polyhedron / static /recorderWorkletProcessor.js
mingyang91's picture
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a446897 verified
An in-place replacement for ScriptProcessorNode using AudioWorklet
class RecorderProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
// 0. Determine the buffer size (this is the same as the 1st argument of ScriptProcessor)
bufferSize = 2048
// 1. Track the current buffer fill level
_bytesWritten = 0
// 2. Create a buffer of fixed size
_buffer = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize)
constructor() {
initBuffer() {
this._bytesWritten = 0
isBufferEmpty() {
return this._bytesWritten === 0
isBufferFull() {
return this._bytesWritten === this.bufferSize
* @param {Float32Array[][]} inputs
* @returns {boolean}
process(inputs) {
// Grabbing the 1st channel similar to ScriptProcessorNode
return true
* @param {Float32Array} channelData
append(channelData) {
if (this.isBufferFull()) {
if (!channelData) return
for (let i = 0; i < channelData.length; i++) {
this._buffer[this._bytesWritten++] = channelData[i]
flush() {
// trim the buffer if ended prematurely
const buffer = this._bytesWritten < this.bufferSize
? this._buffer.slice(0, this._bytesWritten)
: this._buffer
const result = this.downsampleBuffer(buffer, 44100, 16000);
downsampleBuffer (buffer, sampleRate, outSampleRate) {
if (outSampleRate == sampleRate) {
return buffer;
if (outSampleRate > sampleRate) {
throw 'downsampling rate show be smaller than original sample rate';
var sampleRateRatio = sampleRate / outSampleRate;
var newLength = Math.round(buffer.length / sampleRateRatio);
var result = new Int16Array(newLength);
var offsetResult = 0;
var offsetBuffer = 0;
while (offsetResult < result.length) {
var nextOffsetBuffer = Math.round((offsetResult + 1) * sampleRateRatio);
var accum = 0,
count = 0;
for (var i = offsetBuffer; i < nextOffsetBuffer && i < buffer.length; i++) {
accum += buffer[i];
result[offsetResult] = Math.min(1, accum / count) * 0x7fff;
offsetBuffer = nextOffsetBuffer;
return result.buffer;
registerProcessor("recorder.worklet", RecorderProcessor)