LambdaSuperRes / KAIR /utils /
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20.3 kB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy import fftpack
import torch
from math import cos, sin
from numpy import zeros, ones, prod, array, pi, log, min, mod, arange, sum, mgrid, exp, pad, round
from numpy.random import randn, rand
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
import cv2
import random
# import utils_image as util
modified by Kai Zhang (github:
def get_uperleft_denominator(img, kernel):
img: HxWxC
kernel: hxw
denominator: HxWx1
upperleft: HxWxC
V = psf2otf(kernel, img.shape[:2])
denominator = np.expand_dims(np.abs(V)**2, axis=2)
upperleft = np.expand_dims(np.conj(V), axis=2) * np.fft.fft2(img, axes=[0, 1])
return upperleft, denominator
def get_uperleft_denominator_pytorch(img, kernel):
img: NxCxHxW
kernel: Nx1xhxw
denominator: Nx1xHxW
upperleft: NxCxHxWx2
V = p2o(kernel, img.shape[-2:]) # Nx1xHxWx2
denominator = V[..., 0]**2+V[..., 1]**2 # Nx1xHxW
upperleft = cmul(cconj(V), rfft(img)) # Nx1xHxWx2 * NxCxHxWx2
return upperleft, denominator
def c2c(x):
return torch.from_numpy(np.stack([np.float32(x.real), np.float32(x.imag)], axis=-1))
def r2c(x):
return torch.stack([x, torch.zeros_like(x)], -1)
def cdiv(x, y):
a, b = x[..., 0], x[..., 1]
c, d = y[..., 0], y[..., 1]
cd2 = c**2 + d**2
return torch.stack([(a*c+b*d)/cd2, (b*c-a*d)/cd2], -1)
def cabs(x):
return torch.pow(x[..., 0]**2+x[..., 1]**2, 0.5)
def cmul(t1, t2):
complex multiplication
t1: NxCxHxWx2
output: NxCxHxWx2
real1, imag1 = t1[..., 0], t1[..., 1]
real2, imag2 = t2[..., 0], t2[..., 1]
return torch.stack([real1 * real2 - imag1 * imag2, real1 * imag2 + imag1 * real2], dim=-1)
def cconj(t, inplace=False):
# complex's conjugation
t: NxCxHxWx2
output: NxCxHxWx2
c = t.clone() if not inplace else t
c[..., 1] *= -1
return c
def rfft(t):
return torch.rfft(t, 2, onesided=False)
def irfft(t):
return torch.irfft(t, 2, onesided=False)
def fft(t):
return torch.fft(t, 2)
def ifft(t):
return torch.ifft(t, 2)
def p2o(psf, shape):
# psf: NxCxhxw
# shape: [H,W]
# otf: NxCxHxWx2
otf = torch.zeros(psf.shape[:-2] + shape).type_as(psf)
for axis, axis_size in enumerate(psf.shape[2:]):
otf = torch.roll(otf, -int(axis_size / 2), dims=axis+2)
otf = torch.rfft(otf, 2, onesided=False)
n_ops = torch.sum(torch.tensor(psf.shape).type_as(psf) * torch.log2(torch.tensor(psf.shape).type_as(psf)))
otf[...,1][torch.abs(otf[...,1])<n_ops*2.22e-16] = torch.tensor(0).type_as(psf)
return otf
# otf2psf: not sure where I got this one from. Maybe translated from Octave source code or whatever. It's just math.
def otf2psf(otf, outsize=None):
insize = np.array(otf.shape)
psf = np.fft.ifftn(otf, axes=(0, 1))
for axis, axis_size in enumerate(insize):
psf = np.roll(psf, np.floor(axis_size / 2).astype(int), axis=axis)
if type(outsize) != type(None):
insize = np.array(otf.shape)
outsize = np.array(outsize)
n = max(np.size(outsize), np.size(insize))
# outsize = postpad(outsize(:), n, 1);
# insize = postpad(insize(:) , n, 1);
colvec_out = outsize.flatten().reshape((np.size(outsize), 1))
colvec_in = insize.flatten().reshape((np.size(insize), 1))
outsize = np.pad(colvec_out, ((0, max(0, n - np.size(colvec_out))), (0, 0)), mode="constant")
insize = np.pad(colvec_in, ((0, max(0, n - np.size(colvec_in))), (0, 0)), mode="constant")
pad = (insize - outsize) / 2
if np.any(pad < 0):
print("otf2psf error: OUTSIZE must be smaller than or equal than OTF size")
prepad = np.floor(pad)
postpad = np.ceil(pad)
dims_start = prepad.astype(int)
dims_end = (insize - postpad).astype(int)
for i in range(len(dims_start.shape)):
psf = np.take(psf, range(dims_start[i][0], dims_end[i][0]), axis=i)
n_ops = np.sum(otf.size * np.log2(otf.shape))
psf = np.real_if_close(psf, tol=n_ops)
return psf
# psf2otf copied/modified from
def psf2otf(psf, shape=None):
Convert point-spread function to optical transfer function.
Compute the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the point-spread
function (PSF) array and creates the optical transfer function (OTF)
array that is not influenced by the PSF off-centering.
By default, the OTF array is the same size as the PSF array.
To ensure that the OTF is not altered due to PSF off-centering, PSF2OTF
post-pads the PSF array (down or to the right) with zeros to match
dimensions specified in OUTSIZE, then circularly shifts the values of
the PSF array up (or to the left) until the central pixel reaches (1,1)
psf : `numpy.ndarray`
PSF array
shape : int
Output shape of the OTF array
otf : `numpy.ndarray`
OTF array
Adapted from MATLAB psf2otf function
if type(shape) == type(None):
shape = psf.shape
shape = np.array(shape)
if np.all(psf == 0):
# return np.zeros_like(psf)
return np.zeros(shape)
if len(psf.shape) == 1:
psf = psf.reshape((1, psf.shape[0]))
inshape = psf.shape
psf = zero_pad(psf, shape, position='corner')
for axis, axis_size in enumerate(inshape):
psf = np.roll(psf, -int(axis_size / 2), axis=axis)
# Compute the OTF
otf = np.fft.fft2(psf, axes=(0, 1))
# Estimate the rough number of operations involved in the FFT
# and discard the PSF imaginary part if within roundoff error
# roundoff error = machine epsilon = sys.float_info.epsilon
# or np.finfo().eps
n_ops = np.sum(psf.size * np.log2(psf.shape))
otf = np.real_if_close(otf, tol=n_ops)
return otf
def zero_pad(image, shape, position='corner'):
Extends image to a certain size with zeros
image: real 2d `numpy.ndarray`
Input image
shape: tuple of int
Desired output shape of the image
position : str, optional
The position of the input image in the output one:
* 'corner'
top-left corner (default)
* 'center'
padded_img: real `numpy.ndarray`
The zero-padded image
shape = np.asarray(shape, dtype=int)
imshape = np.asarray(image.shape, dtype=int)
if np.alltrue(imshape == shape):
return image
if np.any(shape <= 0):
raise ValueError("ZERO_PAD: null or negative shape given")
dshape = shape - imshape
if np.any(dshape < 0):
raise ValueError("ZERO_PAD: target size smaller than source one")
pad_img = np.zeros(shape, dtype=image.dtype)
idx, idy = np.indices(imshape)
if position == 'center':
if np.any(dshape % 2 != 0):
raise ValueError("ZERO_PAD: source and target shapes "
"have different parity.")
offx, offy = dshape // 2
offx, offy = (0, 0)
pad_img[idx + offx, idy + offy] = image
return pad_img
Reducing boundary artifacts
def opt_fft_size(n):
Kai Zhang (github:
# opt_fft_size.m
# compute an optimal data length for Fourier transforms
# written by Sunghyun Cho ([email protected])
# persistent opt_fft_size_LUT;
LUT_size = 2048
# print("generate opt_fft_size_LUT")
opt_fft_size_LUT = np.zeros(LUT_size)
e2 = 1
while e2 <= LUT_size:
e3 = e2
while e3 <= LUT_size:
e5 = e3
while e5 <= LUT_size:
e7 = e5
while e7 <= LUT_size:
if e7 <= LUT_size:
opt_fft_size_LUT[e7-1] = e7
if e7*11 <= LUT_size:
opt_fft_size_LUT[e7*11-1] = e7*11
if e7*13 <= LUT_size:
opt_fft_size_LUT[e7*13-1] = e7*13
e7 = e7 * 7
e5 = e5 * 5
e3 = e3 * 3
e2 = e2 * 2
nn = 0
for i in range(LUT_size, 0, -1):
if opt_fft_size_LUT[i-1] != 0:
nn = i-1
opt_fft_size_LUT[i-1] = nn+1
m = np.zeros(len(n))
for c in range(len(n)):
nn = n[c]
if nn <= LUT_size:
m[c] = opt_fft_size_LUT[nn-1]
m[c] = -1
return m
def wrap_boundary_liu(img, img_size):
Reducing boundary artifacts in image deconvolution
Renting Liu, Jiaya Jia
ICIP 2008
if img.ndim == 2:
ret = wrap_boundary(img, img_size)
elif img.ndim == 3:
ret = [wrap_boundary(img[:, :, i], img_size) for i in range(3)]
ret = np.stack(ret, 2)
return ret
def wrap_boundary(img, img_size):
python code from:
Reducing boundary artifacts in image deconvolution
Renting Liu, Jiaya Jia
ICIP 2008
(H, W) = np.shape(img)
H_w = int(img_size[0]) - H
W_w = int(img_size[1]) - W
# ret = np.zeros((img_size[0], img_size[1]));
alpha = 1
HG = img[:, :]
r_A = np.zeros((alpha*2+H_w, W))
r_A[:alpha, :] = HG[-alpha:, :]
r_A[-alpha:, :] = HG[:alpha, :]
a = np.arange(H_w)/(H_w-1)
# r_A(alpha+1:end-alpha, 1) = (1-a)*r_A(alpha,1) + a*r_A(end-alpha+1,1)
r_A[alpha:-alpha, 0] = (1-a)*r_A[alpha-1, 0] + a*r_A[-alpha, 0]
# r_A(alpha+1:end-alpha, end) = (1-a)*r_A(alpha,end) + a*r_A(end-alpha+1,end)
r_A[alpha:-alpha, -1] = (1-a)*r_A[alpha-1, -1] + a*r_A[-alpha, -1]
r_B = np.zeros((H, alpha*2+W_w))
r_B[:, :alpha] = HG[:, -alpha:]
r_B[:, -alpha:] = HG[:, :alpha]
a = np.arange(W_w)/(W_w-1)
r_B[0, alpha:-alpha] = (1-a)*r_B[0, alpha-1] + a*r_B[0, -alpha]
r_B[-1, alpha:-alpha] = (1-a)*r_B[-1, alpha-1] + a*r_B[-1, -alpha]
if alpha == 1:
A2 = solve_min_laplacian(r_A[alpha-1:, :])
B2 = solve_min_laplacian(r_B[:, alpha-1:])
r_A[alpha-1:, :] = A2
r_B[:, alpha-1:] = B2
A2 = solve_min_laplacian(r_A[alpha-1:-alpha+1, :])
r_A[alpha-1:-alpha+1, :] = A2
B2 = solve_min_laplacian(r_B[:, alpha-1:-alpha+1])
r_B[:, alpha-1:-alpha+1] = B2
A = r_A
B = r_B
r_C = np.zeros((alpha*2+H_w, alpha*2+W_w))
r_C[:alpha, :] = B[-alpha:, :]
r_C[-alpha:, :] = B[:alpha, :]
r_C[:, :alpha] = A[:, -alpha:]
r_C[:, -alpha:] = A[:, :alpha]
if alpha == 1:
C2 = C2 = solve_min_laplacian(r_C[alpha-1:, alpha-1:])
r_C[alpha-1:, alpha-1:] = C2
C2 = solve_min_laplacian(r_C[alpha-1:-alpha+1, alpha-1:-alpha+1])
r_C[alpha-1:-alpha+1, alpha-1:-alpha+1] = C2
C = r_C
# return C
A = A[alpha-1:-alpha-1, :]
B = B[:, alpha:-alpha]
C = C[alpha:-alpha, alpha:-alpha]
ret = np.vstack((np.hstack((img, B)), np.hstack((A, C))))
return ret
def solve_min_laplacian(boundary_image):
(H, W) = np.shape(boundary_image)
# Laplacian
f = np.zeros((H, W))
# boundary image contains image intensities at boundaries
boundary_image[1:-1, 1:-1] = 0
j = np.arange(2, H)-1
k = np.arange(2, W)-1
f_bp = np.zeros((H, W))
f_bp[np.ix_(j, k)] = -4*boundary_image[np.ix_(j, k)] + boundary_image[np.ix_(j, k+1)] + boundary_image[np.ix_(j, k-1)] + boundary_image[np.ix_(j-1, k)] + boundary_image[np.ix_(j+1, k)]
del(j, k)
f1 = f - f_bp # subtract boundary points contribution
del(f_bp, f)
# DST Sine Transform algo starts here
f2 = f1[1:-1,1:-1]
# compute sine tranform
if f2.shape[1] == 1:
tt = fftpack.dst(f2, type=1, axis=0)/2
tt = fftpack.dst(f2, type=1)/2
if tt.shape[0] == 1:
f2sin = np.transpose(fftpack.dst(np.transpose(tt), type=1, axis=0)/2)
f2sin = np.transpose(fftpack.dst(np.transpose(tt), type=1)/2)
# compute Eigen Values
[x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1, W-1), np.arange(1, H-1))
denom = (2*np.cos(np.pi*x/(W-1))-2) + (2*np.cos(np.pi*y/(H-1)) - 2)
# divide
f3 = f2sin/denom
del(f2sin, x, y)
# compute Inverse Sine Transform
if f3.shape[0] == 1:
tt = fftpack.idst(f3*2, type=1, axis=1)/(2*(f3.shape[1]+1))
tt = fftpack.idst(f3*2, type=1, axis=0)/(2*(f3.shape[0]+1))
if tt.shape[1] == 1:
img_tt = np.transpose(fftpack.idst(np.transpose(tt)*2, type=1)/(2*(tt.shape[0]+1)))
img_tt = np.transpose(fftpack.idst(np.transpose(tt)*2, type=1, axis=0)/(2*(tt.shape[1]+1)))
# put solution in inner points; outer points obtained from boundary image
img_direct = boundary_image
img_direct[1:-1, 1:-1] = 0
img_direct[1:-1, 1:-1] = img_tt
return img_direct
Created on Thu Jan 18 15:36:32 2018
@author: italo
h = fspecial(type)
h = fspecial('average',hsize)
h = fspecial('disk',radius)
h = fspecial('gaussian',hsize,sigma)
h = fspecial('laplacian',alpha)
h = fspecial('log',hsize,sigma)
h = fspecial('motion',len,theta)
h = fspecial('prewitt')
h = fspecial('sobel')
def fspecial_average(hsize=3):
"""Smoothing filter"""
return np.ones((hsize, hsize))/hsize**2
def fspecial_disk(radius):
"""Disk filter"""
rad = 0.6
crad = np.ceil(rad-0.5)
[x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-crad, crad+1), np.arange(-crad, crad+1))
maxxy = np.zeros(x.shape)
maxxy[abs(x) >= abs(y)] = abs(x)[abs(x) >= abs(y)]
maxxy[abs(y) >= abs(x)] = abs(y)[abs(y) >= abs(x)]
minxy = np.zeros(x.shape)
minxy[abs(x) <= abs(y)] = abs(x)[abs(x) <= abs(y)]
minxy[abs(y) <= abs(x)] = abs(y)[abs(y) <= abs(x)]
m1 = (rad**2 < (maxxy+0.5)**2 + (minxy-0.5)**2)*(minxy-0.5) +\
(rad**2 >= (maxxy+0.5)**2 + (minxy-0.5)**2)*\
np.sqrt((rad**2 + 0j) - (maxxy + 0.5)**2)
m2 = (rad**2 > (maxxy-0.5)**2 + (minxy+0.5)**2)*(minxy+0.5) +\
(rad**2 <= (maxxy-0.5)**2 + (minxy+0.5)**2)*\
np.sqrt((rad**2 + 0j) - (maxxy - 0.5)**2)
h = None
return h
def fspecial_gaussian(hsize, sigma):
hsize = [hsize, hsize]
siz = [(hsize[0]-1.0)/2.0, (hsize[1]-1.0)/2.0]
std = sigma
[x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-siz[1], siz[1]+1), np.arange(-siz[0], siz[0]+1))
arg = -(x*x + y*y)/(2*std*std)
h = np.exp(arg)
h[h < scipy.finfo(float).eps * h.max()] = 0
sumh = h.sum()
if sumh != 0:
h = h/sumh
return h
def fspecial_laplacian(alpha):
alpha = max([0, min([alpha,1])])
h1 = alpha/(alpha+1)
h2 = (1-alpha)/(alpha+1)
h = [[h1, h2, h1], [h2, -4/(alpha+1), h2], [h1, h2, h1]]
h = np.array(h)
return h
def fspecial_log(hsize, sigma):
def fspecial_motion(motion_len, theta):
def fspecial_prewitt():
return np.array([[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1]])
def fspecial_sobel():
return np.array([[1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -2, -1]])
def fspecial(filter_type, *args, **kwargs):
python code from:
if filter_type == 'average':
return fspecial_average(*args, **kwargs)
if filter_type == 'disk':
return fspecial_disk(*args, **kwargs)
if filter_type == 'gaussian':
return fspecial_gaussian(*args, **kwargs)
if filter_type == 'laplacian':
return fspecial_laplacian(*args, **kwargs)
if filter_type == 'log':
return fspecial_log(*args, **kwargs)
if filter_type == 'motion':
return fspecial_motion(*args, **kwargs)
if filter_type == 'prewitt':
return fspecial_prewitt(*args, **kwargs)
if filter_type == 'sobel':
return fspecial_sobel(*args, **kwargs)
def fspecial_gauss(size, sigma):
x, y = mgrid[-size // 2 + 1 : size // 2 + 1, -size // 2 + 1 : size // 2 + 1]
g = exp(-((x ** 2 + y ** 2) / (2.0 * sigma ** 2)))
return g / g.sum()
def blurkernel_synthesis(h=37, w=None):
w = h if w is None else w
kdims = [h, w]
x = randomTrajectory(250)
k = None
while k is None:
k = kernelFromTrajectory(x)
# center pad to kdims
pad_width = ((kdims[0] - k.shape[0]) // 2, (kdims[1] - k.shape[1]) // 2)
pad_width = [(pad_width[0],), (pad_width[1],)]
if pad_width[0][0]<0 or pad_width[1][0]<0:
k = k[0:h, 0:h]
k = pad(k, pad_width, "constant")
x1,x2 = k.shape
if np.random.randint(0, 4) == 1:
k = cv2.resize(k, (random.randint(x1, 5*x1), random.randint(x2, 5*x2)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
y1, y2 = k.shape
k = k[(y1-x1)//2: (y1-x1)//2+x1, (y2-x2)//2: (y2-x2)//2+x2]
if sum(k)<0.1:
k = fspecial_gaussian(h, 0.1+6*np.random.rand(1))
k = k / sum(k)
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.imshow(k, interpolation="nearest", cmap="gray")
return k
def kernelFromTrajectory(x):
h = 5 - log(rand()) / 0.15
h = round(min([h, 27])).astype(int)
h = h + 1 - h % 2
w = h
k = zeros((h, w))
xmin = min(x[0])
xmax = max(x[0])
ymin = min(x[1])
ymax = max(x[1])
xthr = arange(xmin, xmax, (xmax - xmin) / w)
ythr = arange(ymin, ymax, (ymax - ymin) / h)
for i in range(1, xthr.size):
for j in range(1, ythr.size):
idx = (
(x[0, :] >= xthr[i - 1])
& (x[0, :] < xthr[i])
& (x[1, :] >= ythr[j - 1])
& (x[1, :] < ythr[j])
k[i - 1, j - 1] = sum(idx)
if sum(k) == 0:
k = k / sum(k)
k = convolve2d(k, fspecial_gauss(3, 1), "same")
k = k / sum(k)
return k
def randomTrajectory(T):
x = zeros((3, T))
v = randn(3, T)
r = zeros((3, T))
trv = 1 / 1
trr = 2 * pi / T
for t in range(1, T):
F_rot = randn(3) / (t + 1) + r[:, t - 1]
F_trans = randn(3) / (t + 1)
r[:, t] = r[:, t - 1] + trr * F_rot
v[:, t] = v[:, t - 1] + trv * F_trans
st = v[:, t]
st = rot3D(st, r[:, t])
x[:, t] = x[:, t - 1] + st
return x
def rot3D(x, r):
Rx = array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(r[0]), -sin(r[0])], [0, sin(r[0]), cos(r[0])]])
Ry = array([[cos(r[1]), 0, sin(r[1])], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(r[1]), 0, cos(r[1])]])
Rz = array([[cos(r[2]), -sin(r[2]), 0], [sin(r[2]), cos(r[2]), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
R = Rz @ Ry @ Rx
x = R @ x
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = opt_fft_size([111])
print(fspecial('gaussian', 5, 1))
k = blurkernel_synthesis(11)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(k, interpolation="nearest", cmap="gray")