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9ad12c3 verified
from .ansi_utils import ansi_link_str, ansi_color_str
def get_type_name(attr):
return type(attr).__name__
def is_complex_type(obj):
return is_of_type(variable, (list, set, dict)) or hasattr(variable, '__dict__')
def is_bytes_like_type(obj, bytes_like_types=(memoryview, bytes, bytearray), raise_err=False):
return is_of_type(obj, bytes_like_types)
except TypeError as e:
if raise_err:
raise TypeError(f"Provided object does not match the provided types: {bytes_like_types}")
return False
def is_of_type(obj, types, raise_err=False):
if isinstance(obj, (types)):
return True
elif raise_err:
raise TypeError(f"Provided object does not match the provided types: {tuple(types)}")
return False
def get_partial_argspec(method):
if not callable(method):
return None # Not a callable object
full_argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(method)
return full_argspec
except TypeError:
# Fallback to using inspect.signature
signature = get_signature(method)
if signature:
parameters = signature.parameters
args = [param for param in parameters if parameters[param].default == parameters[param].empty]
varargs = signature.varargs
varkw = signature.varkw
defaults = [parameters[param].default for param in args]
return inspect.FullArgSpec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults)
def get_signature(method):
signature = inspect.signature(method)
return signature
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return None
def get_method_args(method):
full_arg_spec = get_partial_argspec(method)
if full_arg_spec:
args = [arg for arg in full_arg_spec.args if
getattr(method, arg, None) is not None and getattr(method, arg, "") != ""]
kwargs = {key: getattr(method, key, None) for key in full_arg_spec.kwonlyargs}
kwargs_defaults = {key: value for key, value in
zip(full_arg_spec.kwonlyargs, full_arg_spec.kwonlydefaults or ())}
args.extend(f"{key}={value}" for key, value in kwargs.items() if value is not None and value != "")
return args
return None
def get_source_info(attr):
source_lines, line_number = inspect.getsourcelines(attr)
source_file_path = inspect.getsourcefile(attr)
source_file = os.path.relpath(source_file_path)
return f"/{source_file}::{line_number}"
except Exception as e:
return "Source info not available!"
def get_method_info(method):
args = get_method_args(method)
args_str = ", ".join(args) if args else ''
signature = get_signature(method)
return_str = f' -> {signature.return_annotation}' if signature and signature.return_annotation is not inspect.Signature.empty else ''
source_info = get_source_info(method)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Source info not available!", e)
# Construct the file:// URL with line number for the method if available
method_file_url = f"file://{inspect.getsourcefile(method)}#L{inspect.getsourcelines(method)[1]}"
method_link = ansi_link_str(method_file_url, "Source")
# Include the link in the method signature string
method_signature = f"{signature}{return_str}: {method_link}\n-->{source_info}"
return method_signature
def get_var_value(variable):
return f'{str(variable)}' if not is_of_type(variable, (list, set, dict)) or hasattr(variable, '__dict__') else '...'
def get_variable_info(variable):
return f"<{ get_type_name(variable) }>: { get_var_value(variable) }"
def list_class_attributes(cls, verbose=True, use_color=False):
def format_str(s, fg=None):
return ansi_color_str(s, fg=fg) if use_color else s
# Determine whether cls is a class or an instance of a class
if inspect.isclass(cls):
class_name = cls.__name__
class_name = cls.__class__.__name__
variables = [
f'{attribute}{get_variable_info(getattr(cls, attribute))}' if verbose else f'{attribute}<{get_type_name(getattr(cls, attribute))}>'
for attribute in dir(cls) if not attribute.startswith('__') and not callable(getattr(cls, attribute))]
methods = [f'{attribute}{get_method_info(getattr(cls, attribute))}' if verbose else f'{attribute}<method>' for
attribute in dir(cls) if not attribute.startswith('__') and callable(getattr(cls, attribute))]
variables_str = '\n'.join([f' - {format_str(var, fg="green")}' for var in variables])
methods_str = '\n'.join([f' - {format_str(method, fg="blue")}' for method in methods])
cls_name = format_str(class_name, fg="cyan") if use_color else class_name
return f'===list_class_attributes of: {cls_name}:\n===<variables>===\n{variables_str}\n===<methods>===\n{methods_str}'
def get_class_attributes(cls, verbose=True, use_color=True):
def format_str(s, fg=None):
return ansi_color_str(s, fg=fg) if use_color else s
attributes_dict = {'variables': {}, 'methods': {}}
for attribute_v in vars(cls):
if not attribute_v.startswith('__') and 'stat' not in attribute_v:
attr = getattr(cls, attribute_v)
if not callable(attr):
attr_info = get_variable_info(attr) if verbose else ''
formatted_key = format_str(attribute_v, fg="green")
formatted_value = format_str(attr_info, fg="cyan") if verbose else ''
attributes_dict['variables'][attribute_v] = f'\n ~ {formatted_key}{formatted_value}'
for attribute in dir(cls):
if not attribute.startswith('__'):
attr = getattr(cls, attribute)
if callable(attr):
method_info = get_method_info(attr) if verbose else ''
formatted_key = format_str(attribute, fg="blue")
formatted_value = format_str(method_info, fg="cyan") if verbose else ''
attributes_dict['methods'][attribute] = f'\n ~ {formatted_key}{formatted_value}'
return attributes_dict
import threading
def get_thread_info(message='', use_color=True):
current_thread = threading.current_thread()
current_thread_name =
current_thread_id = current_thread.ident
current_thread_alive = current_thread.is_alive()
# Construct the colored thread info
thread_info = f'thread:{current_thread_name}::{current_thread_id}::{current_thread_alive}'
if use_color:
thread_info = ansi_color_str(thread_info,fg='yellow', bg='bright_yellow')
formatted_message = f'{thread_info}:{message}'
return formatted_message
import inspect
import os
# Get the current frame
def get_prev_frame(steps=1):
curr_frame = inspect.currentframe()
# Traverse back the specified number of steps in the call stack
for _ in range(steps):
if curr_frame is not None:
curr_frame = curr_frame.f_back
if curr_frame is None:
return None
return curr_frame
def get_prev_frame_from_frame(frame, steps=1):
curr_frame = frame
# Traverse back the specified number of steps in the call stack
for _ in range(steps):
if frame is not None:
curr_frame = curr_frame.f_back
if curr_frame is None:
return None
return curr_frame
def get_prev_caller_info(message='', use_color=True, steps=99):
# Get the current frame
curr_frame = inspect.currentframe()
caller_frame = curr_frame.f_back
while not caller_frame.f_back is None:
caller_frame = caller_frame.f_back
steps -=1
if steps <= 0:
previous_frame = caller_frame
# Retrieve the information about the previous frame
frame_info = inspect.getframeinfo(previous_frame)
# Get the file name where the function was called
filename_with_path = frame_info.filename
# Extract only the file name
filename = os.path.basename(filename_with_path)
# Get the line number in the file where the function was called
linenumber = frame_info.lineno
# Get the function name
function = frame_info.function
# Format the string to include the passed message
caller_link = ansi_link_str(f"file:///{filename_with_path}", f"{filename}::{linenumber}::{function}") if use_color else f"{filename}::{linenumber}::{function}"
info_str = f"{caller_link}: {message}"
# Clean up to prevent reference cycles
del curr_frame
del caller_frame
del previous_frame
return info_str
def get_caller_info(message='', use_color=True):
# Get the current frame
curr_frame = inspect.currentframe()
# Get the caller's frame
caller_frame = curr_frame.f_back
# Retrieve the information about the caller's frame
frame_info = inspect.getframeinfo(caller_frame)
# Get the file name where the function was called
filename_with_path = frame_info.filename
# Extract only the file name
filename = os.path.basename(filename_with_path)
# Get the line number in the file where the function was called
linenumber = frame_info.lineno
# get the function name
function = frame_info.function
# Format the string to include the passed message
#caller_link = f"file:///{filename_with_path}", f"{filename}::{linenumber}::{function}"
caller_link = ansi_link_str(f"file:///{filename_with_path}", f"{filename}::{linenumber}::{function}") if use_color else f"{filename}::{linenumber}::{function}"
#caller_link = f"{filename}::{linenumber}::{function}"
info_str = f"{caller_link}: {message}" # file://
# Clean up to prevent reference cycles
del curr_frame
del caller_frame
return info_str
def get_class_name(obj):
return obj.__class__.__name__