from logging import disable from pkg_resources import EggMetadata import streamlit as st import streamlit.components.v1 as components import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import Network from streamlit.state.session_state import SessionState from streamlit.type_util import Key import rebel import wikipedia network_filename = "test.html" state_variables = { 'has_run':False, 'wiki_suggestions': [], 'wiki_text' : [], 'nodes':[] } for k, v in state_variables.items(): if k not in st.session_state: st.session_state[k] = v def clip_text(t, lenght = 10): return ".".join(t.split(".")[:lenght]) + "." def generate_graph(): if 'wiki_text' not in st.session_state: return if len(st.session_state['wiki_text']) == 0: st.error("please enter a topic and select a wiki page first") return with st.spinner(text="Generating graph..."): texts = st.session_state['wiki_text'] nodes = rebel.generate_knowledge_graph(texts, network_filename) st.session_state['nodes'] = nodes st.session_state['has_run'] = True st.success('Done!') def show_suggestion(): st.session_state['wiki_suggestions'] = [] with st.spinner(text="fetching wiki topics..."): if st.session_state['input_method'] == "wikipedia": text = st.session_state.text if text is not None: subjects = text.split(",") for subj in subjects: st.session_state['wiki_suggestions'] +=, results = 3) def show_wiki_text(page_title): with st.spinner(text="fetching wiki page..."): try: page =, auto_suggest=False) st.session_state['wiki_text'].append(clip_text(page.summary)) except wikipedia.DisambiguationError as e: with st.spinner(text="Woops, ambigious term, recalculating options..."): st.session_state['wiki_suggestions'].remove(page_title) temp = st.session_state['wiki_suggestions'] + e.options[:3] st.session_state['wiki_suggestions'] = list(set(temp)) def add_text(term): try: extra_text = clip_text(, auto_suggest=True).summary) st.session_state['wiki_text'].append(extra_text) except wikipedia.WikipediaException: st.error("Woops, no wikipedia page for this node") st.session_state["nodes"].remove(term) def reset_session(): for k in state_variables: del st.session_state[k] st.title('REBELious knowledge graph generation') st.session_state['input_method'] = "wikipedia" st.sidebar.markdown( """ # how to - Enter wikipedia search terms, separated by comma's - Choose one or more of the suggested pages - Click generate! """ ) st.sidebar.button("Reset", on_click=reset_session, key="reset_key") # st.selectbox( # 'input method', # ('wikipedia', 'free text'), key="input_method") if st.session_state['input_method'] != "wikipedia": # st.text_area("Your text", key="text") pass else: cols = st.columns([8, 1]) with cols[0]: st.text_input("wikipedia search term", on_change=show_suggestion, key="text") with cols[1]: st.text('') st.text('') st.button("Search", on_click=show_suggestion, key="show_suggestion_key") if len(st.session_state['wiki_suggestions']) != 0: num_cols = 10 num_buttons = len(st.session_state['wiki_suggestions']) columns = st.columns([1] * num_cols + [1]) print(st.session_state['wiki_suggestions']) for q in range(1 + num_buttons//num_cols): for i, (c, s) in enumerate(zip(columns, st.session_state['wiki_suggestions'][q*num_cols: (q+1)*num_cols])): with c: st.button(s, on_click=show_wiki_text, args=(s,), key=str(i)+s) if len(st.session_state['wiki_text']) != 0: for i, t in enumerate(st.session_state['wiki_text']): new_expander = st.expander(label=t[:30] + "...", expanded=(i==0)) with new_expander: st.markdown(t) if st.session_state['input_method'] != "wikipedia": # st.button("find wiki pages") # if "wiki_suggestions" in st.session_state: # st.button("generate", on_click=generate_graph, key="gen_graph") pass else: if len(st.session_state['wiki_text']) > 0: st.button("Generate", on_click=generate_graph, key="gen_graph") if st.session_state['has_run']: st.sidebar.markdown( """ # How to expand the graph - Click a button on the right to expand that node - Only nodes that have wiki pages will be expanded - Hit the Generate button again to expand your graph! """ ) cols = st.columns([5, 1]) with cols[0]: HtmlFile = open(network_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') source_code = components.html(source_code, height=2000,width=2000) with cols[1]: for i,s in enumerate(st.session_state["nodes"]): st.button(s, on_click=add_text, args=(s,), key=s+str(i))