# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- TITLE = "NER4ARCHIVES Analytics" DESCRIPTION = f""" # 📏 {TITLE} A basic web application to display a dashboard for analyzing INCEpTION annotation project built in context of NER4Archives (Inria/Archives nationales). - This tool provides two statistics levels: - *Global project statistics*: Analyze named entities in overall curated documents in project; - *Inter-Annotator Agreement results*: Analyze results of IAA experiment. """ KAPPA_LEGEND = """ <div> <div id="legend" style="right: 70em;"> <h3>🗃 IAA Metrics Legend</h3> <table> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="2"> Kappa interpretation legend </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> Kappa score (k) </td> <td> Agreement </td> </tr> <tr style = "background-color: #e74c3c;"> <td> k < 0 </td> <td> Less chance agreement </td> </tr> <tr style = "background-color: #f39c12;"> <td> 0.01 < k < 0.20 </td> <td> Slight agreement </td> </tr> <tr style = "background-color: #f4d03f;"> <td> 0.21 < k < 0.40 </td> <td> Fair agreement </td> </tr> <tr style = "background-color: #5dade2;"> <td> 0.41 < k < 0.60 </td> <td> Moderate agreement </td> </tr> <tr style = "background-color: #58d68d;"> <td> 0.61 < k < 0.80 </td> <td> Substantial agreement </td> </tr> <tr style = "background-color: #28b463;"> <td> 0.81 < k < 0.99 </td> <td> Almost perfect agreement </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> """