import time from ..mew_log.ansi_utils import ansi_color_str from ..mew_log.attr_utils import get_prev_caller_info from ..mew_log.log_utils import log_info, LogSpinner from ..mew_log.table_utils import format_table time_color = '' # helper funcs class ProfileSection: Registry = {} # Class Variable def __init__(self, newMsg=None, enable=True, do_print=False): self.msg = newMsg if newMsg else get_prev_caller_info() self.enable = enable self.startTime = 0.0 self.endTime = 0.0 self.elapsedTime = 0.0 self.totalTime = 0.0 self.avgTime = 0.0 self.numCalls = 0 self.do_print = do_print if self.msg in ProfileSection.Registry: p = ProfileSection.Registry[self.msg] self.__dict__ = p.__dict__ self.numCalls += 1 else: self.numCalls += 1 if (self.enable): self.start() def __del__(self): if (self.enable): self.stop() def __enter__(self): # if self.enable: self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # if self.enable: self.stop() def start(self): self.startTime = time.time() # if self.do_print : log_info(str(self)) def stop(self): self.endTime = time.time() self.update_stats() stopMsg = str(self) p = create_or_get_profile(self.msg) p.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) if self.do_print: log_info(str(p)) # st.toast(stopMsg) return stopMsg def update_stats(self): self.elapsedTime = self.endTime - self.startTime self.totalTime += self.elapsedTime self.avgTime = self.totalTime / float(self.numCalls) def __str__(self, use_color=True): msg_str = self.msg #ansi_color_str(self.msg, fg='green') # Green color for message elapsed_time_str = make_time_str('elapsed', self.elapsedTime) total_time_str = make_time_str('total', self.totalTime) avg_time_str = make_time_str('avg', self.avgTime) calls_str = f'calls={self.numCalls}' if use_color: elapsed_time_str = ansi_color_str(elapsed_time_str, fg='bright_cyan') # Cyan color for elapsed time total_time_str = ansi_color_str(total_time_str, fg='bright_cyan') # Cyan color for total time avg_time_str = ansi_color_str(avg_time_str, fg='bright_cyan') # Cyan color for average time calls_str = ansi_color_str(calls_str, fg='yellow') # Cyan color for calls information return f"{msg_str} ~ Elapsed Time: {elapsed_time_str} | Total Time: {total_time_str} | Avg Time: {avg_time_str} | {calls_str}" from functools import wraps from threading import Thread from rich.progress import Progress, BarColumn, TextColumn, TimeRemainingColumn, TaskProgressColumn from rich.console import Console from import Style from rich.panel import Panel def profile_function(func): """ Decorator to track the progress of a function with a spinner. The decorated function should not require explicit progress updates. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): profile_section = ProfileSection(func.__name__, enable=True, do_print=False) console = Console() with LogSpinner(func.__name__): with profile_section: result = func(*args, **kwargs) #profile_section.stop() # Display timing information using rich panel = f"[bold green]{profile_section.msg}[/bold green]\n" f"[cyan]Elapsed Time:[/cyan] {make_time_str('elapsed', profile_section.elapsedTime)}\n" f"[cyan]Total Time:[/cyan] {make_time_str('total', profile_section.totalTime)}\n" f"[cyan]Avg Time:[/cyan] {make_time_str('avg', profile_section.avgTime)}\n" f"[yellow]Calls:[/yellow] {profile_section.numCalls}", title="Profile Report", border_style="bright_blue" ) console.print(panel) #print(str(profile_section)) return result return wrapper def make_time_str(msg, value): # do something fancy value, time_unit = (value / 60, 'min') if value >= 60 else (value * 1000, 'ms') if value < 0.01 else (value, 's') return f"{msg}={int(value) if value % 1 == 0 else value:.2f} {time_unit}" def create_or_get_profile(key, enable=False, do_print=False): if key not in ProfileSection.Registry: ProfileSection.Registry[key] = ProfileSection(key, enable, do_print) return ProfileSection.Registry[key] def profile_start(msg, enable=True, do_print=False): p = create_or_get_profile(msg, enable, do_print) if not enable: p.start() def profile_stop(msg): if key in ProfileSection.Registry: create_or_get_profile(msg).stop() def get_profile_registry(): return ProfileSection.Registry from loguru import logger def get_profile_reports(): reports = [value for value in ProfileSection.Registry.values()] reports.sort(key=lambda x: (x.totalTime, x.avgTime), reverse=True) return reports def log_profile_registry(use_color=True): formatted_output = format_profile_registry(use_color=use_color) print(formatted_output) #return formatted_output def allow_curly_braces(original_string): escaped_string = original_string.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}") #print("Escaped String:", escaped_string) # Debug output return escaped_string def format_profile_registry(use_color=True): reports = get_profile_reports() out_str = [] out_str.append('=== Profile Reports ===\n') for report in reports: out_str.append(str(report)+'\n') out_str.append('===>_<===\n') return ''.join(out_str) # import random # def do_this(y): # p = ProfileSection("do_this", True) #only way to use the auto destruct method # x = random.randint(0, (y+1)*2) # print(f'do_this: {x} - {y}') # for index in range(1000): # do_this(index) # log_profile_registry()