{ "task": "dncnn25" // root/task/images-models-options , "model": "plain" // "plain" , "gpu_ids": [0] , "scale": 1 // broadcast to "netG" if SISR , "n_channels": 1 // broadcast to "datasets", 1 for grayscale, 3 for color , "merge_bn": true // BN for DnCNN , "merge_bn_startpoint": 400000 // merge BN after N iterations , "path": { "root": "denoising" // "denoising" | "superresolution" , "pretrained_netG": null // path of pretrained model } , "datasets": { "train": { "name": "train_dataset" // just name , "dataset_type": "dncnn" // "dncnn" | "dnpatch" for dncnn, | "fdncnn" | "ffdnet" | "sr" | "srmd" | "dpsr" | "plain" | "plainpatch" , "dataroot_H": "trainsets/trainH"// path of H training dataset , "dataroot_L": null // path of L training dataset , "H_size": 40 // patch size 40 | 64 | 96 | 128 | 192 , "sigma": 25 // 15, 25, 50 for DnCNN | [0, 75] for FFDNet and FDnCNN , "sigma_test": 25 // 15, 25, 50 for DnCNN and ffdnet , "dataloader_shuffle": true , "dataloader_num_workers": 8 , "dataloader_batch_size": 64 // batch size 1 | 16 | 32 | 48 | 64 | 128 } , "test": { "name": "test_dataset" // just name , "dataset_type": "dncnn" // "dncnn" | "dnpatch" for dncnn, | "fdncnn" | "ffdnet" | "sr" | "srmd" | "dpsr" | "plain" | "plainpatch" , "dataroot_H": "testsets/bsd68" // path of H testing dataset , "dataroot_L": null // path of L testing dataset , "sigma": 25 // 15, 25, 50 for DnCNN | [0, 75] for FFDNet and FDnCNN , "sigma_test": 25 // 15, 25, 50 for DnCNN and ffdnet } } , "netG": { "net_type": "dncnn" // "dncnn" | "fdncnn" | "ffdnet" | "srmd" | "dpsr" | "msrresnet0" | "msrresnet1" | "rrdb" , "in_nc": 1 // input channel number , "out_nc": 1 // ouput channel number , "nc": 64 // 64 for "dncnn" , "nb": 17 // 17 for "dncnn", 20 for dncnn3, 16 for "srresnet" , "gc": 32 // unused , "ng": 2 // unused , "reduction" : 16 // unused , "act_mode": "BR" // "BR" for BN+ReLU | "R" for ReLU , "upsample_mode": "convtranspose" // "pixelshuffle" | "convtranspose" | "upconv" , "downsample_mode": "strideconv" // "strideconv" | "avgpool" | "maxpool" , "init_type": "orthogonal" // "orthogonal" | "normal" | "uniform" | "xavier_normal" | "xavier_uniform" | "kaiming_normal" | "kaiming_uniform" , "init_bn_type": "uniform" // "uniform" | "constant" , "init_gain": 0.2 } , "train": { "G_lossfn_type": "l1" // "l1" preferred | "l2sum" | "l2" | "ssim" , "G_lossfn_weight": 1.0 // default , "G_optimizer_type": "adam" // fixed, adam is enough , "G_optimizer_lr": 1e-4 // learning rate , "G_optimizer_clipgrad": null // unused , "G_scheduler_type": "MultiStepLR" // "MultiStepLR" is enough , "G_scheduler_milestones": [200000, 400000, 600000, 800000, 1000000, 2000000] , "G_scheduler_gamma": 0.5 , "G_regularizer_orthstep": null // unused , "G_regularizer_clipstep": null // unused , "checkpoint_test": 5000 // for testing , "checkpoint_save": 5000 // for saving model , "checkpoint_print": 200 // for print } }