import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from itertools import count from heapq import heappush, heappop from collections import defaultdict import time import pandas as pd from datashader.bundling import hammer_bundle # New import for hammer bundling ############################################################################### # Minimal AbstractBundling base class (refactored from .abstractBundling import) ############################################################################### class AbstractBundling: def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph): self.G = G def bundle(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses should implement 'bundle'.") ############################################################################### # Simple SplineC placeholder (refactoring out the nx2ipe dependency) ############################################################################### class SplineC: def __init__(self, points): self.points = points ############################################################################### # A base SpannerBundling class that SpannerBundlingNoSP depends on ############################################################################### class SpannerBundling(AbstractBundling): """ S-EPB. Implementation weightFactor: kappa value that sets the bundling strength distortion: t value that sets the maximum allowed stretch/distortion numWorkers: number of workers that process biconnected components """ def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph, weightFactor=2, distortion=2, numWorkers=1): super().__init__(G) self.distortion = distortion self.weightFactor = weightFactor self.mode = "greedy" = None self.numWorkers = numWorkers @property def name(self): return f"SEPB_d_{self.distortion}_w_{self.weightFactor}_{self.mode}" @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = value def bundle(self): # Default does nothing return 0.0 def process(self, component): # Default does nothing pass def spanner(self, g, k): # Default does nothing return None ############################################################################### # The requested SpannerBundlingNoSP class ############################################################################### class SpannerBundlingNoSP(SpannerBundling): """ S-EPB where instead of computing single source shortest paths we reuse shortest paths during the spanner construction. """ def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph, weightFactor=2, distortion=2): super().__init__(G) self.distortion = distortion self.weightFactor = weightFactor self.mode = "reuse" def bundle(self): """ Executes the bundling process on all biconnected components. Returns the total time for bundling. """ t_start = time.process_time() if nx.is_directed(self.G): # Convert to undirected for the biconnected components GG = self.G.to_undirected(as_view=True) components = nx.biconnected_components(GG) else: components = nx.biconnected_components(self.G) to_process = [] for nodes in components: if len(nodes) > 2: subg = self.G.subgraph(nodes).copy() to_process.append(subg) # Sort the components from largest to smallest to_process = sorted(to_process, key=lambda x: len(x.nodes()), reverse=True) # Process each component for comp in to_process: self.process(comp) return time.process_time() - t_start def process(self, component): """ Process a component: build a spanner, then for each edge not in the spanner, store a 'path' and create a Spline if possible. """ T = self.spanner(component, self.distortion) # Mark edges in T as 'Spanning' for u, v, data in T.edges(data=True): data["weight"] = np.power(data["dist"], self.weightFactor) for u, v in T.edges(): self.G[u][v]["Layer"] = "Spanning" self.G[u][v]["Stroke"] = "blue" # For edges not in T, build a spline from the stored path for u, v, data in component.edges(data=True): if T.has_edge(u, v): continue path = data.get("path", []) if len(path) < 1: continue spline_points = [] current = path[0] for nxt in path[1:-1]: x = component.nodes[nxt].get("X", component.nodes[nxt].get("x", 0)) y = component.nodes[nxt].get("Y", component.nodes[nxt].get("y", 0)) spline_points.append((x, y)) current = nxt self.G[u][v]["Spline"] = SplineC(spline_points) self.G[u][v]["Layer"] = "Bundled" self.G[u][v]["Stroke"] = "purple" return def spanner(self, g, k): """ Create a spanner and store the shortest path in edge['path'] when the edge is not added to the spanner. """ if nx.is_directed(g): spanner = nx.DiGraph() else: spanner = nx.Graph() edges = sorted(g.edges(data=True), key=lambda t: t[2].get("dist", 1)) for u, v, data in edges: if u not in spanner.nodes: spanner.add_edge(u, v, dist=data["dist"]) continue if v not in spanner.nodes: spanner.add_edge(u, v, dist=data["dist"]) continue pred, pathLength = nx.dijkstra_predecessor_and_distance( spanner, u, weight="dist", cutoff=k * data["dist"] ) # If v is in pathLength, we store the path in data['path'] if v in pathLength: # reconstruct path from v back to u path = [] nxt = v while nxt != u: path.append(nxt) nxt = pred[nxt][0] # remove the first node (==v) because we typically want just intermediate path = path[1:] path.reverse() data["path"] = path else: spanner.add_edge(u, v, dist=data["dist"]) return spanner ############################################################################### # Function to plot only the bundled edges (with optional color gradient) ############################################################################### def plot_bundled_edges_only(G, edge_gradient=False, node_colors=None, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """ Plots only the edges whose 'Layer' is 'Bundled' (or user-defined). Nodes are plotted for reference in black. Parameters: G: NetworkX graph title: Plot title edge_gradient: If True, color edges with gradient node_colors: Dictionary of node colors ax: Optional matplotlib axis to plot on. If None, creates new figure. **plot_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to LineCollection """ # Use provided axis or create new one if ax is None: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = plt.gca() # 1. Extract positions pos = {} for node, data in G.nodes(data=True): x = data.get('X', data.get('x', 0)) y = data.get('Y', data.get('y', 0)) pos[node] = (x, y) # 2. Assign or retrieve node colors. If your graph doesn't already have # some color-coded attribute, you can define them here. # For example, let's just fix them to green for demonstration: # node_colors = {} # for node in G.nodes(): # node_colors[node] = (0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0) # RGBA # 3. Build up segments (and possibly per-segment colors) for the edges def binomial(n, k): """Compute the binomial coefficient (n choose k).""" coeff = 1 for i in range(1, k + 1): coeff *= (n - i + 1) / i return coeff def approxBezier(points, n=50): """ Compute and return n points along a Bezier curve defined by control points. """ X, Y = [], [] m = len(points) - 1 binom_vals = [binomial(m, i) for i in range(m + 1)] t_values = np.linspace(0, 1, n) for t in t_values: pX, pY = 0.0, 0.0 for i, p in enumerate(points): coeff = binom_vals[i] * ((1 - t) ** (m - i)) * (t ** i) pX += coeff * p[0] pY += coeff * p[1] X.append(pX) Y.append(pY) return np.column_stack([X, Y]) edge_segments = [] edge_colors = [] for u, v, data in G.edges(data=True): if data.get("Layer", None) != "Bundled": # Skip edges not marked as bundled continue # (a) Gather the control points if "Spline" in data and data["Spline"] is not None: spline_obj = data["Spline"] control_points = list(spline_obj.points) # Add the start/end for completeness control_points = [pos[u]] + control_points + [pos[v]] else: # fallback to a straight line control_points = [pos[u], pos[v]] # (b) Approximate a curve from these control points # We always subdivide if edge_gradient is True. # If not gradient-based, only subdivide for an actual curve. do_subdivide = edge_gradient or (len(control_points) > 2) if do_subdivide: curve_points = approxBezier(control_points, n=50) else: curve_points = np.array(control_points) # (c) If we're using gradient, we break it into small segments, each with a color if edge_gradient: c_u = np.array(node_colors[u]) # RGBA for source node c_v = np.array(node_colors[v]) # RGBA for target node num_pts = len(curve_points) for i in range(num_pts - 1): p0 = curve_points[i] p1 = curve_points[i + 1] # fraction along the curve t = i / max(1, (num_pts - 2)) seg_color = (1 - t) * c_u + t * c_v # linear interpolation in RGBA edge_segments.append([p0, p1]) edge_colors.append(seg_color) else: # Single color for the entire edge if len(curve_points) > 1: edge_segments.append([curve_points[0], curve_points[-1]]) edge_colors.append((0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.9)) # purple RGBA # 4. Plot # Remove the plt.figure() call since we're using the provided axis # Set default values for LineCollection lc_kwargs = { 'linewidths': 1, 'alpha': 0.9 } # If colors weren't explicitly passed and we calculated edge_colors, use them if 'colors' not in plot_kwargs and edge_colors: lc_kwargs['colors'] = edge_colors # Update with user-provided kwargs lc_kwargs.update(plot_kwargs) # Create the LineCollection with all parameters lc = LineCollection(edge_segments, **lc_kwargs) ax.add_collection(lc) # The nodes in black # node_positions = np.array([pos[n] for n in G.nodes()]) # ax.scatter(node_positions[:, 0], node_positions[:, 1], color="black", s=20, alpha=0.8) # ax.set_aspect('equal') # Remove since we want to allow further additions to the plot ############################################################################### # Convenience function to run SpannerBundlingNoSP on a graph and plot results ############################################################################### def run_and_plot_spanner_bundling_no_sp(G, weightFactor=2, distortion=2, edge_gradient=False, node_colors=None, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """ Create an instance of SpannerBundlingNoSP, run .bundle(), and plot only the bundled edges. Pass edge_gradient=True to see color-gradient edges. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the LineCollection for edge styling. """ bundler = SpannerBundlingNoSP(G, weightFactor=weightFactor, distortion=distortion) bundler.bundle() plot_bundled_edges_only(G, edge_gradient=edge_gradient, node_colors=node_colors, ax=ax, **plot_kwargs) def run_hammer_bundling(G, accuracy=500, advect_iterations=50, batch_size=20000, decay=0.01, initial_bandwidth=1.1, iterations=4, max_segment_length=0.016, min_segment_length=0.008, tension=1.2): """ Run hammer bundling on a NetworkX graph and return the bundled paths. """ # Create nodes DataFrame nodes = [] node_to_index = {} for i, (node, attr) in enumerate(G.nodes(data=True)): x = attr.get('X', attr.get('x', 0)) y = attr.get('Y', attr.get('y', 0)) nodes.append({'node': node, 'x': x, 'y': y}) node_to_index[node] = i nodes_df = pd.DataFrame(nodes) # Create edges DataFrame edges = [] for u, v in G.edges(): edges.append({'source': node_to_index[u], 'target': node_to_index[v]}) edges_df = pd.DataFrame(edges) # Apply hammer bundling bundled_paths = hammer_bundle(nodes_df, edges_df, accuracy=accuracy, advect_iterations=advect_iterations, batch_size=batch_size, decay=decay, initial_bandwidth=initial_bandwidth, iterations=iterations, max_segment_length=max_segment_length, min_segment_length=min_segment_length, tension=tension) # Convert bundled paths to a format compatible with our plotting function paths = [] current_path = [] edge_index = 0 for _, row in bundled_paths.iterrows(): if pd.isna(row['x']) or pd.isna(row['y']): if current_path: # Get source and target nodes for this edge source_idx = edges_df.iloc[edge_index]['source'] target_idx = edges_df.iloc[edge_index]['target'] source_node = nodes_df.iloc[source_idx]['node'] target_node = nodes_df.iloc[target_idx]['node'] paths.append((source_node, target_node, current_path)) current_path = [] edge_index += 1 else: current_path.append((row['x'], row['y'])) if current_path: # Handle the last path source_idx = edges_df.iloc[edge_index]['source'] target_idx = edges_df.iloc[edge_index]['target'] source_node = nodes_df.iloc[source_idx]['node'] target_node = nodes_df.iloc[target_idx]['node'] paths.append((source_node, target_node, current_path)) return paths def plot_bundled_edges(G, bundled_paths, edge_gradient=False, node_colors=None, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """ Generic plotting function that works with both bundling methods. Parameters: G: NetworkX graph bundled_paths: List of (source, target, path_points) tuples edge_gradient: If True, color edges with gradient node_colors: Dictionary of node colors ax: Optional matplotlib axis **plot_kwargs: Additional styling arguments """ if ax is None: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = plt.gca() def approxBezier(points, n=50): """Compute points along a Bezier curve.""" points = np.array(points) t = np.linspace(0, 1, n) return np.array([(1-t)*points[:-1] + t*points[1:] for t in t]).reshape(-1, 2) edge_segments = [] edge_colors = [] for source, target, path_points in bundled_paths: points = np.array(path_points) if edge_gradient: # Create segments with gradient colors c_u = np.array(node_colors[source]) c_v = np.array(node_colors[target]) num_pts = len(points) for i in range(num_pts - 1): p0, p1 = points[i], points[i + 1] t = i / max(1, (num_pts - 2)) seg_color = (1 - t) * c_u + t * c_v edge_segments.append([p0, p1]) edge_colors.append(seg_color) else: # Single color for the entire path for i in range(len(points) - 1): edge_segments.append([points[i], points[i + 1]]) edge_colors.append((0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.9)) # Plot edges lc_kwargs = {'linewidths': 1, 'alpha': 0.9} if edge_colors: lc_kwargs['colors'] = edge_colors lc_kwargs.update(plot_kwargs) lc = LineCollection(edge_segments, **lc_kwargs) ax.add_collection(lc) ax.autoscale() def run_and_plot_bundling(G, method='hammer', edge_gradient=False, node_colors=None, ax=None, bundling_params=None, **plot_kwargs): """ Unified function to run and plot different bundling methods. Parameters: G: NetworkX graph method: 'spanner' or 'hammer' bundling_params: dict of parameters specific to the bundling method Other parameters same as plot_bundled_edges """ bundling_params = bundling_params or {} if method == 'spanner': bundler = SpannerBundlingNoSP(G, **bundling_params) bundler.bundle() # Extract bundled paths from SpannerBundling format bundled_paths = [] for u, v, data in G.edges(data=True): if data.get("Layer") == "Bundled" and "Spline" in data: spline_points = data["Spline"].points pos_u = (G.nodes[u].get('X', G.nodes[u].get('x', 0)), G.nodes[u].get('Y', G.nodes[u].get('y', 0))) pos_v = (G.nodes[v].get('X', G.nodes[v].get('x', 0)), G.nodes[v].get('Y', G.nodes[v].get('y', 0))) path = [pos_u] + list(spline_points) + [pos_v] bundled_paths.append((u, v, path)) elif method == 'hammer': bundled_paths = run_hammer_bundling(G, **bundling_params) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown bundling method: {method}") plot_bundled_edges(G, bundled_paths, edge_gradient, node_colors, ax, **plot_kwargs)