import gradio as gr |
import subprocess |
import os |
import json |
import uuid |
import requests |
from pypipertts import PyPiper |
pp=PyPiper() |
my_examples = """ |
An der Zäit hunn sech den Nordwand an d’Sonn gestridden, wie vun hinnen zwee wuel méi staark wier, |
wéi e Wanderer, deen an ee waarme Mantel agepak war, iwwert de Wee koum. |
Si goufen sech eens, datt deejéinege fir dee Stäerkste gëlle sollt, deen de Wanderer forcéiere géif, säi Mantel auszedoen. |
Den Nordwand huet mat aller Force geblosen, awer wat e méi geblosen huet, wat de Wanderer sech méi a säi Mantel agewéckelt huet. |
Um Enn huet den Nordwand säi Kampf opginn. Dunn huet d’Sonn d’Loft mat hire frëndleche Strale gewiermt, |
a schonn no kuerzer Zäit huet de Wanderer säi Mantel ausgedoen. Do huet den Nordwand missen zouginn, |
datt d’Sonn vun hinnen zwee dee Stäerkste wier.""" |
def init(): |
key_list=pp.key_list |
return(gr.update(label="Voice",choices=key_list,value="lb_LU-marylux-medium",interactive=True)) |
def load_mod(instr="lb_LU-marylux-medium"): |
load_mes=gr.Info(f"""Loading Model...<br>{instr}""",duration=2) |
pp.load_mod(instr=instr) |
with open(pp.json_ob,'r') as f: |
json_ob=f.read() |
load_mes=gr.Info(f"Model Loaded<br>{instr}",duration=2) |
return json_ob |
def save_set(model,length,noise,width,sen_pause): |
if not os.path.isdir(f'{os.getcwd()}/saved'): |
os.mkdir(f'{os.getcwd()}/saved') |
set_json={"model":model,"length":length,"noise":noise,"width":width,"pause":sen_pause} |
file_name=f'{model}__{length}__{noise}__{width}__{sen_pause}'.replace(".","_") |
with open(f'{os.getcwd()}/saved/{file_name}.json','w') as file: |
file.write(json.dumps(set_json,indent=4)) |
file.close() |
return(f'{os.getcwd()}/saved/{file_name}.json') |
def load_set(set_file): |
with open(set_file,'r') as file: |
set_json=json.loads(file.read()) |
file.close() |
return(gr.update(value=set_json['model']),gr.update(value=set_json['length']), |
gr.update(value=set_json['noise']),gr.update(value=set_json['width']), |
gr.update(value=set_json['pause'])) |
txt="""PiperTTS is a powerful text-to-speech TTS node designed to convert written text into high-quality spoken audio. This node leverages advanced voice synthesis models to generate natural-sounding speech, making it an invaluable tool for AI developers looking to add a vocal element to their projects.""" |
def button_on(stream): |
if stream==True: |
return gr.update(interactive=True,visible=True),gr.update(interactive=False,visible=False) |
if stream==False: |
return gr.update(interactive=False,visible=False),gr.update(interactive=True,visible=True) |
def clear_aud(): |
return None |
with gr.Blocks() as b: |
gr.HTML("<h1>Rhasspy Piper LU Streaming</h1>") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(scale=2): |
in_txt=gr.Textbox(label="Text",lines=10) |
names=gr.Dropdown() |
with gr.Row(): |
stream_btn=gr.Button("Stream",interactive=True,visible=True) |
sub_btn=gr.Button(interactive=False,visible=False) |
cancel_btn=gr.Button("Stop") |
out_aud=gr.Audio(streaming=True, autoplay=True) |
with gr.Column(scale=1): |
with gr.Accordion("Control", open=False): |
stream=gr.Checkbox(label="Stream",info="Streaming is fast, but lower quality",value=True,interactive=True) |
length=gr.Slider(label="Length", minimum=0.01, maximum=10.0, value=1) |
noise=gr.Slider(label="Noise", minimum=0.01, maximum=3.0, value=1, visible=True) |
width=gr.Slider(label="Noise Width", minimum=0.01, maximum=3.0, value=1, visible=True) |
sen_pause=gr.Slider(label="Sentence Pause", minimum=0.1, maximum=10.0, value=1, visible=True) |
with gr.Tab("Save Settings"): |
save_btn=gr.Button("Save") |
save_file=gr.File() |
with gr.Tab("Load Settings"): |
load_file=gr.File() |
with gr.Accordion("Model Config", open=False): |
json_ob=gr.JSON(label="JSON") |
f1=stream.change(button_on,stream,[stream_btn,sub_btn]) |
f2=save_btn.click(save_set,[names,length,noise,width,sen_pause],save_file) |
f3=load_file.change(load_set,load_file,[names,length,noise,width,sen_pause]) |
f4=names.change(load_mod,names,json_ob).then(clear_aud,None,out_aud) |
f5=stream_btn.click(clear_aud,None,out_aud) |
f6=stream_btn.click(pp.stream_tts,[in_txt,names,length,noise,width,sen_pause],out_aud) |
f7=sub_btn.click(clear_aud,None,out_aud) |
f8=sub_btn.click(pp.tts,[in_txt,names,length,noise,width,sen_pause],out_aud) |
cancel_btn.click(None,None,None,cancels=[f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8]) |
b.load(init,None,names) |
b.launch() |