""" description: `manager_core` contains the core implementation of the management functions in ComfyUI-Manager. """ import json import os import sys import subprocess import re import shutil import configparser import platform from datetime import datetime import git from git.remote import RemoteProgress from urllib.parse import urlparse from tqdm.auto import tqdm import time import yaml import zipfile import traceback from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed orig_print = print from rich import print from packaging import version import uuid glob_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # ComfyUI-Manager/glob sys.path.append(glob_path) import cm_global import cnr_utils import manager_util import git_utils import manager_downloader from node_package import InstalledNodePackage version_code = [3, 9, 2] version_str = f"V{version_code[0]}.{version_code[1]}" + (f'.{version_code[2]}' if len(version_code) > 2 else '') DEFAULT_CHANNEL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Manager/main" default_custom_nodes_path = None def get_default_custom_nodes_path(): global default_custom_nodes_path if default_custom_nodes_path is None: try: import folder_paths default_custom_nodes_path = folder_paths.get_folder_paths("custom_nodes")[0] except: default_custom_nodes_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(manager_util.comfyui_manager_path, '..')) return default_custom_nodes_path def get_custom_nodes_paths(): try: import folder_paths return folder_paths.get_folder_paths("custom_nodes") except: custom_nodes_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(manager_util.comfyui_manager_path, '..')) return [custom_nodes_path] def get_comfyui_tag(): repo = git.Repo(comfy_path) try: return repo.git.describe('--tags') except: return None def get_script_env(): copied = os.environ.copy() git_exe = get_config().get('git_exe') if git_exe is not None: copied['GIT_EXE_PATH'] = git_exe copied['COMFYUI_PATH'] = comfy_path return copied invalid_nodes = {} def extract_base_custom_nodes_dir(x:str): if os.path.dirname(x).endswith('.disabled'): return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(x)) elif x.endswith('.disabled'): return os.path.dirname(x) else: return os.path.dirname(x) def check_invalid_nodes(): global invalid_nodes try: import folder_paths except: try: sys.path.append(comfy_path) import folder_paths except: raise Exception(f"Invalid COMFYUI_PATH: {comfy_path}") def check(root): global invalid_nodes subdirs = [d for d in os.listdir(root) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, d))] for subdir in subdirs: if subdir in ['.disabled', '__pycache__']: continue package = unified_manager.installed_node_packages.get(subdir) if not package: continue if not package.isValid(): invalid_nodes[subdir] = package.fullpath node_paths = folder_paths.get_folder_paths("custom_nodes") for x in node_paths: check(x) disabled_dir = os.path.join(x, '.disabled') if os.path.exists(disabled_dir): check(disabled_dir) if len(invalid_nodes): print("\n-------------------- ComfyUI-Manager invalid nodes notice ----------------") print("\nNodes requiring reinstallation have been detected:\n(Directly delete the corresponding path and reinstall.)\n") for x in invalid_nodes.values(): print(x) print("\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") comfy_path = os.environ.get('COMFYUI_PATH') if comfy_path is None: try: import folder_paths comfy_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(folder_paths.__file__)) except: comfy_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(manager_util.comfyui_manager_path, '..', '..')) channel_list_template_path = os.path.join(manager_util.comfyui_manager_path, 'channels.list.template') git_script_path = os.path.join(manager_util.comfyui_manager_path, "git_helper.py") manager_files_path = None manager_config_path = None manager_channel_list_path = None manager_startup_script_path = None manager_snapshot_path = None manager_pip_overrides_path = None manager_components_path = None def update_user_directory(user_dir): global manager_files_path global manager_config_path global manager_channel_list_path global manager_startup_script_path global manager_snapshot_path global manager_pip_overrides_path global manager_components_path manager_files_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(user_dir, 'default', 'ComfyUI-Manager')) if not os.path.exists(manager_files_path): os.makedirs(manager_files_path) manager_snapshot_path = os.path.join(manager_files_path, "snapshots") if not os.path.exists(manager_snapshot_path): os.makedirs(manager_snapshot_path) manager_startup_script_path = os.path.join(manager_files_path, "startup-scripts") if not os.path.exists(manager_startup_script_path): os.makedirs(manager_startup_script_path) manager_config_path = os.path.join(manager_files_path, 'config.ini') manager_channel_list_path = os.path.join(manager_files_path, 'channels.list') manager_pip_overrides_path = os.path.join(manager_files_path, "pip_overrides.json") manager_components_path = os.path.join(manager_files_path, "components") manager_util.cache_dir = os.path.join(manager_files_path, "cache") if not os.path.exists(manager_util.cache_dir): os.makedirs(manager_util.cache_dir) try: import folder_paths update_user_directory(folder_paths.get_user_directory()) except Exception: # fallback: # This case is only possible when running with cm-cli, and in practice, this case is not actually used. update_user_directory(os.path.abspath(manager_util.comfyui_manager_path)) cached_config = None js_path = None comfy_ui_required_revision = 1930 comfy_ui_required_commit_datetime = datetime(2024, 1, 24, 0, 0, 0) comfy_ui_revision = "Unknown" comfy_ui_commit_datetime = datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) channel_dict = None channel_list = None def remap_pip_package(pkg): if pkg in cm_global.pip_overrides: res = cm_global.pip_overrides[pkg] print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] '{pkg}' is remapped to '{res}'") return res else: return pkg def is_blacklisted(name): name = name.strip() pattern = r'([^<>!~=]+)([<>!~=]=?)([^ ]*)' match = re.search(pattern, name) if match: name = match.group(1) if name in cm_global.pip_blacklist: return True if name in cm_global.pip_downgrade_blacklist: pips = manager_util.get_installed_packages() if match is None: if name in pips: return True elif match.group(2) in ['<=', '==', '<', '~=']: if name in pips: if manager_util.StrictVersion(pips[name]) >= manager_util.StrictVersion(match.group(3)): return True return False def is_installed(name): name = name.strip() if name.startswith('#'): return True pattern = r'([^<>!~=]+)([<>!~=]=?)([0-9.a-zA-Z]*)' match = re.search(pattern, name) if match: name = match.group(1) if name in cm_global.pip_blacklist: return True if name in cm_global.pip_downgrade_blacklist: pips = manager_util.get_installed_packages() if match is None: if name in pips: return True elif match.group(2) in ['<=', '==', '<', '~=']: if name in pips: if manager_util.StrictVersion(pips[name]) >= manager_util.StrictVersion(match.group(3)): print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] skip black listed pip installation: '{name}'") return True pkg = manager_util.get_installed_packages().get(name.lower()) if pkg is None: return False # update if not installed if match is None: return True # don't update if version is not specified if match.group(2) in ['>', '>=']: if manager_util.StrictVersion(pkg) < manager_util.StrictVersion(match.group(3)): return False elif manager_util.StrictVersion(pkg) > manager_util.StrictVersion(match.group(3)): print(f"[SKIP] Downgrading pip package isn't allowed: {name.lower()} (cur={pkg})") if match.group(2) == '==': if manager_util.StrictVersion(pkg) < manager_util.StrictVersion(match.group(3)): return False if match.group(2) == '~=': if manager_util.StrictVersion(pkg) == manager_util.StrictVersion(match.group(3)): return False return name.lower() in manager_util.get_installed_packages() def normalize_channel(channel): if channel == 'local': return channel elif channel is None: return None elif channel.startswith('https://'): return channel tmp_dict = get_channel_dict() channel_url = tmp_dict.get(channel) if channel_url: return channel_url raise Exception(f"Invalid channel name '{channel}'") class ManagedResult: def __init__(self, action): self.action = action self.items = [] self.result = True self.to_path = None self.msg = None self.target = None self.postinstall = lambda: True def append(self, item): self.items.append(item) def fail(self, msg): self.result = False self.msg = msg return self def with_target(self, target): self.target = target return self def with_msg(self, msg): self.msg = msg return self def with_postinstall(self, postinstall): self.postinstall = postinstall return self class UnifiedManager: def __init__(self): self.installed_node_packages: dict[str, InstalledNodePackage] = {} self.cnr_inactive_nodes = {} # node_id -> node_version -> fullpath self.nightly_inactive_nodes = {} # node_id -> fullpath self.unknown_inactive_nodes = {} # node_id -> repo url * fullpath self.active_nodes = {} # node_id -> node_version * fullpath self.unknown_active_nodes = {} # node_id -> repo url * fullpath self.cnr_map = {} # node_id -> cnr info self.repo_cnr_map = {} # repo_url -> cnr info self.custom_node_map_cache = {} # (channel, mode) -> augmented custom node list json self.processed_install = set() def get_module_name(self, x): info = self.active_nodes.get(x) if info is None: for url, fullpath in self.unknown_active_nodes.values(): if url == x: return os.path.basename(fullpath) else: return os.path.basename(info[1]) return None def get_cnr_by_repo(self, url): return self.repo_cnr_map.get(git_utils.normalize_url(url)) def resolve_unspecified_version(self, node_name, guess_mode=None): if guess_mode == 'active': # priority: # 1. CNR/nightly active nodes # 2. unknown # 3. Fail if node_name in self.cnr_map: version_spec = self.get_from_cnr_active_nodes(node_name) if version_spec is None: if node_name in self.unknown_active_nodes: version_spec = "unknown" else: return None elif node_name in self.unknown_active_nodes: version_spec = "unknown" else: return None elif guess_mode == 'inactive': # priority: # 1. CNR latest in inactive # 2. nightly # 3. unknown # 4. Fail if node_name in self.cnr_map: latest = self.get_from_cnr_inactive_nodes(node_name) if latest is not None: version_spec = str(latest[0]) else: if node_name in self.nightly_inactive_nodes: version_spec = "nightly" else: version_spec = "unknown" elif node_name in self.unknown_inactive_nodes: version_spec = "unknown" else: return None else: # priority: # 1. CNR latest in world # 2. unknown if node_name in self.cnr_map: version_spec = self.cnr_map[node_name]['latest_version']['version'] else: version_spec = "unknown" return version_spec def resolve_node_spec(self, node_name, guess_mode=None): """ resolve to 'node_name, version_spec' from version string version string: node_name@latest node_name@nightly node_name@unknown node_name@<version> node_name if guess_mode is 'active' or 'inactive' return can be 'None' based on state check otherwise return 'unknown' version when failed to guess """ spec = node_name.split('@') if len(spec) == 2: node_name = spec[0] version_spec = spec[1] if version_spec == 'latest': if node_name not in self.cnr_map: print(f"ERROR: '{node_name}' is not a CNR node.") return None else: version_spec = self.cnr_map[node_name]['latest_version']['version'] elif guess_mode in ['active', 'inactive']: node_name = spec[0] version_spec = self.resolve_unspecified_version(node_name, guess_mode=guess_mode) if version_spec is None: return None else: node_name = spec[0] version_spec = self.resolve_unspecified_version(node_name) if version_spec is None: return None return node_name, version_spec, len(spec) > 1 def resolve_from_path(self, fullpath): url = git_utils.git_url(fullpath) if url: cnr = self.get_cnr_by_repo(url) commit_hash = git_utils.get_commit_hash(fullpath) if cnr: cnr_utils.generate_cnr_id(fullpath, cnr['id']) return {'id': cnr['id'], 'cnr': cnr, 'ver': 'nightly', 'hash': commit_hash} else: url = os.path.basename(url) if url.endswith('.git'): url = url[:-4] return {'id': url, 'ver': 'unknown', 'hash': commit_hash} else: info = cnr_utils.read_cnr_info(fullpath) if info: cnr = self.cnr_map.get(info['id']) if cnr: return {'id': cnr['id'], 'cnr': cnr, 'ver': info['version']} else: return None else: return None def update_cache_at_path(self, fullpath): node_package = InstalledNodePackage.from_fullpath(fullpath, self.resolve_from_path) self.installed_node_packages[node_package.id] = node_package if node_package.is_disabled and node_package.is_unknown: url = git_utils.git_url(node_package.fullpath) self.unknown_inactive_nodes[node_package.id] = (url, node_package.fullpath) if node_package.is_disabled and node_package.is_nightly: self.nightly_inactive_nodes[node_package.id] = node_package.fullpath if node_package.is_enabled and not node_package.is_unknown: self.active_nodes[node_package.id] = node_package.version, node_package.fullpath if node_package.is_enabled and node_package.is_unknown: url = git_utils.git_url(node_package.fullpath) self.unknown_active_nodes[node_package.id] = (url, node_package.fullpath) if node_package.is_from_cnr and node_package.is_disabled: self.add_to_cnr_inactive_nodes(node_package.id, node_package.version, node_package.fullpath) def is_updatable(self, node_id): cur_ver = self.get_cnr_active_version(node_id) latest_ver = self.cnr_map[node_id]['latest_version']['version'] if cur_ver and latest_ver: return self.safe_version(latest_ver) > self.safe_version(cur_ver) return False def fetch_or_pull_git_repo(self, is_pull=False): updated = set() failed = set() def check_update(node_name, fullpath, ver_spec): try: if is_pull: is_updated, success = git_repo_update_check_with(fullpath, do_update=True) else: is_updated, success = git_repo_update_check_with(fullpath, do_fetch=True) return f"{node_name}@{ver_spec}", is_updated, success except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return f"{node_name}@{ver_spec}", False, False with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [] for k, v in self.unknown_active_nodes.items(): futures.append(executor.submit(check_update, k, v[1], 'unknown')) for k, v in self.active_nodes.items(): if v[0] == 'nightly': futures.append(executor.submit(check_update, k, v[1], 'nightly')) for future in as_completed(futures): item, is_updated, success = future.result() if is_updated: updated.add(item) if not success: failed.add(item) return dict(updated=list(updated), failed=list(failed)) def is_enabled(self, node_id, version_spec=None): """ 1. true if node_id@<specified_version> is enabled 2. true if node_id@<any> is enabled and version_spec==None 3. false otherwise remark: latest version_spec is not allowed. Must be resolved before call. """ if version_spec == "cnr": return self.get_cnr_active_version(node_id) not in [None, 'nightly'] elif version_spec == 'unknown' and self.is_unknown_active(node_id): return True elif version_spec is not None and self.get_cnr_active_version(node_id) == version_spec: return True elif version_spec is None and (node_id in self.active_nodes or node_id in self.unknown_active_nodes): return True return False def is_disabled(self, node_id, version_spec=None): """ 1. node_id@unknown is disabled if version_spec is @unknown 2. node_id@nightly is disabled if version_spec is @nightly 4. node_id@<specified_version> is disabled if version_spec is not None 5. not exists (active node_id) if version_spec is None remark: latest version_spec is not allowed. Must be resolved before call. """ if version_spec == "unknown": return node_id in self.unknown_inactive_nodes elif version_spec == "nightly": return node_id in self.nightly_inactive_nodes elif version_spec == "cnr": res = self.cnr_inactive_nodes.get(node_id, None) if res is None: return False res = [x for x in res.keys() if x != 'nightly'] return len(res) > 0 elif version_spec is not None: return version_spec in self.cnr_inactive_nodes.get(node_id, []) if node_id in self.nightly_inactive_nodes: return True elif node_id in self.unknown_inactive_nodes: return True target = self.cnr_inactive_nodes.get(node_id, None) if target is not None and target == version_spec: return True return False def is_registered_in_cnr(self, node_id): return node_id in self.cnr_map def get_cnr_active_version(self, node_id): res = self.active_nodes.get(node_id) if res: return res[0] else: return None def is_unknown_active(self, node_id): return node_id in self.unknown_active_nodes def add_to_cnr_inactive_nodes(self, node_id, ver, fullpath): ver_map = self.cnr_inactive_nodes.get(node_id) if ver_map is None: ver_map = {} self.cnr_inactive_nodes[node_id] = ver_map ver_map[ver] = fullpath def get_from_cnr_active_nodes(self, node_id): ver_path = self.active_nodes.get(node_id) if ver_path is None: return None return ver_path[0] def get_from_cnr_inactive_nodes(self, node_id, ver=None): ver_map = self.cnr_inactive_nodes.get(node_id) if ver_map is None: return None if ver is not None: return ver_map.get(ver) latest = None for k, v in ver_map.items(): if latest is None: latest = self.safe_version(k), v continue cur_ver = self.safe_version(k) if cur_ver > latest[0]: latest = cur_ver, v return latest async def reload(self, cache_mode, dont_wait=True): self.custom_node_map_cache = {} self.cnr_inactive_nodes = {} # node_id -> node_version -> fullpath self.nightly_inactive_nodes = {} # node_id -> fullpath self.unknown_inactive_nodes = {} # node_id -> repo url * fullpath self.unknown_active_nodes = {} # node_id -> repo url * fullpath self.active_nodes = {} # node_id -> node_version * fullpath # reload 'cnr_map' and 'repo_cnr_map' cnrs = await cnr_utils.get_cnr_data(cache_mode=cache_mode=='cache', dont_wait=dont_wait) for x in cnrs: self.cnr_map[x['id']] = x if 'repository' in x: normalized_url = git_utils.normalize_url(x['repository']) self.repo_cnr_map[normalized_url] = x # reload node status info from custom_nodes/* for custom_nodes_path in folder_paths.get_folder_paths('custom_nodes'): for x in os.listdir(custom_nodes_path): fullpath = os.path.join(custom_nodes_path, x) if os.path.isdir(fullpath): if x not in ['__pycache__', '.disabled']: self.update_cache_at_path(fullpath) # reload node status info from custom_nodes/.disabled/* for custom_nodes_path in folder_paths.get_folder_paths('custom_nodes'): disabled_dir = os.path.join(custom_nodes_path, '.disabled') if os.path.exists(disabled_dir): for x in os.listdir(disabled_dir): fullpath = os.path.join(disabled_dir, x) if os.path.isdir(fullpath): self.update_cache_at_path(fullpath) @staticmethod async def load_nightly(channel, mode): res = {} channel_url = normalize_channel(channel) if channel_url: if mode not in ['remote', 'local', 'cache']: print(f"[bold red]ERROR: Invalid mode is specified `--mode {mode}`[/bold red]", file=sys.stderr) return {} json_obj = await get_data_by_mode(mode, 'custom-node-list.json', channel_url=channel_url) for x in json_obj['custom_nodes']: for y in x['files']: if 'github.com' in y and not (y.endswith('.py') or y.endswith('.js')): repo_name = y.split('/')[-1] res[repo_name] = (x, False) if 'id' in x: if x['id'] not in res: res[x['id']] = (x, True) return res async def get_custom_nodes(self, channel, mode): # default_channel = normalize_channel('default') # cache = self.custom_node_map_cache.get((default_channel, mode)) # CNR/nightly should always be based on the default channel. channel = normalize_channel(channel) cache = self.custom_node_map_cache.get((channel, mode)) # CNR/nightly should always be based on the default channel. if cache is not None: return cache channel = normalize_channel(channel) print(f"nightly_channel: {channel}/{mode}") nodes = await self.load_nightly(channel, mode) res = {} added_cnr = set() for v in nodes.values(): v = v[0] if len(v['files']) == 1: cnr = self.get_cnr_by_repo(v['files'][0]) if cnr: if 'latest_version' not in cnr: v['cnr_latest'] = '0.0.0' else: v['cnr_latest'] = cnr['latest_version']['version'] v['id'] = cnr['id'] v['author'] = cnr['publisher']['name'] v['title'] = cnr['name'] v['description'] = cnr['description'] v['health'] = '-' if 'repository' in cnr: v['repository'] = cnr['repository'] added_cnr.add(cnr['id']) node_id = v['id'] else: node_id = v['files'][0].split('/')[-1] res[node_id] = v elif len(v['files']) > 1: res[v['files'][0]] = v # A custom node composed of multiple url is treated as a single repository with one representative path self.custom_node_map_cache[(channel, mode)] = res return res @staticmethod def safe_version(ver_str): try: return version.parse(ver_str) except: return version.parse("0.0.0") def execute_install_script(self, url, repo_path, instant_execution=False, lazy_mode=False, no_deps=False): install_script_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "install.py") requirements_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "requirements.txt") if lazy_mode: install_cmd = ["#LAZY-INSTALL-SCRIPT", sys.executable] return try_install_script(url, repo_path, install_cmd) else: if os.path.exists(requirements_path) and not no_deps: print("Install: pip packages") pip_fixer = manager_util.PIPFixer(manager_util.get_installed_packages()) res = True with open(requirements_path, "r") as requirements_file: for line in requirements_file: package_name = remap_pip_package(line.strip()) if package_name and not package_name.startswith('#') and package_name not in self.processed_install: self.processed_install.add(package_name) install_cmd = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package_name] if package_name.strip() != "" and not package_name.startswith('#'): res = res and try_install_script(url, repo_path, install_cmd, instant_execution=instant_execution) pip_fixer.fix_broken() return res if os.path.exists(install_script_path) and install_script_path not in self.processed_install: self.processed_install.add(install_script_path) print("Install: install script") install_cmd = [sys.executable, "install.py"] return try_install_script(url, repo_path, install_cmd, instant_execution=instant_execution) return True def reserve_cnr_switch(self, target, zip_url, from_path, to_path, no_deps): script_path = os.path.join(manager_startup_script_path, "install-scripts.txt") with open(script_path, "a") as file: obj = [target, "#LAZY-CNR-SWITCH-SCRIPT", zip_url, from_path, to_path, no_deps, get_default_custom_nodes_path(), sys.executable] file.write(f"{obj}\n") print(f"Installation reserved: {target}") return True def reserve_migration(self, moves): script_path = os.path.join(manager_startup_script_path, "install-scripts.txt") with open(script_path, "a") as file: obj = ["", "#LAZY-MIGRATION", moves] file.write(f"{obj}\n") return True def unified_fix(self, node_id, version_spec, instant_execution=False, no_deps=False): """ fix dependencies """ result = ManagedResult('fix') if version_spec == 'unknown': info = self.unknown_active_nodes.get(node_id) else: info = self.active_nodes.get(node_id) if info is None or not os.path.exists(info[1]): return result.fail(f'not found: {node_id}@{version_spec}') self.execute_install_script(node_id, info[1], instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps) return result def cnr_switch_version(self, node_id, version_spec=None, instant_execution=False, no_deps=False, return_postinstall=False): if instant_execution: return self.cnr_switch_version_instant(node_id, version_spec, instant_execution, no_deps, return_postinstall) else: return self.cnr_switch_version_lazy(node_id, version_spec, no_deps, return_postinstall) def cnr_switch_version_lazy(self, node_id, version_spec=None, no_deps=False, return_postinstall=False): """ switch between cnr version (lazy mode) """ result = ManagedResult('switch-cnr') node_info = cnr_utils.install_node(node_id, version_spec) if node_info is None or not node_info.download_url: return result.fail(f'not available node: {node_id}@{version_spec}') version_spec = node_info.version if self.active_nodes[node_id][0] == version_spec: return ManagedResult('skip').with_msg("Up to date") zip_url = node_info.download_url from_path = self.active_nodes[node_id][1] target = node_id to_path = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), target) def postinstall(): return self.reserve_cnr_switch(target, zip_url, from_path, to_path, no_deps) if return_postinstall: return result.with_postinstall(postinstall) else: if not postinstall(): return result.fail(f"Failed to execute install script: {node_id}@{version_spec}") return result def cnr_switch_version_instant(self, node_id, version_spec=None, instant_execution=True, no_deps=False, return_postinstall=False): """ switch between cnr version """ # 1. download result = ManagedResult('switch-cnr') node_info = cnr_utils.install_node(node_id, version_spec) if node_info is None or not node_info.download_url: return result.fail(f'not available node: {node_id}@{version_spec}') version_spec = node_info.version if self.active_nodes[node_id][0] == version_spec: return ManagedResult('skip').with_msg("Up to date") archive_name = f"CNR_temp_{str(uuid.uuid4())}.zip" # should be unpredictable name - security precaution download_path = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), archive_name) manager_downloader.basic_download_url(node_info.download_url, get_default_custom_nodes_path(), archive_name) # 2. extract files into <node_id> install_path = self.active_nodes[node_id][1] extracted = manager_util.extract_package_as_zip(download_path, install_path) os.remove(download_path) if extracted is None: if len(os.listdir(install_path)) == 0: shutil.rmtree(install_path) return result.fail(f'Empty archive file: {node_id}@{version_spec}') # 3. calculate garbage files (.tracking - extracted) tracking_info_file = os.path.join(install_path, '.tracking') prev_files = set() with open(tracking_info_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: prev_files.add(line.strip()) garbage = prev_files.difference(extracted) garbage = [os.path.join(install_path, x) for x in garbage] # 4-1. remove garbage files for x in garbage: if os.path.isfile(x): os.remove(x) # 4-2. remove garbage dir if empty for x in garbage: if os.path.isdir(x): if not os.listdir(x): os.rmdir(x) # 5. create .tracking file tracking_info_file = os.path.join(install_path, '.tracking') with open(tracking_info_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write('\n'.join(list(extracted))) # 6. post install result.target = version_spec def postinstall(): res = self.execute_install_script(f"{node_id}@{version_spec}", install_path, instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps) return res if return_postinstall: return result.with_postinstall(postinstall) else: if not postinstall(): return result.fail(f"Failed to execute install script: {node_id}@{version_spec}") return result def unified_enable(self, node_id, version_spec=None): """ priority if version_spec == None 1. CNR latest in disk 2. nightly 3. unknown remark: latest version_spec is not allowed. Must be resolved before call. """ result = ManagedResult('enable') if version_spec is None: version_spec = self.resolve_unspecified_version(node_id, guess_mode='inactive') if version is None: return result.fail(f'Specified inactive node not exists: {node_id}') if self.is_enabled(node_id, version_spec): return ManagedResult('skip').with_msg('Already enabled') if not self.is_disabled(node_id, version_spec): return ManagedResult('skip').with_msg('Not installed') from_path = None to_path = None if version_spec == 'unknown': repo_and_path = self.unknown_inactive_nodes.get(node_id) if repo_and_path is None: return result.fail(f'Specified inactive node not exists: {node_id}@unknown') from_path = repo_and_path[1] base_path = extract_base_custom_nodes_dir(from_path) to_path = os.path.join(base_path, node_id) elif version_spec == 'nightly': self.unified_disable(node_id, False) from_path = self.nightly_inactive_nodes.get(node_id) if from_path is None: return result.fail(f'Specified inactive node not exists: {node_id}@nightly') base_path = extract_base_custom_nodes_dir(from_path) to_path = os.path.join(base_path, node_id) elif version_spec is not None: self.unified_disable(node_id, False) cnr_info = self.cnr_inactive_nodes.get(node_id) if cnr_info is None or len(cnr_info) == 0: return result.fail(f'Specified inactive cnr node not exists: {node_id}') if version_spec == "cnr": version_spec = next(iter(cnr_info)) if version_spec not in cnr_info: return result.fail(f'Specified inactive node not exists: {node_id}@{version_spec}') from_path = cnr_info[version_spec] base_path = extract_base_custom_nodes_dir(from_path) to_path = os.path.join(base_path, node_id) if from_path is None or not os.path.exists(from_path): return result.fail(f'Specified inactive node path not exists: {from_path}') # move from disk shutil.move(from_path, to_path) # update cache if version_spec == 'unknown': del self.unknown_inactive_nodes[node_id] self.unknown_active_nodes[node_id] = to_path return result.with_target(to_path) elif version_spec == 'nightly': del self.nightly_inactive_nodes[node_id] else: del self.cnr_inactive_nodes[node_id][version_spec] self.active_nodes[node_id] = version_spec, to_path return result.with_target(to_path) def unified_disable(self, node_id, is_unknown): result = ManagedResult('disable') if is_unknown: version_spec = 'unknown' else: version_spec = None if not self.is_enabled(node_id, version_spec): if not self.is_disabled(node_id, version_spec): return ManagedResult('skip').with_msg('Not installed') else: return ManagedResult('skip').with_msg('Already disabled') if is_unknown: repo_and_path = self.unknown_active_nodes.get(node_id) if repo_and_path is None or not os.path.exists(repo_and_path[1]): return result.fail(f'Specified active node not exists: {node_id}') base_path = extract_base_custom_nodes_dir(repo_and_path[1]) to_path = os.path.join(base_path, '.disabled', node_id) shutil.move(repo_and_path[1], to_path) result.append((repo_and_path[1], to_path)) self.unknown_inactive_nodes[node_id] = repo_and_path[0], to_path del self.unknown_active_nodes[node_id] return result ver_and_path = self.active_nodes.get(node_id) if ver_and_path is None or not os.path.exists(ver_and_path[1]): return result.fail(f'Specified active node not exists: {node_id}') base_path = extract_base_custom_nodes_dir(ver_and_path[1]) # NOTE: A disabled node may have multiple versions, so preserve it using the `@ suffix`. to_path = os.path.join(base_path, '.disabled', f"{node_id}@{ver_and_path[0].replace('.', '_')}") shutil.move(ver_and_path[1], to_path) result.append((ver_and_path[1], to_path)) if ver_and_path[0] == 'nightly': self.nightly_inactive_nodes[node_id] = to_path else: self.add_to_cnr_inactive_nodes(node_id, ver_and_path[0], to_path) del self.active_nodes[node_id] return result def unified_uninstall(self, node_id: str, is_unknown: bool): """ Remove whole installed custom nodes including inactive nodes """ result = ManagedResult('uninstall') if is_unknown: # remove from actives repo_and_path = self.unknown_active_nodes.get(node_id) is_removed = False if repo_and_path is not None and os.path.exists(repo_and_path[1]): rmtree(repo_and_path[1]) result.append(repo_and_path[1]) del self.unknown_active_nodes[node_id] is_removed = True # remove from inactives repo_and_path = self.unknown_inactive_nodes.get(node_id) if repo_and_path is not None and os.path.exists(repo_and_path[1]): rmtree(repo_and_path[1]) result.append(repo_and_path[1]) del self.unknown_inactive_nodes[node_id] is_removed = True if is_removed: return result else: return ManagedResult('skip') # remove from actives ver_and_path = self.active_nodes.get(node_id) if ver_and_path is not None and os.path.exists(ver_and_path[1]): shutil.rmtree(ver_and_path[1]) result.items.append(ver_and_path) del self.active_nodes[node_id] # remove from nightly inactives fullpath = self.nightly_inactive_nodes.get(node_id) if fullpath is not None and os.path.exists(fullpath): shutil.rmtree(fullpath) result.items.append(('nightly', fullpath)) del self.nightly_inactive_nodes[node_id] # remove from cnr inactives ver_map = self.cnr_inactive_nodes.get(node_id) if ver_map is not None: for key, fullpath in ver_map.items(): shutil.rmtree(fullpath) result.items.append((key, fullpath)) del self.cnr_inactive_nodes[node_id] if len(result.items) == 0: return ManagedResult('skip').with_msg('Not installed') return result def cnr_install(self, node_id, version_spec=None, instant_execution=False, no_deps=False, return_postinstall=False): result = ManagedResult('install-cnr') node_info = cnr_utils.install_node(node_id, version_spec) if node_info is None or not node_info.download_url: return result.fail(f'not available node: {node_id}@{version_spec}') archive_name = f"CNR_temp_{str(uuid.uuid4())}.zip" # should be unpredictable name - security precaution download_path = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), archive_name) # re-download. I cannot trust existing file. if os.path.exists(download_path): os.remove(download_path) # install_path install_path = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), node_id) if os.path.exists(install_path): return result.fail(f'Install path already exists: {install_path}') manager_downloader.download_url(node_info.download_url, get_default_custom_nodes_path(), archive_name) os.makedirs(install_path, exist_ok=True) extracted = manager_util.extract_package_as_zip(download_path, install_path) os.remove(download_path) result.to_path = install_path if extracted is None: shutil.rmtree(install_path) return result.fail(f'Empty archive file: {node_id}@{version_spec}') # create .tracking file tracking_info_file = os.path.join(install_path, '.tracking') with open(tracking_info_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write('\n'.join(extracted)) result.target = version_spec def postinstall(): return self.execute_install_script(node_id, install_path, instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps) if return_postinstall: return result.with_postinstall(postinstall) else: if not postinstall(): return result.fail(f"Failed to execute install script: {node_id}@{version_spec}") return result def repo_install(self, url, repo_path, instant_execution=False, no_deps=False, return_postinstall=False): result = ManagedResult('install-git') result.append(url) if not is_valid_url(url): return result.fail(f"Invalid git url: {url}") if url.endswith("/"): url = url[:-1] try: print(f"Download: git clone '{url}'") # Clone the repository from the remote URL if not instant_execution and platform.system() == 'Windows': res = manager_funcs.run_script([sys.executable, git_script_path, "--clone", get_default_custom_nodes_path(), url, repo_path], cwd=get_default_custom_nodes_path()) if res != 0: return result.fail(f"Failed to clone repo: {url}") else: repo = git.Repo.clone_from(url, repo_path, recursive=True, progress=GitProgress()) repo.git.clear_cache() repo.close() def postinstall(): return self.execute_install_script(url, repo_path, instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps) if return_postinstall: return result.with_postinstall(postinstall) else: if not postinstall(): return result.fail(f"Failed to execute install script: {url}") except Exception as e: return result.fail(f"Install(git-clone) error: {url} / {e}") print("Installation was successful.") return result def repo_update(self, repo_path, instant_execution=False, no_deps=False, return_postinstall=False): result = ManagedResult('update-git') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo_path, '.git')): return result.fail(f'Path not found: {repo_path}') # version check repo = git.Repo(repo_path) if repo.head.is_detached: if not switch_to_default_branch(repo): return result.fail(f"Failed to switch to default branch: {repo_path}") current_branch = repo.active_branch branch_name = current_branch.name if current_branch.tracking_branch() is None: print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] There is no tracking branch ({current_branch})") remote_name = get_remote_name(repo) else: remote_name = current_branch.tracking_branch().remote_name if remote_name is None: return result.fail(f"Failed to get remote when installing: {repo_path}") remote = repo.remote(name=remote_name) try: remote.fetch() except Exception as e: if 'detected dubious' in str(e): print("[ComfyUI-Manager] Try fixing 'dubious repository' error on 'ComfyUI' repository") safedir_path = comfy_path.replace('\\', '/') subprocess.run(['git', 'config', '--global', '--add', 'safe.directory', safedir_path]) try: remote.fetch() except Exception: print("\n[ComfyUI-Manager] Failed to fixing repository setup. Please execute this command on cmd: \n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" f'git config --global --add safe.directory "{safedir_path}"\n' "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") commit_hash = repo.head.commit.hexsha if f'{remote_name}/{branch_name}' in repo.refs: remote_commit_hash = repo.refs[f'{remote_name}/{branch_name}'].object.hexsha else: return result.fail(f"Not updatable branch: {branch_name}") if commit_hash != remote_commit_hash: git_pull(repo_path) if len(repo.remotes) > 0: url = repo.remotes[0].url else: url = "unknown repo" def postinstall(): return self.execute_install_script(url, repo_path, instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps) if return_postinstall: return result.with_postinstall(postinstall) else: if not postinstall(): return result.fail(f"Failed to execute install script: {url}") return result else: return ManagedResult('skip').with_msg('Up to date') def unified_update(self, node_id, version_spec=None, instant_execution=False, no_deps=False, return_postinstall=False): orig_print(f"\x1b[2K\rUpdating: {node_id}", end='') if version_spec is None: version_spec = self.resolve_unspecified_version(node_id, guess_mode='active') if version_spec is None: return ManagedResult('update').fail(f'Update not available: {node_id}@{version_spec}') if version_spec == 'nightly': return self.repo_update(self.active_nodes[node_id][1], instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps, return_postinstall=return_postinstall).with_target('nightly') elif version_spec == 'unknown': return self.repo_update(self.unknown_active_nodes[node_id][1], instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps, return_postinstall=return_postinstall).with_target('unknown') else: return self.cnr_switch_version(node_id, instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps, return_postinstall=return_postinstall) async def install_by_id(self, node_id, version_spec=None, channel=None, mode=None, instant_execution=False, no_deps=False, return_postinstall=False): """ priority if version_spec == None 1. CNR latest 2. unknown remark: latest version_spec is not allowed. Must be resolved before call. """ repo_url = None if version_spec is None: if self.is_enabled(node_id): return ManagedResult('skip') elif self.is_disabled(node_id): return self.unified_enable(node_id) else: version_spec = self.resolve_unspecified_version(node_id) if version_spec == 'unknown' or version_spec == 'nightly': custom_nodes = await self.get_custom_nodes(channel, mode) the_node = custom_nodes.get(node_id) if the_node is not None: if version_spec == 'unknown': repo_url = the_node['files'][0] else: # nightly repo_url = the_node['repository'] else: result = ManagedResult('install') return result.fail(f"Node '{node_id}@{version_spec}' not found in [{channel}, {mode}]") if self.is_enabled(node_id, version_spec): return ManagedResult('skip').with_target(f"{node_id}@{version_spec}") elif self.is_disabled(node_id, version_spec): return self.unified_enable(node_id, version_spec) elif version_spec == 'unknown' or version_spec == 'nightly': if version_spec == 'nightly': # disable cnr nodes if self.is_enabled(node_id, 'cnr'): self.unified_disable(node_id, False) to_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), node_id)) res = self.repo_install(repo_url, to_path, instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps, return_postinstall=return_postinstall) if res.result: if version_spec == 'unknown': self.unknown_active_nodes[node_id] = to_path elif version_spec == 'nightly': cnr_utils.generate_cnr_id(to_path, node_id) self.active_nodes[node_id] = 'nightly', to_path else: return res return res.with_target(version_spec) if self.is_enabled(node_id, 'nightly'): # disable nightly nodes self.unified_disable(node_id, False) # NOTE: don't return from here if self.is_disabled(node_id, version_spec): # enable and return if specified version is disabled return self.unified_enable(node_id, version_spec) if self.is_disabled(node_id, "cnr"): # enable and switch version if cnr is disabled (not specified version) self.unified_enable(node_id, "cnr") return self.cnr_switch_version(node_id, version_spec, no_deps=no_deps, return_postinstall=return_postinstall) if self.is_enabled(node_id, "cnr"): return self.cnr_switch_version(node_id, version_spec, no_deps=no_deps, return_postinstall=return_postinstall) res = self.cnr_install(node_id, version_spec, instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps, return_postinstall=return_postinstall) if res.result: self.active_nodes[node_id] = version_spec, res.to_path return res async def migrate_unmanaged_nodes(self): """ fix path for nightly and unknown nodes of unmanaged nodes """ await self.reload('cache') await self.get_custom_nodes('default', 'cache') print("Migration: STAGE 1") moves = [] # migrate nightly inactive for x, v in self.nightly_inactive_nodes.items(): if v.endswith('@nightly'): continue new_path = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), '.disabled', f"{x}@nightly") moves.append((v, new_path)) self.reserve_migration(moves) print("DONE (Migration reserved)") unified_manager = UnifiedManager() def identify_node_pack_from_path(fullpath): module_name = os.path.basename(fullpath) if module_name.endswith('.git'): module_name = module_name[:-4] repo_url = git_utils.git_url(fullpath) if repo_url is None: # cnr cnr = cnr_utils.read_cnr_info(fullpath) if cnr is not None: return module_name, cnr['version'], cnr['id'] return None else: # nightly or unknown cnr_id = cnr_utils.read_cnr_id(fullpath) commit_hash = git_utils.get_commit_hash(fullpath) if cnr_id is not None: return module_name, commit_hash, cnr_id else: return module_name, commit_hash, '' def get_installed_node_packs(): res = {} for x in get_custom_nodes_paths(): for y in os.listdir(x): if y == '__pycache__' or y == '.disabled': continue fullpath = os.path.join(x, y) info = identify_node_pack_from_path(fullpath) if info is None: continue is_disabled = not y.endswith('.disabled') res[info[0]] = { 'ver': info[1], 'cnr_id': info[2], 'enabled': is_disabled } disabled_dirs = os.path.join(x, '.disabled') if os.path.exists(disabled_dirs): for y in os.listdir(disabled_dirs): if y == '__pycache__': continue fullpath = os.path.join(disabled_dirs, y) info = identify_node_pack_from_path(fullpath) if info is None: continue res[info[0]] = { 'ver': info[1], 'cnr_id': info[2], 'enabled': False } return res def get_channel_dict(): global channel_dict if channel_dict is None: channel_dict = {} if not os.path.exists(manager_channel_list_path): shutil.copy(channel_list_template_path, manager_channel_list_path) with open(manager_channel_list_path, 'r') as file: channels = file.read() for x in channels.split('\n'): channel_info = x.split("::") if len(channel_info) == 2: channel_dict[channel_info[0]] = channel_info[1] return channel_dict def get_channel_list(): global channel_list if channel_list is None: channel_list = [] for k, v in get_channel_dict().items(): channel_list.append(f"{k}::{v}") return channel_list class ManagerFuncs: def __init__(self): pass def get_current_preview_method(self): return "none" def run_script(self, cmd, cwd='.'): if len(cmd) > 0 and cmd[0].startswith("#"): print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] Unexpected behavior: `{cmd}`") return 0 subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=get_script_env()) return 0 manager_funcs = ManagerFuncs() def write_config(): config = configparser.ConfigParser() config['default'] = { 'preview_method': manager_funcs.get_current_preview_method(), 'git_exe': get_config()['git_exe'], 'channel_url': get_config()['channel_url'], 'share_option': get_config()['share_option'], 'bypass_ssl': get_config()['bypass_ssl'], "file_logging": get_config()['file_logging'], 'default_ui': get_config()['default_ui'], 'component_policy': get_config()['component_policy'], 'double_click_policy': get_config()['double_click_policy'], 'windows_selector_event_loop_policy': get_config()['windows_selector_event_loop_policy'], 'model_download_by_agent': get_config()['model_download_by_agent'], 'downgrade_blacklist': get_config()['downgrade_blacklist'], 'security_level': get_config()['security_level'], 'skip_migration_check': get_config()['skip_migration_check'], } directory = os.path.dirname(manager_config_path) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) with open(manager_config_path, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) def read_config(): try: config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(manager_config_path) default_conf = config['default'] # policy migration: disable_unsecure_features -> security_level if 'disable_unsecure_features' in default_conf: if default_conf['disable_unsecure_features'].lower() == 'true': security_level = 'strong' else: security_level = 'normal' else: security_level = default_conf['security_level'] if 'security_level' in default_conf else 'normal' return { 'preview_method': default_conf['preview_method'] if 'preview_method' in default_conf else manager_funcs.get_current_preview_method(), 'git_exe': default_conf['git_exe'] if 'git_exe' in default_conf else '', 'channel_url': default_conf['channel_url'] if 'channel_url' in default_conf else DEFAULT_CHANNEL, 'share_option': default_conf['share_option'] if 'share_option' in default_conf else 'all', 'bypass_ssl': default_conf['bypass_ssl'].lower() == 'true' if 'bypass_ssl' in default_conf else False, 'file_logging': default_conf['file_logging'].lower() == 'true' if 'file_logging' in default_conf else True, 'default_ui': default_conf['default_ui'] if 'default_ui' in default_conf else 'none', 'component_policy': default_conf['component_policy'] if 'component_policy' in default_conf else 'workflow', 'double_click_policy': default_conf['double_click_policy'] if 'double_click_policy' in default_conf else 'copy-all', 'windows_selector_event_loop_policy': default_conf['windows_selector_event_loop_policy'].lower() == 'true' if 'windows_selector_event_loop_policy' in default_conf else False, 'model_download_by_agent': default_conf['model_download_by_agent'].lower() == 'true' if 'model_download_by_agent' in default_conf else False, 'downgrade_blacklist': default_conf['downgrade_blacklist'] if 'downgrade_blacklist' in default_conf else '', 'skip_migration_check': default_conf['skip_migration_check'].lower() == 'true' if 'skip_migration_check' in default_conf else False, 'security_level': security_level } except Exception: return { 'preview_method': manager_funcs.get_current_preview_method(), 'git_exe': '', 'channel_url': DEFAULT_CHANNEL, 'share_option': 'all', 'bypass_ssl': False, 'file_logging': True, 'default_ui': 'none', 'component_policy': 'workflow', 'double_click_policy': 'copy-all', 'windows_selector_event_loop_policy': False, 'model_download_by_agent': False, 'downgrade_blacklist': '', 'skip_migration_check': False, 'security_level': 'normal', } def get_config(): global cached_config if cached_config is None: cached_config = read_config() return cached_config def get_remote_name(repo): available_remotes = [remote.name for remote in repo.remotes] if 'origin' in available_remotes: return 'origin' elif 'upstream' in available_remotes: return 'upstream' elif len(available_remotes) > 0: return available_remotes[0] if not available_remotes: print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] No remotes are configured for this repository: {repo.working_dir}") else: print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] Available remotes in '{repo.working_dir}': ") for remote in available_remotes: print(f"- {remote}") return None def switch_to_default_branch(repo): remote_name = get_remote_name(repo) try: if remote_name is None: return False default_branch = repo.git.symbolic_ref(f'refs/remotes/{remote_name}/HEAD').replace(f'refs/remotes/{remote_name}/', '') repo.git.checkout(default_branch) return True except: try: repo.git.checkout(repo.heads.master) except: try: if remote_name is not None: repo.git.checkout('-b', 'master', f'{remote_name}/master') except: pass print("[ComfyUI Manager] Failed to switch to the default branch") return False def try_install_script(url, repo_path, install_cmd, instant_execution=False): if not instant_execution and ((len(install_cmd) > 0 and install_cmd[0].startswith('#')) or (platform.system() == "Windows" and comfy_ui_commit_datetime.date() >= comfy_ui_required_commit_datetime.date())): if not os.path.exists(manager_startup_script_path): os.makedirs(manager_startup_script_path) script_path = os.path.join(manager_startup_script_path, "install-scripts.txt") with open(script_path, "a") as file: obj = [repo_path] + install_cmd file.write(f"{obj}\n") return True else: if len(install_cmd) == 5 and install_cmd[2:4] == ['pip', 'install']: if is_blacklisted(install_cmd[4]): print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] skip black listed pip installation: '{install_cmd[4]}'") return True print(f"\n## ComfyUI-Manager: EXECUTE => {install_cmd}") code = manager_funcs.run_script(install_cmd, cwd=repo_path) if platform.system() != "Windows": try: if comfy_ui_commit_datetime.date() < comfy_ui_required_commit_datetime.date(): print("\n\n###################################################################") print(f"[WARN] ComfyUI-Manager: Your ComfyUI version ({comfy_ui_revision})[{comfy_ui_commit_datetime.date()}] is too old. Please update to the latest version.") print("[WARN] The extension installation feature may not work properly in the current installed ComfyUI version on Windows environment.") print("###################################################################\n\n") except: pass if code != 0: if url is None: url = os.path.dirname(repo_path) print(f"install script failed: {url}") return False return True # use subprocess to avoid file system lock by git (Windows) def __win_check_git_update(path, do_fetch=False, do_update=False): if do_fetch: command = [sys.executable, git_script_path, "--fetch", path] elif do_update: command = [sys.executable, git_script_path, "--pull", path] else: command = [sys.executable, git_script_path, "--check", path] new_env = get_script_env() process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=get_default_custom_nodes_path(), env=new_env) output, _ = process.communicate() output = output.decode('utf-8').strip() if 'detected dubious' in output: # fix and try again safedir_path = path.replace('\\', '/') try: print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] Try fixing 'dubious repository' error on '{safedir_path}' repo") process = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'config', '--global', '--add', 'safe.directory', safedir_path], env=new_env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() process = subprocess.Popen(command, env=new_env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() output = output.decode('utf-8').strip() except Exception: print('[ComfyUI-Manager] failed to fixing') if 'detected dubious' in output: print(f'\n[ComfyUI-Manager] Failed to fixing repository setup. Please execute this command on cmd: \n' f'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' f'git config --global --add safe.directory "{safedir_path}"\n' f'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') if do_update: if "CUSTOM NODE PULL: Success" in output: process.wait() print(f"\x1b[2K\rUpdated: {path}") return True, True # updated elif "CUSTOM NODE PULL: None" in output: process.wait() return False, True # there is no update else: print(f"\x1b[2K\rUpdate error: {path}") process.wait() return False, False # update failed else: if "CUSTOM NODE CHECK: True" in output: process.wait() return True, True elif "CUSTOM NODE CHECK: False" in output: process.wait() return False, True else: print(f"\x1b[2K\rFetch error: {path}") print(f"\n{output}\n") process.wait() return False, True def __win_check_git_pull(path): command = [sys.executable, git_script_path, "--pull", path] process = subprocess.Popen(command, env=get_script_env(), cwd=get_default_custom_nodes_path()) process.wait() def execute_install_script(url, repo_path, lazy_mode=False, instant_execution=False, no_deps=False): # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() install_script_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "install.py") requirements_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "requirements.txt") if lazy_mode: install_cmd = ["#LAZY-INSTALL-SCRIPT", sys.executable] try_install_script(url, repo_path, install_cmd) else: if os.path.exists(requirements_path) and not no_deps: print("Install: pip packages") pip_fixer = manager_util.PIPFixer(manager_util.get_installed_packages()) with open(requirements_path, "r") as requirements_file: for line in requirements_file: #handle comments if '#' in line: if line.strip()[0] == '#': print("Line is comment...skipping") continue else: line = line.split('#')[0].strip() package_name = remap_pip_package(line.strip()) if package_name and not package_name.startswith('#'): if '--index-url' in package_name: s = package_name.split('--index-url') install_cmd = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", s[0].strip(), '--index-url', s[1].strip()] else: install_cmd = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package_name] if package_name.strip() != "" and not package_name.startswith('#'): try_install_script(url, repo_path, install_cmd, instant_execution=instant_execution) pip_fixer.fix_broken() if os.path.exists(install_script_path): print("Install: install script") install_cmd = [sys.executable, "install.py"] try_install_script(url, repo_path, install_cmd, instant_execution=instant_execution) return True def git_repo_update_check_with(path, do_fetch=False, do_update=False, no_deps=False): """ perform update check for git custom node and fetch or update if flag is on :param path: path to git custom node :param do_fetch: do fetch during check :param do_update: do update during check :param no_deps: don't install dependencies :return: update state * success """ if do_fetch: orig_print(f"\x1b[2K\rFetching: {path}", end='') elif do_update: orig_print(f"\x1b[2K\rUpdating: {path}", end='') # Check if the path is a git repository if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '.git')): raise ValueError(f'[ComfyUI-Manager] Not a valid git repository: {path}') if platform.system() == "Windows": updated, success = __win_check_git_update(path, do_fetch, do_update) if updated and success: execute_install_script(None, path, lazy_mode=True, no_deps=no_deps) return updated, success else: # Fetch the latest commits from the remote repository repo = git.Repo(path) remote_name = get_remote_name(repo) if remote_name is None: raise ValueError(f"No remotes are configured for this repository: {path}") remote = repo.remote(name=remote_name) if not do_update and repo.head.is_detached: if do_fetch: remote.fetch() return True, True # detached branch is treated as updatable if repo.head.is_detached: if not switch_to_default_branch(repo): raise ValueError(f"Failed to switch detached branch to default branch: {path}") current_branch = repo.active_branch branch_name = current_branch.name # Get the current commit hash commit_hash = repo.head.commit.hexsha if do_fetch or do_update: remote.fetch() if do_update: if repo.is_dirty(): print(f"\nSTASH: '{path}' is dirty.") repo.git.stash() if f'{remote_name}/{branch_name}' not in repo.refs: if not switch_to_default_branch(repo): raise ValueError(f"Failed to switch to default branch while updating: {path}") current_branch = repo.active_branch branch_name = current_branch.name if f'{remote_name}/{branch_name}' in repo.refs: remote_commit_hash = repo.refs[f'{remote_name}/{branch_name}'].object.hexsha else: return False, False if commit_hash == remote_commit_hash: repo.close() return False, True try: remote.pull() repo.git.submodule('update', '--init', '--recursive') new_commit_hash = repo.head.commit.hexsha if commit_hash != new_commit_hash: execute_install_script(None, path, no_deps=no_deps) print(f"\x1b[2K\rUpdated: {path}") return True, True else: return False, False except Exception as e: print(f"\nUpdating failed: {path}\n{e}", file=sys.stderr) return False, False if repo.head.is_detached: repo.close() return True, True # Get commit hash of the remote branch current_branch = repo.active_branch branch_name = current_branch.name if f'{remote_name}/{branch_name}' in repo.refs: remote_commit_hash = repo.refs[f'{remote_name}/{branch_name}'].object.hexsha else: return True, True # Assuming there's an update if it's not the default branch. # Compare the commit hashes to determine if the local repository is behind the remote repository if commit_hash != remote_commit_hash: # Get the commit dates commit_date = repo.head.commit.committed_datetime remote_commit_date = repo.refs[f'{remote_name}/{branch_name}'].object.committed_datetime # Compare the commit dates to determine if the local repository is behind the remote repository if commit_date < remote_commit_date: repo.close() return True, True repo.close() return False, True class GitProgress(RemoteProgress): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.pbar = tqdm() def update(self, op_code, cur_count, max_count=None, message=''): self.pbar.total = max_count self.pbar.n = cur_count self.pbar.pos = 0 self.pbar.refresh() def is_valid_url(url): try: # Check for HTTP/HTTPS URL format result = urlparse(url) if all([result.scheme, result.netloc]): return True finally: # Check for SSH git URL format pattern = re.compile(r"^(.+@|ssh://).+:.+$") if pattern.match(url): return True return False async def gitclone_install(url, instant_execution=False, msg_prefix='', no_deps=False): await unified_manager.reload('cache') await unified_manager.get_custom_nodes('default', 'cache') print(f"{msg_prefix}Install: {url}") result = ManagedResult('install-git') if not is_valid_url(url): return result.fail(f"Invalid git url: '{url}'") if url.endswith("/"): url = url[:-1] try: cnr = unified_manager.get_cnr_by_repo(url) if cnr: cnr_id = cnr['id'] return await unified_manager.install_by_id(cnr_id, version_spec='nightly') else: repo_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0] # NOTE: Keep original name as possible if unknown node # node_dir = f"{repo_name}@unknown" node_dir = repo_name repo_path = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), node_dir) if os.path.exists(repo_path): return result.fail(f"Already exists: '{repo_path}'") for custom_nodes_dir in get_custom_nodes_paths(): disabled_repo_path1 = os.path.join(custom_nodes_dir, '.disabled', node_dir) disabled_repo_path2 = os.path.join(custom_nodes_dir, repo_name+'.disabled') # old style if os.path.exists(disabled_repo_path1): return result.fail(f"Already exists (disabled): '{disabled_repo_path1}'") if os.path.exists(disabled_repo_path2): return result.fail(f"Already exists (disabled): '{disabled_repo_path2}'") print(f"CLONE into '{repo_path}'") # Clone the repository from the remote URL if not instant_execution and platform.system() == 'Windows': res = manager_funcs.run_script([sys.executable, git_script_path, "--clone", get_default_custom_nodes_path(), url, repo_path], cwd=get_default_custom_nodes_path()) if res != 0: return result.fail(f"Failed to clone '{url}' into '{repo_path}'") else: repo = git.Repo.clone_from(url, repo_path, recursive=True, progress=GitProgress()) repo.git.clear_cache() repo.close() execute_install_script(url, repo_path, instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps) print("Installation was successful.") return result.with_target(repo_path) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() print(f"Install(git-clone) error: {url} / {e}", file=sys.stderr) return result.fail(f"Install(git-clone) error: {url} / {e}") def git_pull(path): # Check if the path is a git repository if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '.git')): raise ValueError('Not a git repository') # Pull the latest changes from the remote repository if platform.system() == "Windows": return __win_check_git_pull(path) else: repo = git.Repo(path) if repo.is_dirty(): print(f"STASH: '{path}' is dirty.") repo.git.stash() if repo.head.is_detached: if not switch_to_default_branch(repo): raise ValueError(f"Failed to switch to default branch while pulling: {path}") current_branch = repo.active_branch remote_name = current_branch.tracking_branch().remote_name remote = repo.remote(name=remote_name) remote.pull() repo.git.submodule('update', '--init', '--recursive') repo.close() return True async def get_data_by_mode(mode, filename, channel_url=None): if channel_url in get_channel_dict(): channel_url = get_channel_dict()[channel_url] try: if mode == "local": uri = os.path.join(manager_util.comfyui_manager_path, filename) json_obj = await manager_util.get_data(uri) else: if channel_url is None: uri = get_config()['channel_url'] + '/' + filename else: uri = channel_url + '/' + filename cache_uri = str(manager_util.simple_hash(uri))+'_'+filename cache_uri = os.path.join(manager_util.cache_dir, cache_uri) if mode == "cache": if manager_util.is_file_created_within_one_day(cache_uri): json_obj = await manager_util.get_data(cache_uri) else: json_obj = await manager_util.get_data(uri) with manager_util.cache_lock: with open(cache_uri, "w", encoding='utf-8') as file: json.dump(json_obj, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: json_obj = await manager_util.get_data(uri) with manager_util.cache_lock: with open(cache_uri, "w", encoding='utf-8') as file: json.dump(json_obj, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) except Exception as e: print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] Due to a network error, switching to local mode.\n=> {filename}\n=> {e}") uri = os.path.join(manager_util.comfyui_manager_path, filename) json_obj = await manager_util.get_data(uri) return json_obj def gitclone_fix(files, instant_execution=False, no_deps=False): print(f"Try fixing: {files}") for url in files: if not is_valid_url(url): print(f"Invalid git url: '{url}'") return False if url.endswith("/"): url = url[:-1] try: repo_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0] repo_path = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), repo_name) if os.path.exists(repo_path+'.disabled'): repo_path = repo_path+'.disabled' if not execute_install_script(url, repo_path, instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps): return False except Exception as e: print(f"Install(git-clone) error: {url} / {e}", file=sys.stderr) return False print(f"Attempt to fixing '{files}' is done.") return True def pip_install(packages): install_cmd = ['#FORCE', sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", '-U'] + packages try_install_script('pip install via manager', '..', install_cmd) def rmtree(path): retry_count = 3 while True: try: retry_count -= 1 if platform.system() == "Windows": manager_funcs.run_script(['attrib', '-R', path + '\\*', '/S']) shutil.rmtree(path) return True except Exception as ex: print(f"ex: {ex}") time.sleep(3) if retry_count < 0: raise ex print(f"Uninstall retry({retry_count})") def gitclone_uninstall(files): import os print(f"Uninstall: {files}") for url in files: if url.endswith("/"): url = url[:-1] try: for custom_nodes_dir in get_custom_nodes_paths(): dir_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0].replace(".git", "") dir_path = os.path.join(custom_nodes_dir, dir_name) # safety check if dir_path == '/' or dir_path[1:] == ":/" or dir_path == '': print(f"Uninstall(git-clone) error: invalid path '{dir_path}' for '{url}'") return False install_script_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "uninstall.py") disable_script_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "disable.py") if os.path.exists(install_script_path): uninstall_cmd = [sys.executable, "uninstall.py"] code = manager_funcs.run_script(uninstall_cmd, cwd=dir_path) if code != 0: print(f"An error occurred during the execution of the uninstall.py script. Only the '{dir_path}' will be deleted.") elif os.path.exists(disable_script_path): disable_script = [sys.executable, "disable.py"] code = manager_funcs.run_script(disable_script, cwd=dir_path) if code != 0: print(f"An error occurred during the execution of the disable.py script. Only the '{dir_path}' will be deleted.") if os.path.exists(dir_path): rmtree(dir_path) elif os.path.exists(dir_path + ".disabled"): rmtree(dir_path + ".disabled") except Exception as e: print(f"Uninstall(git-clone) error: {url} / {e}", file=sys.stderr) return False print("Uninstallation was successful.") return True def gitclone_set_active(files, is_disable): import os if is_disable: action_name = "Disable" else: action_name = "Enable" print(f"{action_name}: {files}") for url in files: if url.endswith("/"): url = url[:-1] try: for custom_nodes_dir in get_custom_nodes_paths(): dir_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0].replace(".git", "") dir_path = os.path.join(custom_nodes_dir, dir_name) # safety check if dir_path == '/' or dir_path[1:] == ":/" or dir_path == '': print(f"{action_name}(git-clone) error: invalid path '{dir_path}' for '{url}'") return False if is_disable: current_path = dir_path base_path = extract_base_custom_nodes_dir(current_path) new_path = os.path.join(base_path, ".disabled", dir_name) if not os.path.exists(current_path): continue else: current_path1 = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), ".disabled", dir_name) current_path2 = dir_path + ".disabled" if os.path.exists(current_path1): current_path = current_path1 elif os.path.exists(current_path2): current_path = current_path2 else: continue base_path = extract_base_custom_nodes_dir(current_path) new_path = os.path.join(base_path, dir_name) shutil.move(current_path, new_path) if is_disable: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(new_path, "disable.py")): disable_script = [sys.executable, "disable.py"] try_install_script(url, new_path, disable_script) else: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(new_path, "enable.py")): enable_script = [sys.executable, "enable.py"] try_install_script(url, new_path, enable_script) break # for safety except Exception as e: print(f"{action_name}(git-clone) error: {url} / {e}", file=sys.stderr) return False print(f"{action_name} was successful.") return True def gitclone_update(files, instant_execution=False, skip_script=False, msg_prefix="", no_deps=False): import os print(f"{msg_prefix}Update: {files}") for url in files: if url.endswith("/"): url = url[:-1] try: for custom_nodes_dir in get_default_custom_nodes_path(): repo_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0].replace(".git", "") repo_path = os.path.join(custom_nodes_dir, repo_name) if os.path.exists(repo_path+'.disabled'): repo_path = repo_path+'.disabled' elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), "disabled", repo_name)): repo_path = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), "disabled", repo_name) if not os.path.exists(repo_path): continue git_pull(repo_path) if not skip_script: if instant_execution: if not execute_install_script(url, repo_path, lazy_mode=False, instant_execution=True, no_deps=no_deps): return False else: if not execute_install_script(url, repo_path, lazy_mode=True, no_deps=no_deps): return False break # for safety except Exception as e: print(f"Update(git-clone) error: {url} / {e}", file=sys.stderr) return False if not skip_script: print("Update was successful.") return True def update_path(repo_path, instant_execution=False, no_deps=False): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo_path, '.git')): return "fail" # version check repo = git.Repo(repo_path) if repo.head.is_detached: if not switch_to_default_branch(repo): return "fail" current_branch = repo.active_branch branch_name = current_branch.name if current_branch.tracking_branch() is None: print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] There is no tracking branch ({current_branch})") remote_name = get_remote_name(repo) else: remote_name = current_branch.tracking_branch().remote_name remote = repo.remote(name=remote_name) try: remote.fetch() except Exception as e: if 'detected dubious' in str(e): print("[ComfyUI-Manager] Try fixing 'dubious repository' error on 'ComfyUI' repository") safedir_path = comfy_path.replace('\\', '/') subprocess.run(['git', 'config', '--global', '--add', 'safe.directory', safedir_path]) try: remote.fetch() except Exception: print(f"\n[ComfyUI-Manager] Failed to fixing repository setup. Please execute this command on cmd: \n" f"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" f'git config --global --add safe.directory "{safedir_path}"\n' f"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") return "fail" commit_hash = repo.head.commit.hexsha if f'{remote_name}/{branch_name}' in repo.refs: remote_commit_hash = repo.refs[f'{remote_name}/{branch_name}'].object.hexsha else: return "fail" if commit_hash != remote_commit_hash: git_pull(repo_path) execute_install_script("ComfyUI", repo_path, instant_execution=instant_execution, no_deps=no_deps) return "updated" else: return "skipped" def lookup_customnode_by_url(data, target): for x in data['custom_nodes']: if target in x['files']: for custom_nodes_dir in get_custom_nodes_paths(): dir_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(target))[0].replace(".git", "") dir_path = os.path.join(custom_nodes_dir, dir_name) if os.path.exists(dir_path): x['installed'] = 'True' else: disabled_path1 = os.path.join(custom_nodes_dir, '.disabled', dir_name) disabled_path2 = dir_path + ".disabled" if os.path.exists(disabled_path1) or os.path.exists(disabled_path2): x['installed'] = 'Disabled' else: continue return x return None def lookup_installed_custom_nodes_legacy(repo_name): base_paths = get_custom_nodes_paths() for base_path in base_paths: repo_path = os.path.join(base_path, repo_name) if os.path.exists(repo_path): return True, repo_path elif os.path.exists(repo_path + '.disabled'): return False, repo_path return None def simple_check_custom_node(url): dir_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0].replace(".git", "") dir_path = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), dir_name) if os.path.exists(dir_path): return 'installed' elif os.path.exists(dir_path+'.disabled'): return 'disabled' return 'not-installed' def check_state_of_git_node_pack_single(item, do_fetch=False, do_update_check=True, do_update=False): if item['version'] == 'unknown': dir_path = unified_manager.unknown_active_nodes.get(item['id'])[1] elif item['version'] == 'nightly': dir_path = unified_manager.active_nodes.get(item['id'])[1] else: # skip CNR nodes dir_path = None if dir_path and os.path.exists(dir_path): if do_update_check: try: update_state, success = git_repo_update_check_with(dir_path, do_fetch, do_update) if (do_update_check or do_update) and update_state: item['update-state'] = 'true' elif do_update and not success: item['update-state'] = 'fail' except Exception: print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] Failed to check state of the git node pack: {dir_path}") def get_installed_pip_packages(): # extract pip package infos pips = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'freeze'], text=True).split('\n') res = {} for x in pips: if x.strip() == "": continue if ' @ ' in x: spec_url = x.split(' @ ') res[spec_url[0]] = spec_url[1] else: res[x] = "" return res async def get_current_snapshot(): await unified_manager.reload('cache') await unified_manager.get_custom_nodes('default', 'cache') # Get ComfyUI hash repo_path = comfy_path if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo_path, '.git')): print("ComfyUI update fail: The installed ComfyUI does not have a Git repository.") return {} repo = git.Repo(repo_path) comfyui_commit_hash = repo.head.commit.hexsha git_custom_nodes = {} cnr_custom_nodes = {} file_custom_nodes = [] # Get custom nodes hash for custom_nodes_dir in get_custom_nodes_paths(): paths = os.listdir(custom_nodes_dir) disabled_path = os.path.join(custom_nodes_dir, '.disabled') if os.path.exists(disabled_path): for x in os.listdir(disabled_path): paths.append(os.path.join(disabled_path, x)) for path in paths: if path in ['.disabled', '__pycache__']: continue fullpath = os.path.join(custom_nodes_dir, path) if os.path.isdir(fullpath): is_disabled = path.endswith(".disabled") or os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(fullpath)) == ".disabled" try: info = unified_manager.resolve_from_path(fullpath) if info is None: continue if info['ver'] not in ['nightly', 'latest', 'unknown']: if is_disabled: continue # don't restore disabled state of CNR node. cnr_custom_nodes[info['id']] = info['ver'] else: repo = git.Repo(fullpath) if repo.head.is_detached: remote_name = get_remote_name(repo) else: current_branch = repo.active_branch if current_branch.tracking_branch() is None: remote_name = get_remote_name(repo) else: remote_name = current_branch.tracking_branch().remote_name commit_hash = repo.head.commit.hexsha url = repo.remotes[remote_name].url git_custom_nodes[url] = dict(hash=commit_hash, disabled=is_disabled) except: print(f"Failed to extract snapshots for the custom node '{path}'.") elif path.endswith('.py'): is_disabled = path.endswith(".py.disabled") filename = os.path.basename(path) item = { 'filename': filename, 'disabled': is_disabled } file_custom_nodes.append(item) pip_packages = get_installed_pip_packages() return { 'comfyui': comfyui_commit_hash, 'git_custom_nodes': git_custom_nodes, 'cnr_custom_nodes': cnr_custom_nodes, 'file_custom_nodes': file_custom_nodes, 'pips': pip_packages, } async def save_snapshot_with_postfix(postfix, path=None): if path is None: now = datetime.now() date_time_format = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") file_name = f"{date_time_format}_{postfix}" path = os.path.join(manager_snapshot_path, f"{file_name}.json") else: file_name = path.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1] file_name = file_name.split('.')[-2] snapshot = await get_current_snapshot() if path.endswith('.json'): with open(path, "w") as json_file: json.dump(snapshot, json_file, indent=4) return file_name + '.json' elif path.endswith('.yaml'): with open(path, "w") as yaml_file: snapshot = {'custom_nodes': snapshot} yaml.dump(snapshot, yaml_file, allow_unicode=True) return path async def extract_nodes_from_workflow(filepath, mode='local', channel_url='default'): # prepare json data workflow = None if filepath.endswith('.json'): with open(filepath, "r", encoding="UTF-8", errors="ignore") as json_file: try: workflow = json.load(json_file) except: print(f"Invalid workflow file: {filepath}") exit(-1) elif filepath.endswith('.png'): from PIL import Image with Image.open(filepath) as img: if 'workflow' not in img.info: print(f"The specified .png file doesn't have a workflow: {filepath}") exit(-1) else: try: workflow = json.loads(img.info['workflow']) except: print(f"This is not a valid .png file containing a ComfyUI workflow: {filepath}") exit(-1) if workflow is None: print(f"Invalid workflow file: {filepath}") exit(-1) # extract nodes used_nodes = set() def extract_nodes(sub_workflow): for x in sub_workflow['nodes']: node_name = x.get('type') # skip virtual nodes if node_name in ['Reroute', 'Note']: continue if node_name is not None and not (node_name.startswith('workflow/') or node_name.startswith('workflow>')): used_nodes.add(node_name) if 'nodes' in workflow: extract_nodes(workflow) if 'extra' in workflow: if 'groupNodes' in workflow['extra']: for x in workflow['extra']['groupNodes'].values(): extract_nodes(x) # lookup dependent custom nodes ext_map = await get_data_by_mode(mode, 'extension-node-map.json', channel_url) rext_map = {} preemption_map = {} patterns = [] for k, v in ext_map.items(): if k == 'https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI': for x in v[0]: if x not in preemption_map: preemption_map[x] = [] preemption_map[x] = k continue for x in v[0]: if x not in rext_map: rext_map[x] = [] rext_map[x].append(k) if 'preemptions' in v[1]: for x in v[1]['preemptions']: if x not in preemption_map: preemption_map[x] = [] preemption_map[x] = k if 'nodename_pattern' in v[1]: patterns.append((v[1]['nodename_pattern'], k)) # identify used extensions used_exts = set() unknown_nodes = set() for node_name in used_nodes: ext = preemption_map.get(node_name) if ext is None: ext = rext_map.get(node_name) if ext is not None: ext = ext[0] if ext is None: for pat_ext in patterns: if re.search(pat_ext[0], node_name): ext = pat_ext[1] break if ext == 'https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI': pass elif ext is not None: if 'Fooocus' in ext: print(f">> {node_name}") used_exts.add(ext) else: unknown_nodes.add(node_name) return used_exts, unknown_nodes def unzip(model_path): if not os.path.exists(model_path): print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] unzip: File not found: {model_path}") return False base_dir = os.path.dirname(model_path) filename = os.path.basename(model_path) target_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, filename[:-4]) os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(model_path, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(target_dir) # Check if there's only one directory inside the target directory contents = os.listdir(target_dir) if len(contents) == 1 and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target_dir, contents[0])): nested_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, contents[0]) # Move each file and sub-directory in the nested directory up to the target directory for item in os.listdir(nested_dir): shutil.move(os.path.join(nested_dir, item), os.path.join(target_dir, item)) # Remove the now empty nested directory os.rmdir(nested_dir) os.remove(model_path) return True def map_to_unified_keys(json_obj): res = {} for k, v in json_obj.items(): cnr = unified_manager.get_cnr_by_repo(k) if cnr: res[cnr['id']] = v else: res[k] = v return res async def get_unified_total_nodes(channel, mode, regsitry_cache_mode='cache'): await unified_manager.reload(regsitry_cache_mode) res = await unified_manager.get_custom_nodes(channel, mode) # collect pure cnr ids (i.e. not exists in custom-node-list.json) # populate state/updatable field to non-pure cnr nodes cnr_ids = set(unified_manager.cnr_map.keys()) for k, v in res.items(): # resolve cnr_id from repo url files_in_json = v.get('files', []) cnr_id = None if len(files_in_json) == 1: cnr = unified_manager.get_cnr_by_repo(files_in_json[0]) if cnr: cnr_id = cnr['id'] if cnr_id is not None: # cnr or nightly version cnr_ids.remove(cnr_id) updatable = False cnr = unified_manager.cnr_map[cnr_id] if cnr_id in invalid_nodes: v['invalid-installation'] = True if cnr_id in unified_manager.active_nodes: # installed v['state'] = 'enabled' if unified_manager.active_nodes[cnr_id][0] != 'nightly': updatable = unified_manager.is_updatable(cnr_id) else: updatable = False v['active_version'] = unified_manager.active_nodes[cnr_id][0] v['version'] = v['active_version'] if cm_global.try_call(api="cm.is_import_failed_extension", name=unified_manager.active_nodes[cnr_id][1]): v['import-fail'] = True elif cnr_id in unified_manager.cnr_inactive_nodes: # disabled v['state'] = 'disabled' cnr_ver = unified_manager.get_from_cnr_inactive_nodes(cnr_id) if cnr_ver is not None: v['version'] = str(cnr_ver[0]) else: v['version'] = '0' elif cnr_id in unified_manager.nightly_inactive_nodes: # disabled v['state'] = 'disabled' v['version'] = 'nightly' else: # not installed v['state'] = 'not-installed' if 'version' not in v: v['version'] = cnr['latest_version']['version'] v['update-state'] = 'true' if updatable else 'false' else: # unknown version v['version'] = 'unknown' if unified_manager.is_enabled(k, 'unknown'): v['state'] = 'enabled' v['active_version'] = 'unknown' if cm_global.try_call(api="cm.is_import_failed_extension", name=unified_manager.unknown_active_nodes[k][1]): v['import-fail'] = True elif unified_manager.is_disabled(k, 'unknown'): v['state'] = 'disabled' else: v['state'] = 'not-installed' # add items for pure cnr nodes if normalize_channel(channel) == DEFAULT_CHANNEL: # Don't show CNR nodes unless default channel for cnr_id in cnr_ids: cnr = unified_manager.cnr_map[cnr_id] author = cnr['publisher']['name'] title = cnr['name'] reference = f"https://registry.comfy.org/nodes/{cnr['id']}" repository = cnr.get('repository', '') install_type = "cnr" description = cnr.get('description', '') ver = None active_version = None updatable = False import_fail = None if cnr_id in unified_manager.active_nodes: # installed state = 'enabled' updatable = unified_manager.is_updatable(cnr_id) active_version = unified_manager.active_nodes[cnr['id']][0] ver = active_version if cm_global.try_call(api="cm.is_import_failed_extension", name=unified_manager.active_nodes[cnr_id][1]): import_fail = True elif cnr['id'] in unified_manager.cnr_inactive_nodes: # disabled state = 'disabled' elif cnr['id'] in unified_manager.nightly_inactive_nodes: # disabled state = 'disabled' ver = 'nightly' else: # not installed state = 'not-installed' if ver is None: ver = cnr['latest_version']['version'] item = dict(author=author, title=title, reference=reference, repository=repository, install_type=install_type, description=description, state=state, updatable=updatable, version=ver) if active_version: item['active_version'] = active_version if import_fail: item['import-fail'] = True res[cnr_id] = item return res def populate_github_stats(node_packs, json_obj_github): for k, v in node_packs.items(): url = v['reference'] if url in json_obj_github: v['stars'] = json_obj_github[url]['stars'] v['last_update'] = json_obj_github[url]['last_update'] v['trust'] = json_obj_github[url]['author_account_age_days'] > 600 else: v['stars'] = -1 v['last_update'] = -1 v['trust'] = False def populate_favorites(node_packs, json_obj_extras): favorites = set(json_obj_extras['favorites']) for k, v in node_packs.items(): if v.get('version') != 'unknown': if k in favorites: v['is_favorite'] = True async def restore_snapshot(snapshot_path, git_helper_extras=None): cloned_repos = [] checkout_repos = [] enabled_repos = [] disabled_repos = [] skip_node_packs = [] await unified_manager.reload('cache') await unified_manager.get_custom_nodes('default', 'cache') cnr_repo_map = {} for k, v in unified_manager.repo_cnr_map.items(): cnr_repo_map[v['id']] = k print("Restore snapshot.") postinstalls = [] with open(snapshot_path, 'r', encoding="UTF-8") as snapshot_file: if snapshot_path.endswith('.json'): info = json.load(snapshot_file) elif snapshot_path.endswith('.yaml'): info = yaml.load(snapshot_file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) info = info['custom_nodes'] # for cnr restore cnr_info = info.get('cnr_custom_nodes') if cnr_info is not None: # disable not listed cnr nodes todo_disable = [] todo_checkout = [] for k, v in unified_manager.active_nodes.items(): if 'comfyui-manager' in k: continue if v[0] != 'nightly': if k not in cnr_info: todo_disable.append(k) else: cnr_ver = cnr_info[k] if v[1] != cnr_ver: todo_checkout.append((k, cnr_ver)) else: skip_node_packs.append(k) for x in todo_disable: unified_manager.unified_disable(x, False) disabled_repos.append(x) for x in todo_checkout: unified_manager.cnr_switch_version(x[0], x[1], instant_execution=True, no_deps=True, return_postinstall=False) checkout_repos.append(x[1]) # install listed cnr nodes for k, v in cnr_info.items(): if 'comfyui-manager' in k: continue ps = await unified_manager.install_by_id(k, version_spec=v, instant_execution=True, return_postinstall=True) cloned_repos.append(k) if ps is not None and ps.result: if hasattr(ps, 'postinstall'): postinstalls.append(ps.postinstall) else: print("cm-cli: unexpected [0001]") # for nightly restore git_info = info.get('git_custom_nodes') if git_info is not None: todo_disable = [] todo_enable = [] todo_checkout = [] processed_urls = [] for k, v in unified_manager.active_nodes.items(): if 'comfyui-manager' in k: continue if v[0] == 'nightly' and cnr_repo_map.get(k): repo_url = cnr_repo_map.get(k) normalized_url1 = git_utils.normalize_url(repo_url) normalized_url2 = git_utils.normalize_url_http(repo_url) if normalized_url1 not in git_info and normalized_url2 not in git_info: todo_disable.append(k) else: if normalized_url1 in git_info: commit_hash = git_info[normalized_url1]['hash'] todo_checkout.append((v[1], commit_hash)) if normalized_url2 in git_info: commit_hash = git_info[normalized_url2]['hash'] todo_checkout.append((v[1], commit_hash)) for k, v in unified_manager.nightly_inactive_nodes.items(): if 'comfyui-manager' in k: continue if cnr_repo_map.get(k): repo_url = cnr_repo_map.get(k) normalized_url1 = git_utils.normalize_url(repo_url) normalized_url2 = git_utils.normalize_url_http(repo_url) if normalized_url1 in git_info: commit_hash = git_info[normalized_url1]['hash'] todo_enable.append((k, commit_hash)) processed_urls.append(normalized_url1) if normalized_url2 in git_info: commit_hash = git_info[normalized_url2]['hash'] todo_enable.append((k, commit_hash)) processed_urls.append(normalized_url2) for x in todo_disable: unified_manager.unified_disable(x, False) disabled_repos.append(x) for x in todo_enable: res = unified_manager.unified_enable(x, 'nightly') is_switched = False if res and res.target: is_switched = repo_switch_commit(res.target, x[1]) if is_switched: checkout_repos.append(x) else: enabled_repos.append(x) for x in todo_checkout: is_switched = repo_switch_commit(x[0], x[1]) if is_switched: checkout_repos.append(x) else: skip_node_packs.append(x[0]) for x in git_info.keys(): normalized_url = git_utils.normalize_url(x) cnr = unified_manager.repo_cnr_map.get(normalized_url) if cnr is not None: pack_id = cnr['id'] await unified_manager.install_by_id(pack_id, 'nightly', instant_execution=True, no_deps=False, return_postinstall=False) cloned_repos.append(pack_id) processed_urls.append(x) for x in processed_urls: if x in git_info: del git_info[x] # remained nightly will be installed and migrated # for unknown restore todo_disable = [] todo_enable = [] todo_checkout = [] processed_urls = [] for k2, v2 in unified_manager.unknown_active_nodes.items(): repo_url = resolve_giturl_from_path(v2[1]) if repo_url is None: continue normalized_url1 = git_utils.normalize_url(repo_url) normalized_url2 = git_utils.normalize_url_http(repo_url) if normalized_url1 not in git_info and normalized_url2 not in git_info: todo_disable.append(k2) else: if normalized_url1 in git_info: commit_hash = git_info[normalized_url1]['hash'] todo_checkout.append((k2, commit_hash)) processed_urls.append(normalized_url1) if normalized_url2 in git_info: commit_hash = git_info[normalized_url2]['hash'] todo_checkout.append((k2, commit_hash)) processed_urls.append(normalized_url2) for k2, v2 in unified_manager.unknown_inactive_nodes.items(): repo_url = resolve_giturl_from_path(v2[1]) if repo_url is None: continue normalized_url1 = git_utils.normalize_url(repo_url) normalized_url2 = git_utils.normalize_url_http(repo_url) if normalized_url1 in git_info: commit_hash = git_info[normalized_url1]['hash'] todo_enable.append((k2, commit_hash)) processed_urls.append(normalized_url1) if normalized_url2 in git_info: commit_hash = git_info[normalized_url2]['hash'] todo_enable.append((k2, commit_hash)) processed_urls.append(normalized_url2) for x in todo_disable: unified_manager.unified_disable(x, True) disabled_repos.append(x) for x in todo_enable: res = unified_manager.unified_enable(x[0], 'unknown') is_switched = False if res and res.target: is_switched = repo_switch_commit(res.target, x[1]) if is_switched: checkout_repos.append(x) else: enabled_repos.append(x) for x in todo_checkout: is_switched = repo_switch_commit(x[0], x[1]) if is_switched: checkout_repos.append(x) else: skip_node_packs.append(x[0]) for x in processed_urls: if x in git_info: del git_info[x] for repo_url in git_info.keys(): repo_name = os.path.basename(repo_url) if repo_name.endswith('.git'): repo_name = repo_name[:-4] to_path = os.path.join(get_default_custom_nodes_path(), repo_name) unified_manager.repo_install(repo_url, to_path, instant_execution=True, no_deps=False, return_postinstall=False) cloned_repos.append(repo_name) # reload await unified_manager.migrate_unmanaged_nodes() # print summary for x in cloned_repos: print(f"[ INSTALLED ] {x}") for x in checkout_repos: print(f"[ CHECKOUT ] {x}") for x in enabled_repos: print(f"[ ENABLED ] {x}") for x in disabled_repos: print(f"[ DISABLED ] {x}") for x in skip_node_packs: print(f"[ SKIPPED ] {x}") # if is_failed: # print("[bold red]ERROR: Failed to restore snapshot.[/bold red]") # check need to migrate need_to_migrate = False async def check_need_to_migrate(): global need_to_migrate await unified_manager.reload('cache') await unified_manager.load_nightly(channel='default', mode='cache') legacy_custom_nodes = [] for x in unified_manager.active_nodes.values(): if x[0] == 'nightly' and not x[1].endswith('@nightly'): legacy_custom_nodes.append(x[1]) for x in unified_manager.nightly_inactive_nodes.values(): if not x.endswith('@nightly'): legacy_custom_nodes.append(x) if len(legacy_custom_nodes) > 0: print("\n--------------------- ComfyUI-Manager migration notice --------------------") print("The following custom nodes were installed using the old management method and require migration:\n") print("\n".join(legacy_custom_nodes)) print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") need_to_migrate = True def get_comfyui_versions(): repo = git.Repo(comfy_path) versions = [x.name for x in repo.tags if x.name.startswith('v')] versions.reverse() # nearest tag versions = versions[:4] current_tag = repo.git.describe('--tags') if current_tag not in versions: versions = sorted(versions + [current_tag], reverse=True) versions = versions[:4] main_branch = repo.heads.master latest_commit = main_branch.commit latest_tag = repo.git.describe('--tags', latest_commit.hexsha) if latest_tag != versions[0]: versions.insert(0, 'nightly') else: versions[0] = 'nightly' current_tag = 'nightly' return versions, current_tag def switch_comfyui(tag): repo = git.Repo(comfy_path) if tag == 'nightly': repo.git.checkout('main') repo.remotes.origin.pull() print("[ComfyUI-Manager] ComfyUI version is switched to the latest 'main' version") else: repo.git.checkout(tag) print(f"[ComfyUI-Manager] ComfyUI version is switched to '{tag}'") def resolve_giturl_from_path(fullpath): """ resolve giturl path of unclassified custom node based on remote url in .git/config """ git_config_path = os.path.join(fullpath, '.git', 'config') if not os.path.exists(git_config_path): return "unknown" config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(git_config_path) for k, v in config.items(): if k.startswith('remote ') and 'url' in v: return v['url'].replace("git@github.com:", "https://github.com/") return None def repo_switch_commit(repo_path, commit_hash): try: repo = git.Repo(repo_path) if repo.head.commit.hexsha == commit_hash: return False repo.git.checkout(commit_hash) return True except: return None