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import os.path
import logging
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
import torch
from utils import utils_logger
from utils import utils_image as util
# from utils import utils_model
This code can help you to calculate:
`FLOPs`, `#Params`, `Runtime`, `#Activations`, `#Conv`, and `Max Memory Allocated`.
- `#Params' denotes the total number of parameters.
- `FLOPs' is the abbreviation for floating point operations.
- `#Activations' measures the number of elements of all outputs of convolutional layers.
- `Memory' represents maximum GPU memory consumption according to the PyTorch function torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated().
- `#Conv' represents the number of convolutional layers.
- `FLOPs', `#Activations', and `Memory' are tested on an LR image of size 256x256.
For more information, please refer to ECCVW paper "AIM 2020 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results".
# If you use this code, please consider the following citations:
title={AIM 2020 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results},
author={Kai Zhang and Martin Danelljan and Yawei Li and Radu Timofte and others},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops},
title={AIM 2019 Challenge on Constrained Super-Resolution: Methods and Results},
author={Kai Zhang and Shuhang Gu and Radu Timofte and others},
booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops},
CuDNN ( should be installed.
For `Memery` and `Runtime`, set 'print_modelsummary = False' and 'save_results = False'.
def main():
utils_logger.logger_info('efficientsr_challenge', log_path='efficientsr_challenge.log')
logger = logging.getLogger('efficientsr_challenge')
# print(torch.__version__) # pytorch version
# print(torch.version.cuda) # cuda version
# print(torch.backends.cudnn.version()) # cudnn version
# --------------------------------
# basic settings
# --------------------------------
model_names = ['msrresnet', 'imdn']
model_id = 1 # set the model name
sf = 4
model_name = model_names[model_id]'{:>16s} : {:s}'.format('Model Name', model_name))
testsets = 'testsets' # set path of testsets
testset_L = 'DIV2K_valid_LR' # set current testing dataset; 'DIV2K_test_LR'
testset_L = 'set12'
save_results = True
print_modelsummary = True # set False when calculating `Max Memery` and `Runtime`
torch.cuda.set_device(0) # set GPU ID'{:>16s} : {:<d}'.format('GPU ID', torch.cuda.current_device()))
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
# --------------------------------
# define network and load model
# --------------------------------
if model_name == 'msrresnet':
from models.network_msrresnet import MSRResNet1 as net
model = net(in_nc=3, out_nc=3, nc=64, nb=16, upscale=4) # define network
model_path = os.path.join('model_zoo', 'msrresnet_x4_psnr.pth') # set model path
elif model_name == 'imdn':
from models.network_imdn import IMDN as net
model = net(in_nc=3, out_nc=3, nc=64, nb=8, upscale=4, act_mode='L', upsample_mode='pixelshuffle') # define network
model_path = os.path.join('model_zoo', 'imdn_x4.pth') # set model path
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path), strict=True)
for k, v in model.named_parameters():
v.requires_grad = False
model =
# --------------------------------
# print model summary
# --------------------------------
if print_modelsummary:
from utils.utils_modelsummary import get_model_activation, get_model_flops
input_dim = (3, 256, 256) # set the input dimension
activations, num_conv2d = get_model_activation(model, input_dim)'{:>16s} : {:<.4f} [M]'.format('#Activations', activations/10**6))'{:>16s} : {:<d}'.format('#Conv2d', num_conv2d))
flops = get_model_flops(model, input_dim, False)'{:>16s} : {:<.4f} [G]'.format('FLOPs', flops/10**9))
num_parameters = sum(map(lambda x: x.numel(), model.parameters()))'{:>16s} : {:<.4f} [M]'.format('#Params', num_parameters/10**6))
# --------------------------------
# read image
# --------------------------------
L_path = os.path.join(testsets, testset_L)
E_path = os.path.join(testsets, testset_L+'_'+model_name)
# record runtime
test_results = OrderedDict()
test_results['runtime'] = []'{:>16s} : {:s}'.format('Input Path', L_path))'{:>16s} : {:s}'.format('Output Path', E_path))
idx = 0
start = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
end = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
for img in util.get_image_paths(L_path):
# --------------------------------
# (1) img_L
# --------------------------------
idx += 1
img_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img))'{:->4d}--> {:>10s}'.format(idx, img_name+ext))
img_L = util.imread_uint(img, n_channels=3)
img_L = util.uint2tensor4(img_L)
img_L =
img_E = model(img_L)
# img_E = utils_model.test_mode(model, img_L, mode=2, min_size=480, sf=sf) # use this to avoid 'out of memory' issue.
#'{:>16s} : {:<.3f} [M]'.format('Max Memery', torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(torch.cuda.current_device())/1024**2)) # Memery
test_results['runtime'].append(start.elapsed_time(end)) # milliseconds
# torch.cuda.synchronize()
# start = time.time()
# img_E = model(img_L)
# torch.cuda.synchronize()
# end = time.time()
# test_results['runtime'].append(end-start) # seconds
# --------------------------------
# (2) img_E
# --------------------------------
img_E = util.tensor2uint(img_E)
if save_results:
util.imsave(img_E, os.path.join(E_path, img_name+ext))
ave_runtime = sum(test_results['runtime']) / len(test_results['runtime']) / 1000.0'------> Average runtime of ({}) is : {:.6f} seconds'.format(L_path, ave_runtime))
if __name__ == '__main__':