diff --git "a/Learning_Pathway_Index_Dataset_Cleaned.csv" "b/Learning_Pathway_Index_Dataset_Cleaned.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/Learning_Pathway_Index_Dataset_Cleaned.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1411 @@ +Course_Learning_Material,Source,Course_Level,Type,Module,Duration,Difficulty_Level,Keywords,Links,combined_features +Introduction to Machine Learning,Google Developers,Beginners,Free,Introduction to Machine Learning,20 mins,Easy,machine learning,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/intro-to-ml,Introduction to Machine Learning Google Developers Beginners Free Introduction to Machine Learning Easy machine learning +Introduction to Machine Learning,Google Developers,Beginners,Free,What is Machine Learning,20 mins,Easy,machine learning,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/intro-to-ml/what-is-ml,Introduction to Machine Learning Google Developers Beginners Free What is Machine Learning Easy machine learning +Introduction to Machine Learning,Google Developers,Beginners,Free,Supervised Learning,20 mins,Easy to Medium,supervised learning,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/intro-to-ml/supervised,Introduction to Machine Learning Google Developers Beginners Free Supervised Learning Easy to Medium supervised learning +Introduction to Machine Learning,Google Developers,Beginners,Free,Test your understanding,10 mins,Easy,machine learning test,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/intro-to-ml/understanding,Introduction to Machine Learning Google Developers Beginners Free Test your understanding Easy machine learning test +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Introduction to ML,3 mins,Easy,machine learning,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/ml-intro,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Introduction to ML Easy machine learning +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Framing - Video Lecture,,Easy to Medium,problem statement,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/descending-into-ml/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Framing - Video Lecture Easy to Medium problem statement +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Framing - Key ML Terminology,15 mins,Easy,ml terminologies,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/framing/ml-terminology,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Framing - Key ML Terminology Easy ml terminologies +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Descending into ML - Video Lecture,,Easy to Medium,machine learning,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/descending-into-ml/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Descending into ML - Video Lecture Easy to Medium machine learning +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Descending into ML - Linear Regression,,Easy to Medium,"machine learning, linear regrression",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/descending-into-ml/linear-regression,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Descending into ML - Linear Regression Easy to Medium machine learning, linear regrression" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Descending into ML - Training and Loss,,Easy to Medium,"machine learning, training, loss",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/descending-into-ml/training-and-loss,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Descending into ML - Training and Loss Easy to Medium machine learning, training, loss" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Reducing Loss - Video Lecture,20 mins,Easy to Medium,reducing loss,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/reducing-loss/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Reducing Loss - Video Lecture Easy to Medium reducing loss +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Reducing Loss - An Iterative Approach,,Easy to Medium,"iterative approach, reducing loss",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/reducing-loss/an-iterative-approach,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Reducing Loss - An Iterative Approach Easy to Medium iterative approach, reducing loss" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Reducing Loss - Gradient Descent,,Easy to Medium,"gradient descent, reducing loss",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/reducing-loss/gradient-descent,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Reducing Loss - Gradient Descent Easy to Medium gradient descent, reducing loss" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Reducing Loss - Learning Rate,,Easy to Medium,"learning rate, reducing loss",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/reducing-loss/learning-rate,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Reducing Loss - Learning Rate Easy to Medium learning rate, reducing loss" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Reducing Loss - Optimizing Learning Rate,,Easy to Medium,"optimising, learning rate, reducing loss",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/fitter/graph,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Reducing Loss - Optimizing Learning Rate Easy to Medium optimising, learning rate, reducing loss" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Reducing Loss - Stochastic Gradient Descent,60 mins,Easy to Medium,"stochastic, gradient descent, reducing loss",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/reducing-loss/stochastic-gradient-descent,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Reducing Loss - Stochastic Gradient Descent Easy to Medium stochastic, gradient descent, reducing loss" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Reducing Loss - Playground Exercise,,Easy to Medium,"reducing loss, practical",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/reducing-loss/playground-exercise,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Reducing Loss - Playground Exercise Easy to Medium reducing loss, practical" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,First Steps with TensorFlow - Toolkit,,Easy,"tensorflow, toolkit",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/first-steps-with-tensorflow/toolkit,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free First Steps with TensorFlow - Toolkit Easy tensorflow, toolkit" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,First Steps with TensorFlow - Toolkit,,Easy,"tensorflow, toolkit",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/first-steps-with-tensorflow/programming-exercises,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free First Steps with TensorFlow - Toolkit Easy tensorflow, toolkit" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Generalisation - Video Lecture,,Easy,generalisation,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/generalization/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Generalisation - Video Lecture Easy generalisation +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Generalisation - Peril of Overfitting,,Easy,"generalisation, overfitting",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/generalization/peril-of-overfitting,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Generalisation - Peril of Overfitting Easy generalisation, overfitting" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Training and Test Sets - Video Lecture,,Easy,"training, test, datasets",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/training-and-test-sets/video-lecture,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Training and Test Sets - Video Lecture Easy training, test, datasets" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Training and Test Sets - Splitting Data,,Easy,"training, test, datasets, splitting, data",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/training-and-test-sets/splitting-data,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Training and Test Sets - Splitting Data Easy training, test, datasets, splitting, data" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Training and Test Sets - Playground Exercise,,Easy,"training, test, datasets",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/training-and-test-sets/playground-exercise,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Training and Test Sets - Playground Exercise Easy training, test, datasets" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Validation Set - Video lecture,65 mins,Easy,validation set,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/validation/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Validation Set - Video lecture Easy validation set +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Validation Set - Another Partition,,Easy,"validation set, partition",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/validation/another-partition,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Validation Set - Another Partition Easy validation set, partition" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Validation Set - Playground Exercise,,Easy,validation set,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/validation/programming-exercise,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Validation Set - Playground Exercise Easy validation set +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Representation - Video lecture,,Easy to Medium,representation,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/representation/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Representation - Video lecture Easy to Medium representation +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Representation - Feature Engineering,15 mins,Easy to Medium,"representation, feature engineering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/representation/feature-engineering,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Representation - Feature Engineering Easy to Medium representation, feature engineering" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Representation - Qualities of Good Features,,Easy to Medium,"representation, qualities, good features",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/representation/qualities-of-good-features,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Representation - Qualities of Good Features Easy to Medium representation, qualities, good features" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Representation - Cleaning Data,,Easy to Medium,"representation, cleaning, data",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/representation/cleaning-data,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Representation - Cleaning Data Easy to Medium representation, cleaning, data" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Feature Crosses - Video lecture,,Easy to Medium,"feature, crosses",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/feature-crosses/video-lecture,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Feature Crosses - Video lecture Easy to Medium feature, crosses" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Feature Crosses - Encoding Nonlinearity,25 mins,Easy to Medium,"feature, crosses, encoding, nonlinearity",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/feature-crosses/encoding-nonlinearity,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Feature Crosses - Encoding Nonlinearity Easy to Medium feature, crosses, encoding, nonlinearity" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Feature Crosses - Crossing One-Hot Vectors,,Easy to Medium,"feature, crosses, one-hot vectors",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/feature-crosses/crossing-one-hot-vectors,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Feature Crosses - Crossing One-Hot Vectors Easy to Medium feature, crosses, one-hot vectors" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Feature Crosses - Playground Exercises,,Easy to Medium,"feature, crosses",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/feature-crosses/playground-exercises,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Feature Crosses - Playground Exercises Easy to Medium feature, crosses" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Feature Crosses - Programming Exercise,,Easy to Medium,"feature, crosses",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/feature-crosses/programming-exercise,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Feature Crosses - Programming Exercise Easy to Medium feature, crosses" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Regularization: Simplicity - Playground Exercise: Overcrossing?,,Medium,"regularisation, simplicity",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/regularization-for-simplicity/playground-exercise-overcrossing,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Regularization: Simplicity - Playground Exercise: Overcrossing? Medium regularisation, simplicity" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Regularization: Simplicity - Video Lecture,35 mins,Medium,"regularisation, simplicity",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/regularization-for-simplicity/video-lecture,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Regularization: Simplicity - Video Lecture Medium regularisation, simplicity" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Regularization: Simplicity - L2 Regularization,,Medium,"regularisation, simplicity, l2, regularisation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/regularization-for-simplicity/l2-regularization,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Regularization: Simplicity - L2 Regularization Medium regularisation, simplicity, l2, regularisation" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Regularization: Simplicity - Lambda,,Medium,"regularisation, simplicity, lambda",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/regularization-for-simplicity/lambda,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Regularization: Simplicity - Lambda Medium regularisation, simplicity, lambda" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Regularization: Simplicity - Playground Exercise: L2 Regularization,,Medium,"regularisation, simplicity",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/regularization-for-simplicity/playground-exercise-examining-l2-regularization,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Regularization: Simplicity - Playground Exercise: L2 Regularization Medium regularisation, simplicity" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Logistic Regression - Video Lecture,,Easy to Medium,logistic regression,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/logistic-regression/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Logistic Regression - Video Lecture Easy to Medium logistic regression +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Logistic Regression - Calculating a Probability,35 mins,Easy to Medium,"logistic regression, probability",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/logistic-regression/calculating-a-probability,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Logistic Regression - Calculating a Probability Easy to Medium logistic regression, probability" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Logistic Regression - Loss and Regularization,,Easy to Medium,"logistic regression, loss, regularisation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/logistic-regression/model-training,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Logistic Regression - Loss and Regularization Easy to Medium logistic regression, loss, regularisation" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Classification - Video Lecture,,Easy to Medium,classification,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Classification - Video Lecture Easy to Medium classification +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Classification - Thresholding,,Easy to Medium,"classification, threshold",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/thresholding,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Classification - Thresholding Easy to Medium classification, threshold" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Classification - True vs. False; Positive vs. Negative,,Easy to Medium,"classification, confusion matrix",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/true-false-positive-negative,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Classification - True vs. False; Positive vs. Negative Easy to Medium classification, confusion matrix" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Classification - Accuracy,,Easy to Medium,"classification, accuracy",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/accuracy,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Classification - Accuracy Easy to Medium classification, accuracy" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Classification - Precision and Recall,70 mins,Easy to Medium,"classification, precision, recall",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/precision-and-recall,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Classification - Precision and Recall Easy to Medium classification, precision, recall" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,"Classification - Check Your Understanding: Accuracy, Precision, Recall",,Easy to Medium,classification,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/check-your-understanding-accuracy-precision-recall ,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Classification - Check Your Understanding: Accuracy, Precision, Recall Easy to Medium classification" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Classification - ROC Curve and AUC,,Easy to Medium,"classification, roc, roc curve, auc",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/roc-and-auc,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Classification - ROC Curve and AUC Easy to Medium classification, roc, roc curve, auc" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Classification - Check Your Understanding: ROC and AUC,,Easy to Medium,classification,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/check-your-understanding-roc-and-auc,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Classification - Check Your Understanding: ROC and AUC Easy to Medium classification +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Classification - Prediction Bias,,Easy to Medium,"classification, prediction, bias",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/prediction-bias,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Classification - Prediction Bias Easy to Medium classification, prediction, bias" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Classification - Programming Exercise,,Easy to Medium,classification,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/programming-exercise,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Classification - Programming Exercise Easy to Medium classification +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Regularization: Sparcity - Video Lecture,,Medium,"regulisation, sparcity",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/regularization-for-sparsity/video-lecture,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Regularization: Sparcity - Video Lecture Medium regulisation, sparcity" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Regularization: Sparcity - L1 Regularization,40 mins,Medium,"regulisation, sparcity, l1, regularisation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/regularization-for-sparsity/l1-regularization,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Regularization: Sparcity - L1 Regularization Medium regulisation, sparcity, l1, regularisation" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Regularization: Sparcity - Playground Exercise,,Medium,"regulisation, sparcity",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/regularization-for-sparsity/playground-exercise,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Regularization: Sparcity - Playground Exercise Medium regulisation, sparcity" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Regularization: Sparcity - Check Your Understanding,,Medium,"regulisation, sparcity",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/regularization-for-sparsity/check-your-understanding,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Regularization: Sparcity - Check Your Understanding Medium regulisation, sparcity" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Neural Networks - Video Lecture,,Easy to Medium,neural networks,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/introduction-to-neural-networks/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Neural Networks - Video Lecture Easy to Medium neural networks +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Neural Networks - Structure,,Easy to Medium,neural networks,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/introduction-to-neural-networks/anatomy,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Neural Networks - Structure Easy to Medium neural networks +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Neural Networks - Playground Exercises,,Easy to Medium,neural networks,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/introduction-to-neural-networks/playground-exercises,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Neural Networks - Playground Exercises Easy to Medium neural networks +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Neural Networks - Programming Exercise,,Easy to Medium,neural networks,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/introduction-to-neural-networks/programming-exercise,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Neural Networks - Programming Exercise Easy to Medium neural networks +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Training Neural Networks - Video Lecture,20 mins,Easy to Medium,"training, neural networks",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/training-neural-networks/video-lecture,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Training Neural Networks - Video Lecture Easy to Medium training, neural networks" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Training Neural Networks - Best Practices,,Easy to Medium,"training, neural networks",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/training-neural-networks/best-practices,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Training Neural Networks - Best Practices Easy to Medium training, neural networks" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Multi-class Neural Networks - Video Lecture,,Easy to Medium,"training, neural networks",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/multi-class-neural-networks/video-lecture,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Multi-class Neural Networks - Video Lecture Easy to Medium training, neural networks" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Multi-class Neural Networks - One vs. All,,Easy to Medium,"training, neural networks",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/multi-class-neural-networks/one-vs-all,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Multi-class Neural Networks - One vs. All Easy to Medium training, neural networks" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Multi-class Neural Networks - Softmax,,Easy to Medium,"training, neural networks, softmax",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/multi-class-neural-networks/softmax,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Multi-class Neural Networks - Softmax Easy to Medium training, neural networks, softmax" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Multi-class Neural Networks - Programming Exercise,90 mins,Easy to Medium,"training, neural networks",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/multi-class-neural-networks/programming-exercise,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Multi-class Neural Networks - Programming Exercise Easy to Medium training, neural networks" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Embeddings - Video Lecture,,Easy to Medium,embeddings,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/embeddings/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Embeddings - Video Lecture Easy to Medium embeddings +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Embeddings - Motivation from Collaborative Filtering,,Easy to Medium,"embeddings, collaborative filtering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/embeddings/motivation-from-collaborative-filtering,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Embeddings - Motivation from Collaborative Filtering Easy to Medium embeddings, collaborative filtering" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Embeddings - Categorical Input Data,,Easy to Medium,"embeddings, categorical data",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/embeddings/categorical-input-data,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Embeddings - Categorical Input Data Easy to Medium embeddings, categorical data" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Embeddings - Translating to a Lower-Dimensional Space,,Easy to Medium,"embeddings, low dimensional space",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/embeddings/translating-to-a-lower-dimensional-space,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Embeddings - Translating to a Lower-Dimensional Space Easy to Medium embeddings, low dimensional space" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Embeddings - Obtaining Embeddings,,Easy to Medium,"embeddings, embeddings",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/embeddings/obtaining-embeddings,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Embeddings - Obtaining Embeddings Easy to Medium embeddings, embeddings" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Production ML Systems,3 mins,Medium,"production, ml systems",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/production-ml-systems,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Production ML Systems Medium production, ml systems" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Static versus Dynamic training,7 mins,Medium,"statis, dynamic, training",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/static-vs-dynamic-training/video-lecture,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Static versus Dynamic training Medium statis, dynamic, training" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Static versus Dynamic inferencing,7 mins,Medium,"statis, dynamic, inferencing",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/static-vs-dynamic-inference/video-lecture,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Static versus Dynamic inferencing Medium statis, dynamic, inferencing" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Data Dependencies,14 mins,Medium,"data, dependencies",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/data-dependencies/video-lecture,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Data Dependencies Medium data, dependencies" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Fairness,70 mins,Easy to Medium,fairness,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/fairness/video-lecture,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Fairness Easy to Medium fairness +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Fairness - Types of Bias,,Easy to Medium,"fairness, bias, types",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/fairness/types-of-bias,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Fairness - Types of Bias Easy to Medium fairness, bias, types" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Fairness - Identifying Bias,,Easy to Medium,"fairness, identifying, bias",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/fairness/identifying-bias,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Fairness - Identifying Bias Easy to Medium fairness, identifying, bias" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Fairness - Evaluating for Bias,,Easy to Medium,"fairness, evualting, bias",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/fairness/evaluating-for-bias,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Fairness - Evaluating for Bias Easy to Medium fairness, evualting, bias" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Fairness - Programming Exercise,,Easy to Medium,fairness,https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/fairness/programming-exercise,Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Fairness - Programming Exercise Easy to Medium fairness +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Cancer Prediction - ML Systems in the Real World,5 mins,Easy to Medium,"real world, cancer, prediction, ml systems",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/cancer-prediction,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Cancer Prediction - ML Systems in the Real World Easy to Medium real world, cancer, prediction, ml systems" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Literature - ML Systems in the Real World,5 mins,Easy to Medium,"real world, literature, ml systems",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/18th-century-literature,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Literature - ML Systems in the Real World Easy to Medium real world, literature, ml systems" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Guidelines - ML Systems in the Real World,2 mins,Easy to Medium,"real world, guidelines, ml systems",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/real-world-guidelines,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Guidelines - ML Systems in the Real World Easy to Medium real world, guidelines, ml systems" +Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Glossary - Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation),,Easy to Medium,"glossary, machine learning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/glossary,"Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Glossary - Machine Learning Crash Course (Foundation) Easy to Medium glossary, machine learning" +Problem Framing (ML related),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Overview - Introduction to Machine Learning Problem Framing,5mins,Easy,"ML Problems, samples,solution, machine, label",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/problem-framing,"Problem Framing (ML related) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Overview - Introduction to Machine Learning Problem Framing Easy ML Problems, samples,solution, machine, label" +Problem Framing (ML related),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Overview - Problem Framing,5mins,Medium,"problems, framing, data, samples, approach, steps, solution",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/problem-framing/problem-framing,"Problem Framing (ML related) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Overview - Problem Framing Medium problems, framing, data, samples, approach, steps, solution" +Problem Framing (ML related),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,ML Problem Framing - Understanding the Problem,25 minutes,Medium,"data, ml, solution, dataset, user, prediction, predictions",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/problem-framing/problem,"Problem Framing (ML related) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free ML Problem Framing - Understanding the Problem Medium data, ml, solution, dataset, user, prediction, predictions" +Problem Framing (ML related),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,ML Problem Framing - Framing an ML problem,15mins,Medium,"model, prediction, regression, metrics, proxy, users, outcome ",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/problem-framing/ml-framing,"Problem Framing (ML related) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free ML Problem Framing - Framing an ML problem Medium model, prediction, regression, metrics, proxy, users, outcome " +Problem Framing (ML related),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Conclusion - Implementing a model,10mins,Medium,"model, models, data, prediction, outcome, inference, ml, alert, server ",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/problem-framing/implement-model,"Problem Framing (ML related) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Conclusion - Implementing a model Medium model, models, data, prediction, outcome, inference, ml, alert, server " +Problem Framing (ML related),Google Developers,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Conclusion - Summary and next steps,10 minutes,Medium,"licence, content, code, preference, oracle, developers, label",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/problem-framing/summary,"Problem Framing (ML related) Google Developers Beginners to Intermediate Free Conclusion - Summary and next steps Medium licence, content, code, preference, oracle, developers, label" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Decision Forests,2.5 hours,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Decision Trees, Neural Network, Decision Forests,Hyperparamters",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Decision Forests Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Decision Trees, Neural Network, Decision Forests,Hyperparamters" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What's in this Course ?,5 minutes,Easy,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, classification, regression, uplift modeling",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What's in this Course ? Easy Decision Trees, Decision Forests, classification, regression, uplift modeling" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What's in this Course: Course Introduction,2 minutes,Easy,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, classification, regression, uplift modeling",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What's in this Course: Course Introduction Easy Decision Trees, Decision Forests, classification, regression, uplift modeling" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What's in this Course: Appropriate Data,3 minutes,Easy,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, preprocessing, imputation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/appropriate-data,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What's in this Course: Appropriate Data Easy Decision Trees, Decision Forests, preprocessing, imputation" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Decision Trees ?,16 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/decision-trees,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Decision Trees ? Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Decision Trees: Overview,4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/decision-trees,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Decision Trees: Overview Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Decision Trees: Conditions,7 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Binary, Non-Binary, Axis Aligned, Oblique Condition",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/conditions,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Decision Trees: Conditions Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Binary, Non-Binary, Axis Aligned, Oblique Condition" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Decision Trees: Check Your Understanding,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Binary, Non-Binary, Axis Aligned, Oblique Condition",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/decision-trees-mce,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Decision Trees: Check Your Understanding Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Binary, Non-Binary, Axis Aligned, Oblique Condition" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,How do you train Decision Trees ?,47 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/growing,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free How do you train Decision Trees ? Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,How do you train Decision Trees : Growing Decision Trees,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/growing,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free How do you train Decision Trees : Growing Decision Trees Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,How do you train Decision Trees : Binary Classification,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/binary-classification,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free How do you train Decision Trees : Binary Classification Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,How do you train Decision Trees : Check Your Understanding,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/training-mce,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free How do you train Decision Trees : Check Your Understanding Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,How do you train Decision Trees : Overfitting and Pruning,7 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Overfitting, Pruning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/overfitting-and-pruning,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free How do you train Decision Trees : Overfitting and Pruning Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Overfitting, Pruning" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,How do you train Decision Trees : Check Your Understanding,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Overfitting, Pruning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/overfitting-mce,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free How do you train Decision Trees : Check Your Understanding Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, Overfitting, Pruning" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,How do you train Decision Trees : Variable Importances,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, variiable importance, feature importance",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/variable-importances,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free How do you train Decision Trees : Variable Importances Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, variiable importance, feature importance" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,How do you train Decision Trees : Check Your Understanding,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, variable importance, feature importance",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/variable-importances-mce,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free How do you train Decision Trees : Check Your Understanding Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Split, Node, variable importance, feature importance" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,A Decision Tree Example,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/practice,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free A Decision Tree Example Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,A Decision Tree Example: A full example,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/practice,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free A Decision Tree Example: A full example Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Decision Forests ?,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Forests, Random Forest",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/intro-to-decision-forests-real,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Decision Forests ? Medium to Hard Decision Forests, Random Forest" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Decision Forests : Introduction,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Forests, Random Forest",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/intro-to-decision-forests-real,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Decision Forests : Introduction Medium to Hard Decision Forests, Random Forest" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Random Forests ?,22 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/intro-to-decision-forests,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Random Forests ? Medium to Hard Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Random Forests : Introduction,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/intro-to-decision-forests,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Random Forests : Introduction Medium to Hard Random Forest, Split, Node, Information Gain, Gini, Shannon Entropy, Binary Classification" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Random Forests : Random Forests,8 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Random Forest, Ensemble, Bagging, Bootstrap, Attribute Sampling, regularization, pruning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/random-forests,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Random Forests : Random Forests Medium to Hard Random Forest, Ensemble, Bagging, Bootstrap, Attribute Sampling, regularization, pruning" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Random Forests : Check Your Understanding,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Random Forest, Ensemble, Bagging, Bootstrap, Attribute Sampling, regularization, pruning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/random-forests-mce,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Random Forests : Check Your Understanding Medium to Hard Random Forest, Ensemble, Bagging, Bootstrap, Attribute Sampling, regularization, pruning" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Random Forests : Out-of-bag Evaluation,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Random Forest, Ensemble, Out-of-bag Evaluation, obb evaluation, TF-DF",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/out-of-bag,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Random Forests : Out-of-bag Evaluation Medium to Hard Random Forest, Ensemble, Out-of-bag Evaluation, obb evaluation, TF-DF" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Random Forests : Other topics,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Random Forest, Ensemble, Out-of-bag Evaluation, obb evaluation, TF-DF, Intrepretation, SHAP, SHapley Additive Explainations",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/other-topics,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Random Forests : Other topics Medium to Hard Random Forest, Ensemble, Out-of-bag Evaluation, obb evaluation, TF-DF, Intrepretation, SHAP, SHapley Additive Explainations" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Gradient Boosted Decision Trees ?,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, shrinkage",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/intro-to-gbdt,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Gradient Boosted Decision Trees ? Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, shrinkage" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Gradient Boosted Decision Trees : Introduction,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, shrinkage",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/intro-to-gbdt,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Gradient Boosted Decision Trees : Introduction Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, shrinkage" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Gradient Boosted Decision Trees : The gradient boosting algorithm (optional),3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Gradient Boosting, Newton's Method",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/gradient-boosting,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Gradient Boosted Decision Trees : The gradient boosting algorithm (optional) Medium to Hard Gradient Boosting, Newton's Method" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What are Gradient Boosted Decision Trees : Overfitting and Regularization,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Overfitting, Regularization, Early Stopping, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Decision Trees",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/overfitting-gbdt,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What are Gradient Boosted Decision Trees : Overfitting and Regularization Medium to Hard Overfitting, Regularization, Early Stopping, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Decision Trees" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,What did you learn ? : Course Summary,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Overfitting, Pruning, Regularization, Information Gain, Gini, Bagging, Gradient Boosting",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests/summary,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free What did you learn ? : Course Summary Medium to Hard Decision Trees, Decision Forests, Random Forest, Overfitting, Pruning, Regularization, Information Gain, Gini, Bagging, Gradient Boosting" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Recommendation Systems,4 hours,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Decision Trees, Neural Network, Recommendation System, Deep Neural Network, Deep Learning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Recommendation Systems Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Decision Trees, Neural Network, Recommendation System, Deep Neural Network, Deep Learning" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Introduction,5 minutes,Easy,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Introduction Easy Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Background,60 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/overview,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Background Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Background : Large Scale Recommendation Systems,20 minutes,Easy,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/overview,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Background : Large Scale Recommendation Systems Easy Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Background : Terminolgy,10 minutes,Easy,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Embedding, Query, Item",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/overview/terminology,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Background : Terminolgy Easy Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Embedding, Query, Item" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Background : Recommendation Systems Overview,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, Scoring, Re-ranking",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/overview/types,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Background : Recommendation Systems Overview Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, Scoring, Re-ranking" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Background : Check Your Understanding,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, Scoring, Re-ranking, Matrix Factorization, softmax",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/overview/check-your-understanding,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Background : Check Your Understanding Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, Scoring, Re-ranking, Matrix Factorization, softmax" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Candidate Generation,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, content-based-filtering, collaborative-filtering, Embedding, Euclidean distance",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/overview/candidate-generation,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Candidate Generation Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, content-based-filtering, collaborative-filtering, Embedding, Euclidean distance" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Content Based Filtering,25 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, content-based-filtering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/content-based/basics,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Content Based Filtering Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, content-based-filtering" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Content Based Filtering : Basics,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, content-based-filtering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/content-based/basics,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Content Based Filtering : Basics Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, content-based-filtering" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Content Based Filtering : Advantages & Disadvantages,10 minutes,Easy,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, content-based-filtering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/content-based/summary,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Content Based Filtering : Advantages & Disadvantages Easy Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, content-based-filtering" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization,135 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, collaborative-filtering, Embedding",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/collaborative/basics,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, collaborative-filtering, Embedding" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization : Basics,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, collaborative-filtering, Embedding",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/collaborative/basics,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization : Basics Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, collaborative-filtering, Embedding" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization : Matrix Factorization,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, Embedding, Matrix Factorization, SVD, Single Value Decomposition,Stochastic gradient Descent, SGD, Weighted Alternating Least Sqaures, WALS",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/collaborative/matrix,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization : Matrix Factorization Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, Embedding, Matrix Factorization, SVD, Single Value Decomposition,Stochastic gradient Descent, SGD, Weighted Alternating Least Sqaures, WALS" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization : Advantages & Disadvantages,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, collaborative-filtering, Embedding, Matrix Factorization",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/collaborative/summary,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization : Advantages & Disadvantages Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, collaborative-filtering, Embedding, Matrix Factorization" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization : Movie Recommendation System Exercise,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, collaborative-filtering, Embedding, Matrix Factorization",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/labs/movie-rec-programming-exercise,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization : Movie Recommendation System Exercise Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Candidate Generation, collaborative-filtering, Embedding, Matrix Factorization" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Recommendation using Deep Neural Network,40 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/dnn/softmax,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Recommendation using Deep Neural Network Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Recommendation using Deep Neural Network : Softmax Model,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, 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Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,"Retrieval, Scoring & Re-ranking",90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/dnn/retrieval,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Retrieval, Scoring & Re-ranking Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,"Retrieval, Scoring & Re-ranking : Retrieval",20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/dnn/retrieval,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Retrieval, Scoring & Re-ranking : Retrieval Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,"Retrieval, Scoring & Re-ranking : Scoring",20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval, Scoring, bias",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/dnn/scoring,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Retrieval, Scoring & Re-ranking : Scoring Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval, Scoring, bias" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,"Retrieval, Scoring & Re-ranking : Re-ranking",20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval, Scoring, bias, Re-ranking, fairness",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/dnn/re-ranking,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Retrieval, Scoring & Re-ranking : Re-ranking Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval, Scoring, bias, Re-ranking, fairness" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,"Retrieval, Scoring & Re-ranking : Softmax Exercise",30 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval, Scoring, bias, Re-ranking, fairness",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/labs/movie-rec-softmax-programming-exercise,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Retrieval, Scoring & Re-ranking : Softmax Exercise Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval, Scoring, bias, Re-ranking, fairness" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Conclusion : Summary,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval, Scoring, bias, Re-ranking, fairness",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/recommendation/summary,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Conclusion : Summary Medium to Hard Recommendation System, Neural Network, Deep Learning, Matrix Factorization, Softmax Model, softmax, Embedding, Retrieval, Scoring, bias, Re-ranking, fairness" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Clustering,4 hours,Medium 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Easy Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Overview : Clustering Algorithms,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, centroid based, density based, distribution based, hierarchichal clustering, gaussian distribution ",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/clustering/clustering-algorithms,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Overview : Clustering Algorithms Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, centroid based, density based, distribution based, hierarchichal clustering, gaussian distribution " +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Clustering Workflow,30 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/clustering/workflow,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Clustering Workflow Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Clustering Workflow : Overview,10 minutes,Easy,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, 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Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Create a Similarity Measure,35 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/clustering/algorithm/run-algorithm,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Create a Similarity Measure Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Create a Similarity Measure : Run the algorithm,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/clustering/algorithm/run-algorithm,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Create a Similarity Measure : Run the algorithm Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Create a Similarity Measure : Interpret Results,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid, magnitude, cardinality",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/clustering/interpret,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Create a Similarity Measure : Interpret Results Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid, magnitude, cardinality" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summary,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid, magnitude, cardinality, spectral clustering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/clustering/algorithm/advantages-disadvantages,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Summary Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid, magnitude, cardinality, spectral clustering" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summary : k-Means Advantages & Disadvantages,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid, magnitude, cardinality, spectral clustering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/clustering/algorithm/advantages-disadvantages,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Summary : k-Means Advantages & Disadvantages Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid, magnitude, cardinality, spectral clustering" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summary : Implement k-Means,30 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid, magnitude, cardinality, spectral clustering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/clustering/implementation,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Summary : Implement k-Means Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid, magnitude, cardinality, spectral clustering" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summary : Clustering Programming Exercise,60 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid, magnitude, cardinality, spectral clustering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/clustering/programming-exercise,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Summary : Clustering Programming Exercise Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation, Classification, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means, Normalization, Quantile, Gaussain Distribution, centroid, magnitude, cardinality, spectral clustering" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Next Steps : Course Summary,5 minutes,Easy,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/clustering/summary,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Next Steps : Course Summary Easy Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Clustering, Tensor Flow, k-Means" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Generative Adversarial Networks,2 hours,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Generative Adversarial Networks Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Overview : Introduction,5 minutes,Easy,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Overview : Introduction Easy Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Overview : Welcome to Introduction to GANs,2 minutes,Easy,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Overview : Welcome to Introduction to GANs Easy Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Overview : Generative Models,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/generative,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Overview : Generative Models Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,GAN Anatomy,70 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/gan_structure,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free GAN Anatomy Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,GAN Anatomy : Overview of GAN structure,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/gan_structure,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free GAN Anatomy : Overview of GAN structure Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,GAN Anatomy : Discriminator,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/discriminator,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free GAN Anatomy : Discriminator Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,GAN Anatomy : Generator,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/generator,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free GAN Anatomy : Generator Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,GAN Anatomy : GAN Training,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation, alternating training, convergence",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/training,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free GAN Anatomy : GAN Training Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation, alternating training, convergence" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,GAN Anatomy : Loss Functions,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation, alternating training, convergence, minimax loss, Wasserstein loss, critic loss",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/loss,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free GAN Anatomy : Loss Functions Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation, alternating training, convergence, minimax loss, Wasserstein loss, critic loss" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,GAN Anatomy : Check Your Understanding,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation, alternating training, convergence, minimax loss, Wasserstein loss, critic loss",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/check,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free GAN Anatomy : Check Your Understanding Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation, alternating training, convergence, minimax loss, Wasserstein loss, critic loss" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Real World GANs,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation, alternating training, convergence, minimax loss, Wasserstein loss, critic loss, vanishing gradients, mode collapse",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/problems,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Real World GANs Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation, alternating training, convergence, minimax loss, Wasserstein loss, critic loss, vanishing gradients, mode collapse" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Real World GANs : Common Problems,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation, alternating training, convergence, minimax loss, Wasserstein loss, critic loss, vanishing gradients, mode collapse",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/problems,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Real World GANs : Common Problems Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, backpropagation, alternating training, convergence, minimax loss, Wasserstein loss, critic loss, vanishing gradients, mode collapse" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Real World GANs : GAN Variations,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, Progressive GAN, Conditional GAN, Image to Image Translation, CycleGAN, Text to Image Synthesis, Super Resolution, Face Inpainting, Text to Speech",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/applications,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Real World GANs : GAN Variations Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model, Progressive GAN, Conditional GAN, Image to Image Translation, CycleGAN, Text to Image Synthesis, Super Resolution, Face Inpainting, Text to Speech" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Using TF-GAN : TF-GAN Collab Tutorials,30 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/programming-exercise,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Using TF-GAN : TF-GAN Collab Tutorials Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Conclusion : Summary,5 minutes,Easy,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/summary,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Conclusion : Summary Easy Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, GAN, Generative AI, Generator, Discriminator, Generative model, discriminative model" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Image Classification,90-120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Image Classification Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Introduction : Image Classification,5 minutes,Easy,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Introduction : Image Classification Easy Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Introduction - Machine Learning Practicum: Image Classification,4 minutes,Easy,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Introduction - Machine Learning Practicum: Image Classification Easy Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Convulutional Neural Networks,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, convulutional filter, pooling, stride, ReLU",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification/convolutional-neural-networks,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Convulutional Neural Networks Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, convulutional filter, pooling, stride, ReLU" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Convulutional Neural Networks : Check Your Understanding,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, convulutional filter, pooling, stride, ReLU",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification/check-your-understanding,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Convulutional Neural Networks : Check Your Understanding Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, convulutional filter, pooling, stride, ReLU" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Convulutional Neural Networks - Exercise-1: Cat Vs Dog Classification,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, convulutional filter, pooling, stride, ReLU",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification/exercise-1,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Convulutional Neural Networks - Exercise-1: Cat Vs Dog Classification Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, convulutional filter, pooling, stride, ReLU" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Preventing Overfitting,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, Data Augmentation, Drop Out Regularization, Overfitting",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification/preventing-overfitting,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Preventing Overfitting Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, Data Augmentation, Drop Out Regularization, Overfitting" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Preventing Overfitting - Exercise-2: Preventing Overfitting,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, Data Augmentation, Drop Out Regularization, Overfitting",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification/exercise-2,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Preventing Overfitting - Exercise-2: Preventing Overfitting Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, Data Augmentation, Drop Out Regularization, Overfitting" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Leveraging Pre-trained Models,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, Data Augmentation, Drop Out Regularization, Overfitting, Feature Extraction, Fine Tuning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification/leveraging-pretrained-models,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Leveraging Pre-trained Models Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, Data Augmentation, Drop Out Regularization, Overfitting, Feature Extraction, Fine Tuning" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Leveraging Pre-trained Models - Exercise-3: Feature Extraction & Fine Tuning,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, Data Augmentation, Drop Out Regularization, Overfitting, Feature Extraction, Fine Tuning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification/exercise-3,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Leveraging Pre-trained Models - Exercise-3: Feature Extraction & Fine Tuning Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN, Feature Engineering, Data Augmentation, Drop Out Regularization, Overfitting, Feature Extraction, Fine Tuning" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Next Steps : Summary,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/image-classification/next-steps,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Next Steps : Summary Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Image Classification, Convulutional Neural Network, CNN" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Fairness in Perspective API,90-120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/fairness-indicators,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Fairness in Perspective API Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Introduction : Fairness in Perspective API,3 minutes,Easy,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/fairness-indicators,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Introduction : Fairness in Perspective API Easy Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Introduction : ML Practicum: Fairness in Perspective API Part I,4 minutes,Easy,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/fairness-indicators,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Introduction : ML Practicum: Fairness in Perspective API Part I Easy Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Introduction - Exercise-1: Explore the Model,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/fairness-indicators/exercise-1,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Introduction - Exercise-1: Explore the Model Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Pipointing the Bias,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/fairness-indicators/pinpointing-bias,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Pipointing the Bias Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Pipointing the Bias - ML Practicum: Fairness in Perspective API Part II,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/fairness-indicators/pinpointing-bias,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Pipointing the Bias - ML Practicum: Fairness in Perspective API Part II Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Pipointing the Bias - Exercise-2: Remediate Bias,30 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools, fairness indicators",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/fairness-indicators/exercise-2,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Pipointing the Bias - Exercise-2: Remediate Bias Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools, fairness indicators" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Pipointing the Bias : Check Your Understanding,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools, fairness indicators",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/fairness-indicators/check-your-understanding,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Pipointing the Bias : Check Your Understanding Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools, fairness indicators" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Next Steps,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools, fairness indicators",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/fairness-indicators/next-steps,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Next Steps Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools, fairness indicators" +Machine Learning Advance Courses,Google Developers,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Next Steps : ML Practicum: Fairness in Perspective API Part III,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools, fairness indicators",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/practica/fairness-indicators/next-steps,"Machine Learning Advance Courses Google Developers Intermediate to Advanced Free Next Steps : ML Practicum: Fairness in Perspective API Part III Medium to Hard Machine Learning, Advance Machine Learning, Neural Network, Fairness, AI, Bias, What-If, fairness tools, fairness indicators" +AI Ethics Resources,IBM,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,What is AI Ethics ?,3 minutes,Easy,"AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI",https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-ethics#What+is+AI+ethics%3F,"AI Ethics Resources IBM Beginners to Intermediate Free What is AI Ethics ? Easy AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI" +AI Ethics Resources,IBM,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,What is AI Ethics ?,6 minutes,Easy,"AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI",https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-ethics#Establishing+principles+for+AI+ethics,"AI Ethics Resources IBM Beginners to Intermediate Free What is AI Ethics ? Easy AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI" +AI Ethics Resources,IBM,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Establishing Principles of AI Ethics,3 minutes,Easy,"AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI",https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-ethics#Primary+concerns+of+AI+today,"AI Ethics Resources IBM Beginners to Intermediate Free Establishing Principles of AI Ethics Easy AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI" +AI Ethics Resources,IBM,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Primary Concerns of AI Today,7 minutess,Easy,"AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI",https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-ethics#How+to+establish+AI+ethics,"AI Ethics Resources IBM Beginners to Intermediate Free Primary Concerns of AI Today Easy AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI" +AI Ethics Resources,IBM,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,How to Establish AI Ethics,5 minutes,Easy,"AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI",https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-ethics#Organizations+that+promote+AI+ethics,"AI Ethics Resources IBM Beginners to Intermediate Free How to Establish AI Ethics Easy AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI" +AI Ethics Resources,IBM,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Organizations that promote AI Ethics,3 minutes,Easy,"AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI",https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-ethics#IBM%E2%80%99s+point+of+view+on+AI+Ethics,"AI Ethics Resources IBM Beginners to Intermediate Free Organizations that promote AI Ethics Easy AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI" +AI Ethics Resources,IBM,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,IBM's point of view on AI Ethics,3 minutes,Easy,"AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI",https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-ethics#AI+ethics+and+IBM,"AI Ethics Resources IBM Beginners to Intermediate Free IBM's point of view on AI Ethics Easy AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI" +AI Ethics Resources,IBM,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,AI Ethics and IBM,1 minutes,Easy,"AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI",https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-ethics#Related+solutions,"AI Ethics Resources IBM Beginners to Intermediate Free AI Ethics and IBM Easy AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI" +AI Ethics Resources,IBM,Beginners to Intermediate,Free,Related Solution,1 minutes,Easy,"AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI",https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-ethics#Take+the+next+step%0A,"AI Ethics Resources IBM Beginners to Intermediate Free Related Solution Easy AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Responsible AI" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Practical Deep Learning for Coders,40-42 hours,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics",Practical Deep Learning,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Practical Deep Learning for Coders Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,1: Getting started,1 minute,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson1.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 1: Getting started Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,1: Getting started: Video-Lesson 1: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson1.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 1: Getting started: Video-Lesson 1: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,1: Getting started: How to complete lesson 1,2 minutes,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson1.html#how-to-complete-lesson-1,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 1: Getting started: How to complete lesson 1 Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,1: Getting started: Resources,1 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson1.html#resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 1: Getting started: Resources Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,1: Getting started: Links,1 minutes,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson1.html#links,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 1: Getting started: Links Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,1: Getting started: Links: If you need help,1 minutes,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson1.html#if-you-need-help,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 1: Getting started: Links: If you need help Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Data Ethics" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,2: Deployment,1 minutes,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson2.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 2: Deployment Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,2: Deployment: Video-Lesson 2: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,80 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson2.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 2: Deployment: Video-Lesson 2: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,2: Deployment: Resourcces,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson2.html#resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 2: Deployment: Resourcces Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,2: Deployment: Link,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson2.html#links,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 2: Deployment: Link Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,3: Neural net foundations,1 minute,easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson3.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 3: Neural net foundations easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,3: Neural net foundations: Video-Lesson 3: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson3.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 3: Neural net foundations: Video-Lesson 3: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,3: Neural net foundations: Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson3.html#resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 3: Neural net foundations: Resources Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,3: Neural net foundations: Links from the lesson,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson3.html#links-from-the-lesson,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 3: Neural net foundations: Links from the lesson Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,4: Natural Language (NLP),2 minutes,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson4.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 4: Natural Language (NLP) Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,4: Natural Language (NLP): Video-Lesson 4: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,100 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson4.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 4: Natural Language (NLP): Video-Lesson 4: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,4: Natural Language (NLP): Resources,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson4.html#resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 4: Natural Language (NLP): Resources Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,5: From-scratch model,1 minute,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson5.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 5: From-scratch model Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,5: From-scratch model: Video-Lesson 5: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,110 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson5.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 5: From-scratch model: Video-Lesson 5: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,5: From-scratch model: Lesson Notebooks,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson5.html#lesson-notebooks,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 5: From-scratch model: Lesson Notebooks Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,5: From-scratch model: Links from the Lesson,1 minute,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson5.html#links-from-the-lesson,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 5: From-scratch model: Links from the Lesson Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,6: Random forests,1 minute,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson6.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 6: Random forests Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,6: Random forests: Video-Lesson 6: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,110 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson6.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 6: Random forests: Video-Lesson 6: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,6: Random forests: Lesson Notebooks,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson6.html#lesson-notebooks,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 6: Random forests: Lesson Notebooks Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,6: Random forests: Links for the lesson,1 minute,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson6.html#links-from-the-lesson,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 6: Random forests: Links for the lesson Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Data Ethics, Clustering Algorithms" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,7: Collaborative filtering,1 minute,Easy,"Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution, Research Papers, Computer Vision, Neural Network Fundamentals",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson7.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 7: Collaborative filtering Easy Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution, Research Papers, Computer Vision, Neural Network Fundamentals" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,7: Collaborative filtering: Video-Lesson 7: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,110 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution, Research Papers, Computer Vision, Neural Network Fundamentals",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson7.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 7: Collaborative filtering: Video-Lesson 7: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution, Research Papers, Computer Vision, Neural Network Fundamentals" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,7: Collaborative filtering: Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Bonus Content, Matrix Operations, Collaborative Filtering",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson7.html#resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 7: Collaborative filtering: Resources Medium to Hard Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Bonus Content, Matrix Operations, Collaborative Filtering" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,8: Convolutions (CNNs),1 minute,Easy,"Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Bonus Content, Matrix Operations, Collaborative Filtering",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson8.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 8: Convolutions (CNNs) Easy Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Bonus Content, Matrix Operations, Collaborative Filtering" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,8: Convolutions (CNNs): Video-Lesson 8: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,100 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Bonus Content, Matrix Operations, Collaborative Filtering",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson8.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 8: Convolutions (CNNs): Video-Lesson 8: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Bonus Content, Matrix Operations, Collaborative Filtering" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,8: Convolutions (CNNs): Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Bonus Content, Matrix Operations, Collaborative Filtering",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson8.html#resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 8: Convolutions (CNNs): Resources Medium to Hard Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Bonus Content, Matrix Operations, Collaborative Filtering" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Bonus: Data ethics,2 minutes,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Data Science Ethics.",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson8a.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Bonus: Data ethics Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Data Science Ethics." +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Bonus: Data ethics-Video: Ethics for Data Science,130 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Data Science Ethics.",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson8a.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Bonus: Data ethics-Video: Ethics for Data Science Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Data Science Ethics." +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Bonus: Useful Links,2 minutes,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Data Science Ethics.",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson8a.html#useful-links,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Bonus: Useful Links Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Model Deployment, Data Science Ethics." +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summaries: Lesson 1,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/Summaries/lesson1.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Summaries: Lesson 1 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summaries: Lesson 2,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/Summaries/lesson2.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Summaries: Lesson 2 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summaries: Lesson 3,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/Summaries/lesson3.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Summaries: Lesson 3 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summaries: Lesson 4,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/Summaries/lesson4.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Summaries: Lesson 4 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summaries: Lesson 5,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/Summaries/lesson5.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Summaries: Lesson 5 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summaries: Lesson 6,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/Summaries/lesson6.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Summaries: Lesson 6 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summaries: Lesson 7,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/Summaries/lesson7.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Summaries: Lesson 7 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Summaries: Lesson 8,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/Summaries/lesson8.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Summaries: Lesson 8 Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Part-2 Overview,3 minutes,Easy,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/part2.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Part-2 Overview Easy Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Part-2 Overview: Content Summary,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/part2.html#content-summary,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Part-2 Overview: Content Summary Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Part-2 Overview: Content Summary,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/part2.html#topics-covered,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Part-2 Overview: Content Summary Medium to Hard Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNNs, Neural Network Fundamentals, Computer Vision" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,9: Stable Diffusion: What you need to know,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson9.html#what-you-need-to-know,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 9: Stable Diffusion: What you need to know Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,9: Stable Diffusion: Lesson Overview,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson9.html#lesson-overview,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 9: Stable Diffusion: Lesson Overview Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,9: Stable Diffusion: Concepts Discussed,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson9.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 9: Stable Diffusion: Concepts Discussed Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,9: Stable Diffusion: Video-Lesson 9: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,140 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson9.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 9: Stable Diffusion: Video-Lesson 9: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,9: Stable Diffusion: Lesson Resources,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson9.html#lesson-resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 9: Stable Diffusion: Lesson Resources Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,9: Stable Diffusion: Links from the Lesson,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson9.html#links-from-the-lesson,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 9: Stable Diffusion: Links from the Lesson Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,9: Stable Diffusion: Useful background on fast.ai courses,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson9.html#useful-background-on-fast.ai-courses,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 9: Stable Diffusion: Useful background on fast.ai courses Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,10: Diving Deeper,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson10.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 10: Diving Deeper Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,10: Diving Deeper: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson10.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 10: Diving Deeper: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,10: Diving Deeper: Video-Lesson 10: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,110 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson10.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 10: Diving Deeper: Video-Lesson 10: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,10: Diving Deeper: Lesson Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson10.html#lesson-resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 10: Diving Deeper: Lesson Resources Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,10: Diving Deeper: Links from the lesson,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson10.html#links-from-the-lesson,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 10: Diving Deeper: Links from the lesson Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,11: Matrix multiplication,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson11.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 11: Matrix multiplication Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,11: Matrix multiplication: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson11.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 11: Matrix multiplication: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,11: Matrix multiplication: Video-Lesson 11: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,130 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson11.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 11: Matrix multiplication: Video-Lesson 11: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,11: Matrix multiplication: Lesson Resources,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson11.html#lesson-resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 11: Matrix multiplication: Lesson Resources Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,12: Mean shift clustering,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson12.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 12: Mean shift clustering Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,12: Mean shift clustering: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson12.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 12: Mean shift clustering: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,12: Mean shift clustering: Video-Lesson 12: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022,110 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson12.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 12: Mean shift clustering: Video-Lesson 12: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,12: Mean shift clustering: Lesson Resources,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson12.html#lesson-resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 12: Mean shift clustering: Lesson Resources Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,13: Backpropagation & MLP,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson13.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 13: Backpropagation & MLP Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,13: Backpropagation & MLP: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson13.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 13: Backpropagation & MLP: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,13: Backpropagation & MLP: Video 13 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,110 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson13.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 13: Backpropagation & MLP: Video 13 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,13: Backpropagation & MLP: Lesson Resources,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson13.html#lesson-resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 13: Backpropagation & MLP: Lesson Resources Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,14: Backpropagation,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson14.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 14: Backpropagation Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,14: Backpropagation: Concepts Used,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson14.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 14: Backpropagation: Concepts Used Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,14: Backpropagation: Video 14 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,110 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson14.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 14: Backpropagation: Video 14 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,15: Autoencoders,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson15.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 15: Autoencoders Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,15: Autoencoders: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson15.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 15: Autoencoders: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,15: Autoencoders: Video 15 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,100 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson15.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 15: Autoencoders: Video 15 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,15: Autoencoders: Lesson Resources,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson15.html#lesson-resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 15: Autoencoders: Lesson Resources Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,16: The Learner framework,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson16.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 16: The Learner framework Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,16: The Learner framework: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson16.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 16: The Learner framework: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,16: The Learner framework: Video 16 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson16.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 16: The Learner framework: Video 16 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,16: The Learner framework: Lesson Resources,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson16.html#lesson-resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 16: The Learner framework: Lesson Resources Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,17: Initialization/normalization,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson17.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 17: Initialization/normalization Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,17: Initialization/normalization: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson17.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 17: Initialization/normalization: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,17: Initialization/normalization: : Video 17 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson17.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 17: Initialization/normalization: : Video 17 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,17: Initialization/normalization: Papers from the lesson,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson17.html#papers-from-the-lesson,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 17: Initialization/normalization: Papers from the lesson Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,18: Accelerated SGD & ResNets,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson18.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 18: Accelerated SGD & ResNets Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,18: Accelerated SGD & ResNets: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson18.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 18: Accelerated SGD & ResNets: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,18: Accelerated SGD & ResNets: Video 18 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,130 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson18.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 18: Accelerated SGD & ResNets: Video 18 : Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,18: Accelerated SGD & ResNets: Video 18 : Lesson Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson18.html#lesson-resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 18: Accelerated SGD & ResNets: Video 18 : Lesson Resources Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,19: DDPM and Dropout,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson19.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 19: DDPM and Dropout Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,19: DDPM and Dropout: Concept Useds,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson19.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 19: DDPM and Dropout: Concept Useds Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,19: DDPM and Dropout: Video 19: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson19.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 19: DDPM and Dropout: Video 19: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,20: Mixed Precision,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson20.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 20: Mixed Precision Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,20: Mixed Precision: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson20.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 20: Mixed Precision: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,20: Mixed Precision: Video 20: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,110 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson20.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 20: Mixed Precision: Video 20: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,21: DDIM,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson21.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 21: DDIM Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,21: DDIM: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson21.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 21: DDIM: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,21: DDIM: Video 21: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson21.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 21: DDIM: Video 21: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,22: Karras et al (2022),2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson22.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 22: Karras et al (2022) Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,22: Karras et al (2022): Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson22.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 22: Karras et al (2022): Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,22: Karras et al (2022): Video 22: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson22.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 22: Karras et al (2022): Video 22: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,23: Super-resolution,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson23.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 23: Super-resolution Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,23: Super-resolution: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson23.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 23: Super-resolution: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,23: Super-resolution: Video 23: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,100 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson23.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 23: Super-resolution: Video 23: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,23: Super-resolution: Lesson Resources,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson23.html#lesson-resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 23: Super-resolution: Lesson Resources Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,24: Attention & transformers,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson24.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 24: Attention & transformers Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,24: Attention & transformers: Concepts Used,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson24.html#concepts-discussed,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 24: Attention & transformers: Concepts Used Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,24: Attention & transformers: Video 24: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson24.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 24: Attention & transformers: Video 24: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,25: Latent diffusion,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson25.html,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 25: Latent diffusion Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,25: Latent diffusion : Video 25: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion,100 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson25.html#video,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 25: Latent diffusion : Video 25: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,25: Latent diffusion : Lesson Resources,2 minutes,Easy,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://course.fast.ai/Lessons/lesson25.html#lesson-resources,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free 25: Latent diffusion : Lesson Resources Easy Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Bonus: Lesson 9a,42 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://youtu.be/0_BBRNYInx8,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Bonus: Lesson 9a Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Fast.ai,Fast.ai,Intermediate to Advanced,Free,Bonus: Lesson 9b,52 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution",https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYpjmM7O-30,"Fast.ai Fast.ai Intermediate to Advanced Free Bonus: Lesson 9b Medium to Hard Autoencoders, Model Initialization, Dropout Techniques, Attention Mechanisms, Super-resolution" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Generative AI,45 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/536,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Generative AI Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Generative AI: Video,22 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4411756/video/384243,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Generative AI: Video Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Generative AI: Reading,13 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4411756/documents/384244,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Generative AI: Reading Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Generative AI: Quiz,10 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4411756/quizzes/384245,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Generative AI: Quiz Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Large Language Models,45 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/539,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Large Language Models Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Large Language Models: Video,15 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4412462/video/379143,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Large Language Models: Video Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Large Language Models: Reading,20 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4412462/documents/379144,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Large Language Models: Reading Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Large Language Models: Quiz,10 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4412462/quizzes/379145,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Large Language Models: Quiz Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Responsibe AI,20 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/554,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Responsibe AI Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Responsibe AI:Video,10 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4412757/video/386919,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Responsibe AI:Video Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Responsibe AI,10 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4412757/quizzes/386920,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Responsibe AI Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI Fundamentals,120 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/556,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Generative AI Fundamentals Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI Fundamentals: Introduction to Generative AI Course,45 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/536,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Generative AI Fundamentals: Introduction to Generative AI Course Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI Fundamentals: Introduction to Large Language Models Course,45 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/539,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Generative AI Fundamentals: Introduction to Large Language Models Course Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI Fundamentals: Introduction to Responsibe AI Course,20 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/554,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Generative AI Fundamentals: Introduction to Responsibe AI Course Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI Fundamentals: Quiz,10 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4412954/quizzes/381263,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Generative AI Fundamentals: Quiz Easy to Medium Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Natural Language Processing, NLP" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud,128 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/388,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Introduction,16 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387435,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Introduction Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Introduction- Course Introduction,7 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387435,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Introduction- Course Introduction Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Introduction- Google and Responsible AI,5 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387436,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Introduction- Google and Responsible AI Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Introduction- An Introduction to Google AI Principles,4 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, AI Principles",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387437,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Introduction- An Introduction to Google AI Principles Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, AI Principles" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-The Business case for Responsible AI,16 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387438,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-The Business case for Responsible AI Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-The Business case for Responsible AI- The Economic Intelligence Report,3 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387438,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-The Business case for Responsible AI- The Economic Intelligence Report Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-The Business case for Responsible AI- The Business Case for Responsible Innovation,13 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387439,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-The Business case for Responsible AI- The Business Case for Responsible Innovation Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-AI's Technical Considerations and Ethical Concerns,16 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387439,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-AI's Technical Considerations and Ethical Concerns Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-AI's Technical Considerations and Ethical Concerns-Video,6 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387439,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-AI's Technical Considerations and Ethical Concerns-Video Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-AI's Technical Considerations and Ethical Concerns- Concerns about Artificial Intelligence,10 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387441,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-AI's Technical Considerations and Ethical Concerns- Concerns about Artificial Intelligence Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Creating AI Principles,23 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387442,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Creating AI Principles Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-How Google AI Principles were developed,9 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387442,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-How Google AI Principles were developed Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Ethical Issues Spotting,4 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387443,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Ethical Issues Spotting Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-The Ethical Aims of Google's AI Principle,10 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387444,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-The Ethical Aims of Google's AI Principle Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Operationalizing AI Principles: Setting Up and Running Reviews,22 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387445,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Operationalizing AI Principles: Setting Up and Running Reviews Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Operationalizing AI Principles: Setting Up and Running Reviews-Google's AI Governance,5 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387445,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Operationalizing AI Principles: Setting Up and Running Reviews-Google's AI Governance Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Operationalizing AI Principles: Setting Up and Running Reviews-Google Cloud Review Process,9 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387446,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Operationalizing AI Principles: Setting Up and Running Reviews-Google Cloud Review Process Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Operationalizing AI Principles: Setting Up and Running Reviews-Celebrity Recoginition Case Study,8 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387447,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Operationalizing AI Principles: Setting Up and Running Reviews-Celebrity Recoginition Case Study Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Issue Spotting and Lessons Learned,18 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387448,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Issue Spotting and Lessons Learned Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Issue Spotting and Lessons Learned: Issue Spotting Process,7 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387448,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Issue Spotting and Lessons Learned: Issue Spotting Process Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Issue Spotting and Lessons Learned: What we've learned from operationalizing AI Principles-Challenges,4 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387449,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Issue Spotting and Lessons Learned: What we've learned from operationalizing AI Principles-Challenges Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Issue Spotting and Lessons Learned: What we've learned from operationalizing AI Principles-Best Practices,7 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process, Best Practices",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387450,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Issue Spotting and Lessons Learned: What we've learned from operationalizing AI Principles-Best Practices Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process, Best Practices" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Continuing Journey Towards Responsible,17 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process, Best Practices",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387451,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Continuing Journey Towards Responsible Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process, Best Practices" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Continuing Journey Towards Responsible AI-Video,2 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process, Best Practices",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/video/387451,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Continuing Journey Towards Responsible AI-Video Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process, Best Practices" +Introduction to Generative,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Continuing Journey Towards Responsible AI- Resource Links,15 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process, Best Practices",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4597819/documents/387452,"Introduction to Generative Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud-Continuing Journey Towards Responsible AI- Resource Links Easy to Medium Responsible AI, Ethics, AI Ethics, Fairness, BIas, Transparency, Business Case, Responsible Innovation, Ethics Concerns, Review Process, Best Practices" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Image Generation,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Image Generation, GAN, Generative Adversarial Networks, Deep Learning, Neural Network, Image Synthesis, Computer Vision",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/541,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Image Generation Medium to Hard Image Generation, GAN, Generative Adversarial Networks, Deep Learning, Neural Network, Image Synthesis, Computer Vision" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Image Generation-Video,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Image Generation, GAN, Generative Adversarial Networks, Deep Learning, Neural Network, Image Synthesis, Computer Vision",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4413198/video/383842,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Image Generation-Video Medium to Hard Image Generation, GAN, Generative Adversarial Networks, Deep Learning, Neural Network, Image Synthesis, Computer Vision" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Image Generation-Quiz,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Image Generation, GAN, Generative Adversarial Networks, Deep Learning, Neural Network, Image Synthesis, Computer Vision",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4413198/quizzes/383843,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Image Generation-Quiz Medium to Hard Image Generation, GAN, Generative Adversarial Networks, Deep Learning, Neural Network, Image Synthesis, Computer Vision" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Attention Mechanism,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Attention Mechanism, Neural Networks, Transformer Architecture, Attention Scores, Attention Weights, NLP",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/537,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Attention Mechanism Medium to Hard Attention Mechanism, Neural Networks, Transformer Architecture, Attention Scores, Attention Weights, NLP" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Attention Mechanism-Overview,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Attention Mechanism, Neural Networks, Transformer Architecture, Attention Scores, Attention Weights, NLP",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4414897/video/383836,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Attention Mechanism-Overview Medium to Hard Attention Mechanism, Neural Networks, Transformer Architecture, Attention Scores, Attention Weights, NLP" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Attention Mechanism-Quiz,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Attention Mechanism, Neural Networks, Transformer Architecture, Attention Scores, Attention Weights, NLP",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4414897/quizzes/383837,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Attention Mechanism-Quiz Medium to Hard Attention Mechanism, Neural Networks, Transformer Architecture, Attention Scores, Attention Weights, NLP" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Encoder-Decoder Architecture,42 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Encode-Decoder, Sequence-to-Sequence, Deep Learning, Neural Network",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/543,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Encoder-Decoder Architecture Medium to Hard Encode-Decoder, Sequence-to-Sequence, Deep Learning, Neural Network" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Encoder-Decoder Architecture: Overview,7 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Encode-Decoder, Sequence-to-Sequence, Deep Learning, Neural Network",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4413462/video/383848,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Encoder-Decoder Architecture: Overview Medium to Hard Encode-Decoder, Sequence-to-Sequence, Deep Learning, Neural Network" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Encoder-Decoder Architecture: Lab Walkthrough,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Encode-Decoder, Sequence-to-Sequence, Deep Learning, Neural Network",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4413462/video/383849,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Encoder-Decoder Architecture: Lab Walkthrough Medium to Hard Encode-Decoder, Sequence-to-Sequence, Deep Learning, Neural Network" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Encoder-Decoder Architecture: Quiz,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Encode-Decoder, Sequence-to-Sequence, Deep Learning, Neural Network",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4413462/quizzes/383850,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Encoder-Decoder Architecture: Quiz Medium to Hard Encode-Decoder, Sequence-to-Sequence, Deep Learning, Neural Network" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Encoder-Decoder Architecture: Lab Resources,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Encode-Decoder, Sequence-to-Sequence, Deep Learning, Neural Network",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4413462/documents/383851,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Encoder-Decoder Architecture: Lab Resources Medium to Hard Encode-Decoder, Sequence-to-Sequence, Deep Learning, Neural Network" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Transformer Model and BERT Models,42 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Tranformer Model, BERT, Birectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, NLP, Pre-trained Model, Self Attention",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/538,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Transformer Model and BERT Models Medium to Hard Tranformer Model, BERT, Birectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, NLP, Pre-trained Model, Self Attention" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Transformer Model and BERT Models: Overview,11 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Tranformer Model, BERT, Birectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, NLP, Pre-trained Model, Self Attention",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415174/video/383838,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Transformer Model and BERT Models: Overview Medium to Hard Tranformer Model, BERT, Birectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, NLP, Pre-trained Model, Self Attention" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Transformer Model and BERT Models: Lab Walkthrough,11 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Tranformer Model, BERT, Birectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, NLP, Pre-trained Model, Self Attention",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415174/video/383839,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Transformer Model and BERT Models: Lab Walkthrough Medium to Hard Tranformer Model, BERT, Birectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, NLP, Pre-trained Model, Self Attention" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Transformer Model and BERT Models: Quiz,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Tranformer Model, BERT, Birectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, NLP, Pre-trained Model, Self Attention",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415174/quizzes/383840,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Transformer Model and BERT Models: Quiz Medium to Hard Tranformer Model, BERT, Birectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, NLP, Pre-trained Model, Self Attention" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Transformer Model and BERT Models: Lab Resources,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Tranformer Model, BERT, Birectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, NLP, Pre-trained Model, Self Attention",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415174/documents/383841,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Transformer Model and BERT Models: Lab Resources Medium to Hard Tranformer Model, BERT, Birectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, NLP, Pre-trained Model, Self Attention" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Create Image Captioning Model,40 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Image Captioning, Deep Learning, Convulutional Neural Networks, CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Natural Language Generation, NLG",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/542,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Create Image Captioning Model Medium to Hard Image Captioning, Deep Learning, Convulutional Neural Networks, CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Natural Language Generation, NLG" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Create Image Captioning Model: Overview,12 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Image Captioning, Deep Learning, Convulutional Neural Networks, CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Natural Language Generation, NLG",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415735/video/383844,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Create Image Captioning Model: Overview Medium to Hard Image Captioning, Deep Learning, Convulutional Neural Networks, CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Natural Language Generation, NLG" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Create Image Captioning Model: Lab Walkthrough,18 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Image Captioning, Deep Learning, Convulutional Neural Networks, CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Natural Language Generation, NLG",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415735/video/383845,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Create Image Captioning Model: Lab Walkthrough Medium to Hard Image Captioning, Deep Learning, Convulutional Neural Networks, CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Natural Language Generation, NLG" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Create Image Captioning Model: Quiz,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Image Captioning, Deep Learning, Convulutional Neural Networks, CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Natural Language Generation, NLG",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415735/quizzes/383846,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Create Image Captioning Model: Quiz Medium to Hard Image Captioning, Deep Learning, Convulutional Neural Networks, CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Natural Language Generation, NLG" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Create Image Captioning Model: Lab Resources,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Image Captioning, Deep Learning, Convulutional Neural Networks, CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Natural Language Generation, NLG",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415735/documents/383847,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Create Image Captioning Model: Lab Resources Medium to Hard Image Captioning, Deep Learning, Convulutional Neural Networks, CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Natural Language Generation, NLG" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Generative AI Studio,40 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Generative AI Studio",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/552,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Generative AI Studio Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Generative AI Studio" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Generative AI Studio-Video,15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Generative AI Studio",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415998/video/384246,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Generative AI Studio-Video Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Generative AI Studio" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Generative AI Studio: Course Review-Reflection Cards,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Generative AI Studio",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415998/documents/384247,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Generative AI Studio: Course Review-Reflection Cards Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Generative AI Studio" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Generative AI Studio: Quiz,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Generative AI Studio",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415998/quizzes/384248,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Generative AI Studio: Quiz Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Generative AI Studio" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Generative AI Studio: Reading List,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Generative AI Studio",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4415998/documents/384249,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Introduction to Generative AI Studio: Reading List Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Generative AI Studio" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI Explorer-Vertex AI,240 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968262/labs/408190,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Generative AI Explorer-Vertex AI Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI Explorer-Vertex AI: Getting Started,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968262/labs/408190,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Generative AI Explorer-Vertex AI: Getting Started Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI Explorer-Vertex AI: Prompt Design,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI, Prompt Design",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968262/labs/408191,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Generative AI Explorer-Vertex AI: Prompt Design Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI, Prompt Design" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI Explorer-Vertex AI: Getting Started with Generative AI Studio,60 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI, Prompt Design",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968262/labs/408192,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Generative AI Explorer-Vertex AI: Getting Started with Generative AI Studio Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI, Prompt Design" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Explore and Evaluate Models using Model Garden-Lab,60 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI, Prompt Design",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/71938?parent=catalog,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Explore and Evaluate Models using Model Garden-Lab Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI, Prompt Design" +Generative AI for Developers,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Prompt Design using PaLM-Lab,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI, PaLM, Prompt Design",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/71937?parent=catalog,"Generative AI for Developers Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Prompt Design using PaLM-Lab Medium to Hard Generative AI, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Image Generation, Text Generation, Vertex AI, PaLM, Prompt Design" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,140 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines",https://cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/218,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Course Introduction,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325908,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Course Introduction Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam and Dataflow Refresher,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam, Refresher",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325909,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam and Dataflow Refresher Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam, Refresher" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Portability,10 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam, Refresher",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325910,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Portability Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam, Refresher" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Portability: Introduction,2 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam, Refresher",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325910,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Portability: Introduction Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam, Refresher" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Portability: Runner v2,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam, Refresher, Runner v2",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325911,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Portability: Runner v2 Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam, Refresher, Runner v2" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Portability: Container Environments,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam, Refresher, Runner v2, Cross Language Transform",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325912,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Portability: Container Environments Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam, Refresher, Runner v2, Cross Language Transform" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Portability: Cross-Language Transforms,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325913,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Portability: Cross-Language Transforms Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Portability: Quiz - Beam Portability,5 miinutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/quizzes/325914,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Portability: Quiz - Beam Portability Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow,9 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325915,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow: Dataflow,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325915,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow: Dataflow Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow: Dataflow Shuffle Service,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325916,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow: Dataflow Shuffle Service Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow: Dataflow Streaming Engine,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325917,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow: Dataflow Streaming Engine Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow: Flexible Resource Scheduling,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325918,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow: Flexible Resource Scheduling Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow: Quiz - Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow,5 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/quizzes/325919,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow: Quiz - Separating Compute and Storage with Dataflow Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,"IAM, Quotas, and Permissions",17 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325920,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period IAM, Quotas, and Permissions Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,"IAM, Quotas, and Permissions: IAM",6 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325920,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period IAM, Quotas, and Permissions: IAM Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,"IAM, Quotas, and Permissions: Quotas",6 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325921,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period IAM, Quotas, and Permissions: Quotas Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Streaming, Shuffle, Scheduling, Storage" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,"IAM, Quotas, and Permissions: Quiz - IAM, Quotas, and Permissions",5 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/quizzes/325922,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period IAM, Quotas, and Permissions: Quiz - IAM, Quotas, and Permissions Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Security,90 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325923,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Security Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Security: Data Locality,4 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325923,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Security: Data Locality Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Security: Shared VPC,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325924,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Security: Shared VPC Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Security: Private IPs,1 minute,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325925,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Security: Private IPs Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Security: CMEK,2 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325926,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Security: CMEK Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Security: Setup IAM and Networking for your Dataflow Jobs,75 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325926,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Security: Setup IAM and Networking for your Dataflow Jobs Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Security: Quiz - Security,5 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/labs/325927,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Security: Quiz - Security Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Permission, IAM, Quota" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Course Summary,3 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/video/325929,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Course Summary Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Additional Resources,2 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5145103/documents/325930,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Additional Resources Easy to Medium Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,35 to 36 hours,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/229?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&search_id=25346358,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines: Introduction ,4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/video/103663,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines: Introduction Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Concept Review,195 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/video/103664,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Concept Review Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Concept Review: Beam Basics,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/video/103664,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Concept Review: Beam Basics Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Concept Review: Utility Transforms,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/video/103665,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Concept Review: Utility Transforms Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Concept Review: DoFn Lifecycle,4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/video/103666,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Concept Review: DoFn Lifecycle Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Concept Review: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Writing an ETL pipeline using Apache Beam and Cloud Dataflow (Java),90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/labs/103667,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Concept Review: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Writing an ETL pipeline using Apache Beam and Cloud Dataflow (Java) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Concept Review: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Writing an ETL Pipeline using Apache Beam and Cloud Dataflow (Python),90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/labs/103668,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Concept Review: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Writing an ETL Pipeline using Apache Beam and Cloud Dataflow (Python) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Concept Review: Quiz 1 - Beam Concepts Review,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/quizzes/103669,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Concept Review: Quiz 1 - Beam Concepts Review Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Concept Review: Module Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/documents/103670,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Concept Review: Module Resources Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, pipeline, serverless, DoFn" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,"Windows, Watermarks Triggers",515 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/video/103671,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Windows, Watermarks Triggers Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Windows,6 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/video/103671,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Windows Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Watermarks,8 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/video/103672,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Watermarks Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Triggers,8 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/video/103673,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Triggers Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Batch Analytics Pipelines with Cloud Dataflow (Java),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/labs/103674,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Batch Analytics Pipelines with Cloud Dataflow (Java) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Batch Analytics Pipelines with Cloud Dataflow (Python),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/labs/103675,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Batch Analytics Pipelines with Cloud Dataflow (Python) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow for Streaming Analytics (Java),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/labs/103676,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow for Streaming Analytics (Java) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow for Streaming Analytics (Python),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/labs/103677,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow for Streaming Analytics (Python) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,"Quiz 2 - Windows, Watermarks Triggers",10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/quizzes/103678,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Quiz 2 - Windows, Watermarks Triggers Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Module Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5146048/documents/103679,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Module Resources Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, watermarks, processing, triggers" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103680,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks: Introduction,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103680,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks: Introduction Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks:: Text IO & File IO,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103681,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks:: Text IO & File IO Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks: BigQuery IO,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103682,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks: BigQuery IO Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks: PubSub IO,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103683,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks: PubSub IO Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks: Kafka IO,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103684,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks: Kafka IO Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks: BigTable IO,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103685,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks: BigTable IO Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks: Avro IO,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103686,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks: Avro IO Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks: Splittable DoFn,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103687,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks: Splittable DoFn Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks: Quiz 3 - Sources & Sinks,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/quizzes/103688,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks: Quiz 3 - Sources & Sinks Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Sources & Sinks:: Module Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/documents/103689,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Sources & Sinks:: Module Resources Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sources, sinks, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Schemas,250 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103690,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Schemas Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Schemas: Beam schemas,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103690,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Schemas: Beam schemas Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Schemas: Code examples,1 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103691,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Schemas: Code examples Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Schemas: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Branching Pipelines (Java),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/labs/103692,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Schemas: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Branching Pipelines (Java) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Schemas: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Branching Pipelines (Python),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/labs/103693,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Schemas: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Branching Pipelines (Python) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Schemas: Quiz 4 - Schemas,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/quizzes/103694,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Schemas: Quiz 4 - Schemas Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Schemas: Module Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/documents/103695,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Schemas: Module Resources Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, schema" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,State and Timers,315 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103696,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period State and Timers Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,State and Timers: State API,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103696,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period State and Timers: State API Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,State and Timers: Timer API,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103697,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period State and Timers: Timer API Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,State and Timers: Summary,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103698,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period State and Timers: Summary Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,State and Timers: Quiz 5 - State and Timers,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/quizzes/103699,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period State and Timers: Quiz 5 - State and Timers Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,State and Timers: Module Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/documents/103700,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period State and Timers: Module Resources Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, state, timer, api" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices,290 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103701,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: Schemas,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103701,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: Schemas Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: Handling un-processable data,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103702,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: Handling un-processable data Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: Error handling,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103703,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: Error handling Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: AutoValue code generator,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103704,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: AutoValue code generator Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: JSON data handling,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103705,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: JSON data handling Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: Utilize DoFn lifecycle,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103706,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: Utilize DoFn lifecycle Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: Pipeline Optimizations,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103707,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: Pipeline Optimizations Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Advanced Streaming Analytics Pipeline with Cloud Dataflow (Java),90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/labs/103708,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Advanced Streaming Analytics Pipeline with Cloud Dataflow (Java) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Advanced Streaming Analytics Pipeline with Cloud Dataflow (Python),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/labs/103709,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Advanced Streaming Analytics Pipeline with Cloud Dataflow (Python) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: Quiz 6 - Best Practices,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/quizzes/103710,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: Quiz 6 - Best Practices Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices: Module Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/documents/103711,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Best Practices: Module Resources Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, best practices, error handling, pipeline optimizaion" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Dataflow SQL and Dataframes,500 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103712,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Dataflow SQL and Dataframes Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Dataflow and Beam SQL,9 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103712,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Dataflow and Beam SQL Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Windowing in SQL,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103713,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Windowing in SQL Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Beam DataFrames,4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103714,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Beam DataFrames Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow SQL for Batch Analytics (Java),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable",#REF!,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow SQL for Batch Analytics (Java) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow SQL for Batch Analytics (Python),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/labs/103715,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow SQL for Batch Analytics (Python) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow SQL for Streaming Analytics (Java),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/labs/103717,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow SQL for Streaming Analytics (Java) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Dataflow SQL and Dataframes:Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow SQL for Streaming Analytics (Python),120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/labs/103718,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Dataflow SQL and Dataframes:Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow SQL for Streaming Analytics (Python) Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Quiz 7 - Dataflow SQL & DataFrames,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/quizzes/103719,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Quiz 7 - Dataflow SQL & DataFrames Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Module Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/documents/103720,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Dataflow SQL and Dataframes: Module Resources Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, sql, dataframes, serverless, bigtable" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Notebooks,20 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, notebook",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103721,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Notebooks Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, notebook" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Notebooks: Introduction,7 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, notebook",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103721,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Notebooks: Introduction Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, notebook" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Notebooks: Quiz 8 - Beam Notebooks,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, notebook",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/quizzes/103722,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Notebooks: Quiz 8 - Beam Notebooks Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, notebook" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Beam Notebooks: Module Resources,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, notebook",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/documents/103723,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Beam Notebooks: Module Resources Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, beam, notebook" +Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate,Free during mentorship period,Course Summary,4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5287822/video/103724,"Data Engineer - Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate Free during mentorship period Course Summary Medium to Hard Cloud, Dataflow, Severless, Data Processing, Data Pipelines, Beam" +Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,50 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/2794?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346362,"Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project" +Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs: Overview,2 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/2794?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346362#step2,"Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs: Overview Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project" +Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Lab fundamentals,2 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/2794?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346362#step3,"Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Lab fundamentals Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project" +Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Task 1 Accessing the Cloud Console,10 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/2794?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346362#step4,"Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Task 1 Accessing the Cloud Console Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project" +Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Task 2 Projects in the Cloud console,10 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project, APIs",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/2794?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346362#step5,"Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Task 2 Projects in the Cloud console Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project, APIs" +Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Task 3 Roles and permissions,10 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/2794?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346362#step6,"Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Task 3 Roles and permissions Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project" +Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Task 4 APIs and services,10 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/2794?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346362#step7,"Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Task 4 APIs and services Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project" +Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Task 5 Ending your lab,5 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/2794?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346362#step8,"Data Engineer - Lab: A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs - Task 5 Ending your lab Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project" +Data Engineer - Lab: Engineer Data in Google Cloud,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab,65 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud,Training Data, BigQuery ML, Batch Prediction",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/12379?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A4%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346300,"Data Engineer - Lab: Engineer Data in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab Easy Google Cloud,Training Data, BigQuery ML, Batch Prediction" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab- Overview,2 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/12379?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A4%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346300#step2,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab- Overview Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab - Challenge scenario,2 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/12379?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A4%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346300#step3,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab - Challenge scenario Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab - Task 1 Clean your training data,20 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/12379?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A4%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346300#step4,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab - Task 1 Clean your training data Easy Google Cloud, Google Console, Google Cloud Project" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab - Task 2 Create a BigQuery ML model,20 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud,Training Data, BigQuery ML, Batch Prediction",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/12379?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A4%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346300#step5,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab - Task 2 Create a BigQuery ML model Easy Google Cloud,Training Data, BigQuery ML, Batch Prediction" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab - Task 3 Perform a batch prediction on new data,20 minutes,Easy,"Google Cloud,Training Data, BigQuery ML, Batch Prediction",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/12379?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A4%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346300#step5,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab - Task 3 Perform a batch prediction on new data Easy Google Cloud,Training Data, BigQuery ML, Batch Prediction" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",7 to 8 hours,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/631,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Vertex AI: Qwik Start",90 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403552,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Vertex AI: Qwik Start Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataprep: Qwik Start",60 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403553,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataprep: Qwik Start Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataflow: Qwik Start - Templates",30 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403554,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataflow: Qwik Start - Templates Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataflow: Qwik Start - Python",30 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403555,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataflow: Qwik Start - Python Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataproc: Qwik Start - Console",30 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403556,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataproc: Qwik Start - Console Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataproc: Qwik Start - Command Line",30 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403557,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataproc: Qwik Start - Command Line Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Cloud Natural Language API: Qwik Start",40 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403558,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Cloud Natural Language API: Qwik Start Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Google Cloud Speech API: Qwik Start",15 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403559,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Google Cloud Speech API: Qwik Start Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Video Intelligence: Qwik Start",30 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403560,"Data Engineer - Quest: Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Video Intelligence: Qwik Start Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab",80 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403561,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Tell us how we did!",2 minutes,Easy to Medium,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/documents/403562,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Tell us how we did! Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab,100 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, bigQuery, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/14341?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346367,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab Easy data engineer, bigQuery, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Overview,5 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, bigQuery, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/14341?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346367#step2,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Overview Easy data engineer, bigQuery, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Challenge Scenario,2 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, bigQuery, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/14341?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346367#step3,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Challenge Scenario Easy data engineer, bigQuery, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 1. Create a table partitioned by date +",15 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, bigQuery, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/14341?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346367#step4,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 1. Create a table partitioned by date + Easy data engineer, bigQuery, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 2. Add new columns to your table +",15 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, bigquery, partitioned datasets, querying datasets, SQL",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/14341?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346367#step5,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 2. Add new columns to your table + Easy data engineer, bigquery, partitioned datasets, querying datasets, SQL" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 3. Add country population data to the population column +",15 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, bigquery, data join, SQL",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/14341?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346367#step6,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 3. Add country population data to the population column + Easy data engineer, bigquery, data join, SQL" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 4. Add country area data to the country_area column +",15 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, BigQuery, JSON, data structures",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/14341?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346367#step7,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 4. Add country area data to the country_area column + Easy data engineer, BigQuery, JSON, data structures" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 5. Populate the mobility record data +",15 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, BigQuery, data warehouses",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/14341?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346367#step8,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 5. Populate the mobility record data + Easy data engineer, BigQuery, data warehouses" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 6. Query missing data in population & country_area columns +",15 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, BigQuery, data warehouses",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/14341?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346367#step9,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Task 6. Query missing data in population & country_area columns + Easy data engineer, BigQuery, data warehouses" +Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Tips and tricks +",2 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, bigQuery, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/14341?catalog_rank=%7B%22rank%22%3A1%2C%22num_filters%22%3A0%2C%22has_search%22%3Atrue%7D&parent=catalog&search_id=25346367#step10,"Data Engineer - Quest: Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery: Challenge Lab: Tips and tricks + Easy data engineer, bigQuery, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud,5 to 6 hours,Easy to Medium,"data engineer, data preparation, data wrangling, data cleaning, google cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/627,"Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud Easy to Medium data engineer, data preparation, data wrangling, data cleaning, google cloud" +Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Creating a Data Transformation Pipeline with Cloud Dataprep,60 minutes,Easy to Medium,"data engineer, data preparation, data wrangling, data cleaning, google cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4884214/labs/403525,"Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Creating a Data Transformation Pipeline with Cloud Dataprep Easy to Medium data engineer, data preparation, data wrangling, data cleaning, google cloud" +Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: ETL Processing on Google Cloud Using Dataflow and BigQuery (Python),60 minutes,Easy to Medium,"data engineer, data lake, bigquery, ETL pipeline, dataflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4884214/labs/403526,"Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: ETL Processing on Google Cloud Using Dataflow and BigQuery (Python) Easy to Medium data engineer, data lake, bigquery, ETL pipeline, dataflow" +Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Predict Visitor Purchases with a Classification Model in BigQuery ML,60 minutes,Easy to Medium,"data engineer, ML, Classification, BigQuery",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4884214/labs/403527,"Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Predict Visitor Purchases with a Classification Model in BigQuery ML Easy to Medium data engineer, ML, Classification, BigQuery" +Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Cloud Composer: Copying BigQuery Tables Across Different Locations,75 minutes,Easy to Medium,"data engineer, BigQuery, Cloud Storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4884214/labs/403528,"Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Cloud Composer: Copying BigQuery Tables Across Different Locations Easy to Medium data engineer, BigQuery, Cloud Storage" +Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab,60 minutes,Easy to Medium,"data engineer, challenge, BigQuery, Batch Predicition",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4884214/labs/403529,"Data Engineer - Quest: Engineer Data in Google Cloud Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Engineer Data in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab Easy to Medium data engineer, challenge, BigQuery, Batch Predicition" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Overview - Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,10mins,Easy,"data preparation, feature engineering, model, algorithm",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Overview - Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Easy data preparation, feature engineering, model, algorithm" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Overview - The Process for Data Preparation and Feature Engineering,5mins,Medium,"data, samples, label, machine learning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/process,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Overview - The Process for Data Preparation and Feature Engineering Medium data, samples, label, machine learning" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Construct Your Dataset,27 minutes,Medium,"correlation, sampling, causation, features",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/construct-intro,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Construct Your Dataset Medium correlation, sampling, causation, features" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Construct Your Dataset - Introduction to Constructing Your Dataset,5mins,Medium,"correlation, sampling, causation, features",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/construct-intro,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Construct Your Dataset - Introduction to Constructing Your Dataset Medium correlation, sampling, causation, features" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Construct Your Dataset - Size and Quality of a Data Set,5mins,Medium,"prediction,model,quality,metrics, feature representation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/collect/data-size-quality,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Construct Your Dataset - Size and Quality of a Data Set Medium prediction,model,quality,metrics, feature representation" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Construct Your Dataset - Joining Logs,5mins,Medium,"prediction, logs, latency,query, data ",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/collect/joining-logs,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Construct Your Dataset - Joining Logs Medium prediction, logs, latency,query, data " +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Construct Your Dataset - Labels Sources,5mins,Medium,"labels, logs, model, user",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/collect/label-sources,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Construct Your Dataset - Labels Sources Medium labels, logs, model, user" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Construct Your Dataset - Check Your Understanding,7mins,Medium,"label, prediction, samples, data",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/collect/check-your-understanding,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Construct Your Dataset - Check Your Understanding Medium label, prediction, samples, data" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Sampling and Splitting Data,33 minutes,Medium,"feature, sampling, data, queries",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/sampling-splitting/sampling,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Sampling and Splitting Data Medium feature, sampling, data, queries" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Sampling and Splitting Data - Sampling ,5mins,Medium,"feature, sampling, data, queries",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/sampling-splitting/sampling,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Sampling and Splitting Data - Sampling Medium feature, sampling, data, queries" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Sampling and Splitting Data - Imbalanced Data,6mins,Medium,"data, weight, model, imbalance, majority, minority ",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/sampling-splitting/imbalanced-data,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Sampling and Splitting Data - Imbalanced Data Medium data, weight, model, imbalance, majority, minority " +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Sampling and Splitting Data - Data Split Example,5mins,Medium,"data, label, split, sets, training, testing",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/sampling-splitting/example,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Sampling and Splitting Data - Data Split Example Medium data, label, split, sets, training, testing" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Sampling and Splitting Data - Splitting Your Data,5mins,Medium,"data, label, split, training, testing, validation, samples, machine learning",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/sampling-splitting/split,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Sampling and Splitting Data - Splitting Your Data Medium data, label, split, training, testing, validation, samples, machine learning" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Sampling and Splitting Data - Randomization,5mins,Medium,"data,samples, evaluation, generation, datasets, query",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/sampling-splitting/randomization,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Sampling and Splitting Data - Randomization Medium data,samples, evaluation, generation, datasets, query" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Sampling and Splitting Data - Check Your Understanding,7mins,Medium,"data, model, tail, problem,label, examples",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/construct/sampling-splitting/check-your-understanding,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Sampling and Splitting Data - Check Your Understanding Medium data, model, tail, problem,label, examples" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Transform Your Data,40 minutes,Medium,"data, model, transformation, computation, normalization, computation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/transform/introduction,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Transform Your Data Medium data, model, transformation, computation, normalization, computation" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Transform Your Data - Introduction to Transforming Data,15mins,Medium,"data, model, transformation, computation, normalization, computation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/transform/introduction,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Transform Your Data - Introduction to Transforming Data Medium data, model, transformation, computation, normalization, computation" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Transform Your Data - Transforming Categorical Data,15mins,Medium,"data, categories, index, embedding, values, model, hashing",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/transform/transform-categorical,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Transform Your Data - Transforming Categorical Data Medium data, categories, index, embedding, values, model, hashing" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Transform Your Data - Check Your Understanding,10mins,Medium,"data, scaling, outliers, transformation, normalization, modeling",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/transform/check-your-understanding,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Transform Your Data - Check Your Understanding Medium data, scaling, outliers, transformation, normalization, modeling" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Programming Exercise,60 minutes,Medium,"data, transformation, label, samples, dataset, code",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/programming-exercise,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Programming Exercise Medium data, transformation, label, samples, dataset, code" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Programming Exercise - Data Modeling,50mins,Medium,"data, transformation, label, samples, dataset, code",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/programming-exercise,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Programming Exercise - Data Modeling Medium data, transformation, label, samples, dataset, code" +Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Conclusion - Course Summary,10mins,Medium,"data, dataset,algorithms, workflow, samples, code",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/data-prep/summary,"Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Conclusion - Course Summary Medium data, dataset,algorithms, workflow, samples, code" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Overview: Introduction,2 mins,Medium,"debugging, learning, testing, ml, model, code",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Overview: Introduction Medium debugging, learning, testing, ml, model, code" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Debugging & Testing: Overview,2 mins,Medium,"debugging, learning, testing, ml, model, code, quality, causes, optimization",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/common/overview,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Debugging & Testing: Overview Medium debugging, learning, testing, ml, model, code, quality, causes, optimization" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Debugging & Testing: ML Debugging: Programming Exercise,20 mins,Medium,"data, schema, input, valus, label, distribution, test, check, monitor",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/common/programming-exercise-debugging-challenges,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Debugging & Testing: ML Debugging: Programming Exercise Medium data, schema, input, valus, label, distribution, test, check, monitor" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Debugging & Testing: Data and Feature Debugging,3 mins,Medium,"data, schema, input, valus, label, distribution, test, check, monitor",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/common/data-errors,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Debugging & Testing: Data and Feature Debugging Medium data, schema, input, valus, label, distribution, test, check, monitor" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Debugging & Testing: Model Debugging,10 mins,Medium,"debugging,model, data, layer, bugs, baseline, code, batch",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/common/model-errors,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Debugging & Testing: Model Debugging Medium debugging,model, data, layer, bugs, baseline, code, batch" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Debugging & Testing: Check Your Understanding: Model Debugging,7 mins,Medium,"baseline, validation, epochs, model, loss, training, cost, rate, increase",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/common/check-your-understanding,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Debugging & Testing: Check Your Understanding: Model Debugging Medium baseline, validation, epochs, model, loss, training, cost, rate, increase" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Debugging & Testing: Interpreting Loss Curves,5 mins,Medium,"data, fix,debugging, metrics, model, curve,inputs",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/metrics/interpretic,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Debugging & Testing: Interpreting Loss Curves Medium data, fix,debugging, metrics, model, curve,inputs" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Debugging & Testing: Evaluate Models Using Metrics,5 mins,Medium,"data, metrics, model, error, quality, slices, mean, subsets, content",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/metrics/metrics,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Debugging & Testing: Evaluate Models Using Metrics Medium data, metrics, model, error, quality, slices, mean, subsets, content" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Debugging & Testing: Check Your Understanding: Model Metrics,2 mins,Medium,"prediction, label, predictor, metrics, unicorn, samples, stars",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/metrics/check-your-understanding,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Debugging & Testing: Check Your Understanding: Model Metrics Medium prediction, label, predictor, metrics, unicorn, samples, stars" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Debugging & Testing: Model Optimization,3 mins,Medium,"label, mode, width, tuning, quality, depth, correlation, labels, tune, correlation",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/common/optimization,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Debugging & Testing: Model Optimization Medium label, mode, width, tuning, quality, depth, correlation, labels, tune, correlation" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Debugging & Testing: Debugging Models: Programming Exercise,1.5 hr,Medium,"data, fix,debugging, metrics, model, curve,inputs",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/common/programming-exercise,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Debugging & Testing: Debugging Models: Programming Exercise Medium data, fix,debugging, metrics, model, curve,inputs" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Testing in production: Overview ,5 mins,Medium,"pipeline, ml, tests, testing, model, components, pipelines, guidelines,data",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/pipeline/overview,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Testing in production: Overview Medium pipeline, ml, tests, testing, model, components, pipelines, guidelines,data" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Testing in production: Testing for Deployment,15 mins,Medium,"datatest, server, model, api, tests, integration, software, components, testing",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/pipeline/deploying,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Testing in production: Testing for Deployment Medium datatest, server, model, api, tests, integration, software, components, testing" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Testing in production: Testing Pipelines,10 mins,Medium,"data, model, monitor, outputs, schema, queries, prediction, predictor, code",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/pipeline/production,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Testing in production: Testing Pipelines Medium data, model, monitor, outputs, schema, queries, prediction, predictor, code" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Testing in production: Check Your Understanding:,5 mnis,Medium,"data, behavior, model, quality, dataset, predictor, prediction, ssampling, cause, unicorn",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/pipeline/check-your-understanding,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Testing in production: Check Your Understanding: Medium data, behavior, model, quality, dataset, predictor, prediction, ssampling, cause, unicorn" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Conclusion: Implementation,10 mins,Medium,"debugging, code, guidelines, license, content, developers, label, java",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/implementation,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Conclusion: Implementation Medium debugging, code, guidelines, license, content, developers, label, java" +Testing and Debugging,Google Developers,Beginner to Intermediate,Free,Conclusion: Course Summary and Next Steps,10 mins,Medium,"license, content, code, developers, java, preferences, oracle, label",https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/testing-debugging/summary,"Testing and Debugging Google Developers Beginner to Intermediate Free Conclusion: Course Summary and Next Steps Medium license, content, code, developers, java, preferences, oracle, label" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Course Introduction: Meet the author,1 minute,Easy,"data engineer, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383324,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Course Introduction: Meet the author Easy data engineer, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Course Introduction: Course Introduction,4 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383325,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Course Introduction: Course Introduction Easy data engineer, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Course Introduction: Reading list,1 minute,Easy,"data engineer, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/documents/383326,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Course Introduction: Reading list Easy data engineer, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Introduction,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383327,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Introduction Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Google Cloud infrastructure,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383328,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Google Cloud infrastructure Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Compute,5 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, compute",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383329,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Compute Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, compute" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Storage,5 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383330,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Storage Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, storage" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: The history of big data and ML products,4 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383331,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: The history of big data and ML products Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Big data and ML product categories,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383332,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Big data and ML product categories Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Customer example: Gojek,3 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383333,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Customer example: Gojek Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Lab introduction: Exploring a BigQuery Public Dataset,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, lab, BigQuery",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383334,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Lab introduction: Exploring a BigQuery Public Dataset Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, lab, BigQuery" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Exploring a BigQuery Public Dataset,60 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/labs/383335,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Exploring a BigQuery Public Dataset Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Summary,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383348,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Summary Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Quiz,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, quiz",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/quizzes/383349,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Quiz Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, quiz" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Reading list,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/documents/383350,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Reading list Medium data engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Introduction,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383339,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Introduction Medium data engineer, streaming data, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Big data challenges,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, Big data, Google Cloud, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383340,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Big data challenges Medium data engineer, streaming data, Big data, Google Cloud, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Message-oriented architecture,4 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, architecture, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383341,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Message-oriented architecture Medium data engineer, streaming data, architecture, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Designing streaming pipelines with Apache Beam,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, pipelines, Apache Beam, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383342,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Designing streaming pipelines with Apache Beam Medium data engineer, streaming data, pipelines, Apache Beam, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Implementing streaming pipelines on Cloud Dataflow,3 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, pipelines, cloud dataflow, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383343,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Implementing streaming pipelines on Cloud Dataflow Medium data engineer, streaming data, pipelines, cloud dataflow, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Visualization with Looker,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, visualization, Looker, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383344,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Visualization with Looker Medium data engineer, streaming data, visualization, Looker, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Visualization with Data Studio,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, visualization, Data Studio, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383345,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Visualization with Data Studio Medium data engineer, streaming data, visualization, Data Studio, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Lab introduction: Creating a streaming data pipeline for a Real-Time dashboard with Dataflow,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, lab, pipeline, Dataflow, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383346,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Lab introduction: Creating a streaming data pipeline for a Real-Time dashboard with Dataflow Medium data engineer, streaming data, lab, pipeline, Dataflow, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Creating a Streaming Data Pipeline for a Real-Time Dashboard with Dataflow,60 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, pipeline, Dataflow, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/labs/383347,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Creating a Streaming Data Pipeline for a Real-Time Dashboard with Dataflow Medium data engineer, streaming data, pipeline, Dataflow, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Summary,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383348,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Summary Medium data engineer, streaming data, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Quiz,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, quiz, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/quizzes/383349,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Quiz Medium data engineer, streaming data, quiz, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Reading list +",1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, streaming data, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/documents/383350,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Data Engineering for Streaming Data: Reading list + Medium data engineer, streaming data, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: Introduction,5 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Google Cloud, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383351,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: Introduction Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Google Cloud, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: Storage and analytics,3 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Storage, Analytics, Google Cloud, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383352,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: Storage and analytics Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Storage, Analytics, Google Cloud, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: BigQuery demo - San Francisco bike share,11 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Storage, Analytics, demo, San Francisco, bike share, Google Cloud, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383353,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: BigQuery demo - San Francisco bike share Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Storage, Analytics, demo, San Francisco, bike share, Google Cloud, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: Introduction to BigQuery ML,4 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Machine Learning, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383354,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: Introduction to BigQuery ML Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Machine Learning, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: Using BigQuery ML to predict customer lifetime value,4 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Machine Learning, predict, customer, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383355,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: Using BigQuery ML to predict customer lifetime value Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Machine Learning, predict, customer, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: BigQuery ML project phases,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Machine Learning, Phases, Google Cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383356,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: BigQuery ML project phases Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Machine Learning, Phases, Google Cloud" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: BigQuery ML key commands,3 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Machine Learning, Google Cloud ",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383357,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: BigQuery ML key commands Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Machine Learning, Google Cloud " +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: Lab introduction: Predicting Visitor Purchases Using BigQuery ML,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Lab, Predicting, Visitor Purchases, Google Cloud, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383358,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: Lab introduction: Predicting Visitor Purchases Using BigQuery ML Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Lab, Predicting, Visitor Purchases, Google Cloud, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: Predicting Visitor Purchases with BigQuery ML,70 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Predicting, Visitor Purchases, Google Cloud, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/labs/383359,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: Predicting Visitor Purchases with BigQuery ML Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Predicting, Visitor Purchases, Google Cloud, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: Summary,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Google Cloud, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383360,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: Summary Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Google Cloud, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: Quiz,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Quiz, Google Cloud, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/quizzes/383361,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: Quiz Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Quiz, Google Cloud, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Big Data with BigQuery: Reading list,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Google Cloud, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/documents/383362,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Big Data with BigQuery: Reading list Medium data engineer, Big Data, BigQuery, Google Cloud, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Introduction,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383363,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Introduction Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Options to build ML models,3 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Models, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383364,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Options to build ML models Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Models, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Pre-built APIs,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Pre-built APIs, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383365,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Pre-built APIs Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Pre-built APIs, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: AutoML,6 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, AutoML, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383366,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: AutoML Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, AutoML, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Custom training,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Custom Training, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383367,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Custom training Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Custom Training, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Vertex AI,3 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Vetex AI, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383368,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Vertex AI Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Vetex AI, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: AI Solutions,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, AI Solutions, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383369,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: AI Solutions Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, AI Solutions, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Summary,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383370,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Summary Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Quiz,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Quiz, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/quizzes/383371,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Quiz Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Quiz, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Reading list,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/documents/383372,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Options on Google Cloud: Reading list Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Introduction,5 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383373,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Introduction Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Data preparation,3 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Data preparation, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383374,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Data preparation Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Data preparation, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Model training,3 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Model training, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383375,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Model training Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Model training, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Model evaluation,4 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Model evaluation, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383376,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Model evaluation Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Model evaluation, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Model deployment and monitoring,3 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Model deployment, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383377,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Model deployment and monitoring Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Model deployment, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Lab introduction: Predicting loan risk with AutoML,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Lab, Predicting, Loan risk, AutoML, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383378,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Lab introduction: Predicting loan risk with AutoML Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Lab, Predicting, Loan risk, AutoML, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Vertex AI: Predicting Loan Risk with AutoML,150 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Predicting, Loan risk, AutoML, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/labs/383379,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Vertex AI: Predicting Loan Risk with AutoML Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Predicting, Loan risk, AutoML, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Lab recap: Predicting loan risk with AutoML,3 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Lab, Predicting, Loan risk, AutoML, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383380,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Lab recap: Predicting loan risk with AutoML Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Lab, Predicting, Loan risk, AutoML, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Summary,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383381,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Summary Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Quiz,2 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Quiz, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/quizzes/383382,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Quiz Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Quiz, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Reading list,1 minute,Medium,"data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Google Cloud, Big data",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/documents/383383,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period The Machine Learning Workflow with Vertex AI: Reading list Medium data engineer, Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Google Cloud, Big data" +Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Course Summary,4 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5007143/video/383384,"Data Engineer - Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Course Summary Medium data engineer, Google Cloud, Big data, Machine Learning" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam : Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification Welcome to the course - Introduction,5 minutes,Easy,"data engineer, Google Cloud, ML, data representations, pipelines, and processing infrastructure",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359776,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam : Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification Welcome to the course - Introduction Easy data engineer, Google Cloud, ML, data representations, pipelines, and processing infrastructure" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam : Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification ,7 minutes,Medium,"data engineer, cloud engineer, cloud data cluster",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359777,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam : Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification Medium data engineer, cloud engineer, cloud data cluster" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification: Information about the latest Exam Guide,5mins,Medium,"data engineer, cloud engineer, cloud data cluster",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359778,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification: Information about the latest Exam Guide Medium data engineer, cloud engineer, cloud data cluster" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification: Exam Tips #1,15mins,Medium,"data, monitoring, storage, requirements, pipelines, encryption",https://cloud.google.com/learn/certification/guides/data-engineer,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification: Exam Tips #1 Medium data, monitoring, storage, requirements, pipelines, encryption" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification: Quiz: Module 1 Assessment,5mins,Medium,"data engineer, strategy, bookmarking, sample questions, certification exam",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/quizzes/359780,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification: Quiz: Module 1 Assessment Medium data engineer, strategy, bookmarking, sample questions, certification exam" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification: Exam Tips #2,5mins,Medium,"data engineer, technologies, product, technology, documentation, specialization, training",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359781,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification: Exam Tips #2 Medium data engineer, technologies, product, technology, documentation, specialization, training" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Designing Data Processing Systems: Designing and building,10mins,Medium,"data engineering, pipeline, designing data, representation, machine learning, databses ",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359782,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Designing Data Processing Systems: Designing and building Medium data engineering, pipeline, designing data, representation, machine learning, databses " +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Designing Data Processing Systems: Design flexible data representation,10 mins,Medium,"data engineer, pipleline, SQL, serialization, BigQuery, RDDs, tensor, hadoop",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359783,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Designing Data Processing Systems: Design flexible data representation Medium data engineer, pipleline, SQL, serialization, BigQuery, RDDs, tensor, hadoop" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Designing Data Processing Systems: Exam Tips #3,5mins,Medium,"data engineer, touchstone, Vm's, basic concepts,",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359784,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Designing Data Processing Systems: Exam Tips #3 Medium data engineer, touchstone, Vm's, basic concepts," +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Designing Data Processing Systems: Design data pipeline,5 mins,Medium,"data engineer, Cloud Dataproc, hadoop, RDD, spark",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359785,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Designing Data Processing Systems: Design data pipeline Medium data engineer, Cloud Dataproc, hadoop, RDD, spark" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Designing Data Processing Systems: Dataflow pipelines,3 mins,Medium,"data engineer, pipeline, cloud dataflow, framework",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359786,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Designing Data Processing Systems: Dataflow pipelines Medium data engineer, pipeline, cloud dataflow, framework" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Designing Data Processing Systems: Bigquery and dataflow solutions,3 mins,Medium,"data, bigquery, SQL, cloud",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359787,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Designing Data Processing Systems: Bigquery and dataflow solutions Medium data, bigquery, SQL, cloud" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Designing Data Processing Systems: Design data processing infrastructure,1 mins,Medium,"data, cloud, Bigquery",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359788,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Designing Data Processing Systems: Design data processing infrastructure Medium data, cloud, Bigquery" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Designing Data Processing Systems: Pub/Sub solutions,1 min,Medium,"data, cloud pub/sub, cloud dataflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359789,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Designing Data Processing Systems: Pub/Sub solutions Medium data, cloud pub/sub, cloud dataflow" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Designing Data Processing Systems: Practice exam questions 01,3 min,Medium,"data, bigquery, cloud storage, dataset, cloud spanner",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359790,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Designing Data Processing Systems: Practice exam questions 01 Medium data, bigquery, cloud storage, dataset, cloud spanner" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Designing Data Processing Systems: Designing Data Processing Systems: Exam Guide Review,2mins,Medium,"data, pipeline, Bigquery, storage, pub/sub, infrastructure",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359791,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Designing Data Processing Systems: Designing Data Processing Systems: Exam Guide Review Medium data, pipeline, Bigquery, storage, pub/sub, infrastructure" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems,2mins,Medium,"data, processing, database, Bigquery, tables",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359792,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems Medium data, processing, database, Bigquery, tables" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Bigtable",3 mins,Medium,"data,Cloud SQL, cloud storage, Cloud Bigtable, MySQL, NOSQL",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359793,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Bigtable Medium data,Cloud SQL, cloud storage, Cloud Bigtable, MySQL, NOSQL" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Building and maintaining pipelines,2 mins,Medium,"data, cloud, dataflow, windowing, data processing",https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dnVGIclHGY-4lJUwybhOq1sZAgoJBiKTi36cxEA_Shw/edit#gid=1382298404,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Building and maintaining pipelines Medium data, cloud, dataflow, windowing, data processing" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Building and maintaining processing infrastructure,1min,Medium,"data, cloud pub/sub, cloud dataflow, dataflow, Bigquery",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359795,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Building and maintaining processing infrastructure Medium data, cloud pub/sub, cloud dataflow, dataflow, Bigquery" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Practice exam questions 02,2mins,Medium,"data, Bigquery, cloud SQL, cloud storage, cloud spanner, cloud bigtable",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359796,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Practice exam questions 02 Medium data, Bigquery, cloud SQL, cloud storage, cloud spanner, cloud bigtable" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Exam Guide Review ,2 mins,Medium,"data, Bigquery, cloud query, cloud storage, cloud spanner",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359797,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Exam Guide Review Medium data, Bigquery, cloud query, cloud storage, cloud spanner" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Case study 01 +",4mins,Medium,"data, SQL, bigquery, dataproc, apache airflow, cloud composer",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359798,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Case study 01 + Medium data, SQL, bigquery, dataproc, apache airflow, cloud composer" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Case study 01 +",3 mins,Medium,"data, SQL, bigquery, apache airflow, pipeline, dataproc",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359799,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Case study 01 + Medium data, SQL, bigquery, apache airflow, pipeline, dataproc" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Challenge Lab 01 Intro,19sec,Medium,"data, SQL, bigquery, apache airflow, pipeline, dataproc",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359800,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Challenge Lab 01 Intro Medium data, SQL, bigquery, apache airflow, pipeline, dataproc" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: PDE Prep: BigQuery Essentials,2 hours,Medium,"data, SQL, bigquery, dataset, pipeline, dataproc",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/labs/359801,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: PDE Prep: BigQuery Essentials Medium data, SQL, bigquery, dataset, pipeline, dataproc" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Exam Tips #4,2mins,Medium,"data, SQL, bigquery, dataset, pipeline, dataproc",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359802,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Exam Tips #4 Medium data, SQL, bigquery, dataset, pipeline, dataproc" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Quiz: Designing and Building Data Processing Systems,2mins,Medium,"data, dataproc, cloud SQL, dataflow, Pub/Sub, and BigQuery",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/quizzes/359803,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems: Quiz: Designing and Building Data Processing Systems Medium data, dataproc, cloud SQL, dataflow, Pub/Sub, and BigQuery" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Analyzing and modeling,3mins,Medium,"data, analyzing, modeling, Machine learning, pre-trained, tensorflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359804,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Analyzing and modeling Medium data, analyzing, modeling, Machine learning, pre-trained, tensorflow" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Analyzing data,3mins,Medium,"data, SQL, analysis, machine learning, algorithm",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359805,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Analyzing data Medium data, SQL, analysis, machine learning, algorithm" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Machine Learning,33secs,Medium,"data, machine learning, bigquery, dataflow, tensorflow, Cloud Pub/Sub",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359806,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Machine Learning Medium data, machine learning, bigquery, dataflow, tensorflow, Cloud Pub/Sub" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Machine learning and unstructured data,4:45mins,Medium,"data engineer, machine learning, model, MSE, RMSE, gradient descent",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359807,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Machine learning and unstructured data Medium data engineer, machine learning, model, MSE, RMSE, gradient descent" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Training and validating,2:20mins,Medium,"data, model, training, validaion, metric, underfitting, overfitting",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359808,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Training and validating Medium data, model, training, validaion, metric, underfitting, overfitting" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Practice exam questions 03,2:45mins,Medium,"data, classification, model, sentiment analysis, Natural language",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359809,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Practice exam questions 03 Medium data, classification, model, sentiment analysis, Natural language" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Exam Guide Review,2 mins,Medium,"Features, Labels, Models, Regression, Classification, Supervised, unsupervised learning, Evaluation, Metrics ",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359810,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Exam Guide Review Medium Features, Labels, Models, Regression, Classification, Supervised, unsupervised learning, Evaluation, Metrics " +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Case study 02,3:45mins,Medium,"data, bigquery, GCP, logs",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359811,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Case study 02 Medium data, bigquery, GCP, logs" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Case study 02,2mins,Medium,"data, bigquery, google cloud, logs, IAM",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359812,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Case study 02 Medium data, bigquery, google cloud, logs, IAM" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Modeling business processes for analysis and optimization,2:25mins,Medium,"data, modeling, confusion matrix, ML, pre-trained",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359813,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Modeling business processes for analysis and optimization Medium data, modeling, confusion matrix, ML, pre-trained" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Feature engineering and performance,2mins,Medium,"data, feature engineering, hyperparameters, performance, query",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359814,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Feature engineering and performance Medium data, feature engineering, hyperparameters, performance, query" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Schema and performance,2:22mins,Medium,"data, normalization, denormalized, bigquery, database",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359815,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Schema and performance Medium data, normalization, denormalized, bigquery, database" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Pipeline and performance,2 minutes,Medium,"data, SQL, efficiency, performance, select, limit",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359816,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Pipeline and performance Medium data, SQL, efficiency, performance, select, limit" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Dividing work,1:46mins,Medium,"data, partitioning, bigquery, ,ml, GroupByKey, CombineByKey",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359817,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Dividing work Medium data, partitioning, bigquery, ,ml, GroupByKey, CombineByKey" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Bigtable performance,4mins,Medium,"data, bigtable, nodes, bigquery, SQL, timestamp, time series, performance",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359818,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Bigtable performance Medium data, bigtable, nodes, bigquery, SQL, timestamp, time series, performance" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Price estimation,43 secs,Medium,"data, bigquery, query validator, pricing calculator",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359819,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Price estimation Medium data, bigquery, query validator, pricing calculator" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Case study 03,3 mins,Medium,"data, SQL, pipeline, cloud storage, cloud analytics, hadoop, logs",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359820,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Case study 03 Medium data, SQL, pipeline, cloud storage, cloud analytics, hadoop, logs" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Case study 03,3 mins,Medium,"data, bigtable, cloud storage, bigquery, SQL, Cloud Analytics",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359821,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Case study 03 Medium data, bigtable, cloud storage, bigquery, SQL, Cloud Analytics" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Challenge Lab 02 Intro,24 secs,Medium,"data, bigtable, cloud storage, bigquery, SQL, Cloud Analytics",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359822,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Challenge Lab 02 Intro Medium data, bigtable, cloud storage, bigquery, SQL, Cloud Analytics" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: PDE Prep: Cloud Dataproc Cluster Operations and Maintenance,2hrs,Medium,"data, bigtable, cloud storage, bigquery, SQL, Cloud Analytics",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/labs/359823,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: PDE Prep: Cloud Dataproc Cluster Operations and Maintenance Medium data, bigtable, cloud storage, bigquery, SQL, Cloud Analytics" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Exam Tips #5,1 min,Medium,"data, bigtable, cloud storage, bigquery, SQL, Cloud Analytics",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359824,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Exam Tips #5 Medium data, bigtable, cloud storage, bigquery, SQL, Cloud Analytics" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Quiz: Operationalizing Machine Learning Models,1 mins,Medium,"data, bigtable, cloud storage, bigquery, SQL, Cloud Analytics",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/quizzes/359825,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Quiz: Operationalizing Machine Learning Models Medium data, bigtable, cloud storage, bigquery, SQL, Cloud Analytics" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Security, Policy, and Reliability: Designing for Security and Compliance",4:34mins,Medium,"data engineering, cloud dataproc, logs, encryption, cloud storage",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359826,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Security, Policy, and Reliability: Designing for Security and Compliance Medium data engineering, cloud dataproc, logs, encryption, cloud storage" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Security, Policy, and Reliability: Practice exam questions 04",1mins,Medium,"data engineer, cloud storage, bigquery, Analyst3",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359827,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Security, Policy, and Reliability: Practice exam questions 04 Medium data engineer, cloud storage, bigquery, Analyst3" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Security, Policy, and Reliability: Performing quality control",3mins,Medium,"data engineering, monitoring, stackdriver, tensorflow, security",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359828,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Security, Policy, and Reliability: Performing quality control Medium data engineering, monitoring, stackdriver, tensorflow, security" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Security, Policy, and Reliability: Ensuring reliability",2mins,Medium,"data, realibility, scaling, nodes, availability, failover",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359829,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Security, Policy, and Reliability: Ensuring reliability Medium data, realibility, scaling, nodes, availability, failover" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Security, Policy, and Reliability: Ensuring Solution Quality: Exam Guide Review",2mins,Medium,"data, data security, dataprep, data security, pipeline",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359830,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Security, Policy, and Reliability: Ensuring Solution Quality: Exam Guide Review Medium data, data security, dataprep, data security, pipeline" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Security, Policy, and Reliability: Exam Tips #5",1 mins,Medium,"data, data security, dataprep, data security, pipeline",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359831,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Security, Policy, and Reliability: Exam Tips #5 Medium data, data security, dataprep, data security, pipeline" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Security, Policy, and Reliability: Quiz: Preparing for Reliability, Policy, and Security",2 mins,Medium,"data, data security,, data security, scaling, disaster recovery",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/quizzes/359832,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Security, Policy, and Reliability: Quiz: Preparing for Reliability, Policy, and Security Medium data, data security,, data security, scaling, disaster recovery" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Resources and Next Steps: Resources and next steps,2 mins,Medium,"data, data security,, data security, scaling, disaster recovery",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359833,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Resources and Next Steps: Resources and next steps Medium data, data security,, data security, scaling, disaster recovery" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Resources and Next Steps: Practice exam quiz,14secs,Medium,"data, data security,, data security, scaling, disaster recovery",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359834,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Resources and Next Steps: Practice exam quiz Medium data, data security,, data security, scaling, disaster recovery" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Resources and Next Steps: Instructions of GRADED and UNGRADED Practice Exam Quizzes,1 mins,Medium,"data engineer, graded, ungraded, ",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359835,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Resources and Next Steps: Instructions of GRADED and UNGRADED Practice Exam Quizzes Medium data engineer, graded, ungraded, " +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Ungraded Practice Exam,10mins,Medium,"data, data security, dataprep, data security, pipeline",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/quizzes/359836,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Ungraded Practice Exam Medium data, data security, dataprep, data security, pipeline" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Graded Practice Exam,15 mins,Medium,"data, dataproc, cloud SQL, dataflow, Pub/Sub, and BigQuery",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/quizzes/359837,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Graded Practice Exam Medium data, dataproc, cloud SQL, dataflow, Pub/Sub, and BigQuery" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Resources,3:26 mins,Medium,"data engineer, stackdriver, bigquery, dataproc, tensorflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/video/359838,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Resources Medium data engineer, stackdriver, bigquery, dataproc, tensorflow" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Review of tips ,1 min,Medium,"data engineer, cloud engineer, cloud data cluster",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359839,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Review of tips Medium data engineer, cloud engineer, cloud data cluster" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Course Summary Quiz - Prep for the Exam +",2 mins,Medium,"data engineer, Google Cloud, ML, data representations, pipelines",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/quizzes/359840,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Course Summary Quiz - Prep for the Exam + Medium data engineer, Google Cloud, ML, data representations, pipelines" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Sample Exam Quiz Questions,15 mins,Medium,"data, bigquery, dataproc, storage cloud, bigtable, nodes, Pub/Sub",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359841,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Resources and Next Steps: Quiz: Sample Exam Quiz Questions Medium data, bigquery, dataproc, storage cloud, bigtable, nodes, Pub/Sub" +Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Beginner,Free during mentorship period,"Course Resources: Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam + ",15 mins,Medium,"data, bigquery, dataproc, storage cloud, bigtable, nodes, Pub/Sub",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5149327/documents/359842,"Data Engineer - Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam Google Cloud Skill Boost Beginner Free during mentorship period Course Resources: Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam + Medium data, bigquery, dataproc, storage cloud, bigtable, nodes, Pub/Sub" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,45 min,Easy to Medium,Cloud/Lab/console,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/2794?parent=catalog,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Easy to Medium Cloud/Lab/console +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud,8 hours,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Google Cloud/ ,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/593,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Google Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Course introduction,4 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387507,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: Course introduction Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations,110 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387508,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: Introduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387508,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: Introduction Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: Why Google,9 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387509,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: Why Google Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: Ai/ML framework on Google Cloud,2 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387510,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: Ai/ML framework on Google Cloud Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: Google Cloud infrastructure,8 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387511,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: Google Cloud infrastructure Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: Data and AI products,3 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387512,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: Data and AI products Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: ML model categories,5 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387513,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: ML model categories Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: BigQuery ML,4 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387514,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: BigQuery ML Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: Lab introduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387515,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: Lab introduction Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: Predicting Visitor Purchases with BigQuery ML,70 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/labs/387516,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: Predicting Visitor Purchases with BigQuery ML Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: Summary,1 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387517,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: Summary Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: Quiz,5 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/quizzes/387518,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: Quiz Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Foundations: Reading,2 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/documents/387519,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Foundations: Reading Easy to Medium Machine Learning/ Cloud/Data/Infrastructure/Bigquery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options,78 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387520,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: Introduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387520,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: Introduction Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: AI developement options,5 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387521,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: AI developement options Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: Pre-trained APIs,6 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387522,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: Pre-trained APIs Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: Vertex AI,5 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387523,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: Vertex AI Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: AutoML,4 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387524,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: AutoML Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: Custom training,5 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387525,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: Custom training Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: Lab introduction,4 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387526,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: Lab introduction Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: Entity and Sentiment Analysis with the Natural Language API,40 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/labs/387527,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: Entity and Sentiment Analysis with the Natural Language API Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: Summary,1 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387528,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: Summary Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: Quiz,5 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/quizzes/387529,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: Quiz Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Options: Reading,2 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/documents/387530,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Options: Reading Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/AutoML/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow,191 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387531,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: Introduction ,10 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387531,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: Introduction Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: How a machine learns ,3 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387532,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: How a machine learns Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: ML workflow ,3 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387533,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: ML workflow Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: Data preparation ,3 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387534,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: Data preparation Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: Model development ,6 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387535,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: Model development Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: Model serving ,2 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387536,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: Model serving Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: MLOps and workflow automation,6 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387537,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: MLOps and workflow automation Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: Lab introduction ,150 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387538,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: Lab introduction Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: Vertex AI: Predicting Loan Risk with AutoML ,1 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/labs/387539,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: Vertex AI: Predicting Loan Risk with AutoML Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: Summary ,1 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387540,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: Summary Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: Quiz,5 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/quizzes/387541,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: Quiz Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,AI Development Workflow: Reading,2 min,Easy to Medium,AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/documents/387542,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period AI Development Workflow: Reading Easy to Medium AI/Development/API/Vertex AI/MLOps/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI,96 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387543,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Introduction ,1 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387543,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Introduction Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Generative AI and LLMs ,7 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387544,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Generative AI and LLMs Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Generative AI use case: Duet AI ,6 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387545,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Generative AI use case: Duet AI Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Model Garden ,4 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387546,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Model Garden Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Generative AI Studio ,6 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387547,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Generative AI Studio Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: AI solutions ,6 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387548,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: AI solutions Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Lab introduction ,2 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387549,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Lab introduction Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Get Started with Generative AI Studio ,60 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/labs/387550,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Get Started with Generative AI Studio Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Summary ,1 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387551,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Summary Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Quiz,5 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/quizzes/387552,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Quiz Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Reading,2 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/documents/387553,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Reading Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generative AI: Course Summary,6 min,Easy to Medium,Generative AI/LLM's,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4968855/video/387554,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generative AI: Course Summary Easy to Medium Generative AI/LLM's +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Launching into Machine Learning,10.5 hours,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/8,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Launching into Machine Learning Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Launching into Machine Learning: Course introduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410374,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Launching into Machine Learning: Course introduction Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis,210 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410375,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Introduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410375,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Introduction Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Improve data quality,13 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410376,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Improve data quality Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Lab intro: Improve the quality of your data,1 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410377,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Lab intro: Improve the quality of your data Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Lab Demo: Improve the quality of your data,22 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410378,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Lab Demo: Improve the quality of your data Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Improving Data Quality,30 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/labs/410379,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Improving Data Quality Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: What is exploratory data analysis?,4 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410380,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: What is exploratory data analysis? Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: How is EDA used in machine learning?,4 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410381,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: How is EDA used in machine learning? Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Data analysis and visualization,3 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410382,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Data analysis and visualization Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Lab intro: Explore the data using Python and BigQuery,1 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410383,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Lab intro: Explore the data using Python and BigQuery Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Exploratory Data Analysis Using Python and BigQuery,120 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/labs/410384,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Exploratory Data Analysis Using Python and BigQuery Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Get to know your data: Improve data through Exploratory Data Analysis,5 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/quizzes/410385,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Get to know your data: Improve data through Exploratory Data Analysis Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Resources: Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis,10 min,Easy to Medium,Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/documents/410386,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis: Resources: Get to Know Your Data: Improve Data through Exploratory Data Analysis Easy to Medium Machine learning/EDA/BigQuery/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in Practice,178 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410387,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in Practice Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in Practice: Introduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410387,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in Practice: Introduction Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in Practice: Supervised learning,5 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410388,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in Practice: Supervised learning Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in Practice: Linear regression,11 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410389,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in Practice: Linear regression Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in Practice: Lab intro: Introduction to linear regression,1 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410390,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in Practice: Lab intro: Introduction to linear regression Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in Practice: Lab Demo: Intro to Linear Regression,12 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410391,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in Practice: Lab Demo: Intro to Linear Regression Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in Practice: Introduction to Linear Regression,120 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/labs/410392,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in Practice: Introduction to Linear Regression Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in Practice: Logistic regression,16 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410393,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in Practice: Logistic regression Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in Practice: Machine Learning in Practice,5 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/quizzes/410394,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in Practice: Machine Learning in Practice Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in Practice: Resources: Machine Learning in Practice,8 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/documents/410395,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in Practice: Resources: Machine Learning in Practice Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Supervised learning/Linear Regression/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI,45 min,Easy to Medium,AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410396,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI Easy to Medium AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: Introduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410396,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: Introduction Easy to Medium AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: Machine learning vs. deep learning,7 min,Easy to Medium,AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410397,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: Machine learning vs. deep learning Easy to Medium AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: What is automated machine learning?,1 min,Easy to Medium,AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410398,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: What is automated machine learning? Easy to Medium AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: AutoML regression model,10 min,Easy to Medium,AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410399,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: AutoML regression model Easy to Medium AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: Evaluate AutoML models,10 min,Easy to Medium,AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410400,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: Evaluate AutoML models Easy to Medium AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI,5 min,Easy to Medium,AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/quizzes/410401,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI Easy to Medium AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI,10 min,Easy to Medium,AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/documents/410402,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI: Training AutoML Models Using Vertex AI Easy to Medium AutoML/Vertex AI/Regression models +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives,97 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/4846710/video/410403,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: Introduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411396,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: Introduction Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: Training an ML model using BigQuery ML,5 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411397,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: Training an ML model using BigQuery ML Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: BigQuery Machine Learning supported models,2 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411398,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: BigQuery Machine Learning supported models Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: Lab intro: Using BigQuery ML to predict penguin weight (BigQuery ML & Explainable AI),1 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411399,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: Lab intro: Using BigQuery ML to predict penguin weight (BigQuery ML & Explainable AI) Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: Lab Demo: Using BigQuery ML to predict penguin weight (BigQuery ML & Explainable AI),12 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411400,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: Lab Demo: Using BigQuery ML to predict penguin weight (BigQuery ML & Explainable AI) Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: Using BigQuery ML to Predict Penguin Weight,60 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/labs/411401,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: Using BigQuery ML to Predict Penguin Weight Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: BigQuery ML hyperparameter tuning,3 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411402,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: BigQuery ML hyperparameter tuning Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: How to build and deploy a recommendation system with BigQuery ML,5 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411403,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: How to build and deploy a recommendation system with BigQuery ML Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives,5 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/quizzes/411404,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives,5 min,Easy to Medium,Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/documents/411405,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives: BigQuery Machine Learning: Develop ML Models Where Your Data Lives Easy to Medium Big Query/Explanable AI/ML models/Hyperparameter. tuning/recommendation system +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization,63 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411406,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Introduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411406,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Introduction Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Defining ML models,4 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411407,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Defining ML models Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Introducing the course dataset,6 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411408,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Introducing the course dataset Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Introduction to loss functions,6 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411409,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Introduction to loss functions Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Gradient descent,5 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411410,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Gradient descent Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Troubleshooting loss curves,2 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411411,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Troubleshooting loss curves Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: ML model pitfalls,6 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411412,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: ML model pitfalls Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Lecture lab: Introducing the TensorFlow Playground ,6 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411413,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Lecture lab: Introducing the TensorFlow Playground Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Lecture lab: TensorFlow Playground - Advanced,3 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411414,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Lecture lab: TensorFlow Playground - Advanced Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Lecture lab: Practicing with neural networks,6 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411415,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Lecture lab: Practicing with neural networks Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Performance metrics ,3 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411416,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Performance metrics Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization: Confusion matrix,5 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411417,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization: Confusion matrix Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Optimization:Quiz,10 min,Easy to Medium,Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/quizzes/411418,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Optimization:Quiz Easy to Medium Optimization/loss function/Gradient descent/confusion Matrix/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generalization and Sampling,36 min,Easy to Medium,Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411420,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generalization and Sampling Easy to Medium Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generalization and Sampling: Introduction ,1 min,Easy to Medium,Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411420,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generalization and Sampling: Introduction Easy to Medium Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generalization and Sampling: Generalization and ML models,6 min,Easy to Medium,Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411421,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generalization and Sampling: Generalization and ML models Easy to Medium Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generalization and Sampling: When to stop model training,5 min,Easy to Medium,Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411422,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generalization and Sampling: When to stop model training Easy to Medium Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generalization and Sampling: Creating repeatable samples in BigQuery,6 min,Easy to Medium,Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411423,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generalization and Sampling: Creating repeatable samples in BigQuery Easy to Medium Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generalization and Sampling: Demo: Splitting datasets in BigQuery,8 min,Easy to Medium,Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/video/411424,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generalization and Sampling: Demo: Splitting datasets in BigQuery Easy to Medium Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generalization and Sampling: Generalization and Sampling,10 min,Easy to Medium,Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/quizzes/411425,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generalization and Sampling: Generalization and Sampling Easy to Medium Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generalization and Sampling: Summary,10 min,Easy to Medium,Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/documents/411427,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generalization and Sampling: Summary Easy to Medium Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generalization and Sampling: Quiz,5 min,Easy to Medium,Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/documents/411428,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generalization and Sampling: Quiz Easy to Medium Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Generalization and Sampling: Slides,5 min,Easy to Medium,Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5299766/documents/411430,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Generalization and Sampling: Slides Easy to Medium Generalization/Sampling/Bigquery +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,TensorFlow on Google Cloud,12.5 hours,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405112,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period TensorFlow on Google Cloud Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,TensorFlow on Google Cloud: Course Introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405112,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period TensorFlow on Google Cloud: Course Introduction Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem,28 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405113,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to the TensorFlow ecosystem,1 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405113,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to the TensorFlow ecosystem Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem: Introduction to Tensorflow,5 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405114,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem: Introduction to Tensorflow Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem: TensorFlow API hierarchy,4 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405115,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem: TensorFlow API hierarchy Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem: Components of Tensorflow: Tensors and variables,8 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405116,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem: Components of Tensorflow: Tensors and variables Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem: Quiz,5 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/quizzes/405117,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem: Quiz Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem: Resources,5 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/documents/405118,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to the TensorFlow Ecosystem: Resources Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline,285 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405119,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405119,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Introduction Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: : An ML recap,2 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405120,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: : An ML recap Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Training on large datasets with tf.data API,3 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405121,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Training on large datasets with tf.data API Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Working in-memory and with files,3 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405122,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Working in-memory and with files Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Getting the data ready for model training,6 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405123,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Getting the data ready for model training Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Embeddings,8 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405124,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Embeddings Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Lab intro: TensorFlow Dataset API,1 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405125,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Lab intro: TensorFlow Dataset API Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: TensorFlow Dataset API,120 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/labs/405126,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: TensorFlow Dataset API Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Scaling data processing with tf.data and Keras preprocessing layers,10 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405127,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Scaling data processing with tf.data and Keras preprocessing layers Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Lab intro: Classifying structured data using Keras preprocessing layers,1 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405128,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Lab intro: Classifying structured data using Keras preprocessing layers Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Classifying Structured Data using Keras Preprocessing Layers,120 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/labs/405129,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Classifying Structured Data using Keras Preprocessing Layers Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Design and Build Input Data Pipeline,5 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/quizzes/405130,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Design and Build Input Data Pipeline Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Design and Build a TensorFlow Input Data Pipeline,5 min,Medium to Hard,Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/documents/405131,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Design and Build an Input Data Pipeline: Design and Build a TensorFlow Input Data Pipeline Medium to Hard Data Pipeline/ML/Tensorflow/Model training/Embeddings/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API,315 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405132,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405132,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Introduction Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Activation functions,8 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405133,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Activation functions Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Training neural networks with TensorFlow 2 and the Keras Sequential API,7 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405134,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Training neural networks with TensorFlow 2 and the Keras Sequential API Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Serving models in the cloud,3 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405135,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Serving models in the cloud Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Lab intro: Introducing the Keras Sequential API on Vertex AI Platform 1 minute,1 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405136,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Lab intro: Introducing the Keras Sequential API on Vertex AI Platform 1 minute Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Introducing the Keras Sequential API on Vertex AI Platform,45 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/labs/405137,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Introducing the Keras Sequential API on Vertex AI Platform Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Training neural networks with TensorFlow 2 and the Keras Functional API,9 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405138,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Training neural networks with TensorFlow 2 and the Keras Functional API Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Lab intro: Build a DNN using the Keras Functional API on Vertex AI Platform,1 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405139,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Lab intro: Build a DNN using the Keras Functional API on Vertex AI Platform Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Build a DNN using the Keras Functional API,120 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/labs/405140,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Build a DNN using the Keras Functional API Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Model subclassing,3 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405141,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Model subclassing Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Regularization basics,4 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405142,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Regularization basics Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: How can we measure model complexity: L1 vs. L2 Regularization,5 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405143,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: How can we measure model complexity: L1 vs. L2 Regularization Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks in TensorFlow with Keras API: Quiz,5 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/quizzes/405144,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks in TensorFlow with Keras API: Quiz Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Resources,5 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/quizzes/405144,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Neural Networks with the TensorFlow and Keras API: Resources Medium to Hard Neural Networks/Tensorflow/Keras API/Vertex AI/DNN/Subclassing/Regularization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training at Scale with Vertex AI,108 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model training/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405146,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training at Scale with Vertex AI Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model training/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model training/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405146,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Introduction Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model training/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Training at scale with Vertex AI,6 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model training/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405147,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Training at scale with Vertex AI Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model training/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Training at Scale with Vertex AI Training Service,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model training/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/video/405148,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Training at Scale with Vertex AI Training Service Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model training/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Training at Scale with Vertex AI Training Service,90 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model training/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/labs/405149,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Training at Scale with Vertex AI Training Service Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model training/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Quiz,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model training/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/quizzes/405150,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Quiz Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model training/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Resources,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model training/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/documents/405151,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Training at Scale with Vertex AI: Resources Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model training/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Summary,10 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model training/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/documents/405152,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Summary Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model training/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Summary: Quiz,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model training/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/documents/405153,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Summary: Quiz Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model training/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Summary: Resources,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model training/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5300718/documents/405154,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Summary: Resources Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model training/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering,7.6 hours,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/11,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Course introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411058,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Course introduction Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store,36 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411059,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: Introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411059,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: Introduction Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: Feature Store benefits,4 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411060,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: Feature Store benefits Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: Feature Store terminology and concepts,6 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411061,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: Feature Store terminology and concepts Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: The Feature Store data model,1 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411062,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: The Feature Store data model Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: Creating a Feature Store,9 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411063,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: Creating a Feature Store Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: +Serving features: Batch and online",5 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411064,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: +Serving features: Batch and online Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: +Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store",5 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/quizzes/411065,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: +Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store,5 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/documents/411066,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store: Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store Medium to Hard Tensorflow/ Machine learning/Features/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features,51 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411067,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411067,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Introduction Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Overview of feature engineering,10 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411068,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Overview of feature engineering Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Raw data to features,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411069,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Raw data to features Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Good features versus bad features,4 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411070,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Good features versus bad features Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Features should be known at prediction-time,5 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411071,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Features should be known at prediction-time Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Features should be numeric,4 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411072,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Features should be numeric Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Features should have enough examples,6 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411073,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Features should have enough examples Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Bringing human insight,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411074,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Bringing human insight Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Representing features,9 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411075,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Representing features Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Raw Data to Features,5 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/quizzes/411076,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Raw Data to Features Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Raw Data to Features: Raw Data to Features,5 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/documents/411077,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Raw Data to Features: Raw Data to Features Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Feature representation/Data +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering,280 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411078,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411078,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Introduction Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Machine learning versus statistics,3 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411079,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Machine learning versus statistics Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Basic feature engineering,5 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411080,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Basic feature engineering Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Performing Basic Feature Engineering in BigQuery ML,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411081,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Performing Basic Feature Engineering in BigQuery ML Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Performing Basic Feature Engineering in BQML,60 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/labs/411082,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Performing Basic Feature Engineering in BQML Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Advanced feature engineering: Feature crosses,5 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411083,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Advanced feature engineering: Feature crosses Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Bucketize and Transform Functions,2 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411084,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Bucketize and Transform Functions Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Predict housing prices,6 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411085,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Predict housing prices Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Estimate taxi fare,2 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411086,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Estimate taxi fare Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Temporal and geolocation features,5 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411087,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Temporal and geolocation features Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Basic Feature Engineering in Keras,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411088,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Basic Feature Engineering in Keras Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Performing Basic Feature Engineering in Keras,90 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/labs/411089,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Performing Basic Feature Engineering in Keras Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Advanced Feature Engineering in Keras,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411090,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Advanced Feature Engineering in Keras Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Performing Advanced Feature Engineering in Keras,90 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/labs/411091,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Performing Advanced Feature Engineering in Keras Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering:Quiz,7 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/quizzes/411092,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering:Quiz Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Engineering: Resources,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/documents/411093,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Engineering: Resources Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Statistics/Bigquery/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Preprocessing and Feature Creation,18 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411094,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Preprocessing and Feature Creation Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Preprocessing and Feature Creation: Introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411094,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Preprocessing and Feature Creation: Introduction Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Preprocessing and Feature Creation: Apache Beam and Dataflow,4 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411095,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Preprocessing and Feature Creation: Apache Beam and Dataflow Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Preprocessing and Feature Creation: Dataflow terms and concepts,5 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411096,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Preprocessing and Feature Creation: Dataflow terms and concepts Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Preprocessing and Feature Creation: Preprocessing and Feature Creation,7 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/quizzes/411097,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Preprocessing and Feature Creation: Preprocessing and Feature Creation Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Preprocessing and Feature Creation: Preprocessing and Feature Creation,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/documents/411098,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Preprocessing and Feature Creation: Preprocessing and Feature Creation Medium to Hard Feature engineering/Apache Beam/Dataflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground,16 min,Medium to Hard,Feature cross/Tensorflow/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411099,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground Medium to Hard Feature cross/Tensorflow/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: Introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature cross/Tensorflow/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411099,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: Introduction Medium to Hard Feature cross/Tensorflow/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: What is a feature cross,2 min,Medium to Hard,Feature cross/Tensorflow/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411100,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: What is a feature cross Medium to Hard Feature cross/Tensorflow/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: Discretization,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature cross/Tensorflow/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411101,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: Discretization Medium to Hard Feature cross/Tensorflow/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: TensorFlow Playground: Use feature crosses to create a good classifier,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature cross/Tensorflow/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411102,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: TensorFlow Playground: Use feature crosses to create a good classifier Medium to Hard Feature cross/Tensorflow/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: TensorFlow Playground: Too much of a good thing,1 min,Medium to Hard,Feature cross/Tensorflow/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411103,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: TensorFlow Playground: Too much of a good thing Medium to Hard Feature cross/Tensorflow/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: Quiz,5 min,Medium to Hard,Feature cross/Tensorflow/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/quizzes/411104,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: Quiz Medium to Hard Feature cross/Tensorflow/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: Resources,5 min,Medium to Hard,Feature cross/Tensorflow/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/documents/411105,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground: Resources Medium to Hard Feature cross/Tensorflow/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TensorFlow Transform,24 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411106,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TensorFlow Transform Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: Introduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411106,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: Introduction Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: TensorFlow Transform,8 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411107,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: TensorFlow Transform Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: Analyze phase,3 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411108,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: Analyze phase Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: Transform phase,4 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411109,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: Transform phase Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: Supporting serving,2 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/video/411110,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: Supporting serving Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: Quiz,5 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/quizzes/411111,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TensorFlow Transform: Quiz Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TensorFlow Transform:Resources,1 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/documents/411112,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TensorFlow Transform:Resources Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Summary,30 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/documents/411113,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Summary Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Summary: Quiz,20 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/documents/411114,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Summary: Quiz Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Summary: Resources,10 min,Medium to Hard,Tensorflow/Transform/Phase,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5301387/documents/411115,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Summary: Resources Medium to Hard Tensorflow/Transform/Phase +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in the Enterprise,14.5 hours,Easy to Medium,ML/Enterprise/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/9,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in the Enterprise Easy to Medium ML/Enterprise/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning in the Enterprise: Course introduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Enterprise/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410561,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning in the Enterprise: Course introduction Easy to Medium ML/Enterprise/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Understanding the ML Enterprise Workflow,12 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Enterprise/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410562,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Understanding the ML Enterprise Workflow Easy to Medium ML/Enterprise/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Understanding the ML Enterprise WorkflowIntroduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Enterprise/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410562,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Understanding the ML Enterprise WorkflowIntroduction Easy to Medium ML/Enterprise/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Understanding the ML Enterprise WorkflowOverview of an ML enterprise workflow,5 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Enterprise/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410563,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Understanding the ML Enterprise WorkflowOverview of an ML enterprise workflow Easy to Medium ML/Enterprise/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Understanding the ML Enterprise WorkflowQuiz: Understanding the ML Enterprise Workflow,5 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Enterprise/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/quizzes/410564,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Understanding the ML Enterprise WorkflowQuiz: Understanding the ML Enterprise Workflow Easy to Medium ML/Enterprise/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Understanding the ML Enterprise WorkflowResources: Understanding the ML Enterprise Workflow,1 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Enterprise/Workflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410565,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Understanding the ML Enterprise WorkflowResources: Understanding the ML Enterprise Workflow Easy to Medium ML/Enterprise/Workflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the Enterprise,128 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410566,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the Enterprise Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseIntroduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410566,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseIntroduction Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseFeature Store,7 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410567,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseFeature Store Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseData Catalog,2 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410568,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseData Catalog Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseDataplex,4 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410569,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseDataplex Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseAnalytics Hub,4 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410570,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseAnalytics Hub Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseData preprocessing options,3 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410571,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseData preprocessing options Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseDataprep,6 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410572,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseDataprep Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseLab intro: Exploring and Creating an Ecommerce Analytics Pipeline with Dataprep,1 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410573,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseLab intro: Exploring and Creating an Ecommerce Analytics Pipeline with Dataprep Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseExploring and Creating an Ecommerce Analytics Pipeline with Cloud Dataprep v1.5,90 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/labs/410574,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseExploring and Creating an Ecommerce Analytics Pipeline with Cloud Dataprep v1.5 Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseQuiz: Data in the Enterprise,5 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/quizzes/410575,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseQuiz: Data in the Enterprise Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Data in the EnterpriseResources: Data in the Enterprise,5 min,Easy to Medium,Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410576,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Data in the EnterpriseResources: Data in the Enterprise Easy to Medium Data/ML/Enterprise/Workflow/Data preparation/Analytics +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom Training,170 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom Training Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingIntroduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410577,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingIntroduction Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingThe art and science of machine learning,6 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410578,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingThe art and science of machine learning Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingMake training faster,8 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410579,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingMake training faster Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingWhen to use custom training,5 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410580,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingWhen to use custom training Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingTraining requirements and dependencies (part 1),9 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410581,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingTraining requirements and dependencies (part 1) Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingTraining requirements and dependencies (part 2),3 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410582,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingTraining requirements and dependencies (part 2) Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingTraining custom ML models using Vertex AI,2 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410583,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingTraining custom ML models using Vertex AI Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingLab intro: Vertex AI: Custom Training Job and Prediction Using Managed Datasets,1 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410584,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingLab intro: Vertex AI: Custom Training Job and Prediction Using Managed Datasets Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingVertex AI: Custom Training Job and Prediction Using Managed Datasets,120 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/labs/410585,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingVertex AI: Custom Training Job and Prediction Using Managed Datasets Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingQuiz: Science of Machine Learning and Custom Training,5 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/quizzes/410586,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingQuiz: Science of Machine Learning and Custom Training Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingResources: Science of Machine Learning and Custom Training,5 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410587,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingResources: Science of Machine Learning and Custom Training Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingResources: The Science of Machine Learning,5 min,Easy to Medium,ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410588,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Science of Machine Learning and Custom TrainingResources: The Science of Machine Learning Easy to Medium ML/Custom training/Dependencies/Vertex AI/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter Tuning,178 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning,,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter Tuning Medium to Hard Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410589,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningIntroduction Medium to Hard Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningVertex AI Vizier hyperparameter tuning,16 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410590,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningVertex AI Vizier hyperparameter tuning Medium to Hard Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningLab intro: Vertex AI: Hyperparameter Tuning,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410591,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningLab intro: Vertex AI: Hyperparameter Tuning Medium to Hard Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningVertex AI: Hyperparameter Tuning,150 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/labs/410592,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningVertex AI: Hyperparameter Tuning Medium to Hard Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningQuiz: Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter Tuning,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/quizzes/410593,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningQuiz: Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter Tuning Medium to Hard Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningResources: Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter Tuning,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410594,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter TuningResources: Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter Tuning Medium to Hard Vertex/Hyperparameter tuning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AI,176 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model monitoring,,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AI Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model monitoring +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model monitoring,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410595,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIIntroduction Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model monitoring +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIPredictions using Vertex AI,6 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model monitoring,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410596,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIPredictions using Vertex AI Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model monitoring +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIModel management using Vertex AI,8 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model monitoring,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410597,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIModel management using Vertex AI Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model monitoring +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AILab intro: Monitoring Vertex AI Models,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model monitoring,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410598,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AILab intro: Monitoring Vertex AI Models Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model monitoring +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIMonitoring Vertex AI Models,150 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model monitoring,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/labs/410599,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIMonitoring Vertex AI Models Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model monitoring +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIQuiz: Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AI,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model monitoring,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/quizzes/410600,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIQuiz: Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AI Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model monitoring +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIResources: Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AI,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/Model monitoring,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410601,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AIResources: Prediction and Model Monitoring Using Vertex AI Medium to Hard Vertex AI/Model monitoring +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI Pipelines,170 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/AI pipelines,,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI Pipelines Medium to Hard Vertex AI/AI pipelines +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI PipelinesIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/AI pipelines,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410602,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI PipelinesIntroduction Medium to Hard Vertex AI/AI pipelines +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI PipelinesPrediction using Vertex AI pipelines,3 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/AI pipelines,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410603,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI PipelinesPrediction using Vertex AI pipelines Medium to Hard Vertex AI/AI pipelines +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI PipelinesLab intro: Vertex AI Pipelines,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/AI pipelines,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410604,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI PipelinesLab intro: Vertex AI Pipelines Medium to Hard Vertex AI/AI pipelines +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI PipelinesLab Introduction and Walkthrough: Vertex AI pipeline,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/AI pipelines,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410605,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI PipelinesLab Introduction and Walkthrough: Vertex AI pipeline Medium to Hard Vertex AI/AI pipelines +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI PipelinesIntroduction to Vertex Pipelines,90 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/AI pipelines,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/labs/410606,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI PipelinesIntroduction to Vertex Pipelines Medium to Hard Vertex AI/AI pipelines +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI PipelinesRunning Pipelines on Vertex AI 2.5,60 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/AI pipelines,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/labs/410607,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI PipelinesRunning Pipelines on Vertex AI 2.5 Medium to Hard Vertex AI/AI pipelines +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI PipelinesQuiz: Vertex AI Pipelines,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/AI pipelines,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/quizzes/410608,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI PipelinesQuiz: Vertex AI Pipelines Medium to Hard Vertex AI/AI pipelines +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI PipelinesResources: Vertex AI Pipelines,5 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/AI pipelines,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410609,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI PipelinesResources: Vertex AI Pipelines Medium to Hard Vertex AI/AI pipelines +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices for ML Development,14 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Best Practices for ML Development Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices for ML DevelopmentIntroduction,1 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410610,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Best Practices for ML DevelopmentIntroduction Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices for ML DevelopmentBest practices for model deployment and serving,2 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410611,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Best Practices for ML DevelopmentBest practices for model deployment and serving Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices for ML DevelopmentBest practices for model monitoring,2 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410612,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Best Practices for ML DevelopmentBest practices for model monitoring Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices for ML DevelopmentVertex AI pipeline best practices,3 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410613,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Best Practices for ML DevelopmentVertex AI pipeline best practices Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices for ML DevelopmentBest practices for artifact organization,1 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410614,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Best Practices for ML DevelopmentBest practices for artifact organization Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Best Practices for ML DevelopmentResources: Best Practices for ML Development on Vertex AI,5 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410615,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Best Practices for ML DevelopmentResources: Best Practices for ML Development on Vertex AI Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Summary,13 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Summary Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Course summary,5 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410616,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Course summary Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Series summary,5 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/documents/410621,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Series summary Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Series summary,3 min,Easy to Medium,ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5302759/video/410620,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Series summary Easy to Medium ML Development/model deployment/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Production Machine Learning Systems,15 hours,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/17,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Production Machine Learning Systems Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Advanced Machine Learning on Google Cloud,2 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394179,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Advanced Machine Learning on Google Cloud Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Advanced Machine Learning on Google CloudAdvanced Machine Learning on Google Cloud,1 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394179,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Advanced Machine Learning on Google CloudAdvanced Machine Learning on Google Cloud Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Advanced Machine Learning on Google CloudWelcome,1 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394180,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Advanced Machine Learning on Google CloudWelcome Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Architecting Production ML Systems,135 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394181,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML Systems Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Architecting Production ML SystemsArchitecting ML systems,2 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394182,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsArchitecting ML systems Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Architecting Production ML SystemsData extraction, analysis, and preparation",5 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394182,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsData extraction, analysis, and preparation Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Architecting Production ML SystemsModel training, evaluation, and validation",2 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394183,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsModel training, evaluation, and validation Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Architecting Production ML SystemsTrained model, prediction service, and performance monitoring",2 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394184,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsTrained model, prediction service, and performance monitoring Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Architecting Production ML SystemsTraining design decisions,4 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394185,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsTraining design decisions Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Architecting Production ML SystemsServing design decisions,6 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394186,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsServing design decisions Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Architecting Production ML SystemsDesigning from scratch,2 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394187,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsDesigning from scratch Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Architecting Production ML SystemsUsing Vertex AI,8 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394188,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsUsing Vertex AI Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Architecting Production ML SystemsLab introduction: Structured data prediction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394189,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsLab introduction: Structured data prediction Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Architecting Production ML SystemsStructured data prediction using Vertex AI Platform,90 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/labs/394190,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsStructured data prediction using Vertex AI Platform Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Architecting Production ML SystemsQuiz: Architecting production ML systems,5 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/quizzes/394191,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsQuiz: Architecting production ML systems Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Architecting Production ML SystemsReadings: Architecting production ML systems,5 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/documents/394192,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Architecting Production ML SystemsReadings: Architecting production ML systems Medium to Hard Machine learning/ deployment/Architecture/ML systems/Model evaluation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML Systems,400 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML Systems Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394193,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsIntroduction Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsAdapting to data,2 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394194,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsAdapting to data Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsChanging distributions,3 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394195,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsChanging distributions Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsLab: Adapting to data,2 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394196,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsLab: Adapting to data Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsRight and wrong decisions,3 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394197,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsRight and wrong decisions Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsSystem failure,2 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394198,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsSystem failure Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsConcept drift,9 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394199,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsConcept drift Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsActions to mitigate concept drift,2 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394200,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsActions to mitigate concept drift Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsTensorFlow data validation,3 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394201,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsTensorFlow data validation Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsComponents of TensorFlow data validation,5 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394202,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsComponents of TensorFlow data validation Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsLab Introduction: Introduction to TensorFlow Data Validation,1 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394203,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsLab Introduction: Introduction to TensorFlow Data Validation Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsIntroduction to TensorFlow Data Validation,120 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/labs/394204,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsIntroduction to TensorFlow Data Validation Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsLab Introduction: Advanced Visualizations with TensorFlow Data Validation,1 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394205,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsLab Introduction: Advanced Visualizations with TensorFlow Data Validation Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsAdvanced Visualizations with TensorFlow Data Validation,120 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/labs/394206,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsAdvanced Visualizations with TensorFlow Data Validation Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsMitigating training-serving skew through design,1 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394207,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsMitigating training-serving skew through design Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsVertex AI: Training and Serving a Custom Model,120 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/labs/394208,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsVertex AI: Training and Serving a Custom Model Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsDiagnosing a production model,4 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394209,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsDiagnosing a production model Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsQuiz: Designing adaptable ML systems,5 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/quizzes/394210,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsQuiz: Designing adaptable ML systems Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing Adaptable ML SystemsReadings: Designing adaptable ML systems,5 min,Medium to Hard,ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/documents/394211,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing Adaptable ML SystemsReadings: Designing adaptable ML systems Medium to Hard ML system/Data distribution/System failure/ Data validation/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML Systems,280 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML Systems Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394212,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsIntroduction Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsTraining,5 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394213,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsTraining Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsPredictions,2 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394214,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsPredictions Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsWhy distributed training is needed,3 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394215,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsWhy distributed training is needed Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsDistributed training architectures,7 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394216,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsDistributed training architectures Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsTensorFlow distributed training strategies,1 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394217,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsTensorFlow distributed training strategies Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsMirrored strategy,3 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394218,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsMirrored strategy Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsMulti-worker mirrored strategy,3 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394219,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsMulti-worker mirrored strategy Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsTPU strategy,2 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394220,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsTPU strategy Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsParameter server strategy,1 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394221,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsParameter server strategy Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsLab Introduction: Distributed Training with Keras,1 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394222,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsLab Introduction: Distributed Training with Keras Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML Systems Distributed Training with Keras,120 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/labs/394223,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML Systems Distributed Training with Keras Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsTraining on large datasets with tf.data API,5 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394224,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsTraining on large datasets with tf.data API Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsLab Introduction: TPU-speed Data Pipelines,1 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394225,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsLab Introduction: TPU-speed Data Pipelines Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML Systems TPU Speed Data Pipelines,120 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/labs/394226,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML Systems TPU Speed Data Pipelines Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsInference,3 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394227,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsInference Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsQuiz: Designing high-performance ML systems,5 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/quizzes/394228,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsQuiz: Designing high-performance ML systems Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Designing High-Performance ML SystemsReadings: Designing high-performance ML systems,5 min,Medium to Hard,ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/documents/394229,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Designing High-Performance ML SystemsReadings: Designing high-performance ML systems Medium to Hard ML System/Training/Prediction/Keras +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML Systems,100 min,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML Systems Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML SystemsIntroduction,4 min,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394230,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML SystemsIntroduction Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML SystemsMachine Learning on Hybrid Cloud,4 min,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394231,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML SystemsMachine Learning on Hybrid Cloud Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML SystemsKubeflow,2 min,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394232,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML SystemsKubeflow Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML SystemsLab Introduction: Kubeflow Pipelines with AI Platform,1 min,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394233,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML SystemsLab Introduction: Kubeflow Pipelines with AI Platform Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML SystemsRunning Pipelines on Vertex AI 2.5,60 min,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/labs/394234,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML SystemsRunning Pipelines on Vertex AI 2.5 Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML SystemsTensorFlow Lite,2 min,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394235,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML SystemsTensorFlow Lite Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML SystemsOptimizing TensorFlow for mobile,2 min,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394236,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML SystemsOptimizing TensorFlow for mobile Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML SystemsSummary,20 min,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/quizzes/394238,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML SystemsSummary Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML SystemsQuiz: Hybrid ML systems,1 min,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/video/394240,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML SystemsQuiz: Hybrid ML systems Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Building Hybrid ML SystemsReadings: Hybrid ML systems,2 mins,Medium to Hard,Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304706/documents/394243,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Building Hybrid ML SystemsReadings: Hybrid ML systems Medium to Hard Kubeflow/ML System/Vertex AI/Architecture +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Computer Vision Fundamentals with Google Cloud,16.5 hours,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/18,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Computer Vision Fundamentals with Google Cloud Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Computer Vision Fundamentals with Google Cloud: Course Introduction,4 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381936,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Computer Vision Fundamentals with Google Cloud: Course Introduction Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image Classification,138 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381937,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image Classification Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationWhat Is Computer Vision,4 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381937,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationWhat Is Computer Vision Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationDifferent Type of Computer Vision Problems,6 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381938,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationDifferent Type of Computer Vision Problems Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationComputer Vision Use Cases,3 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381939,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationComputer Vision Use Cases Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationVision API - Pre-built ML Models,11 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381940,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationVision API - Pre-built ML Models Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationLab Introduction - Detecting Labels, Faces, and Landmarks in Images with the Cloud Vision API",1 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381941,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationLab Introduction - Detecting Labels, Faces, and Landmarks in Images with the Cloud Vision API Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationDetecting Labels, Faces, and Landmarks in Images with the Cloud Vision API",40 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/labs/381942,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationDetecting Labels, Faces, and Landmarks in Images with the Cloud Vision API Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationLab Introduction - Lab: Extracting Text from the images using the Google Cloud Vision API,1 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381943,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationLab Introduction - Lab: Extracting Text from the images using the Google Cloud Vision API Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationExtracting Text from the Images using the Google Cloud Vision API,60 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/labs/381944,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationExtracting Text from the Images using the Google Cloud Vision API Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationReadings,2 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/documents/381945,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationReadings Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationQuiz,10 min,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/quizzes/381946,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Computer Vision and Pre-built ML Models for Image ClassificationQuiz Medium to Hard Machine learning/ Computer vision/Google Cloud/Vision API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AI,128 min,Medium to Hard,AutoML/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381947,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AI Medium to Hard AutoML/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIWhat is Vertex AI and why does a unified platform matter?,5 min,Medium to Hard,AutoML/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381947,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIWhat is Vertex AI and why does a unified platform matter? Medium to Hard AutoML/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIIntroduction to AutoML Vision on Vertex AI,3 min,Medium to Hard,AutoML/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381948,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIIntroduction to AutoML Vision on Vertex AI Medium to Hard AutoML/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIHow does Vertex AI help with the ML workflow, part 1 ?",5 min,Medium to Hard,AutoML/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381949,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIHow does Vertex AI help with the ML workflow, part 1 ? Medium to Hard AutoML/Vertex AI" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIHow does Vertex AI help with the ML workflow, part 2 ?",7 min,Medium to Hard,AutoML/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381950,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIHow does Vertex AI help with the ML workflow, part 2 ? Medium to Hard AutoML/Vertex AI" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIWhich vision product is right for you ?,5 min,Medium to Hard,AutoML/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381951,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIWhich vision product is right for you ? Medium to Hard AutoML/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AILab Introduction - Identifying Damaged Car Parts with Vertex AI for AutoML Vision users,1 min,Medium to Hard,AutoML/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381952,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AILab Introduction - Identifying Damaged Car Parts with Vertex AI for AutoML Vision users Medium to Hard AutoML/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AI Identifying Damaged Car Parts with Vertex AI for AutoML Vision Users,90 min,Medium to Hard,AutoML/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/labs/381953,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AI Identifying Damaged Car Parts with Vertex AI for AutoML Vision Users Medium to Hard AutoML/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIReadings,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,AutoML/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/documents/381954,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIReadings Medium to Hard AutoML/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIQuiz,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,AutoML/Vertex AI,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/quizzes/381955,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and AutoML Vision on Vertex AIQuiz Medium to Hard AutoML/Vertex AI +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network models",372 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381956,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network models Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsIntroduction",1 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381956,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsIntroduction Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsIntroduction to Linear Models",2 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381957,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsIntroduction to Linear Models Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsReading the Data",9 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381958,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsReading the Data Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsImplementing Linear Models for Image Classification",15 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381959,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsImplementing Linear Models for Image Classification Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsLab Introduction - Classifying Images with a Linear Model",1 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381960,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsLab Introduction - Classifying Images with a Linear Model Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network models Classifying Images with a Linear Model",90 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/labs/381961,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network models Classifying Images with a Linear Model Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsNeural Networks and Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification",8 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381962,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsNeural Networks and Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsLab Introduction - Classifying Images with a NN and DNN Model",1 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381963,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsLab Introduction - Classifying Images with a NN and DNN Model Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network models Classifying Images with a NN and DNN Model",135 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/labs/381964,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network models Classifying Images with a NN and DNN Model Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsDeep Neural Networks with Dropout and Batch Normalization",7 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381965,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsDeep Neural Networks with Dropout and Batch Normalization Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsLab Introduction - Classifying Images using Dropout and Batchnorm Layer",1 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381966,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsLab Introduction - Classifying Images using Dropout and Batchnorm Layer Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsClassifying Images using Dropout and Batchnorm Layer",90 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/labs/381967,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsClassifying Images using Dropout and Batchnorm Layer Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsReadings",2 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/documents/381968,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsReadings Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsQuiz",10 min,Medium to Hard,Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/quizzes/381969,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Training with Linear, Neural Network and Deep Neural Network modelsQuiz Medium to Hard Deep Neural Network/Image Classification/Normalization" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural Networks,141min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381970,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural Networks Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural NetworksIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381970,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural NetworksIntroduction Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural NetworksConvolutional Neural Networks,7 min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381971,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural NetworksConvolutional Neural Networks Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural NetworksUnderstanding Convolutions,11 min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381972,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural NetworksUnderstanding Convolutions Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural NetworksCNN Model Parameters,11 min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381973,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural NetworksCNN Model Parameters Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural NetworksWorking with Pooling Layers,4 min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381974,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural NetworksWorking with Pooling Layers Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural NetworksImplementing CNNs on Vertex AI with pre-built TF container using Vertex Workbench,4 min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381975,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural NetworksImplementing CNNs on Vertex AI with pre-built TF container using Vertex Workbench Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural NetworksLab Introduction - Classifying Images with pre-built TF Container on Vertex AI,1 min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381976,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural NetworksLab Introduction - Classifying Images with pre-built TF Container on Vertex AI Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural Networks Classifying Images with pre-built TF Container on Vertex AI,90 min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/labs/381977,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural Networks Classifying Images with pre-built TF Container on Vertex AI Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural NetworksReadings,2 min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/documents/381978,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural NetworksReadings Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Convolutional Neural NetworksQuiz,10 min,Medium to Hard,CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/quizzes/381979,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Convolutional Neural NetworksQuiz Medium to Hard CNN/Vertex AI/Tensorflow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image Data,222 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381980,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image Data Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image DataIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381980,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image DataIntroduction Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image DataPreprocessing the Image Data,6 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381981,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image DataPreprocessing the Image Data Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image DataModel Parameters and the Data Scarcity Problem,4 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381982,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image DataModel Parameters and the Data Scarcity Problem Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image DataData Augmentation,7 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381983,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image DataData Augmentation Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image DataLab Introduction - Classifying Images using Data Augmentation,1 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381984,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image DataLab Introduction - Classifying Images using Data Augmentation Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image Data Classifying Images using Data Augmentation,90 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/labs/381985,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image Data Classifying Images using Data Augmentation Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image DataTransfer Learning,6 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381986,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image DataTransfer Learning Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image DataLab Introduction - Classifying Images with Transfer Learning,1 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381987,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image DataLab Introduction - Classifying Images with Transfer Learning Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image Data Classifying Images with Transfer Learning,90 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/labs/381988,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image Data Classifying Images with Transfer Learning Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image DataReadings,10 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/documents/381989,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image DataReadings Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Dealing with Image DataQuiz,2 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/quizzes/381990,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Dealing with Image DataQuiz Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Summary,4 min,Medium to Hard,CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304490/video/381991,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Summary Medium to Hard CV/Image data/Transfer learning/Data Augmentation +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Natural Language Processing on Google Cloud,12.5 hours,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/40,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Natural Language Processing on Google Cloud Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Course Introduction: Meet the Author,1 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363184,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Course Introduction: Meet the Author Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Course Introduction: Introduction,6 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363185,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Course Introduction: Introduction Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Course Introduction: Reading List,2 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/documents/363186,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Course Introduction: Reading List Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google Cloud,164 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363187,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google Cloud Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363187,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudIntroduction Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudWhat is NLP?,4 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363188,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudWhat is NLP? Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudNLP history,3 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363189,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudNLP history Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudNLP architecture,3 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363190,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudNLP architecture Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudNLP APIs,9 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363191,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudNLP APIs Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudNLP solutions,8 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363192,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudNLP solutions Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudLab introduction: Exploring the Dialogflow API,1 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363193,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudLab introduction: Exploring the Dialogflow API Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudExploring the Dialogflow API,120 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/labs/363194,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudExploring the Dialogflow API Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudSummary,3 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363195,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudSummary Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudQuiz,10 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/quizzes/363196,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudQuiz Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP on Google CloudReading list,2 min,Medium to Hard,Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/documents/363197,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP on Google CloudReading list Medium to Hard Machine Learning/NLP/Cloud/Dialogflow API +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AI,180 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363198,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AI Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AIIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363198,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AIIntroduction Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AINLP options,3 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363199,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AINLP options Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AIVertex AI,4 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363200,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AIVertex AI Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AINLP with AutoML,4 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363201,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AINLP with AutoML Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AINLP with custom training,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363202,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AINLP with custom training Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AINLP end-to-end workflow,4 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363203,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AINLP end-to-end workflow Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AILab introduction: Text Classification with AutoML,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363204,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AILab introduction: Text Classification with AutoML Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AIText Classification using AutoML,150 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/labs/363205,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AIText Classification using AutoML Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AISummary,1 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363206,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AISummary Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AIQuiz,10 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/quizzes/363207,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AIQuiz Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP with Vertex AIReading list,2 min,Medium to Hard,Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/documents/363208,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP with Vertex AIReading list Medium to Hard Vertex AI/NLP/AutoML/Text classification +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatation,135 min,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363209,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatation Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363209,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationIntroduction Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationTokenization,6 min,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363210,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationTokenization Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationOne-hot encoding and bag-of-words,7 min,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363211,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationOne-hot encoding and bag-of-words Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationWord embeddings,3 min,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363212,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationWord embeddings Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationWord2vec,9 min,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363213,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationWord2vec Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationTransfer learning and reusable embeddings,3 min,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363214,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationTransfer learning and reusable embeddings Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationLab introduction: Reusable Embeddings,1 min,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363215,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationLab introduction: Reusable Embeddings Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationText classification using reusable embeddings,90 min,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/labs/363216,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationText classification using reusable embeddings Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationSummary,3 min,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363217,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationSummary Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationQuiz,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/quizzes/363218,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationQuiz Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Text representatationReading list,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/documents/363219,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Text representatationReading list Medium to Hard Text representation/Tokeization/Embeddings/Encoder/Word2Vec/TL +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP models,146 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363220,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP models Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363220,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsIntroduction Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsANN,10 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363221,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsANN Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsTensorFlow,6 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363222,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsTensorFlow Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsDNN,6 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363223,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsDNN Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsRNN,6 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363224,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsRNN Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsLSTM,8 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363225,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsLSTM Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsGRU,2 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363226,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsGRU Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsLab introduction: Text Classification with Keras,2 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363227,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsLab introduction: Text Classification with Keras Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsKeras for Text Classification using Vertex AI,90 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/labs/363228,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsKeras for Text Classification using Vertex AI Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsSummary,3 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363229,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsSummary Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsQuiz,10 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/quizzes/363230,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsQuiz Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,NLP modelsReading list,2 min,Medium to Hard,NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/documents/363231,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period NLP modelsReading list Medium to Hard NLP Models/Neural networks/Keras/Classifications +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP models,108 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363232,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP models Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsIntroduction,1 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363232,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsIntroduction Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsEncoder-decoder architecture,3 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363233,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsEncoder-decoder architecture Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsAttention mechanism,2 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363234,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsAttention mechanism Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsTransformer,6 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363235,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsTransformer Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsBERT,5 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363236,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsBERT Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsLarge language models,8 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363237,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsLarge language models Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsLab introduction: Text Translation using Encoder-decoder Architecture,1 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363238,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsLab introduction: Text Translation using Encoder-decoder Architecture Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsEncoder decoder,60 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/labs/363239,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsEncoder decoder Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsSummary,2 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363240,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsSummary Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsQuiz,10 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/quizzes/363241,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsQuiz Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Advanced NLP modelsReading list,2 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/documents/363242,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Advanced NLP modelsReading list Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Course summary,8 min,Medium to Hard,NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5304109/video/363243,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Course summary Medium to Hard NLP/Encoder/LLM/Transformer +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Recommendation Systems on Google Cloud,13.5 hours,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Cloud/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/39,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Recommendation Systems on Google Cloud Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Recommendation Systems on Google Cloud: Welcome to Recommendation Systems on Google Cloud,8 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Cloud/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325052,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Recommendation Systems on Google Cloud: Welcome to Recommendation Systems on Google Cloud Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Recommendation Systems Overview,30 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Cloud/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325053,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Recommendation Systems Overview Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Recommendation Systems OverviewIntroduction,5 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Cloud/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325053,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Recommendation Systems OverviewIntroduction Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Recommendation Systems OverviewTypes of Recommendation Systems,2 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Cloud/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325054,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Recommendation Systems OverviewTypes of Recommendation Systems Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Recommendation Systems OverviewContent-Based or Collaborative,6 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Cloud/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325055,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Recommendation Systems OverviewContent-Based or Collaborative Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Recommendation Systems OverviewRecommendation System Pitfalls,3 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Cloud/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325056,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Recommendation Systems OverviewRecommendation System Pitfalls Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Recommendation Systems OverviewDiscussion,1 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Cloud/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325057,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Recommendation Systems OverviewDiscussion Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Recommendation Systems OverviewReading: Recommendation Systems Overview,10 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Cloud/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/documents/325058,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Recommendation Systems OverviewReading: Recommendation Systems Overview Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Recommendation Systems OverviewRecommendation Systems Overview,2 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Cloud/,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/quizzes/325059,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Recommendation Systems OverviewRecommendation Systems Overview Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Cloud/ +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation Systems,214 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325060,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation Systems Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsContent-Based Recommendation Systems,1 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325060,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsContent-Based Recommendation Systems Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsSimilarity Measures,3 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325061,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsSimilarity Measures Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsBuilding a User Vector,3 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325062,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsBuilding a User Vector Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsMaking Recommendations Using a User Vector,1 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325063,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsMaking Recommendations Using a User Vector Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsMaking Recommendations for Many Users,6 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325064,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsMaking Recommendations for Many Users Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsLab intro: Create a Content-Based Recommendation System,1 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325065,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsLab intro: Create a Content-Based Recommendation System Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsImplementing a Content-Based Filtering using Low Level TensorFlow Operations,90 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/labs/325066,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsImplementing a Content-Based Filtering using Low Level TensorFlow Operations Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsUsing Neural Networks for Content-Based Recommendation Systems,4 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325067,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsUsing Neural Networks for Content-Based Recommendation Systems Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsLab Intro: Create a Content-Based Recommendation System Using a Neural Network,1 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325068,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsLab Intro: Create a Content-Based Recommendation System Using a Neural Network Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsUsing Neural Networks for Content-Based Filtering,90 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/labs/325069,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsUsing Neural Networks for Content-Based Filtering Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsSummary,2 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325070,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsSummary Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsReadings: Content-Based Recommendation Systems,2 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/documents/325071,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsReadings: Content-Based Recommendation Systems Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Content-Based Recommendation SystemsContent-Based Recommendation Systems Quiz,10 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/quizzes/325072,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Content-Based Recommendation SystemsContent-Based Recommendation Systems Quiz Medium to Hard Recommendation system/Neural Network/content-based filtering/Users focused +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations Systems,194 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325073,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations Systems Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsTypes of User Feedback Data,7 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325073,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsTypes of User Feedback Data Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsEmbedding Users and Items,12 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325074,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsEmbedding Users and Items Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsFactorization Approaches,6 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325075,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsFactorization Approaches Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsThe ALS Algorithm,5 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325076,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsThe ALS Algorithm Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsPreparing Input Data for ALS,6 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325077,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsPreparing Input Data for ALS Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsCreating Sparse Tensors For Efficient WALS Input,3 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325078,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsCreating Sparse Tensors For Efficient WALS Input Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsInstantiating a WALS Estimator: From Input to Estimator,5 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325079,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsInstantiating a WALS Estimator: From Input to Estimator Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsInstantiating a WAL Estimator: Decoding TFRecords,3 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325080,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsInstantiating a WAL Estimator: Decoding TFRecords Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsInstantiating a WALS Estimator: Recovering Keys,12 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325081,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsInstantiating a WALS Estimator: Recovering Keys Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsInstantiating a WALS Estimator: Training and Prediction,5 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325082,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsInstantiating a WALS Estimator: Training and Prediction Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsLab Intro: Collaborative Filtering with Google Analytics Data,1 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325083,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsLab Intro: Collaborative Filtering with Google Analytics Data Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsCollaborative Filtering on Google Analytics data,90 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/labs/325084,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsCollaborative Filtering on Google Analytics data Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsIssues with Collaborative Filtering,21 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325085,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsIssues with Collaborative Filtering Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsCold Starts,5 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325086,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsCold Starts Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsReadings: Collaborative Filtering Recommendations Systems,10 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/documents/325087,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsReadings: Collaborative Filtering Recommendations Systems Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsCollaborative Filtering Recommendations Systems,2 min,Medium to Hard,Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/quizzes/325088,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Collaborative Filtering Recommendations SystemsCollaborative Filtering Recommendations Systems Medium to Hard Recommendation System/Embeddings/Factorization +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation Systems,160 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325089,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation Systems Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsHybrid Recommendation Systems,14 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325089,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsHybrid Recommendation Systems Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsLab Intro: Designing a Hybrid Recommendation System,6 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325090,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsLab Intro: Designing a Hybrid Recommendation System Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsLab Intro: Designing a Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System,3 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325091,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsLab Intro: Designing a Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsLab Intro: Designing a Hybrid Knowledge-based Recommendation System,5 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325092,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsLab Intro: Designing a Hybrid Knowledge-based Recommendation System Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsLab Intro: Building a Neural Network Hybrid Recommendation System,1 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325093,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsLab Intro: Building a Neural Network Hybrid Recommendation System Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsML on GCP: Hybrid Recommendations with the MovieLens Dataset,90 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/labs/325094,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsML on GCP: Hybrid Recommendations with the MovieLens Dataset Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsContext-Aware Recommendation Systems,7 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325095,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsContext-Aware Recommendation Systems Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsContext-Aware Algorithms,5 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325096,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsContext-Aware Algorithms Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsContextual Postfiltering,2 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325097,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsContextual Postfiltering Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsModeling Using Context-Aware Algorithms,5 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325098,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsModeling Using Context-Aware Algorithms Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsYouTube Recommendation System Case Study: Overview,3 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325099,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsYouTube Recommendation System Case Study: Overview Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsYouTube Recommendation System Case Study: Candidate Generation,3 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325100,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsYouTube Recommendation System Case Study: Candidate Generation Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsYouTube Recommendation System Case Study: Ranking,2 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325101,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsYouTube Recommendation System Case Study: Ranking Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsSummary,1 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325102,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsSummary Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsReadings: Neural Networks for Recommendation Systems,2 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/documents/325103,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsReadings: Neural Networks for Recommendation Systems Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsNeural Networks for Recommendations,10 min,Medium to Hard,Neural Network/Recommendation systems,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/quizzes/325104,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Neural Networks for Recommendation SystemsNeural Networks for Recommendations Medium to Hard Neural Network/Recommendation systems +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement Learning,205 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325105,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement Learning Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningIntroduction to module,1 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325105,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningIntroduction to module Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningIntroduction to Reinforcement Learning,10 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325106,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningIntroduction to Reinforcement Learning Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningThe reinforcement learning framework and workflow,16 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325107,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningThe reinforcement learning framework and workflow Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningModel-based and model-free reinforcement learning,5 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325108,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningModel-based and model-free reinforcement learning Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningValue-based reinforcement learning,12 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325109,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningValue-based reinforcement learning Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningPolicy-based reinforcement learning,4 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325110,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningPolicy-based reinforcement learning Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningContextual bandits,7 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325111,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningContextual bandits Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningApplications of reinforcement learning,7 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325112,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningApplications of reinforcement learning Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningReinforcement Learning,10 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/quizzes/325113,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningReinforcement Learning Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningReadings: Reinforcement Learning,2 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/documents/325114,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningReadings: Reinforcement Learning Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningLab Intro,1 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325115,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningLab Intro Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningApplying Contextual Bandits for Recommendations with Tensorflow and TF-Agents,120 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/labs/325116,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningApplying Contextual Bandits for Recommendations with Tensorflow and TF-Agents Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Reinforcement LearningLab Review,1 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325117,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Reinforcement LearningLab Review Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Course Summary,2 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325118,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Course Summary Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Specialization Summary,5 min,Medium to Hard,Reinforcement Learning,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303780/video/325119,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Specialization Summary Medium to Hard Reinforcement Learning +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Operations (MLOps): Getting Started,2.5 hours,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/158,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Operations (MLOps): Getting Started Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Course introduction,4 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392196,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Course introduction Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Employing Machine Learning Operations,30 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392197,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Employing Machine Learning Operations Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Employing Machine Learning OperationsIntroduction to MLOps-Why and when to employ MLOps,1 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392197,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Employing Machine Learning OperationsIntroduction to MLOps-Why and when to employ MLOps Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Employing Machine Learning OperationsMachine learning (ML) practitioners’ pain points,2 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392198,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Employing Machine Learning OperationsMachine learning (ML) practitioners’ pain points Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Employing Machine Learning OperationsThe concept of devOps in ML,8 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392199,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Employing Machine Learning OperationsThe concept of devOps in ML Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Employing Machine Learning OperationsML lifecycle,6 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392200,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Employing Machine Learning OperationsML lifecycle Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Employing Machine Learning OperationsAutomating the ML process,6 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392201,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Employing Machine Learning OperationsAutomating the ML process Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Employing Machine Learning OperationsQuiz,5 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/quizzes/392202,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Employing Machine Learning OperationsQuiz Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Employing Machine Learning OperationsReading list,2 min,Easy to Medium,Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/documents/392203,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Employing Machine Learning OperationsReading list Easy to Medium Machine Learning/Operation/Cloud/ML Lifecycle +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AI,120 min,Easy to Medium,Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392204,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AI Easy to Medium Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIWhat is vertex ai and why does a unified platform matter?,4 min,Easy to Medium,Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392204,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIWhat is vertex ai and why does a unified platform matter? Easy to Medium Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIIntroduction to mlops on vertex ai,9 min,Easy to Medium,Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392205,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIIntroduction to mlops on vertex ai Easy to Medium Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIHow does vertex ai help with the mlops workflow, part 1?",4 min,Easy to Medium,Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392206,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIHow does vertex ai help with the mlops workflow, part 1? Easy to Medium Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIHow does vertex ai help with the mlops workflow, part 2?",8 min,Easy to Medium,Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392207,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIHow does vertex ai help with the mlops workflow, part 2? Easy to Medium Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIReading list,2 min,Easy to Medium,Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/documents/392208,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIReading list Easy to Medium Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIQuiz,5 min,Easy to Medium,Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/quizzes/392209,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AIQuiz Easy to Medium Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AILab introduction Vertex AI: Qwik Start,1 min,Easy to Medium,Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392210,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AILab introduction Vertex AI: Qwik Start Easy to Medium Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AITraining and Deploying a TensorFlow Model in Vertex AI,90 min,Easy to Medium,Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/labs/392211,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Vertex AI and MLOps on Vertex AITraining and Deploying a TensorFlow Model in Vertex AI Easy to Medium Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Summary ,2 min,Easy to Medium,Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303702/video/392212,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Summary Easy to Medium Vertex AI/MLOps/TensorFlow +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features,125 min,Easy to Medium,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/584,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features Easy to Medium MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features: Course Introduction,2 min,Easy to Medium,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/video/385519,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features: Course Introduction Easy to Medium MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store,10 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/video/385520,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature Store Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature StoreRecap: How does Vertex AI help with the MLOps workflow?,2 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/video/385520,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature StoreRecap: How does Vertex AI help with the MLOps workflow? Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature StoreIntroduction to Vertex AI Feature Store,1 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/video/385521,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature StoreIntroduction to Vertex AI Feature Store Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to Vertex AI Feature StoreIntroduction to Vertex AI Feature Store - Demo,7 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/video/385522,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to Vertex AI Feature StoreIntroduction to Vertex AI Feature Store - Demo Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth Look,113 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/video/385523,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth Look Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth LookMain capabilities of Vertex AI Feature Store,4 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/video/385523,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth LookMain capabilities of Vertex AI Feature Store Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth LookData Model in Vertex AI Feature Store,11 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/video/385524,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth LookData Model in Vertex AI Feature Store Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth LookIntroduction to Vertex AI Feature Store,5 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/video/385525,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth LookIntroduction to Vertex AI Feature Store Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth LookLab Intro: Feature Store: Streaming Ingestion SDK,1 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/video/385525,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth LookLab Intro: Feature Store: Streaming Ingestion SDK Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth LookFeature Store: Streaming Ingestion SDK,90 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/labs/385527,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth LookFeature Store: Streaming Ingestion SDK Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth Look: Summary ,2 min,Medium to Hard,MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5303582/labs/385527,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features An In-depth Look: Summary Medium to Hard MLOps/Vertex AI/Feature store +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines on Google Cloud,15.5 hours,Medium to Hard,Machine learning/Cloud,https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/191,Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines on Google Cloud Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines on Google Cloud : Course Introduction,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103949,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines on Google Cloud : Course Introduction Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines on Google Cloud : [Important] - Please Read,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/documents/103950,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines on Google Cloud : [Important] - Please Read Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TFX Pipelines,160 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103951,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TFX Pipelines Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TensorFlow Extended (TFX),6 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103951,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TensorFlow Extended (TFX) Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX concepts,8 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103952,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX concepts Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX standard data components,10 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103953,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX standard data components Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX standard model components,9 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103954,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX standard model components Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX pipeline nodes,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103955,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX pipeline nodes Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX libraries,6 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103956,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX libraries Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TFX Pipelines: Lab Intro: TFX Walkthrough,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103957,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TFX Pipelines: Lab Intro: TFX Walkthrough Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX Standard Components Walkthrough,120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103957,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Introduction to TFX Pipelines: TFX Standard Components Walkthrough Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Pipeline Orchestration with TFX,190 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103959,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Pipeline Orchestration with TFX Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Pipeline Orchestration with TFX: TFX Orchestrators,7 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103959,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Pipeline Orchestration with TFX: TFX Orchestrators Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Pipeline Orchestration with TFX: Apache Beam,7 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103960,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Pipeline Orchestration with TFX: Apache Beam Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Pipeline Orchestration with TFX: TFX on Cloud AI Platform,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103961,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Pipeline Orchestration with TFX: TFX on Cloud AI Platform Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Pipeline Orchestration with TFX: Lab Intro: TFX pipelines on Cloud AI Platform,4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103962,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Pipeline Orchestration with TFX: Lab Intro: TFX pipelines on Cloud AI Platform Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Pipeline Orchestration with TFX: TFX on Cloud AI Platform Pipelines,160 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/labs/103963,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Pipeline Orchestration with TFX: TFX on Cloud AI Platform Pipelines Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines,133 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103964,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines: TFX custom components - Python functions,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103964,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines: TFX custom components - Python functions Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines: TFX custom components - containers + subclassed,7 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103965,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines: TFX custom components - containers + subclassed Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines: CI/CD for TFX pipeline workflows,12 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103966,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines: CI/CD for TFX pipeline workflows Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines: Lab Intro: CI/CD lab walkthrough,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103967,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines: Lab Intro: CI/CD lab walkthrough Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines: CI/CD for a TFX pipeline,120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/labs/103968,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Custom Components and CI/CD for TFX Pipelines: CI/CD for a TFX pipeline Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Meta Data with TFX,150 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103969,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Meta Data with TFX Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Meta Data with TFX: TFX Pipeline Metadata,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103969,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Meta Data with TFX: TFX Pipeline Metadata Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Meta Data with TFX: TFX ML Metadata data model,4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103970,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Meta Data with TFX: TFX ML Metadata data model Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Meta Data with TFX: TFX Pipeline Metadata lab intro,1 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103971,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Meta Data with TFX: TFX Pipeline Metadata lab intro Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Meta Data with TFX: TFX Metadata,140 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/labs/103972,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Meta Data with TFX: TFX Metadata Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines",130 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103973,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: Containerized Training Applications",2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103973,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: Containerized Training Applications Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: Containerizing PyTorch, Scikit, and XGBoost Applications",1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103974,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: Containerizing PyTorch, Scikit, and XGBoost Applications Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines",2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103975,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: Continuous Training",2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103976,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: Continuous Training Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: Lab Intro : Continuous Training with multiple SDKs",1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103977,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: Lab Intro : Continuous Training with multiple SDKs Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: Continuous Training with TensorFlow, PyTorch, XGBoost, and Scikit Learn Models with Kubeflow and AI Platform Pipelines",120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/labs/103978,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with multiple SDKs, KubeFlow & AI Platform Pipelines: Continuous Training with TensorFlow, PyTorch, XGBoost, and Scikit Learn Models with Kubeflow and AI Platform Pipelines Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Continuous Training with Cloud Composer,140 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103979,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with Cloud Composer Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: What is Cloud Composer?,5 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103979,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: What is Cloud Composer? Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Core Concepts of Apache Airflow,9 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103980,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Core Concepts of Apache Airflow Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Continuous Training Pipelines using Cloud Composer (data),6 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103981,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Continuous Training Pipelines using Cloud Composer (data) Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Continuous Training Pipelines using Cloud Composer (model),4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103982,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Continuous Training Pipelines using Cloud Composer (model) Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Apache Airflow, Containers, and TFX",1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103983,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Apache Airflow, Containers, and TFX Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Lab Intro: Continuous Training Pipelines with Cloud Composer,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103984,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Lab Intro: Continuous Training Pipelines with Cloud Composer Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Continuous Training Pipelines with Cloud Composer,120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/labs/103985,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Continuous Training with Cloud Composer: Continuous Training Pipelines with Cloud Composer Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines with MLflow,35 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103986,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines with MLflow Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines with MLflow: Introduction,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103986,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines with MLflow: Introduction Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines with MLflow: Overview of ML development challenges,4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103987,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines with MLflow: Overview of ML development challenges Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines with MLflow: How MLflow tackles these challenges,2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103988,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines with MLflow: How MLflow tackles these challenges Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines with MLflow:MLflow tracking,6 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103989,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines with MLflow:MLflow tracking Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines with MLflow: MLflow projects,4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103990,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines with MLflow: MLflow projects Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines with MLflow: MLflow models,7 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103991,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines with MLflow: MLflow models Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines with MLflow: MLflow model registry,3 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103992,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines with MLflow: MLflow model registry Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines with MLflow: Demo: Deploying MLflow locally.,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103993,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines with MLflow: Demo: Deploying MLflow locally. Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,ML Pipelines with MLflow: Demo: MLflow using Databricks Community Edition,4 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103994,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period ML Pipelines with MLflow: Demo: MLflow using Databricks Community Edition Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Course Summary,1 minute,Medium to Hard,"Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120187/video/103995,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Course Summary Medium to Hard Machine learning/Cloud, ML Pipeline, TensorFlow, Pipeline, tfx, meta data, SDK, Kubeflow, Cloud Composer, ML FLow, Model Registry, Tracking" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud",7.5 hours,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_templates/631,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Vertex AI: Qwik Start",90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403552,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Vertex AI: Qwik Start Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataprep: Qwik Start",60 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403553,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataprep: Qwik Start Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataflow: Qwik Start - Templates",30 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403554,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataflow: Qwik Start - Templates Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataflow: Qwik Start - Python",30 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403555,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataflow: Qwik Start - Python Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataproc: Qwik Start - Console",30 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403556,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataproc: Qwik Start - Console Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataproc: Qwik Start - Command Line",30 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403557,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Dataproc: Qwik Start - Command Line Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Cloud Natural Language API: Qwik Start",40 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403558,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Cloud Natural Language API: Qwik Start Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Google Cloud Speech API: Qwik Start",15 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403559,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Google Cloud Speech API: Qwik Start Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Video Intelligence: Qwik Start",30 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403560,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Video Intelligence: Qwik Start Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab",80 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/labs/403561,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,"Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Tell us how we did!",2 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120626/documents/403562,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Tell us how we did! Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Lab, AI, task,Qwik Start, Command Line, Challenge" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI,8 hours,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/quests/183,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI: Vertex AI: Qwik Start,90 miniutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120932/labs/407993,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI: Vertex AI: Qwik Start Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI: Identify Damaged Car Parts with Vertex AutoML Vision,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120932/labs/407994,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI: Identify Damaged Car Parts with Vertex AutoML Vision Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI: Deploy a BigQuery ML Customer Churn Classifier to Vertex AI for Online Predictions,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120932/labs/407995,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI: Deploy a BigQuery ML Customer Churn Classifier to Vertex AI for Online Predictions Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI: Vertex Pipelines: Qwik Start,90 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment",https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/course_sessions/5120932/labs/407996,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI: Vertex Pipelines: Qwik Start Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment" +Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path,Google Cloud Skill Boost,Intermediate to Advanced,Free during mentorship period,Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI: Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions with Vertex AI: Challenge Lab,120 minutes,Medium to Hard,"Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment",Link Not Available,"Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path Google Cloud Skill Boost Intermediate to Advanced Free during mentorship period Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI: Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions with Vertex AI: Challenge Lab Medium to Hard Machine Learning/Deployment/Cloud, Vertex AI, Lab, AutoML, Challenge, Pipeline, Deployment"