from pydantic import BaseModel, Field | |
from typing import Literal, List, Union, Optional | |
# Base class for CircumstanceType with a discriminator field 'type' | |
class CircumstanceTypeBase(BaseModel): | |
type: str | |
# Collision with means of transport | |
class RoadVehicleCollision(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['road_vehicle'] | |
infrastructure_number: Optional[str] = None | |
road_type: Literal['highway', 'main road', | |
'secondary road', 'local road/path/trail', | |
'parking lot'] | |
class TrainCollision(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['train'] | |
infrastructure_number: str | |
class AircraftCollision(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['aircraft'] | |
class BoatCollision(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['boat'] | |
class OtherTransportCollision(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['other transport collision'] | |
class UnknownTransportCollision(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['unknown transport collision'] | |
# Destruction / Deliberately removed | |
class HuntingDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['hunting'] | |
method: Literal['shooting', 'bow', 'falconry', | |
'hounds hunting', 'digging up', | |
"other hunting", "unknow hunting"] | |
class TrapDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['trap'] | |
method: Literal['killing trap', 'pole trap', 'trap cage', 'corvids nasse', | |
'net', 'cage trap', 'fall-trap', 'glue trap', 'insect trap', | |
"other trap", "unknown trap"] | |
class PoisoningDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['poisoning'] | |
class RemovalDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['removal or direct capture'] | |
method: Literal['gassing', 'raptor captured at nest', 'brood destruction', | |
'traffic/trade', 'capture accident', 'scientific sample', | |
"other removal", "unknown removal"] | |
class FishingDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['fishing'] | |
method: Literal['drowned/tangled', 'beached with capture indications', "other fishing", "unknown fishing"] | |
class OtherDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['other destruction'] | |
class UnknownDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['unknown destruction'] | |
# Indirect destruction | |
class PylonElectricGridDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['pylone and electric grid'] | |
infrastructure: Literal['electric line', 'pole/pylon', "other structure", "unknown structure"] | |
cause: Literal['collision', 'electrocution'] | |
class WindfarmDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['windfarm'] | |
class OtherCollisionDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['other collision'] | |
object: Literal['window', 'building', 'lighthouse', | |
'cable', 'wire fence/barbed wire', 'other crash', 'unknown crash'] | |
class FallDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['fall'] | |
location: Literal['chimney', 'empty pole', 'hole/well', 'other fall', 'unknown fall'] | |
class DevelopmentWorkDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['development work'] | |
work_type: Literal['transport infrastructure', 'building', 'other work', 'unknown work'] | |
class PollutionContaminationDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['pollution / contamination'] | |
pollution_type: Literal['oil pollution', 'chemical pollution', 'heavy metals', | |
'light', 'noise', | |
'plastic ingestion', 'other pollution', 'unknown pollution'] | |
class AgriculturalNetProtectionDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['agricultural net protection'] | |
class VegetalForestWorkDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['vegetal / forest work'] | |
work_type: Literal['clearing/mowing/plowing', 'tree felling/pruning', | |
'other forest work', 'unknown forest work'] | |
class OtherIndirectDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['other indirect desctruction'] | |
class UnknownIndirectDestruction(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['unknown indirect desctruction'] | |
# Natural cause | |
class Predation(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['predation'] | |
predator: Literal['cat', 'dog', 'rooster/hen', | |
'other domestic animal', 'wild birds', | |
'wild mammal', 'other predator', 'unknown predator'] | |
class Weather(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['weather'] | |
condition: Literal['cold wave', 'drought', 'hail', | |
'lightening', 'storm', | |
'other weather', 'unknown weather'] | |
class NaturalDisaster(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['natural disaster'] | |
disaster: Literal['fire', 'avalanche', 'rock fall', | |
'mudslide', 'volcanic eruption/ashes', | |
'other natural disaster', 'unknown natural disaster'] | |
class NestFall(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['nest fall'] | |
class StrandingExhaustion(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['stranding due to exhaustion'] | |
class DiseaseParasite(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['disease/parasite'] | |
class AccidentalDrowning(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['accidental drowning'] | |
drowning_location: Literal['drinking trough', 'pool', | |
'storm pool', 'irrigation pool', | |
'natural pool', 'flood', | |
'other location', 'unknown location'] | |
class OtherNaturalCause(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['other natural cause'] | |
class UnknownNaturalCause(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['unknown natural cause'] | |
# Unknown cause | |
class UnknownCircumstance(CircumstanceTypeBase): | |
type: Literal['unknown'] | |
# Union of all possible CircumstanceTypes with 'type' as the discriminator | |
CircumstanceType = Union[ | |
RoadVehicleCollision, | |
TrainCollision, | |
AircraftCollision, | |
BoatCollision, | |
OtherTransportCollision, | |
UnknownTransportCollision, | |
HuntingDestruction, | |
TrapDestruction, | |
PoisoningDestruction, | |
RemovalDestruction, | |
FishingDestruction, | |
OtherDestruction, | |
UnknownDestruction, | |
PylonElectricGridDestruction, | |
WindfarmDestruction, | |
OtherCollisionDestruction, | |
FallDestruction, | |
DevelopmentWorkDestruction, | |
PollutionContaminationDestruction, | |
AgriculturalNetProtectionDestruction, | |
VegetalForestWorkDestruction, | |
OtherIndirectDestruction, | |
UnknownIndirectDestruction, | |
Predation, | |
Weather, | |
NaturalDisaster, | |
NestFall, | |
StrandingExhaustion, | |
DiseaseParasite, | |
AccidentalDrowning, | |
OtherNaturalCause, | |
UnknownNaturalCause, | |
UnknownCircumstance | |
] | |
# Main Circumstance class | |
class Circumstances(BaseModel): | |
circumstance_radio: str # e.g., "Yes" | |
circumstance: Optional[str] = None # e.g., "COLLISION" | |
circumstance_type: Optional[CircumstanceType] = Field(None, discriminator='type') | |
# Example usage | |
# json_data = { | |
# "circumstance": "COLLISION", | |
# "circumstance_radio": "Yes", | |
# "circumstance_type": { | |
# "type": "Train", | |
# "infrastructure_number": "56" | |
# } | |
# } | |
# circumstance_instance = Circumstance(**json_data) | |
# circumstance_schema = Circumstance.schema_json(indent=2) |