import numpy as np import torch import comfy import folder_paths import nodes import os import math import re import safetensors import glob from collections import namedtuple @torch.no_grad() def automerge(tensor, threshold): (batchsize, slices, dim) = tensor.shape newTensor=[] for batch in range(batchsize): tokens = [] lastEmbed = tensor[batch,0,:] merge=[lastEmbed] tokens.append(lastEmbed) for i in range(1,slices): tok = tensor[batch,i,:] cosine =,lastEmbed)/torch.sqrt(,tok)*,lastEmbed)) if cosine >= threshold: merge.append(tok) lastEmbed = torch.stack(merge).mean(dim=0) else: tokens.append(lastEmbed) merge=[] lastEmbed=tok newTensor.append(torch.stack(tokens)) return torch.stack(newTensor) STRENGTHS = ["highest", "high", "medium", "low", "lowest"] STRENGTHS_VALUES = [1,2, 3,4,5] class StyleModelApplySimple: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return {"required": {"conditioning": ("CONDITIONING", ), "style_model": ("STYLE_MODEL", ), "clip_vision_output": ("CLIP_VISION_OUTPUT", ), "image_strength": (STRENGTHS, {"default": "medium"}) }} RETURN_TYPES = ("CONDITIONING",) FUNCTION = "apply_stylemodel" CATEGORY = "conditioning/style_model" def apply_stylemodel(self, clip_vision_output, style_model, conditioning, image_strength): stren = STRENGTHS.index(image_strength) downsampling_factor = STRENGTHS_VALUES[stren] mode="area" if downsampling_factor==3 else "bicubic" cond = style_model.get_cond(clip_vision_output).flatten(start_dim=0, end_dim=1).unsqueeze(dim=0) if downsampling_factor>1: (b,t,h)=cond.shape m = int(np.sqrt(t)) cond=torch.nn.functional.interpolate(cond.view(b, m, m, h).transpose(1,-1), size=(m//downsampling_factor, m//downsampling_factor), mode=mode)# cond=cond.transpose(1,-1).reshape(b,-1,h) c = [] for t in conditioning: n = [[0], cond), dim=1), t[1].copy()] c.append(n) return (c, ) def standardizeMask(mask): if mask is None: return None if len(mask.shape) == 2: (h,w)=mask.shape mask=mask.view(1,1,h,w) elif len(mask.shape)==3: (b,h,w)=mask.shape mask=mask.view(b,1,h,w) return mask def crop(img, mask, box, desiredSize): (ox,oy,w,h) = box if mask is not None: mask=torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask, size=(h,w), mode="bicubic").view(-1,h,w,1) img = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(img.transpose(-1,1), size=(w,h), mode="bicubic", antialias=True) return (img[:, :, ox:(desiredSize+ox), oy:(desiredSize+oy)].transpose(1,-1), None if mask == None else mask[:, oy:(desiredSize+oy), ox:(desiredSize+ox),:]) def letterbox(img, mask, w, h, desiredSize): (b,oh,ow,c) = img.shape img = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(img.transpose(-1,1), size=(w,h), mode="bicubic", antialias=True).transpose(1,-1) letterbox = torch.zeros(size=(b,desiredSize,desiredSize, c)) offsetx = (desiredSize-w)//2 offsety = (desiredSize-h)//2 letterbox[:, offsety:(offsety+h), offsetx:(offsetx+w), :] += img img = letterbox if mask is not None: mask=torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask, size=(h,w), mode="bicubic") letterbox = torch.zeros(size=(b,1,desiredSize,desiredSize)) letterbox[:, :, offsety:(offsety+h), offsetx:(offsetx+w)] += mask mask = letterbox.view(b,1,desiredSize,desiredSize) return (img, mask) def getBoundingBox(mask, w, h, relativeMargin, desiredSize): mask=mask.view(h,w) marginW = math.ceil(relativeMargin * w) marginH = math.ceil(relativeMargin * h) indices = torch.nonzero(mask, as_tuple=False) y_min, x_min = indices.min(dim=0).values y_max, x_max = indices.max(dim=0).values x_min = max(0, x_min.item() - marginW) y_min = max(0, y_min.item() - marginH) x_max = min(w, x_max.item() + marginW) y_max = min(h, y_max.item() + marginH) box_width = x_max - x_min box_height = y_max - y_min larger_edge = max(box_width, box_height, desiredSize) if box_width < larger_edge: delta = larger_edge - box_width left_space = x_min right_space = w - x_max expand_left = min(delta // 2, left_space) expand_right = min(delta - expand_left, right_space) expand_left += min(delta - (expand_left+expand_right), left_space-expand_left) x_min -= expand_left x_max += expand_right if box_height < larger_edge: delta = larger_edge - box_height top_space = y_min bottom_space = h - y_max expand_top = min(delta // 2, top_space) expand_bottom = min(delta - expand_top, bottom_space) expand_top += min(delta - (expand_top+expand_bottom), top_space-expand_top) y_min -= expand_top y_max += expand_bottom x_min = max(0, x_min) y_min = max(0, y_min) x_max = min(w, x_max) y_max = min(h, y_max) return x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max def patchifyMask(mask, patchSize=14): if mask is None: return mask (b, imgSize, imgSize,_) = mask.shape toks = imgSize//patchSize return torch.nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(patchSize,patchSize),stride=patchSize)(mask.view(b,imgSize,imgSize)).view(b,toks,toks,1) def prepareImageAndMask(visionEncoder, image, mask, mode, autocrop_margin, desiredSize=384): mode = IMAGE_MODES.index(mode) (B,H,W,C) = image.shape if mode==0: # center crop square imgsize = min(H,W) ratio = desiredSize/imgsize (w,h) = (round(W*ratio), round(H*ratio)) image, mask = crop(image, standardizeMask(mask), ((w - desiredSize)//2, (h - desiredSize)//2, w, h), desiredSize) elif mode==1: if mask is None: mask = torch.ones(size=(B,H,W)) imgsize = max(H,W) ratio = desiredSize/imgsize (w,h) = (round(W*ratio), round(H*ratio)) image, mask = letterbox(image, standardizeMask(mask), w, h, desiredSize) elif mode==2: (bx,by,bx2,by2) = getBoundingBox(mask,W,H,autocrop_margin, desiredSize) image = image[:,by:by2,bx:bx2,:] mask = mask[:,by:by2,bx:bx2] imgsize = max(bx2-bx,by2-by) ratio = desiredSize/imgsize (w,h) = (round((bx2-bx)*ratio), round((by2-by)*ratio)) image, mask = letterbox(image, standardizeMask(mask), w, h, desiredSize) return (image,mask) def processMask(mask,imgSize=384, patchSize=14): if len(mask.shape) == 2: (h,w)=mask.shape mask=mask.view(1,1,h,w) elif len(mask.shape)==3: (b,h,w)=mask.shape mask=mask.view(b,1,h,w) scalingFactor = imgSize/min(h,w) # scale mask=torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask, size=(round(h*scalingFactor),round(w*scalingFactor)), mode="bicubic") # crop horizontalBorder = (imgSize-mask.shape[3])//2 verticalBorder = (imgSize-mask.shape[2])//2 mask=mask[:, :, verticalBorder:(verticalBorder+imgSize),horizontalBorder:(horizontalBorder+imgSize)].view(b,imgSize,imgSize) toks = imgSize//patchSize return torch.nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(patchSize,patchSize),stride=patchSize)(mask).view(b,toks,toks,1) IMAGE_MODES = [ "center crop (square)", "keep aspect ratio", "autocrop with mask" ] class ReduxAdvanced: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return {"required": {"conditioning": ("CONDITIONING", ), "style_model": ("STYLE_MODEL", ), "clip_vision": ("CLIP_VISION", ), "image": ("IMAGE",), "downsampling_factor": ("INT", {"default": 3, "min": 1, "max":9}), "downsampling_function": (["nearest", "bilinear", "bicubic","area","nearest-exact"], {"default": "area"}), "mode": (IMAGE_MODES, {"default": "center crop (square)"}), "weight": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min":0.0, "max":1.0, "step":0.01}) }, "optional": { "mask": ("MASK", ), "autocrop_margin": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.1, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01}) }} RETURN_TYPES = ("CONDITIONING","IMAGE", "MASK") FUNCTION = "apply_stylemodel" CATEGORY = "conditioning/style_model" def apply_stylemodel(self, clip_vision, image, style_model, conditioning, downsampling_factor, downsampling_function,mode,weight, mask=None, autocrop_margin=0.0): image, masko = prepareImageAndMask(clip_vision, image, mask, mode, autocrop_margin) clip_vision_output,mask=(clip_vision.encode_image(image), patchifyMask(masko)) mode="area" cond = style_model.get_cond(clip_vision_output).flatten(start_dim=0, end_dim=1).unsqueeze(dim=0) (b,t,h)=cond.shape m = int(np.sqrt(t)) if downsampling_factor>1: cond = cond.view(b, m, m, h) if mask is not None: cond = cond*mask cond=torch.nn.functional.interpolate(cond.transpose(1,-1), size=(m//downsampling_factor, m//downsampling_factor), mode=downsampling_function) cond=cond.transpose(1,-1).reshape(b,-1,h) mask = None if mask is None else torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask.view(b, m, m, 1).transpose(1,-1), size=(m//downsampling_factor, m//downsampling_factor), mode=mode).transpose(-1,1) cond = cond*(weight*weight) c = [] if mask is not None: mask = (mask>0).reshape(b,-1) max_len = mask.sum(dim=1).max().item() padded_embeddings = torch.zeros((b, max_len, h), dtype=cond.dtype, device=cond.device) for i in range(b): filtered = cond[i][mask[i]] padded_embeddings[i, :filtered.size(0)] = filtered cond = padded_embeddings for t in conditioning: n = [[0], cond), dim=1), t[1].copy()] c.append(n) return (c, image, masko) # A dictionary that contains all nodes you want to export with their names # NOTE: names should be globally unique NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = { "StyleModelApplySimple": StyleModelApplySimple, "ReduxAdvanced": ReduxAdvanced } # A dictionary that contains the friendly/humanly readable titles for the nodes NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS = { "StyleModelApplySimple": "Apply style model (simple)", "ReduxAdvanced": "Apply Redux model (advanced)" }