import urllib import streamlit as st import requests import re from stqdm import stqdm import os import shutil import time from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs from datetime import datetime from random import uniform as rand import numpy as np class XRxivQuery: def __init__(self, search_query, max_results, folder_name='docs', XRxiv_servers = [], search_by='all', sort_by='relevance'): self.search_query = search_query self.max_results = max_results self.folder_name = folder_name self.XRxiv_servers = XRxiv_servers self.search_by = search_by self.sort_by = sort_by self.all_pdf_info = [] self.all_pdf_citation = [] def call_API(self): search_query = self.search_query.strip().replace(" ", "+").split('+')#.replace(", ", "+").replace(",", "+")#.split('+') max_papers_in_server = distibute_max_papers(self.max_results, self.XRxiv_servers) if 'rxiv' in self.XRxiv_servers: ''' Scraps the arXiv's html to get data from each entry in a search. Entries has the following formatting: \n\n 2021-05-11T12:00:24Z\n 2020-08-11T08:47:06Z\n Bayesian Selective Inference: Non-informative Priors\n We discuss Bayesian inference for parameters selected using the data. First,\nwe provide a critical analysis of the existing positions in the literature\nregarding the correct Bayesian approach under selection. Second, we propose two\ntypes of non-informative priors for selection models. These priors may be\nemployed to produce a posterior distribution in the absence of prior\ninformation as well as to provide well-calibrated frequentist inference for the\nselected parameter. We test the proposed priors empirically in several\nscenarios.\n\n \n Daniel G. Rasines\n \n \n G. Alastair Young\n \n 24 pages, 7 figures\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ''' # Call arXiv API journal = 'arXiv' max_rxiv_papers = max_papers_in_server[0] arXiv_url=f'{self.search_by}:{"+".join(search_query)}&sortBy={self.sort_by}&start=0&max_results={max_rxiv_papers}' with urllib.request.urlopen(arXiv_url) as url: s = # Parse the xml data from lxml import html root = html.fromstring(s) # Fetch relevant pdf information pdf_entries = root.xpath("entry") pdf_titles = [] pdf_authors = [] pdf_urls = [] pdf_categories = [] folder_names = [] pdf_citation = [] pdf_years = [] for i, pdf in enumerate(pdf_entries): pdf_titles.append(re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ' ', pdf.xpath("title/text()")[0])) pdf_authors.append(pdf.xpath("author/name/text()")) pdf_urls.append(pdf.xpath("link[@title='pdf']/@href")[0]) pdf_categories.append(pdf.xpath("category/@term")) folder_names.append(self.folder_name) pdf_years.append(pdf.xpath('updated/text()')[0][:4]) pdf_citation.append(f"{', '.join(pdf_authors[i])}, {pdf_titles[i]}. {journal} [{pdf_categories[i][0]}] ({pdf_years[i]}), (available at {pdf_urls[i]}).") pdf_info = list(zip(pdf_titles, pdf_urls, pdf_authors, pdf_categories, folder_names, pdf_citation)) self.all_pdf_info.append(pdf_info) if 'biorxiv' in self.XRxiv_servers or 'medrxiv' in self.XRxiv_servers: ''' Scraps the arXiv's html to get data from each entry in a search. Entries has the following formatting:
  • ClinGen Variant Curation Interface: A Variant Classification Platform for the Application of Evidence Criteria from ACMG/AMP Guidelines
    Christine G. Preston, Matt W. Wright, Rao Madhavrao,
  • \n ''' if 'biorxiv' in self.XRxiv_servers and 'medrxiv' not in self.XRxiv_servers: # print('Searching biorxiv\n') max_biorxiv_papers = max_papers_in_server[2] journals_str = f'%20jcode%3Abiorxiv' if 'biorxiv' not in self.XRxiv_servers and 'medrxiv' in self.XRxiv_servers: # print('Searching medrxiv\n') max_biorxiv_papers = max_papers_in_server[3] journals_str = f'%20jcode%3Amedrxiv' if 'biorxiv' in self.XRxiv_servers and 'medrxiv' in self.XRxiv_servers: # print('Searching both biorxiv and medrxiv\n') max_biorxiv_papers = max_papers_in_server[3]+ max_papers_in_server[2] # birxiv and medrxiv are together. journals_str = f'%20jcode%3Abiorxiv%7C%7Cmedrxiv' subject_str = ('%20').join(self.search_query[0].split()) for subject in search_query[1:]: subject_str = subject_str + '%252B' + ('%20').join(subject.split()) current_dateTime = today = str(current_dateTime)[:10] start_day = '2013-01-01' arXiv_url = f'' arXiv_url += subject_str + journals_str + f'%20limit_from%3A2{start_day}%20limit_to%3A{today}%20numresults%3A{max_biorxiv_papers}%20sort%3Arelevance-rank%20format_result%3Astandard' url_response = html = bs(url_response.text, features='html.parser') pdf_entries = html.find_all(attrs={'class': 'search-result'}) pdf_titles = [] pdf_authors = [] pdf_urls = [] pdf_categories = [] folder_names = [] pdf_citation = [] pdf_years = [] for i, pdf in enumerate(pdf_entries): pdf_titles.append(pdf.find('span', attrs={'class': 'highwire-cite-title'}).text.strip()) pdf_authors.append(pdf.find('span', attrs={'class': 'highwire-citation-authors'}).text.strip().split(', ')) pdf_url = pdf.find('a', href=True)['href'] if pdf_url[:4] != 'http': pdf_url = f''+ pdf_url pdf_urls.append(pdf_url) pdf_categories.append(pdf.find('span', attrs={'class': 'highwire-cite-metadata-journal highwire-cite-metadata'}).text.strip()) folder_names.append(self.folder_name) pdf_years.append(pdf.find('span', attrs={'class': 'highwire-cite-metadata-pages highwire-cite-metadata'}).text.strip()[:4]) pdf_citation.append(f"{', '.join(pdf_authors[i])}, {pdf_titles[i]}. {pdf_categories[i]} ({pdf_years[i]}), (available at {pdf_urls[i]}).") pdf_info = list(zip(pdf_titles, pdf_urls, pdf_authors, pdf_categories, folder_names, pdf_citation)) self.all_pdf_info.append(pdf_info) self.all_pdf_info = [item for sublist in self.all_pdf_info for item in sublist] return self.all_pdf_info def download_pdf(self): # if len(os.listdir(f'./{folder_name}') ) != 0: # check folder is empty to avoid using papers from old runs: # os.remove(f'./{folder_name}/*') # print(pdf_info) all_reference_text = [] for i,p in enumerate(stqdm(self.all_pdf_info, desc='🔍 Searching and downloading papers')): pdf_title=p[0] pdf_category=p[3] pdf_url=p[1] if pdf_category in ['medRxiv', 'bioRxiv']: pdf_url += '.full.pdf' pdf_file_name=p[0].replace(':','').replace('/','').replace('.','') folder_name=p[4] pdf_citation=p[5] r = requests.get(pdf_url, allow_redirects=True) if i == 0: if not os.path.exists(f'{folder_name}'): os.makedirs(f"{folder_name}") else: shutil.rmtree(f'{folder_name}') os.makedirs(f"{folder_name}") with open(f'{folder_name}/{pdf_file_name}.pdf', 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) if i == 0: st.markdown("###### Papers found:") st.markdown(f"{i+1}. {pdf_citation}") time.sleep(0.15) all_reference_text.append(f"{i+1}. {pdf_citation}\n") if 'all_reference_text' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.key = 'all_reference_text' st.session_state['all_reference_text'] = ' '.join(all_reference_text) def distibute_max_papers(max_results, XRxiv_servers): fixed_length = len(XRxiv_servers) sample = np.random.multinomial(max_results - fixed_length, np.ones(fixed_length)/fixed_length, size=1)[0] + 1 max_papers_in_server = np.zeros(4, dtype=int) all_servers = ['rxiv', 'chemrxiv', 'biorxiv', 'medrxiv'] for i,s in enumerate(XRxiv_servers): max_papers_in_server[all_servers.index(s)] = int(sample[i]) return max_papers_in_server