"""Automatically wraps all NetworkX functions as LynxKite operations.""" | |
import collections | |
import types | |
from lynxkite.core import ops | |
import functools | |
import inspect | |
import networkx as nx | |
import re | |
import pandas as pd | |
ENV = "LynxKite Graph Analytics" | |
class UnsupportedParameterType(Exception): | |
pass | |
_UNSUPPORTED = object() | |
_SKIP = object() | |
def doc_to_type(name: str, type_hint: str) -> type: | |
type_hint = type_hint.lower() | |
type_hint = re.sub("[(][^)]+[)]", "", type_hint).strip().strip(".") | |
if " " in name or "http" in name: | |
return _UNSUPPORTED # Not a parameter type. | |
if type_hint.endswith(", optional"): | |
w = doc_to_type(name, type_hint.removesuffix(", optional").strip()) | |
if w is _UNSUPPORTED: | |
return _SKIP | |
return w if w is _SKIP else w | None | |
if type_hint in [ | |
"a digraph or multidigraph", | |
"a graph g", | |
"graph", | |
"graphs", | |
"networkx graph instance", | |
"networkx graph", | |
"networkx undirected graph", | |
"nx.graph", | |
"undirected graph", | |
"undirected networkx graph", | |
] or type_hint.startswith("networkx graph"): | |
return nx.Graph | |
elif type_hint in [ | |
"digraph-like", | |
"digraph", | |
"directed graph", | |
"networkx digraph", | |
"networkx directed graph", | |
"nx.digraph", | |
]: | |
return nx.DiGraph | |
elif type_hint == "node": | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint == '"node (optional)"': | |
return _SKIP | |
elif type_hint == '"edge"': | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint == '"edge (optional)"': | |
return _SKIP | |
elif type_hint in ["class", "data type"]: | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint in ["string", "str", "node label"]: | |
return str | |
elif type_hint in ["string or none", "none or string", "string, or none"]: | |
return str | None | |
elif type_hint in ["int", "integer"]: | |
return int | |
elif type_hint in ["bool", "boolean"]: | |
return bool | |
elif type_hint == "tuple": | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint == "set": | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint == "list of floats": | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint == "list of floats or float": | |
return float | |
elif type_hint in ["dict", "dictionary"]: | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint == "scalar or dictionary": | |
return float | |
elif type_hint == "none or dict": | |
return _SKIP | |
elif type_hint in ["function", "callable"]: | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint in [ | |
"collection", | |
"container of nodes", | |
"list of nodes", | |
]: | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint in [ | |
"container", | |
"generator", | |
"iterable", | |
"iterator", | |
"list or iterable container", | |
"list or iterable", | |
"list or set", | |
"list or tuple", | |
"list", | |
]: | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint == "generator of sets": | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint == "dict or a set of 2 or 3 tuples": | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint == "set of 2 or 3 tuples": | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
elif type_hint == "none, string or function": | |
return str | None | |
elif type_hint == "string or function" and name == "weight": | |
return str | |
elif type_hint == "integer, float, or none": | |
return float | None | |
elif type_hint in [ | |
"float", | |
"int or float", | |
"integer or float", | |
"integer, float", | |
"number", | |
"numeric", | |
"real", | |
"scalar", | |
]: | |
return float | |
elif type_hint in ["integer or none", "int or none"]: | |
return int | None | |
elif name == "seed": | |
return int | None | |
elif name == "weight": | |
return str | |
elif type_hint == "object": | |
return _UNSUPPORTED | |
return _SKIP | |
def types_from_doc(doc: str) -> dict[str, type]: | |
types = {} | |
for line in doc.splitlines(): | |
if ":" in line: | |
a, b = line.split(":", 1) | |
for a in a.split(","): | |
a = a.strip() | |
types[a] = doc_to_type(a, b) | |
return types | |
def wrapped(name: str, func): | |
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): | |
for k, v in kwargs.items(): | |
if v == "None": | |
kwargs[k] = None | |
res = func(*args, **kwargs) | |
# Figure out what the returned value is. | |
if isinstance(res, nx.Graph): | |
return res | |
if isinstance(res, types.GeneratorType): | |
res = list(res) | |
if name in ["articulation_points"]: | |
graph = args[0].copy() | |
nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 0, name=name) | |
nx.set_node_attributes(graph, {r: 1 for r in res}, name=name) | |
return graph | |
if isinstance(res, | |
if len(res) == 0: | |
return pd.DataFrame() | |
for a in args: | |
if isinstance(a, nx.Graph): | |
if a.number_of_nodes() == len(res): | |
graph = a.copy() | |
nx.set_node_attributes(graph, values=res, name=name) | |
return graph | |
if a.number_of_edges() == len(res): | |
graph = a.copy() | |
nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, values=res, name=name) | |
return graph | |
return pd.DataFrame({name: res}) | |
return pd.DataFrame({name: [res]}) | |
return wrapper | |
def _get_params(func) -> dict | None: | |
sig = inspect.signature(func) | |
# Get types from docstring. | |
types = types_from_doc(func.__doc__) | |
# Always hide these. | |
for k in ["backend", "backend_kwargs", "create_using"]: | |
types[k] = _SKIP | |
# Add in types based on signature. | |
for k, param in sig.parameters.items(): | |
if k in types: | |
continue | |
if param.annotation is not param.empty: | |
types[k] = param.annotation | |
if k in ["i", "j", "n"]: | |
types[k] = int | |
params = {} | |
for name, param in sig.parameters.items(): | |
_type = types.get(name, _UNSUPPORTED) | |
if _type is _UNSUPPORTED: | |
raise UnsupportedParameterType(name) | |
if _type is _SKIP or _type in [nx.Graph, nx.DiGraph]: | |
continue | |
params[name] = ops.Parameter.basic( | |
name=name, | |
default=str(param.default) | |
if type(param.default) in [str, int, float] | |
else None, | |
type=_type, | |
) | |
return params | |
("Barabasi Albert", "Barabasi–Albert"), | |
("Bellman Ford", "Bellman–Ford"), | |
("Bethe Hessian", "Bethe–Hessian"), | |
("Bfs", "BFS"), | |
("Dag ", "DAG "), | |
("Dfs", "DFS"), | |
("Dorogovtsev Goltsev Mendes", "Dorogovtsev–Goltsev–Mendes"), | |
("Erdos Renyi", "Erdos–Renyi"), | |
("Floyd Warshall", "Floyd–Warshall"), | |
("Gnc", "G(n,c)"), | |
("Gnm", "G(n,m)"), | |
("Gnp", "G(n,p)"), | |
("Gnr", "G(n,r)"), | |
("Havel Hakimi", "Havel–Hakimi"), | |
("Hkn", "H(k,n)"), | |
("Hnm", "H(n,m)"), | |
("Kl ", "KL "), | |
("Moebius Kantor", "Moebius–Kantor"), | |
("Pagerank", "PageRank"), | |
("Scale Free", "Scale-Free"), | |
("Vf2Pp", "VF2++"), | |
("Watts Strogatz", "Watts–Strogatz"), | |
("Weisfeiler Lehman", "Weisfeiler–Lehman"), | |
] | |
def register_networkx(env: str): | |
cat = ops.CATALOGS.setdefault(env, {}) | |
counter = 0 | |
for name, func in nx.__dict__.items(): | |
if hasattr(func, "graphs"): | |
try: | |
params = _get_params(func) | |
except UnsupportedParameterType: | |
continue | |
inputs = {k: ops.Input(name=k, type=nx.Graph) for k in func.graphs} | |
nicename = "NX › " + name.replace("_", " ").title() | |
for a, b in _REPLACEMENTS: | |
nicename = nicename.replace(a, b) | |
op = ops.Op( | |
func=wrapped(name, func), | |
name=nicename, | |
params=params, | |
inputs=inputs, | |
outputs={"output": ops.Output(name="output", type=nx.Graph)}, | |
type="basic", | |
) | |
cat[nicename] = op | |
counter += 1 | |
print(f"Registered {counter} NetworkX operations.") | |
register_networkx(ENV) | |