// The LynxKite workspace editor. | |
import { useParams } from "react-router"; | |
import useSWR, { Fetcher } from 'swr'; | |
import { useEffect, useMemo, useCallback, useState, MouseEvent } from "react"; | |
import favicon from '../assets/favicon.ico'; | |
import { | |
ReactFlow, | |
Controls, | |
MarkerType, | |
ReactFlowProvider, | |
applyEdgeChanges, | |
applyNodeChanges, | |
useUpdateNodeInternals, | |
type XYPosition, | |
type Node, | |
type Edge, | |
type Connection, | |
useReactFlow, | |
MiniMap, | |
} from '@xyflow/react'; | |
// @ts-ignore | |
import ArrowBack from '~icons/tabler/arrow-back.jsx'; | |
// @ts-ignore | |
import Backspace from '~icons/tabler/backspace.jsx'; | |
// @ts-ignore | |
import Atom from '~icons/tabler/atom.jsx'; | |
import { syncedStore, getYjsDoc } from "@syncedstore/core"; | |
import { WebsocketProvider } from "y-websocket"; | |
import NodeWithParams from './nodes/NodeWithParams'; | |
// import NodeWithTableView from './NodeWithTableView'; | |
import EnvironmentSelector from './EnvironmentSelector'; | |
import { LynxKiteState } from './LynxKiteState'; | |
import '@xyflow/react/dist/style.css'; | |
import { Workspace, WorkspaceNode } from "../apiTypes.ts"; | |
import NodeSearch, { OpsOp, Catalog, Catalogs } from "./NodeSearch.tsx"; | |
import NodeWithVisualization from "./nodes/NodeWithVisualization.tsx"; | |
import NodeWithImage from "./nodes/NodeWithImage.tsx"; | |
import NodeWithTableView from "./nodes/NodeWithTableView.tsx"; | |
export default function (props: any) { | |
return ( | |
<ReactFlowProvider> | |
<LynxKiteFlow {...props} /> | |
</ReactFlowProvider> | |
); | |
} | |
function LynxKiteFlow() { | |
const updateNodeInternals = useUpdateNodeInternals() | |
const reactFlow = useReactFlow(); | |
const [nodes, setNodes] = useState([] as Node[]); | |
const [edges, setEdges] = useState([] as Edge[]); | |
const { path } = useParams(); | |
const [state, setState] = useState({ workspace: {} as Workspace }); | |
useEffect(() => { | |
const state = syncedStore({ workspace: {} as Workspace }); | |
setState(state); | |
const doc = getYjsDoc(state); | |
const wsProvider = new WebsocketProvider(`ws://${}/ws/crdt`, path!, doc); | |
const onChange = (_update: any, origin: any, _doc: any, _tr: any) => { | |
if (origin === wsProvider) { | |
// An update from the CRDT. Apply it to the local state. | |
// This is only necessary because ReactFlow keeps secret internal copies of our stuff. | |
if (!state.workspace) return; | |
if (!state.workspace.nodes) return; | |
if (!state.workspace.edges) return; | |
console.log('update', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state.workspace))); | |
setNodes([...state.workspace.nodes] as Node[]); | |
setEdges([...state.workspace.edges] as Edge[]); | |
for (const node of state.workspace.nodes) { | |
// Make sure the internal copies are updated. | |
updateNodeInternals(; | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
doc.on('update', onChange); | |
return () => { | |
doc.destroy(); | |
wsProvider.destroy(); | |
} | |
}, [path]); | |
const onNodesChange = useCallback((changes: any[]) => { | |
// An update from the UI. Apply it to the local state... | |
setNodes((nds) => applyNodeChanges(changes, nds)); | |
// ...and to the CRDT state. (Which could be the same, except for ReactFlow's internal copies.) | |
const wnodes = state.workspace?.nodes; | |
if (!wnodes) return; | |
for (const ch of changes) { | |
const nodeIndex = wnodes.findIndex((n) => ===; | |
if (nodeIndex === -1) continue; | |
const node = wnodes[nodeIndex]; | |
if (!node) continue; | |
// Position events sometimes come with NaN values. Ignore them. | |
if (ch.type === 'position' && !isNaN(ch.position.x) && !isNaN(ch.position.y)) { | |
getYjsDoc(state).transact(() => { | |
Object.assign(node.position, ch.position); | |
}); | |
} else if (ch.type === 'select') { | |
} else if (ch.type === 'dimensions') { | |
getYjsDoc(state).transact(() => Object.assign(node, ch.dimensions)); | |
} else if (ch.type === 'remove') { | |
wnodes.splice(nodeIndex, 1); | |
} else if (ch.type === 'replace') { | |
// Ideally we would only update the parameter that changed. But ReactFlow does not give us that detail. | |
const u = { | |
collapsed:, | |
// The "..." expansion on a returns an empty object. Copying with fromEntries/entries instead. | |
params: { ...Object.fromEntries(Object.entries( }, | |
__execution_delay:, | |
}; | |
getYjsDoc(state).transact(() => Object.assign(, u)); | |
} else { | |
console.log('Unknown node change', ch); | |
} | |
} | |
}, [state]); | |
const onEdgesChange = useCallback((changes: any[]) => { | |
setEdges((eds) => applyEdgeChanges(changes, eds)); | |
const wedges = state.workspace?.edges; | |
if (!wedges) return; | |
for (const ch of changes) { | |
console.log('edge change', ch); | |
const edgeIndex = wedges.findIndex((e) => ===; | |
if (ch.type === 'remove') { | |
wedges.splice(edgeIndex, 1); | |
} else if (ch.type === 'select') { | |
} else { | |
console.log('Unknown edge change', ch); | |
} | |
} | |
}, [state]); | |
const fetcher: Fetcher<Catalogs> = (resource: string, init?: RequestInit) => fetch(resource, init).then(res => res.json()); | |
const catalog = useSWR('/api/catalog', fetcher); | |
const [suppressSearchUntil, setSuppressSearchUntil] = useState(0); | |
const [nodeSearchSettings, setNodeSearchSettings] = useState(undefined as { | |
pos: XYPosition, | |
boxes: Catalog, | |
} | undefined); | |
const nodeTypes = useMemo(() => ({ | |
basic: NodeWithParams, | |
visualization: NodeWithVisualization, | |
image: NodeWithImage, | |
table_view: NodeWithTableView, | |
}), []); | |
const closeNodeSearch = useCallback(() => { | |
setNodeSearchSettings(undefined); | |
setSuppressSearchUntil( + 200); | |
}, [setNodeSearchSettings, setSuppressSearchUntil]); | |
const toggleNodeSearch = useCallback((event: MouseEvent) => { | |
if (suppressSearchUntil > return; | |
if (nodeSearchSettings) { | |
closeNodeSearch(); | |
return; | |
} | |
event.preventDefault(); | |
setNodeSearchSettings({ | |
pos: { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY }, | |
boxes:![state.workspace.env!], | |
}); | |
}, [catalog, state, setNodeSearchSettings, suppressSearchUntil]); | |
const addNode = useCallback((meta: OpsOp) => { | |
const node: Partial<WorkspaceNode> = { | |
type: meta.type, | |
data: { | |
meta: meta, | |
title:, | |
params: Object.fromEntries( | |
Object.values(meta.params).map((p) => [, p.default])), | |
}, | |
}; | |
const nss = nodeSearchSettings!; | |
node.position = reactFlow.screenToFlowPosition({ x: nss.pos.x, y: nss.pos.y }); | |
const title =; | |
let i = 1; | | = `${title} ${i}`; | |
const wnodes = state.workspace.nodes!; | |
while (wnodes.find((x) => === { | |
i += 1; | | = `${title} ${i}`; | |
} | |
wnodes.push(node as WorkspaceNode); | |
setNodes([...nodes, node as WorkspaceNode]); | |
closeNodeSearch(); | |
}, [nodeSearchSettings, state, reactFlow, setNodes]); | |
const onConnect = useCallback((connection: Connection) => { | |
setSuppressSearchUntil( + 200); | |
const edge = { | |
id: `${connection.source} ${}`, | |
source: connection.source, | |
sourceHandle: connection.sourceHandle!, | |
target:, | |
targetHandle: connection.targetHandle!, | |
}; | |
console.log(JSON.stringify(edge)); | |
state.workspace.edges!.push(edge); | |
setEdges((oldEdges) => [...oldEdges, edge]); | |
}, [state, setEdges]); | |
const parentDir = path!.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/'); | |
return ( | |
<div className="workspace"> | |
<div className="top-bar bg-neutral"> | |
<a className="logo" href=""><img src={favicon} /></a> | |
<div className="ws-name"> | |
{path} | |
</div> | |
<EnvironmentSelector | |
options={Object.keys( || {})} | |
value={state.workspace.env!} | |
onChange={(env) => { state.workspace.env = env; }} | |
/> | |
<div className="tools text-secondary"> | |
<a href=""><Atom /></a> | |
<a href=""><Backspace /></a> | |
<a href={'/dir/' + parentDir}><ArrowBack /></a> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div style={{ height: "100%", width: '100vw' }}> | |
<LynxKiteState.Provider value={state}> | |
<ReactFlow | |
nodes={nodes} | |
edges={edges} | |
nodeTypes={nodeTypes} fitView | |
onNodesChange={onNodesChange} | |
onEdgesChange={onEdgesChange} | |
onPaneClick={toggleNodeSearch} | |
onConnect={onConnect} | |
proOptions={{ hideAttribution: true }} | |
maxZoom={3} | |
minZoom={0.3} | |
defaultEdgeOptions={{ markerEnd: { type: MarkerType.Arrow } }} | |
> | |
<Controls /> | |
<MiniMap /> | |
{nodeSearchSettings && | |
<NodeSearch pos={nodeSearchSettings.pos} boxes={nodeSearchSettings.boxes} onCancel={closeNodeSearch} onAdd={addNode} /> | |
} | |
</ReactFlow> | |
</LynxKiteState.Provider> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
); | |
} | |