File size: 8,739 Bytes
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Based upon ImageCaptionLoader in LangChain version: langchain/document_loaders/
But accepts preloaded model to avoid slowness in use and CUDA forking issues
Loader that uses H2O DocTR OCR models to extract text from images
from typing import List, Union, Any, Tuple, Optional
import requests
from langchain.docstore.document import Document
from langchain.document_loaders import ImageCaptionLoader
import numpy as np
from utils import get_device, clear_torch_cache
from doctr.utils.common_types import AbstractFile
class H2OOCRLoader(ImageCaptionLoader):
"""Loader that extracts text from images"""
def __init__(self, path_images: Union[str, List[str]] = None, layout_aware=False):
self._ocr_model = None
self.layout_aware = layout_aware
def set_context(self):
if get_device() == 'cuda':
import torch
n_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() if torch.cuda.is_available else 0
if n_gpus > 0:
self.context_class = torch.device
self.device = 'cuda'
self.device = 'cpu'
self.device = 'cpu'
def load_model(self):
from weasyprint import HTML # to avoid warning
from doctr.models.zoo import ocr_predictor
except ImportError:
raise ValueError(
"`doctr` package not found, please install with "
"`pip install git+`."
if self._ocr_model:
self._ocr_model =
return self
self._ocr_model = ocr_predictor(det_arch="db_resnet50", reco_arch="crnn_efficientnetv2_mV2",
return self
def unload_model(self):
if hasattr(self._ocr_model.det_predictor.model, 'cpu'):
if hasattr(self._ocr_model.reco_predictor.model, 'cpu'):
if hasattr(self._ocr_model, 'cpu'):
def set_document_paths(self, document_paths: Union[str, List[str]]):
Load from a list of image files
if isinstance(document_paths, str):
self.document_paths = [document_paths]
self.document_paths = document_paths
def load(self, prompt=None) -> List[Document]:
if self._ocr_model is None:
results = []
for document_path in self.document_paths:
caption, metadata = self._get_captions_and_metadata(
model=self._ocr_model, document_path=document_path
doc = Document(page_content=" \n".join(caption), metadata=metadata)
return results
def _get_captions_and_metadata(
self, model: Any, document_path: str) -> Tuple[str, dict]:
Helper function for getting the captions and metadata of an image
from import DocumentFile
except ImportError:
raise ValueError(
"`doctr` package not found, please install with "
"`pip install git+`."
if document_path.lower().endswith(".pdf"):
# load at roughly 300 dpi
images = read_pdf(document_path)
images = DocumentFile.from_images(document_path)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f"Could not get image data for {document_path}")
document_words = []
for image in images:
ocr_output = model([image])
page_words = []
page_boxes = []
for block_num, block in enumerate(ocr_output.pages[0].blocks):
for line_num, line in enumerate(block.lines):
for word_num, word in enumerate(line.words):
if not (word.value or "").strip():
[word.geometry[0][0], word.geometry[0][1], word.geometry[1][0], word.geometry[1][1]])
if self.layout_aware:
ids = boxes_sort(page_boxes)
texts = [page_words[i] for i in ids]
text_boxes = [page_boxes[i] for i in ids]
page_words = space_layout(texts=texts, boxes=text_boxes)
page_words = " ".join(page_words)
metadata: dict = {"image_path": document_path}
return document_words, metadata
def boxes_sort(boxes):
""" From left top to right bottom
boxes: [[x1, y1, x2, y2], [x1, y1, x2, y2], ...]
sorted_id = sorted(range(len(boxes)), key=lambda x: (boxes[x][1]))
# sorted_boxes = [boxes[id] for id in sorted_id]
return sorted_id
def is_same_line(box1, box2):
box1: [x1, y1, x2, y2]
box2: [x1, y1, x2, y2]
box1_midy = (box1[1] + box1[3]) / 2
box2_midy = (box2[1] + box2[3]) / 2
if box1_midy < box2[3] and box1_midy > box2[1] and box2_midy < box1[3] and box2_midy > box1[1]:
return True
return False
def union_box(box1, box2):
box1: [x1, y1, x2, y2]
box2: [x1, y1, x2, y2]
x1 = min(box1[0], box2[0])
y1 = min(box1[1], box2[1])
x2 = max(box1[2], box2[2])
y2 = max(box1[3], box2[3])
return [x1, y1, x2, y2]
def space_layout(texts, boxes):
line_boxes = []
line_texts = []
max_line_char_num = 0
line_width = 0
# print(f"len_boxes: {len(boxes)}")
boxes = np.array(boxes)
texts = np.array(texts)
while len(boxes) > 0:
box = boxes[0]
mid = (boxes[:, 3] + boxes[:, 1]) / 2
inline_boxes = np.logical_and(mid > box[1], mid < box[3])
sorted_xs = np.argsort(boxes[inline_boxes][:, 0], axis=0)
line_box = boxes[inline_boxes][sorted_xs]
line_text = texts[inline_boxes][sorted_xs]
boxes = boxes[~inline_boxes]
texts = texts[~inline_boxes]
if len(" ".join(line_texts[-1])) > max_line_char_num:
max_line_char_num = len(" ".join(line_texts[-1]))
line_width = np.array(line_boxes[-1])
line_width = line_width[:, 2].max() - line_width[:, 0].min()
char_width = (line_width / max_line_char_num)
if char_width == 0:
char_width = 1
space_line_texts = []
for i, line_box in enumerate(line_boxes):
space_line_text = ""
for j, box in enumerate(line_box):
left_char_num = int(box[0] / char_width)
left_char_num = max((left_char_num - len(space_line_text)), 1)
# verbose layout
# space_line_text += " " * left_char_num
# minified layout
if left_char_num > 1:
space_line_text += f" <{left_char_num}> "
space_line_text += " "
space_line_text += line_texts[i][j]
space_line_texts.append(space_line_text + "\n")
return "".join(space_line_texts)
def read_pdf(
file: AbstractFile,
scale: float = 300 / 72,
rgb_mode: bool = True,
password: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Read a PDF file and convert it into an image in numpy format
>>> from doctr.documents import read_pdf
>>> doc = read_pdf("path/to/your/doc.pdf")
file: the path to the PDF file
scale: rendering scale (1 corresponds to 72dpi)
rgb_mode: if True, the output will be RGB, otherwise BGR
password: a password to unlock the document, if encrypted
kwargs: additional parameters to :meth:`pypdfium2.PdfPage.render`
the list of pages decoded as numpy ndarray of shape H x W x C
# Rasterise pages to numpy ndarrays with pypdfium2
import pypdfium2 as pdfium
pdf = pdfium.PdfDocument(file, password=password, autoclose=True)
return [page.render(scale=scale, rev_byteorder=rgb_mode, **kwargs).to_numpy() for page in pdf]