import gradio as gr css= "" css_old = """ .gradio-container {background: url(} /* Main background */ body { background-color: #3B4C54; color: #ffffff; /* Set default text color for contrast */ } /* Secondary color for headers and panels */ .gradio-container .card, .gradio-container h1, .gradio-container h2, .gradio-container h3, .gradio-container h4 { background-color: #3F543B; color: #ffffff; /* Ensuring text is readable */ } /* Background color for the wounded section */ #wounded { background-color: #503B54; color: #ffffff; /* Ensures text is readable */ } /* Olive green color for headers within the wounded section */ #wounded h1, #wounded h2, #wounded h3, #wounded h4, #wounded h5, #wounded h6 { color: #ffffff; /* Olive green color for header text */ background-color: #503B54; /* No background color for headers */ } /* Styling dropdowns within the wounded section */ #wounded select { background-color: #3F543B; /* Olive green background */ color: #ffffff; /* Ensures text is readable */ border: 1px solid #3B4C54; /* Optional border for consistency */ } /* Styling checkboxes within the wounded section */ #wounded input[type="checkbox"] { accent-color: #3F543B; /* Olive green color for the checkbox */ } /* Additional checkbox label styling if needed */ #wounded label { color: #ffffff; /* Ensures labels are readable */ } /* Background color for the dead section */ #dead { background-color: #54433B; color: #ffffff; /* Ensures text is readable */ } /* Brown color for headers within the dead section */ #dead h1, #dead h2, #dead h3, #dead h4, #dead h5, #dead h6 { color: #ffffff; /* Olive green color for header text */ background-color: #54433B; /* No background color for headers */ } #bird-boxes {background-color: #3B4C54} #submit {background-color: #abb2bf} #error {background-color: #e82323} #valid {background-color: #07e63f} """ # OLD THEME: # css = """ # .gradio-container {background: url(} # #image {background-color: #73b9ae} # #dead {background-color: #333333} # #wounded {background-color: #5e0724} # #bird-boxes {background-color: #f2f3f3} # #buttons-conditions {background-color: #b3b3b3} # #dropdown-conditions {background-color: #b3b3b3} # #followup {background-color: #38241c} # #submit {background-color: #abb2bf} # #error {background-color: #e82323} # #valid {background-color: #07e63f} # """ # theme = gr.themes.Soft(primary_hue="teal", secondary_hue="teal", neutral_hue="emerald", # font=[gr.themes.GoogleFont("Inconsolata"), "Arial", "sans-serif"])