/** * * Copyright 2023-2025 InspectorRAGet Team * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **/ 'use client'; import { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'; import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import { DataTable, TableContainer, Table, TableToolbar, TableBatchActions, TableBatchAction, TableToolbarContent, TableToolbarSearch, TableHead, TableRow, TableSelectAll, TableSelectRow, TableHeader, TableBody, TableCell, Pagination, Button, Tooltip, } from '@carbon/react'; import { Flag, FlagFilled, DocumentExport, Chat } from '@carbon/icons-react'; import { SimpleBarChart } from '@carbon/charts-react'; import { ScaleTypes } from '@carbon/charts'; import { useTheme } from '@/src/theme'; import { Metric, Model, Task, TaskEvaluation } from '@/src/types'; import { extractMetricDisplayValue } from '@/src/utilities/metrics'; import { truncate } from '@/src/utilities/strings'; import { useDataStore } from '@/src/store'; import { useNotification } from '@/src/components/notification/Notification'; import { exportData } from '@/src/processor'; import classes from './TasksTable.module.scss'; // =================================================================================== // TYPES // =================================================================================== type EvaluationRow = { id: string; taskId: string; }; interface Props { metrics: Metric[]; evaluations: TaskEvaluation[]; models: Model[]; filters: { [key: string]: string[] }; annotator?: string; onClick: Function; } // =================================================================================== // COMPUTE FUNCTIONS // =================================================================================== /** * Helper function to compute evaluation table headers and rows * @param evaluations full set of evaluations * @param metric metric under consideration * @returns */ function populateTable( evaluations: TaskEvaluation[], metrics: Metric[], models: Model[], taskInputMap: { [key: string]: any }, filters: { [key: string]: string[] }, annotator?: string, ): [{ key: string; header: string }[], EvaluationRow[]] { const modelIds = new Set(); const applicableFilters = new Set(); const headers = [ { key: 'task', header: 'Task', }, ]; const rows: EvaluationRow[] = []; // Step 1: Build evaluations map combining different model evaluations const evaluationsMap = new Map(); evaluations.forEach((evaluation) => { const entry = evaluationsMap.get(evaluation.taskId) || {}; // Step 1.a: Add filter value, if exists in evaluation and not already added if (isEmpty(entry) && !isEmpty(filters)) { for (const filter of Object.keys(filters)) { if (evaluation.hasOwnProperty(filter)) { entry[filter] = evaluation[filter]; // Add to list of applicable filters applicableFilters.add(filter); } } } // Add annotations entry[`${evaluation.modelId}::value`] = {}; metrics.forEach((metric) => { if (annotator && evaluation.hasOwnProperty(metric.name)) { entry[`${evaluation.modelId}::value`][metric.name] = extractMetricDisplayValue( evaluation[metric.name][annotator].value, metric.values, ); } else if (evaluation.hasOwnProperty(`${metric.name}_agg`)) { entry[`${evaluation.modelId}::value`][metric.name] = extractMetricDisplayValue( evaluation[`${metric.name}_agg`].value, metric.values, ); } else { entry[`${evaluation.modelId}::value`][metric.name] = '-'; } }); // Step 1.b: Save updated entry into evaluations map evaluationsMap.set(evaluation.taskId, entry); // Step 1.c: Add model id to set of model ids modelIds.add(evaluation.modelId); }); // Step 2: Update evaluation table header based on filters applicableFilters.forEach((filter) => { const header = filter.split('_').join(' '); headers.push({ key: filter, header: header.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + header.slice(1).toLowerCase(), }); }); // Step 3: Update evaluation table headers based on model ids modelIds.forEach((modelId) => { headers.push({ key: `${modelId}::value`, header: models.find((model) => model.modelId === modelId)?.name || modelId, }); }); // Step 4: Populate evaluation table rows evaluationsMap.forEach((record, taskId) => { rows.push({ id: taskId, task: taskInputMap[taskId] || taskId, ...record }); }); // Step 3: Populate evaluation table rows return [headers, rows]; } // =================================================================================== // RENDER FUNCTIONS // =================================================================================== /** * Build sparkline graph */ function sparkline( annotations: { [key: string]: { timestamp: number; value: string }; }, metric: Metric, key: string, theme?: string, ) { if (annotations) { // Initialize distribution with potential values for x-axis const distribution: { [key: string]: number } = metric.values ? Object.fromEntries( metric.values.map((entry) => [entry.displayValue, 0]), ) : {}; // Iterate over annotations to populate distribution (y-axis) for (const [, entries] of Object.entries(annotations)) { const displayValue = extractMetricDisplayValue( entries.value, metric.values, ); if (distribution.hasOwnProperty(displayValue)) { distribution[displayValue] += 1; } else { distribution[displayValue] = 1; } } // Transform distribution into data type suitable for SimpleBarChart const data = Object.entries(distribution).map(([value, count]) => { return { group: value, value: count }; }); // Identify number of unique used values const numOfUsedValues = data.filter((entry) => entry.value !== 0).length; return (
[ entry.group, numOfUsedValues === 1 ? '#42be65' : numOfUsedValues >= 3 ? '#fa4d56' : '#f1c21b', ]), ), }, axes: { left: { mapsTo: 'value', visible: false, scaleType: ScaleTypes.LINEAR, }, bottom: { mapsTo: 'group', visible: false, scaleType: ScaleTypes.LABELS, }, }, grid: { y: { enabled: false, }, x: { enabled: false, }, }, legend: { enabled: false, }, toolbar: { enabled: false, }, height: '24px', width: '48px', theme: theme, }} >
); } return null; } // =================================================================================== // MAIN FUNCTION // =================================================================================== export default function TasksTable({ metrics, evaluations, models, filters, annotator, onClick, }: Props) { // Step 1: Initialize state and necessary variables const [page, setPage] = useState(1); const [pageSize, setPageSize] = useState(10); const [visibleRows, setVisibleRows] = useState([]); // Step 2: Run effects // Step 2.a: Fetch theme const { theme } = useTheme(); // Step 2.b: Fetch data from data store const { item, taskMap, updateTask: updateTask } = useDataStore(); // Step 2.c: Notification hook const { createNotification } = useNotification(); // Step 2.d: Build evaluations map const evaluationsMap = useMemo(() => { return Object.fromEntries( evaluations.map((evaluation) => [ `${evaluation.taskId}:${evaluation.modelId}`, Object.fromEntries( metrics.map((metric) => [metric.name, evaluation[metric.name]]), ), ]), ); }, [evaluations, metrics]); // Step 2.e: Build tasks map const taskInputMap = useMemo(() => { return Object.fromEntries( evaluations.map((evaluation) => [ `${evaluation.taskId}`, evaluation.query, ]), ); }, [evaluations]); // Step 2.f: Populate table header and rows var [headers, rows]: [{ key: string; header: string }[], EvaluationRow[]] = useMemo( () => populateTable( evaluations, metrics, models, taskInputMap, filters, annotator, ), [evaluations, metrics, models, filters, taskInputMap, annotator], ); // Step 2.g: Identify visible rows useEffect(() => { // Set visible rows setVisibleRows(() => { if (rows.length <= pageSize) { setPage(1); } return rows.slice( (page - 1) * pageSize, (page - 1) * pageSize + pageSize, ); }); }, [rows, page, pageSize]); // Step 3: Render return ( <> {headers && rows && (
{ // Step 1: Check if cell values are objects if (typeof cellA === 'object' && typeof cellB === 'object') { // Step 1.a: Get first value for each cell object const valueA = Object.values(cellA)[0]; const valueB = Object.values(cellB)[0]; // Step 1.b: Check if both values are of "string" type if (typeof valueA === 'string' && typeof valueB === 'string') { // Step 1.b.i: Check if both values are purely numeric if ( !isNaN(parseFloat(valueA)) && !isNaN(parseFloat(valueB)) ) { if (sortDirection === sortStates.DESC) { return parseFloat(valueA) - parseFloat(valueB); } return parseFloat(valueB) - parseFloat(valueA); } else { if (sortDirection === sortStates.DESC) { return valueA.localeCompare(valueB); } return valueB.localeCompare(valueA); } } // Step 1.c: Check if both values are of "number" type else if ( typeof valueA === 'number' && typeof valueB === 'number' ) { if (sortDirection === sortStates.DESC) { return valueA - valueB; } return valueB - valueA; } } // Step 2: cell values are assumed to be of "string" type else { if (sortDirection === sortStates.DESC) { return cellA.localeCompare(cellB); } return cellB.localeCompare(cellA); } }} > {({ rows, headers, getHeaderProps, getRowProps, getToolbarProps, getSelectionProps, getBatchActionProps, selectedRows, getTableProps, getTableContainerProps, onInputChange, selectRow, }) => { const batchActionProps = { ...getBatchActionProps({ onSelectAll: () => { rows.map((row) => { if (!row.isSelected) { selectRow(row.id); } }); }, }), }; return ( { selectedRows.forEach((entry) => updateTask(entry.id, { flagged: true, }), ); }} > Flag { selectedRows.forEach((entry) => updateTask(entry.id, { flagged: false, }), ); }} > Unflag { const success = exportData( item, selectedRows.map((entry) => taskMap?.get(entry.id)), ); if (success) { // Notify user about successfuly export createNotification({ kind: 'success', title: 'Export successful.', subtitle: 'Please look into browser default save location.', }); } else { // Notify user about invalid request createNotification({ kind: 'error', title: 'Export unsuccessful.', subtitle: 'Please contact us.', }); } }} > Export {headers.map((header, index) => ( {header.header} ))} {rows.map((row, index) => ( {row.cells.map((cell) => cell.info.header === 'task' ? (
{ onClick(row.id); }} > {truncate(cell.value, 80)}
{taskMap?.get(cell.id.split(':task')[0]) ?.comments && ( )}
) : (
<> {cell.value ? ( typeof cell.value === 'object' ? ( <> {Array.isArray(cell.value) ? !isEmpty(cell.value) ? cell.value.join(', ') : '-' : metrics.map((metric) => { return ( <>
{ cell.value[ metric.name ] }
{!annotator && evaluationsMap[ cell.id.split( '::value', 1, )[0] ] ? sparkline( evaluationsMap[ cell.id.split( '::value', 1, )[0] ][metric.name], metric, cell.id, theme, ) : null}
); })} ) : (
{Array.isArray(cell.value) ? !isEmpty(cell.value) ? cell.value.join(', ') : '-' : cell.value}
) ) : (
), )}
); }}
{ // Step 1: Update page size setPageSize(event.pageSize); // Step 2: Update page setPage(event.page); }} >
)} ); }