import os import torch import random import copy import logging import shutil class dataset( def __init__(self, args, split): super().__init__() self.args = args self.split = split assert self.split in ['train', 'validation', 'test'] manifest_fn = os.path.join(self.args.dataset_dir, self.args.manifest_name, self.split+".txt") with open(manifest_fn, "r") as rf: data = [l.strip().split("\t") for l in rf.readlines()] lengths_list = [int(item[-1]) for item in data] = [] self.lengths_list = [] for d, l in zip(data, lengths_list): if l >= self.args.encodec_sr*self.args.audio_min_length: if self.args.drop_long and l > self.args.encodec_sr*self.args.audio_max_length: continue self.lengths_list.append(l)"number of data points for {self.split} split: {len(self.lengths_list)}") # phoneme vocabulary vocab_fn = os.path.join(self.args.dataset_dir,"vocab.txt") shutil.copy(vocab_fn, os.path.join(self.args.exp_dir, "vocab.txt")) with open(vocab_fn, "r") as f: temp = [l.strip().split(" ") for l in f.readlines() if len(l) != 0] self.phn2num = {item[1]:int(item[0]) for item in temp} self.symbol_set = set(["<SIL>", "<MUSIC>", "<NOISE>", "<OTHER>"]) def __len__(self): return len(self.lengths_list) def _load_phn_enc(self, index): item =[index] pf = os.path.join(self.args.dataset_dir, self.args.phn_folder_name, item[1]+".txt") ef = os.path.join(self.args.dataset_dir, self.args.encodec_folder_name, item[1]+".txt") try: with open(pf, "r") as p, open(ef, "r") as e: phns = [l.strip() for l in p.readlines()] assert len(phns) == 1, phns x = [self.phn2num[item] for item in phns[0].split(" ") if item not in self.symbol_set] # drop ["<SIL>", "<MUSIC>", "<NOISE>", "<OTHER>"], as they are not in training set annotation encos = [l.strip().split() for k, l in enumerate(e.readlines()) if k < self.args.n_codebooks] assert len(encos) == self.args.n_codebooks, ef if self.args.special_first: y = [[int(n)+self.args.n_special for n in l] for l in encos] else: y = [[int(n) for n in l] for l in encos] except Exception as e:"loading failed for {pf} and {ef}, maybe files don't exist or are corrupted")"error message: {e}") return [], [[]] return x, y def __getitem__(self, index): x, y = self._load_phn_enc(index) x_len, y_len = len(x), len(y[0]) if x_len == 0 or y_len == 0: return { "x": None, "x_len": None, "y": None, "y_len": None, "y_mask_interval": None, # index y_mask_interval[1] is the position of start_of_continue token "extra_mask_start": None # this is only used in VE1 } while y_len < self.args.encodec_sr*self.args.audio_min_length: assert not self.args.dynamic_batching index = random.choice(range(len(self))) # regenerate an index x, y = self._load_phn_enc(index) x_len, y_len = len(x), len(y[0]) if self.args.drop_long: while x_len > self.args.text_max_length or y_len > self.args.encodec_sr*self.args.audio_max_length: index = random.choice(range(len(self))) # regenerate an index x, y = self._load_phn_enc(index) x_len, y_len = len(x), len(y[0]) ### padding and cropping below ### ### padding and cropping below ### # adjust the length of encodec codes, pad to max_len or randomly crop orig_y_len = copy.copy(y_len) max_len = int(self.args.audio_max_length * self.args.encodec_sr) if y_len > max_len: audio_start = random.choice(range(0, y_len-max_len)) for i in range(len(y)): y[i] = y[i][audio_start:(audio_start+max_len)] y_len = max_len else: audio_start = 0 if not self.args.dynamic_batching: pad = [0] * (max_len - y_len) if self.args.sep_special_token else [self.args.audio_pad_token] * (max_len - y_len) for i in range(len(y)): y[i] = y[i] + pad # adjust text # if audio is cropped, and text is longer than max, crop max based on how audio is cropped if audio_start > 0 and len(x) > self.args.text_max_length: # if audio is longer than max and text is long than max, start text the way audio started x = x[int(len(x)*audio_start/orig_y_len):] if len(x) > self.args.text_max_length: # if text is still longer than max, cut the end x = x[:self.args.text_max_length] x_len = len(x) if x_len > self.args.text_max_length: text_start = random.choice(range(0, x_len - self.args.text_max_length)) x = x[text_start:text_start+self.args.text_max_length] x_len = self.args.text_max_length elif self.args.pad_x and x_len <= self.args.text_max_length: pad = [0] * (self.args.text_max_length - x_len) if self.args.sep_special_token else [self.args.text_pad_token] * (self.args.text_max_length - x_len) x = x + pad ### padding and cropping above ### ### padding and cropping above ### return { "x": torch.LongTensor(x), "x_len": x_len, "y": torch.LongTensor(y), "y_len": y_len } def collate(self, batch): out = {key:[] for key in batch[0]} for item in batch: if item['x'] == None: # deal with load failure continue for key, val in item.items(): out[key].append(val) res = {} if self.args.pad_x: res["x"] = torch.stack(out["x"], dim=0) else: res["x"] = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(out["x"], batch_first=True, padding_value=self.args.text_pad_token) res["x_lens"] = torch.LongTensor(out["x_len"]) if self.args.dynamic_batching: if out['y'][0].ndim==2: res['y'] = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence([item.transpose(1,0) for item in out['y']],padding_value=self.args.audio_pad_token) res['y'] = res['y'].permute(1,2,0) # T B K -> B K T else: assert out['y'][0].ndim==1, out['y'][0].shape res['y'] = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(out['y'], batch_first=True, padding_value=self.args.audio_pad_token) else: res['y'] = torch.stack(out['y'], dim=0) res["y_lens"] = torch.LongTensor(out["y_len"]) res["text_padding_mask"] = torch.arange(res['x'][0].shape[-1]).unsqueeze(0) >= res['x_lens'].unsqueeze(1) res["audio_padding_mask"] = torch.arange(res['y'][0].shape[-1]).unsqueeze(0) >= res['y_lens'].unsqueeze(1) return res