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import os.path
import logging
import re
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
import torch
from utils import utils_logger
from utils import utils_image as util
from utils import utils_model
Spyder (Python 3.6)
PyTorch 1.1.0
Windows 10 or Linux
Kai Zhang ([email protected])
If you have any question, please feel free to contact with me.
Kai Zhang (e-mail: [email protected])
by Kai Zhang (12/Dec./2019)
# --------------------------------------------
testing demo for RRDB-ESRGAN
title={Esrgan: Enhanced super-resolution generative adversarial networks},
author={Wang, Xintao and Yu, Ke and Wu, Shixiang and Gu, Jinjin and Liu, Yihao and Dong, Chao and Qiao, Yu and Change Loy, Chen},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
# --------------------------------------------
|--model_zoo # model_zoo
|--rrdb_x4_esrgan # model_name, optimized for perceptual quality
|--rrdb_x4_psnr # model_name, optimized for PSNR
|--testset # testsets
|--set5 # testset_name
|--results # results
|--set5_rrdb_x4_esrgan# result_name = testset_name + '_' + model_name
# --------------------------------------------
def main():
# ----------------------------------------
# Preparation
# ----------------------------------------
model_name = 'rrdb_x4_esrgan' # 'rrdb_x4_esrgan' | 'rrdb_x4_psnr'
testset_name = 'set5' # test set, 'set5' | 'srbsd68'
need_degradation = True # default: True
x8 = False # default: False, x8 to boost performance
sf = [int(s) for s in re.findall(r'\d+', model_name)][0] # scale factor
show_img = False # default: False
task_current = 'sr' # 'dn' for denoising | 'sr' for super-resolution
n_channels = 3 # fixed
model_pool = 'model_zoo' # fixed
testsets = 'testsets' # fixed
results = 'results' # fixed
noise_level_img = 0 # fixed: 0, noise level for LR image
result_name = testset_name + '_' + model_name
border = sf if task_current == 'sr' else 0 # shave boader to calculate PSNR and SSIM
model_path = os.path.join(model_pool, model_name+'.pth')
# ----------------------------------------
# L_path, E_path, H_path
# ----------------------------------------
L_path = os.path.join(testsets, testset_name) # L_path, for Low-quality images
H_path = L_path # H_path, for High-quality images
E_path = os.path.join(results, result_name) # E_path, for Estimated images
if H_path == L_path:
need_degradation = True
logger_name = result_name
utils_logger.logger_info(logger_name, log_path=os.path.join(E_path, logger_name+'.log'))
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
need_H = True if H_path is not None else False
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
# ----------------------------------------
# load model
# ----------------------------------------
from models.network_rrdb import RRDB as net
model = net(in_nc=n_channels, out_nc=n_channels, nc=64, nb=23, gc=32, upscale=4, act_mode='L', upsample_mode='upconv')
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path), strict=True) # strict=False
for k, v in model.named_parameters():
v.requires_grad = False
model ='Model path: {:s}'.format(model_path))
number_parameters = sum(map(lambda x: x.numel(), model.parameters()))'Params number: {}'.format(number_parameters))
test_results = OrderedDict()
test_results['psnr'] = []
test_results['ssim'] = []
test_results['psnr_y'] = []
test_results['ssim_y'] = []'model_name:{}, image sigma:{}'.format(model_name, noise_level_img))
L_paths = util.get_image_paths(L_path)
H_paths = util.get_image_paths(H_path) if need_H else None
for idx, img in enumerate(L_paths):
# ------------------------------------
# (1) img_L
# ------------------------------------
img_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img))
#'{:->4d}--> {:>10s}'.format(idx+1, img_name+ext))
img_L = util.imread_uint(img, n_channels=n_channels)
img_L = util.uint2single(img_L)
# degradation process, bicubic downsampling + Gaussian noise
if need_degradation:
img_L = util.modcrop(img_L, sf)
img_L = util.imresize_np(img_L, 1/sf)
# np.random.seed(seed=0) # for reproducibility
# img_L += np.random.normal(0, noise_level_img/255., img_L.shape)
util.imshow(util.single2uint(img_L), title='LR image with noise level {}'.format(noise_level_img)) if show_img else None
img_L = util.single2tensor4(img_L)
img_L =
# ------------------------------------
# (2) img_E
# ------------------------------------
if not x8:
img_E = model(img_L)
img_E = utils_model.test_mode(model, img_L, mode=3, sf=sf)
img_E = util.tensor2uint(img_E)
if need_H:
# --------------------------------
# (3) img_H
# --------------------------------
img_H = util.imread_uint(H_paths[idx], n_channels=n_channels)
img_H = img_H.squeeze()
img_H = util.modcrop(img_H, sf)
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
psnr = util.calculate_psnr(img_E, img_H, border=border)
ssim = util.calculate_ssim(img_E, img_H, border=border)
test_results['ssim'].append(ssim)'{:s} - PSNR: {:.2f} dB; SSIM: {:.4f}.'.format(img_name+ext, psnr, ssim))
util.imshow(np.concatenate([img_E, img_H], axis=1), title='Recovered / Ground-truth') if show_img else None
if np.ndim(img_H) == 3: # RGB image
img_E_y = util.rgb2ycbcr(img_E, only_y=True)
img_H_y = util.rgb2ycbcr(img_H, only_y=True)
psnr_y = util.calculate_psnr(img_E_y, img_H_y, border=border)
ssim_y = util.calculate_ssim(img_E_y, img_H_y, border=border)
# ------------------------------------
# save results
# ------------------------------------
util.imsave(img_E, os.path.join(E_path, img_name+'.png'))
if need_H:
ave_psnr = sum(test_results['psnr']) / len(test_results['psnr'])
ave_ssim = sum(test_results['ssim']) / len(test_results['ssim'])'Average PSNR/SSIM(RGB) - {} - x{} --PSNR: {:.2f} dB; SSIM: {:.4f}'.format(result_name, sf, ave_psnr, ave_ssim))
if np.ndim(img_H) == 3:
ave_psnr_y = sum(test_results['psnr_y']) / len(test_results['psnr_y'])
ave_ssim_y = sum(test_results['ssim_y']) / len(test_results['ssim_y'])'Average PSNR/SSIM( Y ) - {} - x{} - PSNR: {:.2f} dB; SSIM: {:.4f}'.format(result_name, sf, ave_psnr_y, ave_ssim_y))
if __name__ == '__main__':