""" |
crop |
for numpy array |
Given image, bbox(center, bboxsize) |
return: cropped image, tform(used for transform the keypoint accordingly) |
only support crop to squared images |
""" |
import numpy as np |
from skimage.transform import estimate_transform, rescale, resize, warp |
def points2bbox(points, points_scale=None): |
if points_scale: |
points[:, 0] = points[:, 0] * points_scale[1] / 2 + points_scale[1] / 2 |
points[:, 1] = points[:, 1] * points_scale[0] / 2 + points_scale[0] / 2 |
left = np.min(points[:, 0]) |
right = np.max(points[:, 0]) |
top = np.min(points[:, 1]) |
bottom = np.max(points[:, 1]) |
size = max(right - left, bottom - top) |
center = np.array([right - (right - left) / 2.0, bottom - (bottom - top) / 2.0]) |
return center, size |
def augment_bbox(center, bbox_size, scale=[1.0, 1.0], trans_scale=0.0): |
trans_scale = (np.random.rand(2) * 2 - 1) * trans_scale |
center = center + trans_scale * bbox_size |
scale = np.random.rand() * (scale[1] - scale[0]) + scale[0] |
size = int(bbox_size * scale) |
return center, size |
def crop_array(image, center, bboxsize, crop_size): |
"""for single image only |
Args: |
image (numpy.Array): the reference array of shape HxWXC. |
size (Tuple[int, int]): a tuple with the height and width that will be |
used to resize the extracted patches. |
Returns: |
cropped_image |
tform: 3x3 affine matrix |
""" |
src_pts = np.array([ |
[center[0] - bboxsize / 2, center[1] - bboxsize / 2], |
[center[0] + bboxsize / 2, center[1] - bboxsize / 2], |
[center[0] + bboxsize / 2, center[1] + bboxsize / 2], |
]) |
DST_PTS = np.array([[0, 0], [crop_size - 1, 0], [crop_size - 1, crop_size - 1]]) |
tform = estimate_transform("similarity", src_pts, DST_PTS) |
cropped_image = warp(image, tform.inverse, output_shape=(crop_size, crop_size)) |
return cropped_image, tform.params.T |
class Cropper(object): |
def __init__(self, crop_size, scale=[1, 1], trans_scale=0.0): |
self.crop_size = crop_size |
self.scale = scale |
self.trans_scale = trans_scale |
def crop(self, image, points, points_scale=None): |
center, bbox_size = points2bbox(points, points_scale) |
center, bbox_size = augment_bbox( |
center, bbox_size, scale=self.scale, trans_scale=self.trans_scale |
) |
cropped_image, tform = crop_array(image, center, bbox_size, self.crop_size) |
return cropped_image, tform |