] total_price = 0 total_count = 0 if model.getStatus() == "optimal": for i, var in enumerate(x): if (v := round(model.getVal(var))) > 0 and sold_prices[i] > 0: solution.append( f"{plants_names[i]} ({sold_prices[i]} {currency}): {v}\n" ) total_price += v * sold_prices[i] total_count += v if optimal_total_value == budget: return f"Great! Found a combination of items with a total value equal to the budget ({budget} {currency}).😃\n\n{''.join(solution)}\nTotal value: {total_price} {currency}\nTotal count: {total_count}" # Count: {int(model.getObjVal())} return f"Oops! {round(budget - optimal_total_value)} {currency} short of the target value ({budget} {currency}).😣\n\n{''.join(solution)}\nTotal value: {total_price} {currency}\nTotal count: {total_count}" # Count: {int(model.getObjVal())} return "No solution found for the second optimization!" return "No solution found for the first optimization!" # 高亮每种植物的最高品质 css = """ .highlight-first-gold {background-color: #fafad2} .highlight-first-gems {background-color: #fed9b4} """ def show_checkboxgroup(currency, select_all=False): """ 根据选定的货币显示选择框。 """ plants_tuples: list[tuple[str, str]] = [ (PLANTS_LABLES[pl], pl) for pl in PLANTS_LABLES.keys() if check_currency(pl, currency) ] if select_all: default_value = [v for (n, v) in plants_tuples if select_all] else: default_value = None checkbox_group_component = gr.CheckboxGroup( choices=plants_tuples, value=default_value, type="value", label="Plants", info="Select plants", interactive=True, ) return checkbox_group_component def show_plant_boxes(currency, plants=None): _inventory = {} species_set = set() species_count = 0 new_species = False for _, row in df.iterrows(): if ( row[currency] != 0 and row["tier"] != "feeble" and (not plants or row["species"] in plants) ): species_set.add(row["species"]) inventory_key = f"{row['species']}_{row['tier']}" _inventory[inventory_key] = gr.Number( label=PLANTS_LABLES[row["species"]], info=f"{PLANTS_TIERS[row['tier']]} ${row[currency]}", value=0, precision=0, minimum=0, maximum=500, step=10, visible=True, elem_classes=( f"highlight-first-{currency}" if len(species_set) > species_count else None ), ) species_count = len(species_set) else: _inventory[f"{row['species']}_{row['tier']}"] = gr.Number( value=0, visible=False ) return list(_inventory.values()) def handle_currency(currency): """ 根据选定的货币类型更新库存组件""" return [False, show_checkboxgroup(currency)] + show_plant_boxes(currency, None) def handle_select_all(initial_state, currency): return [(not initial_state)] + [show_checkboxgroup(currency, not initial_state)] with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: gr.Markdown( """
HPMA Bewildering Blooms Calculator👨🏻‍🌾
This program is essentially a solver for a variant of the knapsack problem. Another more versatile [application]( """ ) # Create a Gradio interface with a column layout with gr.Column(): # Add a row for the currency selection currency_radio = gr.Radio( choices=["gold", "gems"], value="gold", type="value", label="Currency", info="Select the currency:", render=True, ) # Add a row for the budget input budget = gr.Number( label="Target", info="Gabby's Budget:", # "葭碧の金币预算:", value=0, minimum=0, maximum=20000, step=100, ) acquisition_rate = gr.Dropdown( choices=[ "0(Gabby's Acquisition)", "+100%(HVA for Budding & Novice)", "+200%(HVA for Junior & Practiced)", "+300%(HVA for Natural & Master)", ], value="0(Gabby's Acquisition)", type="index", label="Extra Acquisition Rate", info="Select your high-value acquisition rate:", ) # Add a radio selection for the strategy selected_strategy = gr.Radio( [ ( "Minimize the number of plants sold (prioritize high-priced plants)", "MaximizeStock", ), ( "Maximize the number of plants sold (prioritize low-priced plants)", "MinimizeStock", ), ], value="MaximizeStock", label="Strategies", info="Select a strategy:", ) plants_filter = show_checkboxgroup(currency_radio.value) with gr.Row(): select_all_state = gr.State(False) select_all_button = gr.Button(value="Select All⭕", size="sm") filter_button = gr.Button(value="Filter Plants🔍", size="lg") # Create the dynamic plant inventory inputs with gr.Row() as inventory_row: inventory = show_plant_boxes(currency_radio.value, plants_filter.value) # Add a row for the Clear and Calculate buttons with gr.Row(): inventory_clear_btn = gr.ClearButton(inventory, size="sm", value="❌Clear") # Add a button to trigger the calculation inventory_submit_btn = gr.Button(value="🛠Calculate") # Add a row for the result textbox with gr.Row(): result = gr.Textbox(label="Output") # Set up the button click event to call the calculator function calculator, inputs=[currency_radio, budget, selected_strategy, acquisition_rate] + inventory, outputs=[result], api_name=False, ) # Update the inventory when the currency changes currency_radio.change( fn=handle_currency, # Adjusted function to return only the components inputs=[currency_radio], outputs=[ select_all_state, plants_filter, ] + inventory, # Update each child in the inventory_row ) fn=show_plant_boxes, inputs=[currency_radio, plants_filter], outputs=inventory, ) fn=handle_select_all, inputs=[select_all_state, currency_radio], outputs=[select_all_state, plants_filter], ) # Launch the Gradio application demo.queue(api_open=False) demo.launch(max_threads=5, share=False)