import streamlit as st import networkx as nx from import Network import textwrap from api.apis import get_question_by_id, get_question_ids_with_correctness # This function should be implemented to return a list of all question IDs def get_question_ids(): # Placeholder implementation return get_question_ids_with_correctness() # This function should be implemented to return the context for a given question ID def get_question_context(question_id): return get_question_by_id(question_id[:-2]) def create_interactive_graph(reasoning_chain): G = nx.DiGraph() net = Network(notebook=True, width="100%", height="600px", directed=True) for i, step in enumerate(reasoning_chain): wrapped_text = textwrap.fill(step, width=30) label = f"Step {i+1}\n\n{wrapped_text}" G.add_node(i, title=step, label=label) if i > 0: G.add_edge(i-1, i) net.from_nx(G) for node in net.nodes: node['shape'] = 'box' node['color'] = '#97C2FC' node['font'] = {'size': 12, 'face': 'arial', 'multi': 'html', 'align': 'center'} node['widthConstraint'] = {'minimum': 200, 'maximum': 300} net.set_options(''' var options = { "nodes": { "shape": "box", "physics": false, "margin": 10 }, "edges": { "smooth": { "type": "curvedCW", "roundness": 0.2 }, "arrows": { "to": { "enabled": true, "scaleFactor": 0.5 } } }, "layout": { "hierarchical": { "enabled": true, "direction": "UD", "sortMethod": "directed" } }, "interaction": { "hover": true, "tooltipDelay": 100 } } ''') return net def main(): st.title("Interactive Q&A App with Reasoning Chain Graph") # Get all question IDs question_ids = get_question_ids() # Initialize session state for current index if 'current_index' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.current_index = 0 # Navigation buttons col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1,3,1]) with col1: if st.button("Previous"): st.session_state.current_index = (st.session_state.current_index - 1) % len(question_ids) with col3: if st.button("Next"): st.session_state.current_index = (st.session_state.current_index + 1) % len(question_ids) # Select a question ID selected_question_id = st.selectbox("Select a question ID", question_ids, index=st.session_state.current_index) # Update current_index when selection changes st.session_state.current_index = question_ids.index(selected_question_id) # Get the context for the selected question data = get_question_context(selected_question_id) original_question = data['original_question'] generated_result = data['generated_result'] # Display question st.subheader("Question") st.write(original_question['question']) # Display choices st.subheader("Choices") for label, choice in original_question['label_choices'].items(): st.write(f"{label}: {choice}") # Display correct answer st.subheader("Correct Answer") correct_answer_label = original_question['answer'] correct_answer = original_question['label_choices'][correct_answer_label] st.write(f"{correct_answer_label}: {correct_answer}") st.subheader("Generated Answer") generated_answer_label = generated_result['answer_key_vale'] generated_answer = original_question['label_choices'][generated_answer_label] st.write(f"{generated_answer_label}: {generated_answer}") st.subheader("is it correct ?") generated_answer_label = generated_result['answer_key_vale'] answer_label = original_question['answer'] is_same=answer_label.lower()==generated_answer_label.lower() st.write(f"✅ answers Are the same. answer is {answer_label}"if is_same else f"📛 answers do differ.\n But you can check reasonings.\noriginal answer label : {answer_label}\ngenerated answer label : {generated_answer_label}") # Create and display interactive reasoning chain graph net = create_interactive_graph(generated_result['reasoning_chain']) net.save_graph("graph.html") # Display the interactive graph with open("graph.html", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: html = st.components.v1.html(html, height=600) if __name__ == "__main__": main()