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from utils.pharmap_utils.cid import CaseInsensitiveDict
import re
#load mapping terms
with open('utils/summarize_utils/map_terms.txt') as f:
mt_dict = dict(x.rstrip().split(',', 1) for x in f)
#load number mapping terms to convert numbers in words appearing before weeks
# to number
with open('utils/summarize_utils/map_nums.txt') as f:
num_dict = dict(x.rstrip().split(',', 1) for x in f)
## load stop words
with open('utils/summarize_utils/stopwords-en.txt','r',encoding='unicode_escape') as f:
stopwords =
def get_first_word(alloc,masking,status):
print('Getting first word..')
if (alloc.lower()=='n/a' and masking.lower()=='none (open label)'):
if status == 'Active, not recruiting':
fw = 'An '
start_word = 'It is in '
result = start_word + fw.lower()
return result
elif status == 'Recruiting':
fw = 'An '
start_word = 'It is in '
result = start_word + fw.lower()
return result
fw = 'An '
result = fw
return result
if status == 'Active, not recruiting':
fw = 'A '
start_word = 'It is in '
result = start_word + fw.lower()
return result
elif status == 'Recruiting':
fw = 'A '
start_word = 'It is in '
result = start_word + fw.lower()
return result
fw = 'A '
result = fw
return result
#get masking type
def get_mask(masking):
print('Getting mask..')
# print('maskingentry:',masking)
if masking.lower() == 'double':
masking = 'double-blind, '
elif masking.lower() == 'none (open label)':
masking = 'open-label, '
elif masking.lower() in 'quadruple':
masking = 'quadruple-blind, '
# print('....... ..... done..')
return str(masking)
#get study type
def get_stype(stype):
print('Getting study type...')
if stype.lower() == 'interventional':
stype = 'interventional study '
stype = 'observational study '
# print('....... ....... done..')
return stype
# get intervention model
def get_imodel(imodel):
print('Getting imodel...')
if imodel.lower() is not None:
res = imodel.lower() + ', '
return res
#get objective
def get_obj(otitle,bsumm, ddesc):
print('Getting objective for..')
# print(string)
# keywords = ['purpose','objective','evaluated','aim','assess','pharmcokinetic',
# 'pharmacodynamic','safety','immunogenecity']'Study to Evaluate'
keywords = ['to Demonstrate',
'to Evaluate',
'to Investigate',
'to Assess',
'to Determine',
# 'Investigating',
'Placebo','Purpose','aim','purpose','main purpose',
'Aim','Objective', 'objective', 'Main Objective', 'Selection Study',
'Main Purpose', 'Main Aim','Study', 'STUDY', 'study',
'Ascending Multiple-dose','Adaptive','Dose Escalation',
'assess', 'Bioavailability','investigate','Investigating'
otitle_result = [ele for ele in keywords if(ele in otitle)]
print('otitle_result:', otitle_result)
bsumm_result = [ele for ele in keywords if(ele in bsumm.lower())]
print('bsumm_result:', bsumm_result)
ddesc_result = [ele for ele in keywords if(ele in ddesc.lower())]
# print(otitle_result)
if len(otitle_result)>0:
print('im in otitle')
word = ''.join(otitle_result[0])
print('word in otitle:', word)
matched = [sentence + '.' for sentence in otitle.split('. ') if word in sentence]
sobj = ''.join(matched)
print('matched sobj',sobj)
# result = re.sub(r'^.*?to', 'to', sobj)
result =, sobj)
print('result of pattern search:',result)
result =
print('result group:',result)
result = non_abbr(result)
print('non-abbr result:',result)
return result
elif len(bsumm_result)>0:
print('im in bsumm')
# print(bsumm_result)
word = ''.join(bsumm_result[0])
# print(word)
matched = [sentence + '.' for sentence in bsumm.split('. ') if word in sentence]
sobj = ', '.join(matched)
sobj = non_abbr(sobj)
return sobj
elif len(ddesc_result)>0:
# print('im in ddesc')
word = ''.join(ddesc_result[0])
matched = [sentence + '.' for sentence in ddesc.split('. ') if word in sentence]
sobj = ''.join(matched)
sobj = non_abbr(sobj)
return sobj
sobj = 'No Objective Found'
return sobj
# other study id extract
def get_osid(osid,sid):
print('Getting Study Ids...')
if None not in (osid,sid):
if sid !='':
osid = '(' + '; '.join(osid.split('|')) + '; '+ ', '.join(sid.split('|')) +') '
# print('both not none:',osid)
return osid
elif osid is not None:
osid_only = '(' + '; '.join(osid.split('|')) + ') '
# print('sid is none:',osid_only)
return osid_only
elif osid is None and sid is not None:
sid_only = '(' + '; '.join(sid.split('|')) + ') '
# print('osid is none:',sid_only)
# print('....... ....... done..')
return sid_only
# get locations
def join_and(items):
if len(items)>1:
return ', '.join(items[:-1]) + ', and '+items[-1]
return ', '.join(items)
def get_locs(locations):
print('Getting Locations...')
if locations !='':
print('location is not empty')
if '|' in locations:
res = join_and(sorted(list(set(locations.split('|')))))
print('inside location split if:', res)
res = locations
print('inside location split else:', res)
res = locations
print('outside location split else:', res)
if res =='':
res = ' in ' + res +', '
# print('....... ....... done..')
return res
# status extract
status_dict = {'Not yet recruiting':', is planned ',
# 'Recruiting':', is active ',
'Active, not recruiting':' (enrollment complete) ',
'Completed' :', is complete ',
'Terminated':', has been terminated',
'Suspended' :', has been suspended',
'Withdrawn' :', has been withdrawn'
def get_status(status):
print('Getting trial type...')
search_key = status
# print(search_key)
res = [val for key, val in status_dict.items() if search_key in key]
res = str(res).replace("['",'').replace("']",'')
# print('....... ....... done..')
return res
# lower non abbr word for ystop
def non_abbr(string):
word = string.split(' ')
for word in word:
if word.isupper() == True:
word = word.upper()
word = word.lower()
return ' '.join(my_list)
# reason for stop extract
def get_ystop(ystop):
print('Getting ystop...')
if ystop!='':
ystop = non_abbr(ystop)
ystop = ', '+ 'due to ' + ystop
return ystop
#get age
def get_age(minage,maxage):
# print('Getting age...')
if maxage !='':
age = 'aged between '+ minage+ ' and ' + maxage
age = 'with minimum age of ' +minage
# print('....... ....... done..')
return age
# get link
def get_url(nctid,lupd):
print('Cooking up final url...')
new_url= ' ('+ ', '+ lupd+', ' +urll+nctid + ')'
return new_url
#map week numbers
def map_week_num(myText):
obj = CaseInsensitiveDict(num_dict)
pattern = re.compile(r'(?<!\w)(' + '|'.join(re.escape(key) for key in obj.keys()) + r')(?!\w)',flags=re.IGNORECASE)
text = pattern.sub(lambda x: obj[], myText)
# text = pattern.sub(lambda x: obj[], text)
return text
#map terms
def map_terms(myText):
obj = CaseInsensitiveDict(mt_dict)
pattern = re.compile(r'(?<!\w)(' + '|'.join(re.escape(key) for key in obj.keys()) + r')(?!\w)',flags=re.IGNORECASE)
text = pattern.sub(lambda x: obj[], myText)
# text = pattern.sub(lambda x: obj[], text)
return text
# adjust space, period, comma
def remove_period_spaces(text):
text = text.replace('||','')
text = text.replace('Korea, Republic of','S Korea')
text = text.replace('[]','')
text = text.replace(', This',', this')
text = text.replace(') The',') the')
text = text.replace('in The The','in the')
text = text.replace('The','the')
text = text.replace('the the','the')
text = text.replace('this is a','')
text = text.replace('.,',',')
text = text.replace('., ',',')
text = text.replace(',',', ')
text = text.replace("due to", "because of", 1)
text = text.replace("male subjects", "male participants")
text = text.replace("female subjects", "female participants")
# text = text.capitalize()
text=" ".join(text.split())
return text
# remove duplicate words
def unique_list(text_str):
l = text_str.split()
temp = []
for x in l:
if x not in temp:
return ' '.join(temp)
#reposition the condition in the summary
def repos_condition(my_string):
# print(my_string)'with(.*),',my_string)
# print(
if subjects:',')[0]
# print(fs)
# print(',')[0])"\d+\s+subjects\s",my_string)
# print(
r=re.sub(r"\d+\s+subjects\s","with"+fs+" ",my_string)
# print(r)
return result
print("not found")
#reposition the additional study_design words
def repos_study_design(text):
result ='subjects(.*)study', text.lower())
if result:
r ='study'
newtext= text.replace(r, '')
idx = newtext.lower().index('phase')
newtext = newtext[:idx] + + newtext[idx:]
return newtext
return text
return text
print("nothing happened")
#identify purpose issues
def purpose_issue(summary):
flag_words = ['will also be evaluated','will be evaluated','No Objective Found','subjects), is', 'subjects, is complete']
if any(word in summary for word in flag_words):
return "Yes - Grammar/Endpoint related Mistakes in Summary"
return "No"
# duplicate words check
def dupe_check(text,rr_value,stopwords=stopwords):
if rr_value == 'No':
split_text = text.split(' ')
clean_text = ' '.join(i for i in split_text if i.lower() not in (x.lower() for x in stopwords))
words = clean_text.split()
result = (len(words) > len(set(words)))
if result ==True:
return " Yes - Duplicate Words maybe found in Summary"
return rr_value
return rr_value
#count all cap words
def count_caps(summary,rr_value):
if rr_value == 'No':
match_length = len(' '.join(re.findall(r"\b[A-Z\s]+\b", summary)).split())
if match_length > 10:
res = 'Yes - Summary May Contain Lot of Words in Upper Case'
return res
return rr_value
return rr_value
#identify route/dose misses
def route_miss(summary,rr_value,int_dec):
if rr_value == 'No':
split_summ = summary.split(' ')
clean_text = ' '.join(i for i in split_summ if i.lower() not in (x.lower() for x in stopwords))
summ_list = clean_text.split()
int_summ = int_dec.split(' ')
clean_text = ' '.join(i for i in int_summ if i.lower() not in (x.lower() for x in stopwords))
int_list = clean_text.split()
if any(check in int_list for check in summ_list):
return "No"
return "Yes - Route/Dose info might have been missed"
return rr_value