File size: 8,183 Bytes
da48dbe 487ee6d da48dbe 487ee6d da48dbe 487ee6d da48dbe 487ee6d da48dbe fb140f6 487ee6d da48dbe df6cc56 da48dbe df6cc56 da48dbe fb140f6 da48dbe fb140f6 da48dbe fb140f6 da48dbe fb140f6 da48dbe fb140f6 da48dbe fb140f6 da48dbe fb140f6 da48dbe fb140f6 da48dbe fb140f6 |
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG) is
# holder of all proprietary rights on this computer program.
# You can only use this computer program if you have closed
# a license agreement with MPG or you get the right to use the computer
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# Copyright©2019 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung
# der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG). acting on behalf of its Max Planck Institute
# for Intelligent Systems. All rights reserved.
# Contact: [email protected]
import logging
import warnings
import glob
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from PIL import ImageFile
from termcolor import colored
from torchvision import transforms
from torchvision.models import detection
from lib.common.config import cfg
from lib.common.imutils import process_image
from lib.common.render import Render
from lib.common.train_util import Format
from lib.dataset.mesh_util import SMPLX, get_visibility
from lib.pixielib.models.SMPLX import SMPLX as PIXIE_SMPLX
from lib.pixielib.pixie import PIXIE
from lib.pixielib.utils.config import cfg as pixie_cfg
from lib.pymafx.core import path_config
from lib.pymafx.models import pymaf_net
class TestDataset:
def __init__(self, cfg, device):
self.image_path = cfg["image_path"]
self.use_seg = cfg["use_seg"]
self.hps_type = cfg["hps_type"]
self.smpl_type = "smplx"
self.smpl_gender = "neutral"
self.vol_res = cfg["vol_res"]
self.single = cfg["single"]
self.device = device
self.subject_list = [self.image_path]
# smpl related
self.smpl_data = SMPLX()
if self.hps_type == "pymafx":
self.hps = pymaf_net(path_config.SMPL_MEAN_PARAMS, pretrained=True).to(self.device)
self.hps.load_state_dict(torch.load(path_config.CHECKPOINT_FILE)["model"], strict=True)
pixie_cfg.merge_from_list(["model.n_shape", 10, "model.n_exp", 10])
elif self.hps_type == "pixie":
self.hps = PIXIE(config=pixie_cfg, device=self.device)
self.smpl_model = PIXIE_SMPLX(pixie_cfg.model).to(self.device)
self.detector = detection.maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn(
f"SMPL-X estimate with {Format.start} {self.hps_type.upper()} {Format.end}", "green"
self.render = Render(size=512, device=self.device)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.subject_list)
def compute_vis_cmap(self, smpl_verts, smpl_faces):
(xy, z) = torch.as_tensor(smpl_verts).split([2, 1], dim=-1)
smpl_vis = get_visibility(xy, z,
torch.as_tensor(smpl_faces).long()[:, :,
[0, 2, 1]]).unsqueeze(-1)
smpl_cmap = self.smpl_data.cmap_smpl_vids(self.smpl_type).unsqueeze(0)
return {
"smpl_verts": smpl_verts,
def depth_to_voxel(self, data_dict):
data_dict["depth_F"] = transforms.Resize(self.vol_res)(data_dict["depth_F"])
data_dict["depth_B"] = transforms.Resize(self.vol_res)(data_dict["depth_B"])
depth_mask = (~torch.isnan(data_dict['depth_F']))
depth_FB =[data_dict['depth_F'], data_dict['depth_B']], dim=0)
depth_FB[:, ~depth_mask[0]] = 0.
# Important: index_long = depth_value - 1
index_z = (((depth_FB + 1.) * 0.5 * self.vol_res) - 1).clip(0, self.vol_res -
1).permute(1, 2, 0)
index_z_ceil = torch.ceil(index_z).long()
index_z_floor = torch.floor(index_z).long()
index_z_frac = torch.frac(index_z)
index_mask = index_z[..., 0] == torch.tensor(self.vol_res * 0.5 - 1).long()
voxels = F.one_hot(index_z_ceil[..., 0], self.vol_res) * index_z_frac[..., 0] + \
F.one_hot(index_z_floor[..., 0], self.vol_res) * (1.0-index_z_frac[..., 0]) + \
F.one_hot(index_z_ceil[..., 1], self.vol_res) * index_z_frac[..., 1]+ \
F.one_hot(index_z_floor[..., 1], self.vol_res) * (1.0 - index_z_frac[..., 1])
voxels[index_mask] *= 0
voxels = torch.flip(voxels, [2]).permute(2, 0, 1).float() #[x-2, y-0, z-1]
return {
"depth_voxels": voxels.flip([
def __getitem__(self, index):
img_path = self.subject_list[index]
img_name = img_path.split("/")[-1].rsplit(".", 1)[0]
arr_dict = process_image(img_path, self.hps_type, self.single, 512, self.detector)
arr_dict.update({"name": img_name})
with torch.no_grad():
if self.hps_type == "pixie":
preds_dict = self.hps.forward(arr_dict["img_hps"].to(self.device))
elif self.hps_type == 'pymafx':
batch = {k: for k, v in arr_dict["img_pymafx"].items()}
preds_dict, _ = self.hps.forward(batch)
arr_dict["smpl_faces"] = (
arr_dict["type"] = self.smpl_type
if self.hps_type == "pymafx":
output = preds_dict["mesh_out"][-1]
scale, tranX, tranY = output["theta"][:, :3].split(1, dim=1)
arr_dict["betas"] = output["pred_shape"]
arr_dict["body_pose"] = output["rotmat"][:, 1:22]
arr_dict["global_orient"] = output["rotmat"][:, 0:1]
arr_dict["smpl_verts"] = output["smplx_verts"]
arr_dict["left_hand_pose"] = output["pred_lhand_rotmat"]
arr_dict["right_hand_pose"] = output["pred_rhand_rotmat"]
arr_dict['jaw_pose'] = output['pred_face_rotmat'][:, 0:1]
arr_dict["exp"] = output["pred_exp"]
# 1.2009, 0.0013, 0.3954
elif self.hps_type == "pixie":
arr_dict["global_orient"] = preds_dict["global_pose"]
arr_dict["betas"] = preds_dict["shape"] #200
arr_dict["smpl_verts"] = preds_dict["vertices"]
scale, tranX, tranY = preds_dict["cam"].split(1, dim=1)
# 1.1435, 0.0128, 0.3520
arr_dict["scale"] = scale.unsqueeze(1)
arr_dict["trans"] = ([tranX, tranY, torch.zeros_like(tranX)],
# data_dict info (key-shape):
# scale, tranX, tranY - tensor.float
# betas - [1,10] / [1, 200]
# body_pose - [1, 23, 3, 3] / [1, 21, 3, 3]
# global_orient - [1, 1, 3, 3]
# smpl_verts - [1, 6890, 3] / [1, 10475, 3]
# from rot_mat to rot_6d for better optimization
N_body, N_pose = arr_dict["body_pose"].shape[:2]
arr_dict["body_pose"] = arr_dict["body_pose"][:, :, :, :2].reshape(N_body, N_pose, -1)
arr_dict["global_orient"] = arr_dict["global_orient"][:, :, :, :2].reshape(N_body, 1, -1)
return arr_dict
def render_normal(self, verts, faces):
# render optimized mesh (normal, T_normal, image [-1,1])
self.render.load_meshes(verts, faces)
return self.render.get_image(type="rgb")
def render_depth(self, verts, faces):
# render optimized mesh (normal, T_normal, image [-1,1])
self.render.load_meshes(verts, faces)
return self.render.get_image(type="depth")