from lxml import etree from typing import Any, List, Dict import numpy as np import logging from import styles_mgr from modules.speaker import speaker_mgr import random logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def expand_spk(attrs: dict): input_spk = attrs.get("spk", "") if isinstance(input_spk, int): return if isinstance(input_spk, str) and input_spk.isdigit(): attrs.update({"spk": int(input_spk)}) return try: speaker = speaker_mgr.get_speaker(input_spk) attrs.update({"spk": speaker}) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"apply style failed, {e}") def expand_style(attrs: dict): if attrs.get("style", "") != "": try: params = styles_mgr.find_params_by_name(str(attrs["style"])) attrs.update(params) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"apply style failed, {e}") def merge_prompt(attrs: dict, elem): def attr_num(attrs: Dict[str, Any], k: str, min_value: int, max_value: int): val = elem.get(k, attrs.get(k, "")) if val == "": return if val == "max": val = max_value if val == "min": val = min_value val = np.clip(int(val), min_value, max_value) if "prefix" not in attrs or attrs["prefix"] == None: attrs["prefix"] = "" attrs["prefix"] += " " + f"[{k}_{val}]" attr_num(attrs, "oral", 0, 9) attr_num(attrs, "speed", 0, 9) attr_num(attrs, "laugh", 0, 2) attr_num(attrs, "break", 0, 7) def apply_random_seed(attrs: dict): seed = attrs.get("seed", "") if seed == "random" or seed == "rand": seed = random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1) attrs["seed"] = seed"random seed: {seed}") class NotSupportSSML(Exception): pass def parse_ssml(ssml: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: root = etree.fromstring(ssml) ssml_version = root.get("version", "NONE") if ssml_version != "0.1": raise NotSupportSSML("Unsupported ssml version: {ssml_version}") segments = [] for voice in root.findall(".//voice"): voice_attrs = { "spk": voice.get("spk"), "style": voice.get("style"), "seed": voice.get("seed"), "top_p": voice.get("top_p"), "top_k": voice.get("top_k"), "temp": voice.get("temp"), "prompt1": voice.get("prompt1"), "prompt2": voice.get("prompt2"), "prefix": voice.get("prefix"), "normalize": voice.get("normalize"), } voice_attrs = {k: v for k, v in voice_attrs.items() if v is not None} expand_spk(voice_attrs) expand_style(voice_attrs) merge_prompt(voice_attrs, voice) apply_random_seed(voice_attrs) voice_segments = [] if voice_attrs.get("temp", "") == "min": # ref: voice_attrs["temp"] = 0.000000000001 if voice_attrs.get("temp", "") == "max": voice_attrs["temp"] = 1 # 处理 voice 开头的文本 if voice.text and voice.text.strip(): voice_segments.append( {"text": voice.text.strip(), "attrs": voice_attrs.copy()} ) # 处理 voice 内部的文本和 prosody 元素 for node in voice.iterchildren(): if node.tag == "prosody": prosody_attrs = voice_attrs.copy() new_attrs = { "rate": node.get("rate"), "volume": node.get("volume"), "pitch": node.get("pitch"), } prosody_attrs.update( {k: v for k, v in new_attrs.items() if v is not None} ) expand_style(prosody_attrs) merge_prompt(prosody_attrs, node) apply_random_seed(voice_attrs) if node.text and node.text.strip(): voice_segments.append( {"text": node.text.strip(), "attrs": prosody_attrs} ) elif node.tag == "break": time_ms = int(node.get("time", "0").replace("ms", "")) segment = {"break": time_ms} voice_segments.append(segment) if node.tail and node.tail.strip(): voice_segments.append( {"text": node.tail.strip(), "attrs": voice_attrs.copy()} ) end_segment = voice_segments[-1] end_segment["is_end"] = True segments = segments + voice_segments"collect len(segments): {len(segments)}") #"segments: {json.dumps(segments, ensure_ascii=False)}") return segments if __name__ == "__main__": # 示例 SSML 输入 ssml1 = """ <speak version="0.1"> <voice spk="20398768" seed="42" temp="min" top_p="0.9" top_k="20"> 电影中梁朝伟扮演的陈永仁的 <prosody volume="5"> 编号27149 </prosody> <prosody rate="2"> 编号27149 </prosody> <prosody pitch="-12"> 编号27149 </prosody> <prosody pitch="12"> 编号27149 </prosody> </voice> <voice spk="20398768" seed="42" speed="9"> 编号27149 </voice> <voice spk="20398768" seed="42"> 电影中梁朝伟扮演的陈永仁的编号27149 </voice> </speak> """ ssml2 = """ <speak version="0.1"> <voice spk="Bob"> 也可以合成多角色多情感的有声 [uv_break] 书 [uv_break] ,例如: </voice> <voice spk="Bob"> 黛玉冷笑道: </voice> <voice spk="female2"> 我说呢,亏了绊住,不然,早就飞了来了。 </voice> <voice spk="Bob" speed="0"> 宝玉道: </voice> <voice spk="Alice"> “只许和你玩,替你解闷。不过偶然到他那里,就说这些闲话。” </voice> <voice spk="female2"> “好没意思的话!去不去,关我什么事儿?又没叫你替我解闷儿,还许你不理我呢” </voice> <voice spk="Bob"> 说着,便赌气回房去了。 </voice> </speak> """ ssml22 = """ <speak version="0.1"> <voice spk="Bob" style="narration-relaxed"> 下面是一个 ChatTTS 用于合成多角色多情感的有声书示例 </voice> <voice spk="Bob" style="narration-relaxed"> 黛玉冷笑道: </voice> <voice spk="female2" style="angry"> 我说呢 [uv_break] ,亏了绊住,不然,早就飞起来了。 </voice> <voice spk="Bob" style="narration-relaxed"> 宝玉道: </voice> <voice spk="Alice" style="unfriendly"> “只许和你玩 [uv_break] ,替你解闷。不过偶然到他那里,就说这些闲话。” </voice> <voice spk="female2" style="angry"> “好没意思的话![uv_break] 去不去,关我什么事儿? 又没叫你替我解闷儿 [uv_break],还许你不理我呢” </voice> <voice spk="Bob" style="narration-relaxed"> 说着,便赌气回房去了。 </voice> </speak> """ ssml3 = """ <speak version="0.1"> <voice spk="Bob" style="angry"> “你到底在想什么?这已经是第三次了!每次我都告诉你要按时完成任务,可你总是拖延。你知道这对整个团队有多大的影响吗?!” </voice> <voice spk="Bob" style="assistant"> “你到底在想什么?这已经是第三次了!每次我都告诉你要按时完成任务,可你总是拖延。你知道这对整个团队有多大的影响吗?!” </voice> <voice spk="Bob" style="gentle"> “你到底在想什么?这已经是第三次了!每次我都告诉你要按时完成任务,可你总是拖延。你知道这对整个团队有多大的影响吗?!” </voice> </speak> """ ssml4 = """ <speak version="0.1"> <voice spk="Bob" style="narration-relaxed"> 使用 prosody 控制生成文本的语速语调和音量,示例如下 <prosody> 无任何限制将会继承父级voice配置进行生成 </prosody> <prosody rate="1.5"> 设置 rate 大于1表示加速,小于1为减速 </prosody> <prosody pitch="6"> 设置 pitch 调整音调,设置为6表示提高6个半音 </prosody> <prosody volume="2"> 设置 volume 调整音量,设置为2表示提高2个分贝 </prosody> 在 voice 中无prosody包裹的文本即为默认生成状态下的语音 </voice> </speak> """ ssml5 = """ <speak version="0.1"> <voice spk="Bob" style="narration-relaxed"> 使用 break 标签将会简单的 <break time="500" /> 插入一段空白到生成结果中 </voice> </speak> """ ssml6 = """ <speak version="0.1"> <voice spk="Bob" style="excited"> temperature for sampling (may be overridden by style or speaker) <break time="500" /> 温度值用于采样,这个值有可能被 style 或者 speaker 覆盖 <break time="500" /> temperature for sampling ,这个值有可能被 style 或者 speaker 覆盖 <break time="500" /> 温度值用于采样,(may be overridden by style or speaker) </voice> </speak> """ segments = parse_ssml(ssml6) print(segments) # audio_segments = synthesize_segments(segments) # combined_audio = combine_audio_segments(audio_segments) # combined_audio.export("output.wav", format="wav")