cpv_3.1_eval_pipeline / utils /sdg_classifier.py
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from haystack.nodes import TransformersDocumentClassifier
from haystack.schema import Document
from typing import List, Tuple
from typing_extensions import Literal
import logging
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
from utils.checkconfig import getconfig
from utils.streamlitcheck import check_streamlit
from utils.preprocessing import processingpipeline
import streamlit as st
except ImportError:
logging.info("Streamlit not installed")
## Labels dictionary ###
_lab_dict = {0: 'no_cat',
1:'SDG 1 - No poverty',
2:'SDG 2 - Zero hunger',
3:'SDG 3 - Good health and well-being',
4:'SDG 4 - Quality education',
5:'SDG 5 - Gender equality',
6:'SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation',
7:'SDG 7 - Affordable and clean energy',
8:'SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth',
9:'SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure',
10:'SDG 10 - Reduced inequality',
11:'SDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communities',
12:'SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production',
13:'SDG 13 - Climate action',
14:'SDG 14 - Life below water',
15:'SDG 15 - Life on land',
16:'SDG 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions',
17:'SDG 17 - Partnership for the goals',}
def load_sdgClassifier(config_file:str = None, classifier_name:str = None):
loads the document classifier using haystack, where the name/path of model
in HF-hub as string is used to fetch the model object.Either configfile or
model should be passed.
1. https://docs.haystack.deepset.ai/reference/document-classifier-api
2. https://docs.haystack.deepset.ai/docs/document_classifier
config_file: config file path from which to read the model name
classifier_name: if modelname is passed, it takes a priority if not \
found then will look for configfile, else raise error.
Return: document classifier model
if not classifier_name:
if not config_file:
logging.warning("Pass either model name or config file")
config = getconfig(config_file)
classifier_name = config.get('sdg','MODEL')
logging.info("Loading classifier")
doc_classifier = TransformersDocumentClassifier(
return doc_classifier
def sdg_classification(haystack_doc:List[Document],
threshold:float = 0.8,
classifier_model:TransformersDocumentClassifier= None
Text-Classification on the list of texts provided. Classifier provides the
most appropriate label for each text. these labels are in terms of if text
belongs to which particular Sustainable Devleopment Goal (SDG).
haystack_doc: List of haystack Documents. The output of Preprocessing Pipeline
contains the list of paragraphs in different format,here the list of
Haystack Documents is used.
threshold: threshold value for the model to keep the results from classifier
classifiermodel: you can pass the classifier model directly,which takes priority
however if not then looks for model in streamlit session.
In case of streamlit avoid passing the model directly.
df: Dataframe with two columns['SDG:int', 'text']
x: Series object with the unique SDG covered in the document uploaded and
the number of times it is covered/discussed/count_of_paragraphs.
logging.info("Working on SDG Classification")
if not classifier_model:
if check_streamlit():
classifier_model = st.session_state['sdg_classifier']
logging.warning("No streamlit envinornment found, Pass the classifier")
results = classifier_model.predict(haystack_doc)
labels_= [(l.meta['classification']['label'],
l.meta['classification']['score'],l.content,) for l in results]
df = DataFrame(labels_, columns=["SDG","Relevancy","text"])
df = df.sort_values(by="Relevancy", ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
df.index += 1
df =df[df['Relevancy']>threshold]
# creating the dataframe for value counts of SDG, along with 'title' of SDGs
x = df['SDG'].value_counts()
x = x.rename('count')
x = x.rename_axis('SDG').reset_index()
x["SDG"] = pd.to_numeric(x["SDG"])
x = x.sort_values(by=['count'], ascending=False)
x['SDG_name'] = x['SDG'].apply(lambda x: _lab_dict[x])
x['SDG_Num'] = x['SDG'].apply(lambda x: "SDG "+str(x))
df['SDG'] = pd.to_numeric(df['SDG'])
df = df.sort_values('SDG')
return df, x
def runSDGPreprocessingPipeline(file_name:str, file_path:str,
split_by: Literal["sentence", "word"] = 'sentence',
split_length:int = 2, split_respect_sentence_boundary:bool = False,
split_overlap:int = 0,remove_punc:bool = False)->List[Document]:
creates the pipeline and runs the preprocessing pipeline,
the params for pipeline are fetched from paramconfig
file_name: filename, in case of streamlit application use
file_path: filepath, in case of streamlit application use st.session_state['filepath']
split_by: document splitting strategy either as word or sentence
split_length: when synthetically creating the paragrpahs from document,
it defines the length of paragraph.
split_respect_sentence_boundary: Used when using 'word' strategy for
splititng of text.
split_overlap: Number of words or sentences that overlap when creating
the paragraphs. This is done as one sentence or 'some words' make sense
when read in together with others. Therefore the overlap is used.
remove_punc: to remove all Punctuation including ',' and '.' or not
List[Document]: When preprocessing pipeline is run, the output dictionary
has four objects. For the Haysatck implementation of SDG classification we,
need to use the List of Haystack Document, which can be fetched by
key = 'documents' on output.
sdg_processing_pipeline = processingpipeline()
output_sdg_pre = sdg_processing_pipeline.run(file_paths = file_path,
params= {"FileConverter": {"file_path": file_path, \
"file_name": file_name},
"UdfPreProcessor": {"remove_punc": remove_punc, \
"split_by": split_by, \
"split_overlap": split_overlap, \
return output_sdg_pre