Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 7,124 Bytes
db5855f |
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import argparse
import re
from pathlib import Path
import nbformat
import nbconvert
from traitlets.config import Config
# Notebooks that are excluded from the CI tests
EXCLUDED_NOTEBOOKS = ["data-preparation-ct-scan.ipynb", "pytorch-monai-training.ipynb"]
DEVICE_WIDGET = "device = widgets.Dropdown("
def disable_gradio_debug(nb, notebook_path):
found = False
for cell in nb["cells"]:
if "gradio" in cell["source"] and "debug" in cell["source"]:
found = True
cell["source"] = cell["source"].replace("debug=True", "debug=False")
if found:
print(f"Disabled gradio debug mode for {notebook_path}")
return nb
def disable_skip_ext(nb, notebook_path, test_device=""):
found = False
skip_for_device = None if test_device else False
for cell in nb["cells"]:
if test_device is not None and skip_for_device is None:
if (
'skip_for_device = "{}" in device.value'.format(test_device) in cell["source"]
and "to_quantize = widgets.Checkbox(value=not skip_for_device" in cell["source"]
skip_for_device = True
if "%%skip" in cell["source"]:
found = True
if not skip_for_device:
cell["source"] = re.sub(r"%%skip.*.\n", "\n", cell["source"])
cell["source"] = '"""\n' + cell["source"] + '\n"""'
if found:
print(f"Disabled skip extension mode for {notebook_path}")
return nb
def remove_ov_install(cell):
updated_lines = []
def has_additional_deps(str_part):
if "%pip" in str_part:
return False
if "install" in str_part:
return False
if str_part.startswith("-"):
return False
if str_part.startswith("https://"):
return False
return True
lines = cell["source"].split("\n")
for line in lines:
if "openvino" in line:
updated_line_content = []
empty = True
package_found = False
for part in line.split(" "):
if "openvino-dev" in part:
package_found = True
if "openvino-nightly" in part:
package_found = True
if "openvino-tokenizers" in part:
package_found = True
if "openvino>" in part or "openvino=" in part or "openvino" == part:
package_found = True
if empty:
empty = not has_additional_deps(part)
if package_found:
if not empty:
updated_line = " ".join(updated_line_content)
if line.startswith(" "):
for token in line:
if token != " ":
# keep indention
updated_line = " " + updated_line
updated_lines.append(updated_line + "\n# " + line)
cell["source"] = "\n".join(updated_lines)
def patch_notebooks(notebooks_dir, test_device="", skip_ov_install=False):
Patch notebooks in notebooks directory with replacement values
found in notebook metadata to speed up test execution.
This function is specific for the OpenVINO notebooks
Github Actions CI.
For example: change nr of epochs from 15 to 1 in
tensorflow-training-openvino-nncf.ipynb by adding
{"test_replace": {"epochs = 15": "epochs = 1"} to the cell
metadata of the cell that contains `epochs = 15`
:param notebooks_dir: Directory that contains the notebook subdirectories.
For example: openvino_notebooks/notebooks
nb_convert_config = Config()
nb_convert_config.NotebookExporter.preprocessors = ["nbconvert.preprocessors.ClearOutputPreprocessor"]
output_remover = nbconvert.NotebookExporter(nb_convert_config)
for notebookfile in Path(notebooks_dir).glob("**/*.ipynb"):
if not str("test_") and not in EXCLUDED_NOTEBOOKS:
nb =, as_version=nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
found = False
device_found = False
for cell in nb["cells"]:
if skip_ov_install and "%pip" in cell["source"]:
if test_device and DEVICE_WIDGET in cell["source"]:
device_found = True
cell["source"] = re.sub(r"value=.*,", f"value='{test_device.upper()}',", cell["source"])
cell["source"] = re.sub(
f"options=['{test_device.upper()}'] + ",
print(f"Replaced testing device to {test_device}")
replace_dict = cell.get("metadata", {}).get("test_replace")
if replace_dict is not None:
found = True
for source_value, target_value in replace_dict.items():
if source_value not in cell["source"]:
raise ValueError(f"Processing {notebookfile} failed: {source_value} does not exist in cell")
cell["source"] = cell["source"].replace(source_value, target_value)
cell["source"] = "# Modified for testing\n" + cell["source"]
print(f"Processed {notebookfile}: {source_value} -> {target_value}")
if test_device and not device_found:
print(f"No device replacement found for {notebookfile}")
if not found:
print(f"No replacements found for {notebookfile}")
disable_gradio_debug(nb, notebookfile)
disable_skip_ext(nb, notebookfile, args.test_device)
nb_without_out, _ = output_remover.from_notebook_node(nb)
with notebookfile.with_name(f"test_{}").open("w", encoding="utf-8") as out_file:
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Notebook patcher")
parser.add_argument("notebooks_dir", default=".")
parser.add_argument("-td", "--test_device", default="")
parser.add_argument("--skip_ov_install", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not Path(args.notebooks_dir).is_dir():
raise ValueError(f"'{args.notebooks_dir}' is not an existing directory")
patch_notebooks(args.notebooks_dir, args.test_device, args.skip_ov_install)