# pagination_detector.py import os import json from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError import tiktoken from dotenv import load_dotenv from openai import OpenAI import google.generativeai as genai from groq import Groq from assets import PROMPT_PAGINATION, PRICING, LLAMA_MODEL_FULLNAME, GROQ_LLAMA_MODEL_FULLNAME load_dotenv() import logging class PaginationData(BaseModel): page_urls: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list, description="List of pagination URLs, including 'Next' button URL if present") def calculate_pagination_price(token_counts: Dict[str, int], model: str) -> float: """ Calculate the price for pagination based on token counts and the selected model. Args: token_counts (Dict[str, int]): A dictionary containing 'input_tokens' and 'output_tokens'. model (str): The name of the selected model. Returns: float: The total price for the pagination operation. """ input_tokens = token_counts['input_tokens'] output_tokens = token_counts['output_tokens'] input_price = input_tokens * PRICING[model]['input'] output_price = output_tokens * PRICING[model]['output'] return input_price + output_price def detect_pagination_elements(url: str, indications: str, selected_model: str, markdown_content: str) -> Tuple[Union[PaginationData, Dict, str], Dict, float]: try: """ Uses AI models to analyze markdown content and extract pagination elements. Args: selected_model (str): The name of the OpenAI model to use. markdown_content (str): The markdown content to analyze. Returns: Tuple[PaginationData, Dict, float]: Parsed pagination data, token counts, and pagination price. """ prompt_pagination = PROMPT_PAGINATION+"\n The url of the page to extract pagination from "+url+"if the urls that you find are not complete combine them intelligently in a way that fit the pattern **ALWAYS GIVE A FULL URL**" if indications != "": prompt_pagination +=PROMPT_PAGINATION+"\n\n these are the users indications that, pay special attention to them: "+indications+"\n\n below are the markdowns of the website: \n\n" else: prompt_pagination +=PROMPT_PAGINATION+"\n There are no user indications in this case just apply the logic described. \n\n below are the markdowns of the website: \n\n" if selected_model in ["gpt-4o-mini", "gpt-4o-2024-08-06"]: # Use OpenAI API client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')) completion = client.beta.chat.completions.parse( model=selected_model, messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": prompt_pagination}, {"role": "user", "content": markdown_content}, ], response_format=PaginationData ) # Extract the parsed response parsed_response = completion.choices[0].message.parsed # Calculate tokens using tiktoken encoder = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(selected_model) input_token_count = len(encoder.encode(markdown_content)) output_token_count = len(encoder.encode(json.dumps(parsed_response.dict()))) token_counts = { "input_tokens": input_token_count, "output_tokens": output_token_count } # Calculate the price pagination_price = calculate_pagination_price(token_counts, selected_model) return parsed_response, token_counts, pagination_price elif selected_model == "gemini-1.5-flash": # Use Google Gemini API genai.configure(api_key=os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_KEY")) model = genai.GenerativeModel( 'gemini-1.5-flash', generation_config={ "response_mime_type": "application/json", "response_schema": PaginationData } ) prompt = f"{prompt_pagination}\n{markdown_content}" # Count input tokens using Gemini's method input_tokens = model.count_tokens(prompt) completion = model.generate_content(prompt) # Extract token counts from usage_metadata usage_metadata = completion.usage_metadata token_counts = { "input_tokens": usage_metadata.prompt_token_count, "output_tokens": usage_metadata.candidates_token_count } # Get the result response_content = completion.text # Log the response content and its type logging.info(f"Gemini Flash response type: {type(response_content)}") logging.info(f"Gemini Flash response content: {response_content}") # Try to parse the response as JSON try: parsed_data = json.loads(response_content) if isinstance(parsed_data, dict) and 'page_urls' in parsed_data: pagination_data = PaginationData(**parsed_data) else: pagination_data = PaginationData(page_urls=[]) except json.JSONDecodeError: logging.error("Failed to parse Gemini Flash response as JSON") pagination_data = PaginationData(page_urls=[]) # Calculate the price pagination_price = calculate_pagination_price(token_counts, selected_model) return pagination_data, token_counts, pagination_price elif selected_model == "Llama3.1 8B": # Use Llama model via OpenAI API pointing to local server openai.api_key = "lm-studio" openai.api_base = "http://localhost:1234/v1" response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=LLAMA_MODEL_FULLNAME, messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": prompt_pagination}, {"role": "user", "content": markdown_content}, ], temperature=0.7, ) response_content = response['choices'][0]['message']['content'].strip() # Try to parse the JSON try: pagination_data = json.loads(response_content) except json.JSONDecodeError: pagination_data = {"next_buttons": [], "page_urls": []} # Token counts token_counts = { "input_tokens": response['usage']['prompt_tokens'], "output_tokens": response['usage']['completion_tokens'] } # Calculate the price pagination_price = calculate_pagination_price(token_counts, selected_model) return pagination_data, token_counts, pagination_price elif selected_model == "Groq Llama3.1 70b": # Use Groq client client = Groq(api_key=os.environ.get("GROQ_API_KEY")) response = client.chat.completions.create( model=GROQ_LLAMA_MODEL_FULLNAME, messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": prompt_pagination}, {"role": "user", "content": markdown_content}, ], ) response_content = response.choices[0].message.content.strip() # Try to parse the JSON try: pagination_data = json.loads(response_content) except json.JSONDecodeError: pagination_data = {"page_urls": []} # Token counts token_counts = { "input_tokens": response.usage.prompt_tokens, "output_tokens": response.usage.completion_tokens } # Calculate the price pagination_price = calculate_pagination_price(token_counts, selected_model) # Ensure the pagination_data is a dictionary if isinstance(pagination_data, PaginationData): pagination_data = pagination_data.dict() elif not isinstance(pagination_data, dict): pagination_data = {"page_urls": []} return pagination_data, token_counts, pagination_price else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported model: {selected_model}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred in detect_pagination_elements: {e}") # Return default values if an error occurs return PaginationData(page_urls=[]), {"input_tokens": 0, "output_tokens": 0}, 0.0