imagen-tutorial / challenges.txt
heaversm's picture
random challenge generator
The most unbelievable extreme sports photo ever taken.
Transport technology has taken a giant leap backwards recently.
Worst. Supervillian. Costume. ever.
Tower control, we now have a visual on the unidentified flying object.
Design a new musical instrument.
Wow, for an action movie that film looks really boring.
That’s a big teapot!
That has to be the best stunt I’ve seen in an action movie.
Of all the things to spoil a marriage proposal.
Design a depressing birthday card.
Looks like the trampoline was too bouncy.
What happens when you put two metal detectors together?
An unexpected event occurred today at the athletics high jump.
They certainly have some juggling talent!
I’m sorry sir, but you can’t bring that into the cinema.
You don’t usually see boats there!
The most breathtaking fantasy landscape ever imagined.
Introducing my latest invention, it helps you wake up in the morning.
Do those clouds remind you of something?
I guess the DIY indoor swimming pool idea didn’t work out.