import logging |
import warnings |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") |
logging.getLogger("lightning").setLevel(logging.ERROR) |
logging.getLogger("trimesh").setLevel(logging.ERROR) |
import os |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torchvision |
import trimesh |
from pytorch3d.ops import SubdivideMeshes |
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download |
from termcolor import colored |
from tqdm.auto import tqdm |
from apps.IFGeo import IFGeo |
from apps.Normal import Normal |
from lib.common.BNI import BNI |
from lib.common.BNI_utils import save_normal_tensor |
from lib.common.config import cfg |
from lib.common.imutils import blend_rgb_norm |
from lib.common.local_affine import register |
from lib.common.render import query_color, Render |
from lib.common.train_util import Format, init_loss |
from lib.common.voxelize import VoxelGrid |
from lib.dataset.mesh_util import * |
from lib.dataset.TestDataset import TestDataset |
from lib.net.geometry import rot6d_to_rotmat, rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis |
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True |
def generate_video(vis_tensor_path): |
in_tensor = torch.load(vis_tensor_path) |
render = Render(size=512, device=torch.device("cuda:0")) |
verts_lst = in_tensor["body_verts"] + in_tensor["BNI_verts"] |
faces_lst = in_tensor["body_faces"] + in_tensor["BNI_faces"] |
tmp_path = vis_tensor_path.replace("_in_tensor.pt", "_tmp.mp4") |
out_path = vis_tensor_path.replace("_in_tensor.pt", ".mp4") |
render.load_meshes(verts_lst, faces_lst) |
render.get_rendered_video_multi(in_tensor, tmp_path) |
os.system(f"ffmpeg -y -loglevel quiet -stats -i {tmp_path} -vcodec libx264 {out_path}") |
return out_path |
def generate_model(in_path, fitting_step=50): |
out_dir = "./results" |
cfg.merge_from_file("./configs/econ.yaml") |
cfg.merge_from_file("./lib/pymafx/configs/pymafx_config.yaml") |
device = torch.device(f"cuda:0") |
cfg_show_list = [ |
"test_gpus", [0], "mcube_res", 512, "clean_mesh", True, "test_mode", True, "batch_size", 1 |
] |
cfg.merge_from_list(cfg_show_list) |
cfg.freeze() |
normal_net = Normal.load_from_checkpoint( |
cfg=cfg, |
checkpoint_path=hf_hub_download( |
repo_id="Yuliang/ICON", use_auth_token=os.environ["ICON"], filename=cfg.normal_path |
), |
map_location=device, |
strict=False |
) |
normal_net = normal_net.to(device) |
normal_net.netG.eval() |
print( |
colored( |
f"Resume Normal Estimator from {Format.start} {cfg.normal_path} {Format.end}", "green" |
) |
) |
SMPLX_object = SMPLX() |
dataset_param = { |
"image_path": in_path, |
"use_seg": True, |
"hps_type": cfg.bni.hps_type, |
"vol_res": cfg.vol_res, |
"single": True, |
} |
if cfg.bni.use_ifnet: |
ifnet = IFGeo.load_from_checkpoint( |
cfg=cfg, |
checkpoint_path=hf_hub_download( |
repo_id="Yuliang/ICON", use_auth_token=os.environ["ICON"], filename=cfg.ifnet_path |
), |
map_location=device, |
strict=False |
) |
ifnet = ifnet.to(device) |
ifnet.netG.eval() |
print(colored(f"Resume IF-Net+ from {Format.start} {cfg.ifnet_path} {Format.end}", "green")) |
print(colored(f"Complete with {Format.start} IF-Nets+ (Implicit) {Format.end}", "green")) |
else: |
print(colored(f"Complete with {Format.start} SMPL-X (Explicit) {Format.end}", "green")) |
dataset = TestDataset(dataset_param, device) |
print(colored(f"Dataset Size: {len(dataset)}", "green")) |
data = dataset[0] |
losses = init_loss() |
print(f"{data['name']}") |
os.makedirs(osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, "png"), exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, "obj"), exist_ok=True) |
in_tensor = { |
"smpl_faces": data["smpl_faces"], "image": data["img_icon"].to(device), "mask": |
data["img_mask"].to(device) |
} |
optimed_pose = data["body_pose"].requires_grad_(True) |
optimed_trans = data["trans"].requires_grad_(True) |
optimed_betas = data["betas"].requires_grad_(True) |
optimed_orient = data["global_orient"].requires_grad_(True) |
optimizer_smpl = torch.optim.Adam([optimed_pose, optimed_trans, optimed_betas, optimed_orient], |
lr=1e-2, |
amsgrad=True) |
scheduler_smpl = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( |
optimizer_smpl, |
mode="min", |
factor=0.5, |
verbose=0, |
min_lr=1e-5, |
patience=5, |
) |
per_data_lst = [] |
N_body, N_pose = optimed_pose.shape[:2] |
smpl_path = f"{out_dir}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_smpl_00.obj" |
if osp.exists(smpl_path): |
smpl_verts_lst = [] |
smpl_faces_lst = [] |
for idx in range(N_body): |
smpl_obj = f"{out_dir}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_smpl_{idx:02d}.obj" |
smpl_mesh = trimesh.load(smpl_obj) |
smpl_verts = torch.tensor(smpl_mesh.vertices).to(device).float() |
smpl_faces = torch.tensor(smpl_mesh.faces).to(device).long() |
smpl_verts_lst.append(smpl_verts) |
smpl_faces_lst.append(smpl_faces) |
batch_smpl_verts = torch.stack(smpl_verts_lst) |
batch_smpl_faces = torch.stack(smpl_faces_lst) |
in_tensor["T_normal_F"], in_tensor["T_normal_B"] = dataset.render_normal( |
batch_smpl_verts, batch_smpl_faces |
) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
in_tensor["normal_F"], in_tensor["normal_B"] = normal_net.netG(in_tensor) |
in_tensor["smpl_verts"] = batch_smpl_verts * torch.tensor([1., -1., 1.]).to(device) |
in_tensor["smpl_faces"] = batch_smpl_faces[:, :, [0, 2, 1]] |
else: |
loop_smpl = tqdm(range(fitting_step)) |
for i in loop_smpl: |
per_loop_lst = [] |
optimizer_smpl.zero_grad() |
N_body, N_pose = optimed_pose.shape[:2] |
optimed_orient_mat = rot6d_to_rotmat(optimed_orient.view(-1, 6)).view(N_body, 1, 3, 3) |
optimed_pose_mat = rot6d_to_rotmat(optimed_pose.view(-1, 6)).view(N_body, N_pose, 3, 3) |
smpl_verts, smpl_landmarks, smpl_joints = dataset.smpl_model( |
shape_params=optimed_betas, |
expression_params=tensor2variable(data["exp"], device), |
body_pose=optimed_pose_mat, |
global_pose=optimed_orient_mat, |
jaw_pose=tensor2variable(data["jaw_pose"], device), |
left_hand_pose=tensor2variable(data["left_hand_pose"], device), |
right_hand_pose=tensor2variable(data["right_hand_pose"], device), |
) |
smpl_verts = (smpl_verts + optimed_trans) * data["scale"] |
smpl_joints = (smpl_joints + optimed_trans) * data["scale"] * torch.tensor([ |
1.0, 1.0, -1.0 |
]).to(device) |
smpl_joints_3d = ( |
smpl_joints[:, dataset.smpl_data.smpl_joint_ids_45_pixie, :] + 1.0 |
) * 0.5 |
in_tensor["smpl_joint"] = smpl_joints[:, dataset.smpl_data.smpl_joint_ids_24_pixie, :] |
ghum_lmks = data["landmark"][:, SMPLX_object.ghum_smpl_pairs[:, 0], :2].to(device) |
ghum_conf = data["landmark"][:, SMPLX_object.ghum_smpl_pairs[:, 0], -1].to(device) |
smpl_lmks = smpl_joints_3d[:, SMPLX_object.ghum_smpl_pairs[:, 1], :2] |
in_tensor["T_normal_F"], in_tensor["T_normal_B"] = dataset.render_normal( |
smpl_verts * torch.tensor([1.0, -1.0, -1.0]).to(device), |
in_tensor["smpl_faces"], |
) |
T_mask_F, T_mask_B = dataset.render.get_image(type="mask") |
with torch.no_grad(): |
in_tensor["normal_F"], in_tensor["normal_B"] = normal_net.netG(in_tensor) |
diff_F_smpl = torch.abs(in_tensor["T_normal_F"] - in_tensor["normal_F"]) |
diff_B_smpl = torch.abs(in_tensor["T_normal_B"] - in_tensor["normal_B"]) |
smpl_arr = torch.cat([T_mask_F, T_mask_B], dim=-1) |
gt_arr = in_tensor["mask"].repeat(1, 1, 2) |
diff_S = torch.abs(smpl_arr - gt_arr) |
losses["silhouette"]["value"] = diff_S.mean() |
cloth_overlap = diff_S.sum(dim=[1, 2]) / gt_arr.sum(dim=[1, 2]) |
cloth_overlap_flag = cloth_overlap > cfg.cloth_overlap_thres |
losses["joint"]["weight"] = [50.0 if flag else 5.0 for flag in cloth_overlap_flag] |
bg_value = in_tensor["T_normal_F"][0, 0, 0, 0] |
smpl_arr_fake = torch.cat([ |
in_tensor["T_normal_F"][:, 0].ne(bg_value).float(), |
in_tensor["T_normal_B"][:, 0].ne(bg_value).float() |
], |
dim=-1) |
body_overlap = (gt_arr * smpl_arr_fake.gt(0.0) |
).sum(dim=[1, 2]) / smpl_arr_fake.gt(0.0).sum(dim=[1, 2]) |
body_overlap_mask = (gt_arr * smpl_arr_fake).unsqueeze(1) |
body_overlap_flag = body_overlap < cfg.body_overlap_thres |
losses["normal"]["value"] = ( |
diff_F_smpl * body_overlap_mask[..., :512] + |
diff_B_smpl * body_overlap_mask[..., 512:] |
).mean() / 2.0 |
losses["silhouette"]["weight"] = [0 if flag else 1.0 for flag in body_overlap_flag] |
occluded_idx = torch.where(body_overlap_flag)[0] |
ghum_conf[occluded_idx] *= ghum_conf[occluded_idx] > 0.95 |
losses["joint"]["value"] = (torch.norm(ghum_lmks - smpl_lmks, dim=2) * |
ghum_conf).mean(dim=1) |
smpl_loss = 0.0 |
pbar_desc = "Body Fitting -- " |
for k in ["normal", "silhouette", "joint"]: |
per_loop_loss = (losses[k]["value"] * |
torch.tensor(losses[k]["weight"]).to(device)).mean() |
pbar_desc += f"{k}: {per_loop_loss:.3f} | " |
smpl_loss += per_loop_loss |
pbar_desc += f"Total: {smpl_loss:.3f}" |
loose_str = ''.join([str(j) for j in cloth_overlap_flag.int().tolist()]) |
occlude_str = ''.join([str(j) for j in body_overlap_flag.int().tolist()]) |
pbar_desc += colored(f"| loose:{loose_str}, occluded:{occlude_str}", "yellow") |
loop_smpl.set_description(pbar_desc) |
if (i == fitting_step - 1): |
per_loop_lst.extend([ |
in_tensor["image"], |
in_tensor["T_normal_F"], |
in_tensor["normal_F"], |
diff_S[:, :, :512].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, 3, 1, 1), |
]) |
per_loop_lst.extend([ |
in_tensor["image"], |
in_tensor["T_normal_B"], |
in_tensor["normal_B"], |
diff_S[:, :, 512:].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, 3, 1, 1), |
]) |
per_data_lst.append( |
get_optim_grid_image(per_loop_lst, None, nrow=N_body * 2, type="smpl") |
) |
smpl_loss.backward() |
optimizer_smpl.step() |
scheduler_smpl.step(smpl_loss) |
in_tensor["smpl_verts"] = smpl_verts * torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0, -1.0]).to(device) |
in_tensor["smpl_faces"] = in_tensor["smpl_faces"][:, :, [0, 2, 1]] |
per_data_lst[-1].save(osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, f"png/{data['name']}_smpl.png")) |
img_crop_path = osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, "png", f"{data['name']}_crop.png") |
torchvision.utils.save_image( |
torch.cat([ |
data["img_crop"][:, :3], (in_tensor['normal_F'].detach().cpu() + 1.0) * 0.5, |
(in_tensor['normal_B'].detach().cpu() + 1.0) * 0.5 |
], |
dim=3), img_crop_path |
) |
rgb_norm_F = blend_rgb_norm(in_tensor["normal_F"], data) |
rgb_norm_B = blend_rgb_norm(in_tensor["normal_B"], data) |
img_overlap_path = osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, f"png/{data['name']}_overlap.png") |
torchvision.utils.save_image( |
torch.cat([data["img_raw"], rgb_norm_F, rgb_norm_B], dim=-1) / 255., img_overlap_path |
) |
smpl_obj_lst = [] |
for idx in range(N_body): |
smpl_obj = trimesh.Trimesh( |
in_tensor["smpl_verts"].detach().cpu()[idx] * torch.tensor([1.0, -1.0, 1.0]), |
in_tensor["smpl_faces"].detach().cpu()[0][:, [0, 2, 1]], |
process=False, |
maintains_order=True, |
) |
smpl_obj_path = f"{out_dir}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_smpl_{idx:02d}.obj" |
if not osp.exists(smpl_obj_path): |
smpl_obj.export(smpl_obj_path) |
smpl_obj.export(smpl_obj_path.replace(".obj", ".glb")) |
smpl_info = { |
"betas": |
optimed_betas[idx].detach().cpu().unsqueeze(0), |
"body_pose": |
rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(optimed_pose_mat[idx].detach()).cpu().unsqueeze(0), |
"global_orient": |
rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(optimed_orient_mat[idx].detach()).cpu().unsqueeze(0), |
"transl": |
optimed_trans[idx].detach().cpu(), |
"expression": |
data["exp"][idx].cpu().unsqueeze(0), |
"jaw_pose": |
rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data["jaw_pose"][idx]).cpu().unsqueeze(0), |
"left_hand_pose": |
rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data["left_hand_pose"][idx]).cpu().unsqueeze(0), |
"right_hand_pose": |
rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data["right_hand_pose"][idx]).cpu().unsqueeze(0), |
"scale": |
data["scale"][idx].cpu(), |
} |
np.save( |
smpl_obj_path.replace(".obj", ".npy"), |
smpl_info, |
allow_pickle=True, |
) |
smpl_obj_lst.append(smpl_obj) |
del optimizer_smpl |
del optimed_betas |
del optimed_orient |
del optimed_pose |
del optimed_trans |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
per_data_lst = [] |
batch_smpl_verts = in_tensor["smpl_verts"].detach() * torch.tensor([1.0, -1.0, 1.0], |
device=device) |
batch_smpl_faces = in_tensor["smpl_faces"].detach()[:, :, [0, 2, 1]] |
in_tensor["depth_F"], in_tensor["depth_B"] = dataset.render_depth( |
batch_smpl_verts, batch_smpl_faces |
) |
per_loop_lst = [] |
in_tensor["BNI_verts"] = [] |
in_tensor["BNI_faces"] = [] |
in_tensor["body_verts"] = [] |
in_tensor["body_faces"] = [] |
for idx in range(N_body): |
final_path = f"{out_dir}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_{idx}_full.obj" |
side_mesh = smpl_obj_lst[idx].copy() |
face_mesh = smpl_obj_lst[idx].copy() |
hand_mesh = smpl_obj_lst[idx].copy() |
smplx_mesh = smpl_obj_lst[idx].copy() |
BNI_dict = save_normal_tensor( |
in_tensor, |
idx, |
osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, f"BNI/{data['name']}_{idx}"), |
cfg.bni.thickness, |
) |
BNI_object = BNI( |
dir_path=osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, "BNI"), |
name=data["name"], |
BNI_dict=BNI_dict, |
cfg=cfg.bni, |
device=device |
) |
BNI_object.extract_surface(False) |
in_tensor["body_verts"].append(torch.tensor(smpl_obj_lst[idx].vertices).float()) |
in_tensor["body_faces"].append(torch.tensor(smpl_obj_lst[idx].faces).long()) |
if cfg.bni.use_ifnet: |
side_mesh_path = f"{out_dir}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_{idx}_IF.obj" |
side_mesh = apply_face_mask(side_mesh, ~SMPLX_object.smplx_eyeball_fid_mask) |
in_tensor.update( |
dataset.depth_to_voxel({ |
"depth_F": BNI_object.F_depth.unsqueeze(0), "depth_B": |
BNI_object.B_depth.unsqueeze(0) |
}) |
) |
occupancies = VoxelGrid.from_mesh(side_mesh, cfg.vol_res, loc=[ |
0, |
] * 3, scale=2.0).data.transpose(2, 1, 0) |
occupancies = np.flip(occupancies, axis=1) |
in_tensor["body_voxels"] = torch.tensor(occupancies.copy() |
).float().unsqueeze(0).to(device) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
sdf = ifnet.reconEngine(netG=ifnet.netG, batch=in_tensor) |
verts_IF, faces_IF = ifnet.reconEngine.export_mesh(sdf) |
if ifnet.clean_mesh_flag: |
verts_IF, faces_IF = clean_mesh(verts_IF, faces_IF) |
side_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(verts_IF, faces_IF) |
side_mesh = remesh_laplacian(side_mesh, side_mesh_path) |
else: |
side_mesh = apply_vertex_mask( |
side_mesh, |
( |
SMPLX_object.front_flame_vertex_mask + SMPLX_object.smplx_mano_vertex_mask + |
SMPLX_object.eyeball_vertex_mask |
).eq(0).float(), |
) |
side_mesh = Meshes( |
verts=[torch.tensor(side_mesh.vertices).float()], |
faces=[torch.tensor(side_mesh.faces).long()], |
).to(device) |
sm = SubdivideMeshes(side_mesh) |
side_mesh = register(BNI_object.F_B_trimesh, sm(side_mesh), device) |
side_verts = torch.tensor(side_mesh.vertices).float().to(device) |
side_faces = torch.tensor(side_mesh.faces).long().to(device) |
BNI_object.F_B_trimesh.export(f"{out_dir}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_{idx}_BNI.obj") |
full_lst = [] |
if "face" in cfg.bni.use_smpl: |
face_mesh = apply_vertex_mask(face_mesh, SMPLX_object.front_flame_vertex_mask) |
face_mesh.vertices = face_mesh.vertices - np.array([0, 0, cfg.bni.thickness]) |
BNI_object.F_B_trimesh = part_removal( |
BNI_object.F_B_trimesh, |
face_mesh, |
cfg.bni.face_thres, |
device, |
smplx_mesh, |
region="face" |
) |
side_mesh = part_removal( |
side_mesh, face_mesh, cfg.bni.face_thres, device, smplx_mesh, region="face" |
) |
face_mesh.export(f"{out_dir}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_{idx}_face.obj") |
full_lst += [face_mesh] |
if "hand" in cfg.bni.use_smpl and (True in data['hands_visibility'][idx]): |
hand_mask = torch.zeros(SMPLX_object.smplx_verts.shape[0], ) |
if data['hands_visibility'][idx][0]: |
hand_mask.index_fill_( |
0, torch.tensor(SMPLX_object.smplx_mano_vid_dict["left_hand"]), 1.0 |
) |
if data['hands_visibility'][idx][1]: |
hand_mask.index_fill_( |
0, torch.tensor(SMPLX_object.smplx_mano_vid_dict["right_hand"]), 1.0 |
) |
hand_mesh = apply_vertex_mask(hand_mesh, hand_mask) |
BNI_object.F_B_trimesh = part_removal( |
BNI_object.F_B_trimesh, |
hand_mesh, |
cfg.bni.hand_thres, |
device, |
smplx_mesh, |
region="hand" |
) |
side_mesh = part_removal( |
side_mesh, hand_mesh, cfg.bni.hand_thres, device, smplx_mesh, region="hand" |
) |
hand_mesh.export(f"{out_dir}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_{idx}_hand.obj") |
full_lst += [hand_mesh] |
full_lst += [BNI_object.F_B_trimesh] |
side_mesh = part_removal( |
side_mesh, sum(full_lst), 2e-2, device, smplx_mesh, region="", clean=False |
) |
full_lst += [side_mesh] |
BNI_object.F_B_trimesh.export(f"{out_dir}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_{idx}_BNI.obj") |
side_mesh.export(f"{out_dir}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_{idx}_side.obj") |
final_mesh = poisson( |
sum(full_lst), |
final_path, |
cfg.bni.poisson_depth, |
) |
print( |
colored(f"\n Poisson completion to {Format.start} {final_path} {Format.end}", "yellow") |
) |
dataset.render.load_meshes(final_mesh.vertices, final_mesh.faces) |
rotate_recon_lst = dataset.render.get_image(cam_type="four") |
per_loop_lst.extend([in_tensor['image'][idx:idx + 1]] + rotate_recon_lst) |
if cfg.bni.texture_src == 'image': |
final_colors = query_color( |
torch.tensor(final_mesh.vertices).float(), |
torch.tensor(final_mesh.faces).long(), |
in_tensor["image"][idx:idx + 1], |
device=device, |
) |
final_mesh.visual.vertex_colors = final_colors |
final_mesh.export(final_path) |
final_mesh.export(final_path.replace(".obj", ".glb")) |
elif cfg.bni.texture_src == 'SD': |
pass |
if len(per_loop_lst) > 0: |
per_data_lst.append(get_optim_grid_image(per_loop_lst, None, nrow=5, type="cloth")) |
per_data_lst[-1].save(osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, f"png/{data['name']}_cloth.png")) |
in_tensor["BNI_verts"].append(torch.tensor(final_mesh.vertices).float()) |
in_tensor["BNI_faces"].append(torch.tensor(final_mesh.faces).long()) |
os.makedirs(osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, "vid"), exist_ok=True) |
in_tensor["uncrop_param"] = data["uncrop_param"] |
in_tensor["img_raw"] = data["img_raw"] |
torch.save(in_tensor, osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, f"vid/{data['name']}_in_tensor.pt")) |
smpl_glb_path = smpl_obj_path.replace(".obj", ".glb") |
refine_glb_path = final_path.replace(".obj", ".glb") |
overlap_path = img_overlap_path |
vis_tensor_path = osp.join(out_dir, cfg.name, f"vid/{data['name']}_in_tensor.pt") |
return [smpl_glb_path, refine_glb_path, overlap_path, vis_tensor_path] |