darabos's picture
Split LynxKite into several Python packages.
history blame
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import { useReactFlow, Handle, NodeResizeControl, Position } from '@xyflow/react';
// @ts-ignore
import ChevronDownRight from '~icons/tabler/chevron-down-right.jsx';
interface LynxKiteNodeProps {
id: string;
width: number;
height: number;
nodeStyle: any;
data: any;
children: any;
function getHandles(inputs: object, outputs: object) {
const handles: {
position: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right',
name: string,
index: number,
offsetPercentage: number,
showLabel: boolean,
type: 'source' | 'target',
}[] = [];
for (const e of Object.values(inputs)) {
handles.push({ ...e, type: 'target' });
for (const e of Object.values(outputs)) {
handles.push({ ...e, type: 'source' });
const counts = { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 };
for (const e of handles) {
e.index = counts[e.position];
for (const e of handles) {
e.offsetPercentage = 100 * (e.index + 1) / (counts[e.position] + 1);
const simpleHorizontal = counts.top === 0 && counts.bottom === 0 && handles.length <= 2;
const simpleVertical = counts.left === 0 && counts.right === 0 && handles.length <= 2;
e.showLabel = !simpleHorizontal && !simpleVertical;
return handles;
export default function LynxKiteNode(props: LynxKiteNodeProps) {
const reactFlow = useReactFlow();
const data = props.data;
const expanded = !data.collapsed;
const handles = getHandles(data.meta?.inputs || {}, data.meta?.outputs || {});
function titleClicked() {
reactFlow.updateNodeData(props.id, { collapsed: expanded });
const handleOffsetDirection = { top: 'left', bottom: 'left', left: 'top', right: 'top' };
return (
<div className={'node-container ' + (expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed')}
style={{ width: props.width || 200, height: expanded ? props.height || 200 : undefined }}>
<div className="lynxkite-node" style={props.nodeStyle}>
<div className="title bg-primary" onClick={titleClicked}>
{data.error && <span className="title-icon">⚠️</span>}
{expanded || <span className="title-icon"></span>}
{expanded && <>
{data.error &&
<div className="error">{data.error}</div>
style={{ 'background': 'transparent', 'border': 'none' }}
<ChevronDownRight className="node-resizer" />
{handles.map(handle => (
id={handle.name} type={handle.type} position={handle.position as Position}
style={{ [handleOffsetDirection[handle.position]]: handle.offsetPercentage + '%' }}>
{handle.showLabel && <span className="handle-name">{handle.name.replace(/_/g, " ")}</span>}
</Handle >