# Natural Language Toolkit: NLTK's very own tokenizer, slightly modified.
# Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project
# Author: Liling Tan
#         Tom Aarsen <> (modifications)
# URL: <https://www.nltk.org>

import re
import warnings
from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple

def align_tokens(tokens, sentence):
    This module attempt to find the offsets of the tokens in *s*, as a sequence
    of ``(start, end)`` tuples, given the tokens and also the source string.

        >>> from nltk.tokenize import TreebankWordTokenizer
        >>> from nltk.tokenize.util import align_tokens
        >>> s = str("The plane, bound for St Petersburg, crashed in Egypt's "
        ... "Sinai desert just 23 minutes after take-off from Sharm el-Sheikh "
        ... "on Saturday.")
        >>> tokens = TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize(s)
        >>> expected = [(0, 3), (4, 9), (9, 10), (11, 16), (17, 20), (21, 23),
        ... (24, 34), (34, 35), (36, 43), (44, 46), (47, 52), (52, 54),
        ... (55, 60), (61, 67), (68, 72), (73, 75), (76, 83), (84, 89),
        ... (90, 98), (99, 103), (104, 109), (110, 119), (120, 122),
        ... (123, 131), (131, 132)]
        >>> output = list(align_tokens(tokens, s))
        >>> len(tokens) == len(expected) == len(output)  # Check that length of tokens and tuples are the same.
        >>> expected == list(align_tokens(tokens, s))  # Check that the output is as expected.
        >>> tokens == [s[start:end] for start, end in output]  # Check that the slices of the string corresponds to the tokens.

    :param tokens: The list of strings that are the result of tokenization
    :type tokens: list(str)
    :param sentence: The original string
    :type sentence: str
    :rtype: list(tuple(int,int))
    point = 0
    offsets = []
    for token in tokens:
            start = sentence.index(token, point)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f'substring "{token}" not found in "{sentence}"') from e
        point = start + len(token)
        offsets.append((start, point))
    return offsets

class NLTKWordTokenizer:
    The NLTK tokenizer that has improved upon the TreebankWordTokenizer.

    This is the method that is invoked by ``word_tokenize()``.  It assumes that the
    text has already been segmented into sentences, e.g. using ``sent_tokenize()``.

    The tokenizer is "destructive" such that the regexes applied will munge the
    input string to a state beyond re-construction. It is possible to apply
    `TreebankWordDetokenizer.detokenize` to the tokenized outputs of
    `NLTKDestructiveWordTokenizer.tokenize` but there's no guarantees to
    revert to the original string.

    # Starting quotes.
        (re.compile("([«“‘„]|[`]+)", re.U), r" \1 "),
        (re.compile(r"^\""), r' " '),
        (re.compile(r"(``)"), r" \1 "),
        (re.compile(r"([ \(\[{<])(\"|\'{2})"), r'\1 " '),
#        (re.compile(r"(?i)(\')(?!re|ve|ll|m|t|s|d|n)(\w)\b", re.U), r"\1 \2"),

    # Ending quotes.
        (re.compile("([»”’])", re.U), r" \1 "),
        (re.compile(r"''"), " '' "),
        (re.compile(r'"'), ' " '),
        (re.compile(r"([^' ])('[sS]|'[mM]|'[dD]|') "), r"\1 \2 "),
#        (re.compile(r"([^' ])('ll|'LL|'re|'RE|'ve|'VE|n't|N'T) "), r"\1 \2 "),

    # For improvements for starting/closing quotes from TreebankWordTokenizer,
    # see discussion on https://github.com/nltk/nltk/pull/1437
    # Adding to TreebankWordTokenizer, nltk.word_tokenize now splits on
    # - chervon quotes u'\xab' and u'\xbb' .
    # - unicode quotes u'\u2018', u'\u2019', u'\u201c' and u'\u201d'
    # See https://github.com/nltk/nltk/issues/1995#issuecomment-376741608
    # Also, behavior of splitting on clitics now follows Stanford CoreNLP
    # - clitics covered (?!re|ve|ll|m|t|s|d)(\w)\b

    # Punctuation.
        (re.compile(r'([^\.])(\.)([\]\)}>"\'' "»”’ " r"]*)\s*$", re.U), r"\1 \2 \3 "),
        (re.compile(r"([:,])([^\d])"), r" \1 \2"),
        (re.compile(r"([:,])$"), r" \1 "),
            re.compile(r"\.{2,}", re.U),
            r" \g<0> ",
        ),  # See https://github.com/nltk/nltk/pull/2322
        (re.compile(r"[;@#$%&]"), r" \g<0> "),
            r"\1 \2\3 ",
        ),  # Handles the final period.
        (re.compile(r"[?!]"), r" \g<0> "),
        (re.compile(r"([^'])' "), r"\1 ' "),
            re.compile(r"[*]", re.U),
            r" \g<0> ",
        ),  # See https://github.com/nltk/nltk/pull/2322

    # Pads parentheses
    PARENS_BRACKETS = (re.compile(r"[\]\[\(\)\{\}\<\>]"), r" \g<0> ")

    # Optionally: Convert parentheses, brackets and converts them to PTB symbols.
    #     (re.compile(r"\("), "-LRB-"),
    #     (re.compile(r"\)"), "-RRB-"),
    #     (re.compile(r"\["), "-LSB-"),
    #     (re.compile(r"\]"), "-RSB-"),
    #     (re.compile(r"\{"), "-LCB-"),
    #     (re.compile(r"\}"), "-RCB-"),
    # ]

    DOUBLE_DASHES = (re.compile(r"--"), r" -- ")

    # List of contractions adapted from Robert MacIntyre's tokenizer.
    # _contractions = MacIntyreContractions()
    # CONTRACTIONS2 = list(map(re.compile, _contractions.CONTRACTIONS2))
    # CONTRACTIONS3 = list(map(re.compile, _contractions.CONTRACTIONS3))

    def tokenize(
        self, text: str
    ) -> List[str]:
        r"""Return a tokenized copy of `text`.

        >>> from nltk.tokenize import NLTKWordTokenizer
        >>> s = '''Good muffins cost $3.88 (roughly 3,36 euros)\nin New York.  Please buy me\ntwo of them.\nThanks.'''
        >>> NLTKWordTokenizer().tokenize(s) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        ['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3.88', '(', 'roughly', '3,36',
        'euros', ')', 'in', 'New', 'York.', 'Please', 'buy', 'me', 'two',
        'of', 'them.', 'Thanks', '.']
        >>> NLTKWordTokenizer().tokenize(s, convert_parentheses=True) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        ['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3.88', '-LRB-', 'roughly', '3,36',
        'euros', '-RRB-', 'in', 'New', 'York.', 'Please', 'buy', 'me', 'two',
        'of', 'them.', 'Thanks', '.']

        :param text: A string with a sentence or sentences.
        :type text: str
        :param convert_parentheses: if True, replace parentheses to PTB symbols,
            e.g. `(` to `-LRB-`. Defaults to False.
        :type convert_parentheses: bool, optional
        :param return_str: If True, return tokens as space-separated string,
            defaults to False.
        :type return_str: bool, optional
        :return: List of tokens from `text`.
        :rtype: List[str]

        for regexp, substitution in self.STARTING_QUOTES:
            text = regexp.sub(substitution, text)

        for regexp, substitution in self.PUNCTUATION:
            text = regexp.sub(substitution, text)

        # Handles parentheses.
        regexp, substitution = self.PARENS_BRACKETS
        text = regexp.sub(substitution, text)

        # Handles double dash.
        regexp, substitution = self.DOUBLE_DASHES
        text = regexp.sub(substitution, text)

        # add extra space to make things easier
        text = " " + text + " "

        for regexp, substitution in self.ENDING_QUOTES:
            text = regexp.sub(substitution, text)

        return text.split()

    def span_tokenize(self, text: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int]]:
        Returns the spans of the tokens in ``text``.
        Uses the post-hoc nltk.tokens.align_tokens to return the offset spans.

            >>> from nltk.tokenize import NLTKWordTokenizer
            >>> s = '''Good muffins cost $3.88\nin New (York).  Please (buy) me\ntwo of them.\n(Thanks).'''
            >>> expected = [(0, 4), (5, 12), (13, 17), (18, 19), (19, 23),
            ... (24, 26), (27, 30), (31, 32), (32, 36), (36, 37), (37, 38),
            ... (40, 46), (47, 48), (48, 51), (51, 52), (53, 55), (56, 59),
            ... (60, 62), (63, 68), (69, 70), (70, 76), (76, 77), (77, 78)]
            >>> list(NLTKWordTokenizer().span_tokenize(s)) == expected
            >>> expected = ['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3.88', 'in',
            ... 'New', '(', 'York', ')', '.', 'Please', '(', 'buy', ')',
            ... 'me', 'two', 'of', 'them.', '(', 'Thanks', ')', '.']
            >>> [s[start:end] for start, end in NLTKWordTokenizer().span_tokenize(s)] == expected

        :param text: A string with a sentence or sentences.
        :type text: str
        :yield: Tuple[int, int]
        raw_tokens = self.tokenize(text)

        # Convert converted quotes back to original double quotes
        # Do this only if original text contains double quote(s) or double
        # single-quotes (because '' might be transformed to `` if it is
        # treated as starting quotes).
        # if ('"' in text) or ("''" in text):
        #     # Find double quotes and converted quotes
        #     matched = [m.group() for m in re.finditer(r"``|'{2}|\"", text)]

        #     # Replace converted quotes back to double quotes
        #     tokens = [
        #         matched.pop(0) if tok in ['"', "``", "''"] else tok
        #         for tok in raw_tokens
        #     ]
        # else:
        tokens = raw_tokens

        yield from align_tokens(tokens, text)