import base64 import collections import io import itertools import logging import math import os from functools import lru_cache from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import fsspec.core try: import ujson as json except ImportError: if not TYPE_CHECKING: import json from ..asyn import AsyncFileSystem from ..callbacks import _DEFAULT_CALLBACK from ..core import filesystem, open, split_protocol from ..utils import isfilelike, merge_offset_ranges, other_paths logger = logging.getLogger("fsspec.reference") class ReferenceNotReachable(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, reference, target, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.reference = reference = target def __str__(self): return f'Reference "{self.reference}" failed to fetch target {}' def _first(d): return list(d.values())[0] def _prot_in_references(path, references): ref = references.get(path) if isinstance(ref, (list, tuple)): return split_protocol(ref[0])[0] if ref[0] else ref[0] def _protocol_groups(paths, references): if isinstance(paths, str): return {_prot_in_references(paths, references): [paths]} out = {} for path in paths: protocol = _prot_in_references(path, references) out.setdefault(protocol, []).append(path) return out class RefsValuesView( def __iter__(self): for val in self._mapping.zmetadata.values(): yield json.dumps(val).encode() yield from self._mapping._items.values() for field in self._mapping.listdir(): chunk_sizes = self._mapping._get_chunk_sizes(field) if len(chunk_sizes) == 0: yield self._mapping[field + "/0"] continue yield from self._mapping._generate_all_records(field) class RefsItemsView( def __iter__(self): return zip(self._mapping.keys(), self._mapping.values()) def ravel_multi_index(idx, sizes): val = 0 mult = 1 for i, s in zip(idx[::-1], sizes[::-1]): val += i * mult mult *= s return val class LazyReferenceMapper( """Interface to read parquet store as if it were a standard kerchunk references dict.""" # import is class level to prevent numpy dep requirement for fsspec @property def np(self): import numpy as np return np @property def pd(self): import pandas as pd return pd def __init__( self, root, fs=None, out_root=None, cache_size=128, categorical_threshold=10 ): """ Parameters ---------- root : str Root of parquet store fs : fsspec.AbstractFileSystem fsspec filesystem object, default is local filesystem. cache_size : int Maximum size of LRU cache, where cache_size*record_size denotes the total number of references that can be loaded in memory at once. """ self.root = root self.chunk_sizes = {} self._items = {} self.dirs = None self.fs = fsspec.filesystem("file") if fs is None else fs with"/".join([self.root, ".zmetadata"]), "rb") as f: self._items[".zmetadata"] = met = json.loads(self._items[".zmetadata"]) self.record_size = met["record_size"] self.zmetadata = met["metadata"] self.url = self.root + "/{field}/refs.{record}.parq" self.out_root = out_root or self.root self.cat_thresh = categorical_threshold # Define function to open and decompress refs @lru_cache(maxsize=cache_size) def open_refs(field, record): """cached parquet file loader""" path = self.url.format(field=field, record=record) with as f: # TODO: since all we do is iterate, is arrow without pandas # better here? df = self.pd.read_parquet(f, engine="fastparquet") refs = {c: df[c].values for c in df.columns} return refs self.open_refs = open_refs @staticmethod def create(record_size, root, fs, **kwargs): met = {"metadata": {}, "record_size": record_size} fs.pipe("/".join([root, ".zmetadata"]), json.dumps(met).encode()) return LazyReferenceMapper(root, fs, **kwargs) def listdir(self, basename=True): """List top-level directories""" if self.dirs is None: dirs = [p.split("/", 1)[0] for p in self.zmetadata] self.dirs = set(sorted(p for p in dirs if p and not p.startswith("."))) listing = self.dirs if basename: listing = [os.path.basename(path) for path in listing] return listing def ls(self, path="", detail=True): """Shortcut file listings""" if not path: dirnames = self.listdir() others = set( [".zmetadata"] + [name for name in self.zmetadata if "/" not in name] + [name for name in self._items if "/" not in name] ) if detail is False: others.update(dirnames) return sorted(others) dirinfo = [ {"name": name, "type": "directory", "size": 0} for name in dirnames ] fileinfo = [ { "name": name, "type": "file", "size": len( json.dumps(self.zmetadata[name]) if name in self.zmetadata else self._items[name] ), } for name in others ] return sorted(dirinfo + fileinfo, key=lambda s: s["name"]) parts = path.split("/", 1) if len(parts) > 1: raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot list within directories right now") field = parts[0] others = set( [name for name in self.zmetadata if name.startswith(f"{path}/")] + [name for name in self._items if name.startswith(f"{path}/")] ) fileinfo = [ { "name": name, "type": "file", "size": len( json.dumps(self.zmetadata[name]) if name in self.zmetadata else self._items[name] ), } for name in others ] keys = self._keys_in_field(field) if detail is False: return list(others) + list(keys) recs = self._generate_all_records(field) recinfo = [ {"name": name, "type": "file", "size": rec[-1]} for name, rec in zip(keys, recs) if rec[0] # filters out path==None, deleted/missing ] return fileinfo + recinfo def _load_one_key(self, key): """Get the reference for one key Returns bytes, one-element list or three-element list. """ if key in self._items: return self._items[key] elif key in self.zmetadata: return json.dumps(self.zmetadata[key]).encode() elif "/" not in key or self._is_meta(key): raise KeyError(key) field, sub_key = key.split("/") record, _, _ = self._key_to_record(key) maybe = self._items.get((field, key), {}).get(sub_key, False) if maybe is None: # explicitly deleted raise KeyError elif maybe: return maybe # Chunk keys can be loaded from row group and cached in LRU cache try: record, ri, chunk_size = self._key_to_record(key) if chunk_size == 0: return b"" refs = self.open_refs(field, record) except (ValueError, TypeError, FileNotFoundError): raise KeyError(key) columns = ["path", "offset", "size", "raw"] selection = [refs[c][ri] if c in refs else None for c in columns] raw = selection[-1] if raw is not None: return raw if selection[0] is None: raise KeyError("This reference has been deleted") if selection[1:3] == [0, 0]: # URL only return selection[:1] # URL, offset, size return selection[:3] @lru_cache(4096) def _key_to_record(self, key): """Details needed to construct a reference for one key""" field, chunk = key.split("/") chunk_sizes = self._get_chunk_sizes(field) if len(chunk_sizes) == 0: return 0, 0, 0 chunk_idx = [int(c) for c in chunk.split(".")] chunk_number = ravel_multi_index(chunk_idx, chunk_sizes) record = chunk_number // self.record_size ri = chunk_number % self.record_size return record, ri, len(chunk_sizes) def _get_chunk_sizes(self, field): """The number of chunks along each axis for a given field""" if field not in self.chunk_sizes: zarray = self.zmetadata[f"{field}/.zarray"] size_ratio = [ math.ceil(s / c) for s, c in zip(zarray["shape"], zarray["chunks"]) ] self.chunk_sizes[field] = size_ratio return self.chunk_sizes[field] def _generate_record(self, field, record): """The references for a given parquet file of a given field""" refs = self.open_refs(field, record) it = iter(zip(refs.values())) if len(refs) == 3: # All urls return (list(t) for t in it) elif len(refs) == 1: # All raws return refs["raw"] else: # Mix of urls and raws return (list(t[:3]) if not t[3] else t[3] for t in it) def _generate_all_records(self, field): """Load all the references within a field by iterating over the parquet files""" nrec = 1 for ch in self._get_chunk_sizes(field): nrec *= ch nrec = math.ceil(nrec / self.record_size) for record in range(nrec): yield from self._generate_record(field, record) def values(self): return RefsValuesView(self) def items(self): return RefsItemsView(self) def __hash__(self): return id(self) @lru_cache(20) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._load_one_key(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if "/" in key and not self._is_meta(key): field, chunk = key.split("/") record, i, _ = self._key_to_record(key) subdict = self._items.setdefault((field, record), {}) subdict[i] = value if len(subdict) == self.record_size: self.write(field, record) else: # metadata or top-level self._items[key] = value self.zmetadata[key] = json.loads( value.decode() if isinstance(value, bytes) else value ) @staticmethod def _is_meta(key): return key.startswith(".z") or "/.z" in key def __delitem__(self, key): if key in self._items: del self._items[key] elif key in self.zmetadata: del self.zmetadata[key] else: if "/" in key and not self._is_meta(key): field, chunk = key.split("/") record, _, _ = self._key_to_record(key) subdict = self._items.setdefault((field, record), {}) subdict[chunk] = None if len(subdict) == self.record_size: self.write(field, record) else: # metadata or top-level self._items[key] = None def write(self, field, record, base_url=None, storage_options=None): # extra requirements if writing import kerchunk.df import numpy as np import pandas as pd # TODO: if the dict is incomplete, also load records and merge in partition = self._items[(field, record)] fn = f"{base_url or self.out_root}/{field}/refs.{record}.parq" #### paths = np.full(self.record_size, np.nan, dtype="O") offsets = np.zeros(self.record_size, dtype="int64") sizes = np.zeros(self.record_size, dtype="int64") raws = np.full(self.record_size, np.nan, dtype="O") nraw = 0 npath = 0 for j, data in partition.items(): if isinstance(data, list): npath += 1 paths[j] = data[0] if len(data) > 1: offsets[j] = data[1] sizes[j] = data[2] else: nraw += 1 raws[j] = kerchunk.df._proc_raw(data) # TODO: only save needed columns df = pd.DataFrame( dict( path=paths, offset=offsets, size=sizes, raw=raws, ), copy=False, ) if df.path.count() / (df.path.nunique() or 1) > self.cat_thresh: df["path"] = df["path"].astype("category") object_encoding = dict(raw="bytes", path="utf8") has_nulls = ["path", "raw"] self.fs.mkdirs(f"{base_url or self.out_root}/{field}", exist_ok=True) df.to_parquet( fn, engine="fastparquet", storage_options=storage_options or getattr(self.fs, "storage_options", None), compression="zstd", index=False, stats=False, object_encoding=object_encoding, has_nulls=has_nulls, # **kwargs, ) partition.clear() self._items.pop((field, record)) def flush(self, base_url=None, storage_options=None): """Output any modified or deleted keys Parameters ---------- base_url: str Location of the output """ # write what we have so far and clear sub chunks for thing in list(self._items): if isinstance(thing, tuple): field, record = thing self.write( field, record, base_url=base_url, storage_options=storage_options, ) # gather .zmetadata from self._items and write that too for k in list(self._items): if k != ".zmetadata" and ".z" in k: self.zmetadata[k] = json.loads(self._items.pop(k)) met = {"metadata": self.zmetadata, "record_size": self.record_size} self._items[".zmetadata"] = json.dumps(met).encode() self.fs.pipe( "/".join([base_url or self.out_root, ".zmetadata"]), self._items[".zmetadata"], ) # TODO: only clear those that we wrote to? self.open_refs.cache_clear() def __len__(self): # Caveat: This counts expected references, not actual count = 0 for field in self.listdir(): if field.startswith("."): count += 1 else: chunk_sizes = self._get_chunk_sizes(field) nchunks = count += nchunks count += len(self.zmetadata) # all metadata keys count += len(self._items) # the metadata file itself return count def __iter__(self): # Caveat: Note that this generates all expected keys, but does not # account for reference keys that are missing. metas = set(self.zmetadata) metas.update(self._items) for bit in metas: if isinstance(bit, str): yield bit for field in self.listdir(): yield from self._keys_in_field(field) def __contains__(self, item): try: self._load_one_key(item) return True except KeyError: return False def _keys_in_field(self, field): """List key names in given field Produces strings like "field/x.y" appropriate from the chunking of the array """ chunk_sizes = self._get_chunk_sizes(field) if len(chunk_sizes) == 0: yield field + "/0" return inds = itertools.product(*(range(i) for i in chunk_sizes)) for ind in inds: yield field + "/" + ".".join([str(c) for c in ind]) class ReferenceFileSystem(AsyncFileSystem): """View byte ranges of some other file as a file system Initial version: single file system target, which must support async, and must allow start and end args in _cat_file. Later versions may allow multiple arbitrary URLs for the targets. This FileSystem is read-only. It is designed to be used with async targets (for now). This FileSystem only allows whole-file access, no ``open``. We do not get original file details from the target FS. Configuration is by passing a dict of references at init, or a URL to a JSON file containing the same; this dict can also contain concrete data for some set of paths. Reference dict format: {path0: bytes_data, path1: (target_url, offset, size)} """ protocol = "reference" def __init__( self, fo, target=None, ref_storage_args=None, target_protocol=None, target_options=None, remote_protocol=None, remote_options=None, fs=None, template_overrides=None, simple_templates=True, max_gap=64_000, max_block=256_000_000, cache_size=128, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- fo : dict or str The set of references to use for this instance, with a structure as above. If str referencing a JSON file, will use, in conjunction with target_options and target_protocol to open and parse JSON at this location. If a directory, then assume references are a set of parquet files to be loaded lazily. target : str For any references having target_url as None, this is the default file target to use ref_storage_args : dict If references is a str, use these kwargs for loading the JSON file. Deprecated: use target_options instead. target_protocol : str Used for loading the reference file, if it is a path. If None, protocol will be derived from the given path target_options : dict Extra FS options for loading the reference file ``fo``, if given as a path remote_protocol : str The protocol of the filesystem on which the references will be evaluated (unless fs is provided). If not given, will be derived from the first URL that has a protocol in the templates or in the references, in that order. remote_options : dict kwargs to go with remote_protocol fs : AbstractFileSystem | dict(str, (AbstractFileSystem | dict)) Directly provide a file system(s): - a single filesystem instance - a dict of protocol:filesystem, where each value is either a filesystem instance, or a dict of kwargs that can be used to create in instance for the given protocol If this is given, remote_options and remote_protocol are ignored. template_overrides : dict Swap out any templates in the references file with these - useful for testing. simple_templates: bool Whether templates can be processed with simple replace (True) or if jinja is needed (False, much slower). All reference sets produced by ``kerchunk`` are simple in this sense, but the spec allows for complex. max_gap, max_block: int For merging multiple concurrent requests to the same remote file. Neighboring byte ranges will only be merged when their inter-range gap is <= ``max_gap``. Default is 64KB. Set to 0 to only merge when it requires no extra bytes. Pass a negative number to disable merging, appropriate for local target files. Neighboring byte ranges will only be merged when the size of the aggregated range is <= ``max_block``. Default is 256MB. cache_size : int Maximum size of LRU cache, where cache_size*record_size denotes the total number of references that can be loaded in memory at once. Only used for lazily loaded references. kwargs : passed to parent class """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = target self.template_overrides = template_overrides self.simple_templates = simple_templates self.templates = {} self.fss = {} self._dircache = {} self.max_gap = max_gap self.max_block = max_block if isinstance(fo, str): dic = dict( **(ref_storage_args or target_options or {}), protocol=target_protocol ) ref_fs, fo2 = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(fo, **dic) if ref_fs.isfile(fo): # text JSON with, "rb", **dic) as f:"Read reference from URL %s", fo) text = json.load(f) self._process_references(text, template_overrides) else: # Lazy parquet refs"Open lazy reference dict from URL %s", fo) self.references = LazyReferenceMapper( fo2, fs=ref_fs, cache_size=cache_size, ) else: # dictionaries self._process_references(fo, template_overrides) if isinstance(fs, dict): self.fss = { k: ( fsspec.filesystem(k.split(":", 1)[0], **opts) if isinstance(opts, dict) else opts ) for k, opts in fs.items() } if None not in self.fss: self.fss[None] = filesystem("file") return if fs is not None: # single remote FS remote_protocol = ( fs.protocol[0] if isinstance(fs.protocol, tuple) else fs.protocol ) self.fss[remote_protocol] = fs if remote_protocol is None: # get single protocol from any templates for ref in self.templates.values(): if callable(ref): ref = ref() protocol, _ = fsspec.core.split_protocol(ref) if protocol and protocol not in self.fss: fs = filesystem(protocol, **(remote_options or {})) self.fss[protocol] = fs if remote_protocol is None: # get single protocol from references for ref in self.references.values(): if callable(ref): ref = ref() if isinstance(ref, list) and ref[0]: protocol, _ = fsspec.core.split_protocol(ref[0]) if protocol not in self.fss: fs = filesystem(protocol, **(remote_options or {})) self.fss[protocol] = fs # only use first remote URL break if remote_protocol and remote_protocol not in self.fss: fs = filesystem(remote_protocol, **(remote_options or {})) self.fss[remote_protocol] = fs self.fss[None] = fs or filesystem("file") # default one def _cat_common(self, path, start=None, end=None): path = self._strip_protocol(path) logger.debug(f"cat: {path}") try: part = self.references[path] except KeyError: raise FileNotFoundError(path) if isinstance(part, str): part = part.encode() if isinstance(part, bytes): logger.debug(f"Reference: {path}, type bytes") if part.startswith(b"base64:"): part = base64.b64decode(part[7:]) return part, None, None if len(part) == 1: logger.debug(f"Reference: {path}, whole file => {part}") url = part[0] start1, end1 = start, end else: url, start0, size = part logger.debug(f"Reference: {path} => {url}, offset {start0}, size {size}") end0 = start0 + size if start is not None: if start >= 0: start1 = start0 + start else: start1 = end0 + start else: start1 = start0 if end is not None: if end >= 0: end1 = start0 + end else: end1 = end0 + end else: end1 = end0 if url is None: url = return url, start1, end1 async def _cat_file(self, path, start=None, end=None, **kwargs): part_or_url, start0, end0 = self._cat_common(path, start=start, end=end) if isinstance(part_or_url, bytes): return part_or_url[start:end] protocol, _ = split_protocol(part_or_url) try: await self.fss[protocol]._cat_file(part_or_url, start=start, end=end) except Exception as e: raise ReferenceNotReachable(path, part_or_url) from e def cat_file(self, path, start=None, end=None, **kwargs): part_or_url, start0, end0 = self._cat_common(path, start=start, end=end) if isinstance(part_or_url, bytes): return part_or_url[start:end] protocol, _ = split_protocol(part_or_url) try: return self.fss[protocol].cat_file(part_or_url, start=start0, end=end0) except Exception as e: raise ReferenceNotReachable(path, part_or_url) from e def pipe_file(self, path, value, **_): """Temporarily add binary data or reference as a file""" self.references[path] = value async def _get_file(self, rpath, lpath, **kwargs): if self.isdir(rpath): return os.makedirs(lpath, exist_ok=True) data = await self._cat_file(rpath) with open(lpath, "wb") as f: f.write(data) def get_file(self, rpath, lpath, callback=_DEFAULT_CALLBACK, **kwargs): if self.isdir(rpath): return os.makedirs(lpath, exist_ok=True) data = self.cat_file(rpath, **kwargs) callback.set_size(len(data)) if isfilelike(lpath): lpath.write(data) else: with open(lpath, "wb") as f: f.write(data) callback.absolute_update(len(data)) def get(self, rpath, lpath, recursive=False, **kwargs): if recursive: # trigger directory build"") rpath = self.expand_path(rpath, recursive=recursive) fs = fsspec.filesystem("file", auto_mkdir=True) targets = other_paths(rpath, lpath) if recursive: data =[r for r in rpath if not self.isdir(r)]) else: data = for remote, local in zip(rpath, targets): if remote in data: fs.pipe_file(local, data[remote]) def cat(self, path, recursive=False, on_error="raise", **kwargs): if isinstance(path, str) and recursive: raise NotImplementedError if isinstance(path, list) and (recursive or any("*" in p for p in path)): raise NotImplementedError proto_dict = _protocol_groups(path, self.references) out = {} for proto, paths in proto_dict.items(): fs = self.fss[proto] urls, starts, ends = [], [], [] for p in paths: # find references or label not-found. Early exit if any not # found and on_error is "raise" try: u, s, e = self._cat_common(p) urls.append(u) starts.append(s) ends.append(e) except FileNotFoundError as err: if on_error == "raise": raise if on_error != "omit": out[p] = err # process references into form for merging urls2 = [] starts2 = [] ends2 = [] paths2 = [] whole_files = set() for u, s, e, p in zip(urls, starts, ends, paths): if isinstance(u, bytes): # data out[p] = u elif s is None: # whole file - limits are None, None, but no further # entries take for this file whole_files.add(u) urls2.append(u) starts2.append(s) ends2.append(e) paths2.append(p) for u, s, e, p in zip(urls, starts, ends, paths): # second run to account for files that are to be loaded whole if s is not None and u not in whole_files: urls2.append(u) starts2.append(s) ends2.append(e) paths2.append(p) # merge and fetch consolidated ranges new_paths, new_starts, new_ends = merge_offset_ranges( list(urls2), list(starts2), list(ends2), sort=True, max_gap=self.max_gap, max_block=self.max_block, ) bytes_out = fs.cat_ranges(new_paths, new_starts, new_ends) # unbundle from merged bytes - simple approach for u, s, e, p in zip(urls, starts, ends, paths): if p in out: continue # was bytes, already handled for np, ns, ne, b in zip(new_paths, new_starts, new_ends, bytes_out): if np == u and (ns is None or ne is None): if isinstance(b, Exception): out[p] = b else: out[p] = b[s:e] elif np == u and s >= ns and e <= ne: if isinstance(b, Exception): out[p] = b else: out[p] = b[s - ns : (e - ne) or None] for k, v in out.copy().items(): # these were valid references, but fetch failed, so transform exc if isinstance(v, Exception) and k in self.references: ex = out[k] new_ex = ReferenceNotReachable(k, self.references[k]) new_ex.__cause__ = ex if on_error == "raise": raise new_ex elif on_error != "omit": out[k] = new_ex if len(out) == 1 and isinstance(path, str) and "*" not in path: return _first(out) return out def _process_references(self, references, template_overrides=None): vers = references.get("version", None) if vers is None: self._process_references0(references) elif vers == 1: self._process_references1(references, template_overrides=template_overrides) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown reference spec version: {vers}") # TODO: we make dircache by iterating over all entries, but for Spec >= 1, # can replace with programmatic. Is it even needed for mapper interface? def _process_references0(self, references): """Make reference dict for Spec Version 0""" self.references = references def _process_references1(self, references, template_overrides=None): if not self.simple_templates or self.templates: import jinja2 self.references = {} self._process_templates(references.get("templates", {})) @lru_cache(1000) def _render_jinja(u): return jinja2.Template(u).render(**self.templates) for k, v in references.get("refs", {}).items(): if isinstance(v, str): if v.startswith("base64:"): self.references[k] = base64.b64decode(v[7:]) self.references[k] = v elif self.templates: u = v[0] if "{{" in u: if self.simple_templates: u = ( u.replace("{{", "{") .replace("}}", "}") .format(**self.templates) ) else: u = _render_jinja(u) self.references[k] = [u] if len(v) == 1 else [u, v[1], v[2]] else: self.references[k] = v self.references.update(self._process_gen(references.get("gen", []))) def _process_templates(self, tmp): self.templates = {} if self.template_overrides is not None: tmp.update(self.template_overrides) for k, v in tmp.items(): if "{{" in v: import jinja2 self.templates[k] = lambda temp=v, **kwargs: jinja2.Template( temp ).render(**kwargs) else: self.templates[k] = v def _process_gen(self, gens): out = {} for gen in gens: dimension = { k: v if isinstance(v, list) else range(v.get("start", 0), v["stop"], v.get("step", 1)) for k, v in gen["dimensions"].items() } products = ( dict(zip(dimension.keys(), values)) for values in itertools.product(*dimension.values()) ) for pr in products: import jinja2 key = jinja2.Template(gen["key"]).render(**pr, **self.templates) url = jinja2.Template(gen["url"]).render(**pr, **self.templates) if ("offset" in gen) and ("length" in gen): offset = int( jinja2.Template(gen["offset"]).render(**pr, **self.templates) ) length = int( jinja2.Template(gen["length"]).render(**pr, **self.templates) ) out[key] = [url, offset, length] elif ("offset" in gen) ^ ("length" in gen): raise ValueError( "Both 'offset' and 'length' are required for a " "reference generator entry if either is provided." ) else: out[key] = [url] return out def _dircache_from_items(self): self.dircache = {"": []} it = self.references.items() for path, part in it: if isinstance(part, (bytes, str)): size = len(part) elif len(part) == 1: size = None else: _, start, size = part par = path.rsplit("/", 1)[0] if "/" in path else "" par0 = par while par0 and par0 not in self.dircache: # build parent directories self.dircache[par0] = [] self.dircache.setdefault( par0.rsplit("/", 1)[0] if "/" in par0 else "", [] ).append({"name": par0, "type": "directory", "size": 0}) par0 = self._parent(par0) self.dircache[par].append({"name": path, "type": "file", "size": size}) def _open(self, path, mode="rb", block_size=None, cache_options=None, **kwargs): data = self.cat_file(path) # load whole chunk into memory return io.BytesIO(data) def ls(self, path, detail=True, **kwargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path) if isinstance(self.references, LazyReferenceMapper): try: return, detail) except KeyError: pass raise FileNotFoundError(f"'{path}' is not a known key") if not self.dircache: self._dircache_from_items() out = self._ls_from_cache(path) if out is None: raise FileNotFoundError(path) if detail: return out return [o["name"] for o in out] def exists(self, path, **kwargs): # overwrite auto-sync version return self.isdir(path) or self.isfile(path) def isdir(self, path): # overwrite auto-sync version if self.dircache: return path in self.dircache elif isinstance(self.references, LazyReferenceMapper): return path in self.references.listdir("") else: # this may be faster than building dircache for single calls, but # by looping will be slow for many calls; could cache it? return any(_.startswith(f"{path}/") for _ in self.references) def isfile(self, path): # overwrite auto-sync version return path in self.references async def _ls(self, path, detail=True, **kwargs): # calls fast sync code return, detail, **kwargs) def find(self, path, maxdepth=None, withdirs=False, detail=False, **kwargs): if withdirs: return super().find( path, maxdepth=maxdepth, withdirs=withdirs, detail=detail, **kwargs ) if path: path = self._strip_protocol(path) r = sorted(k for k in self.references if k.startswith(path)) else: r = sorted(self.references) if detail: if not self.dircache: self._dircache_from_items() return {k: self._ls_from_cache(k)[0] for k in r} else: return r def info(self, path, **kwargs): out = self.references.get(path) if out is not None: if isinstance(out, (str, bytes)): # decode base64 here return {"name": path, "type": "file", "size": len(out)} elif len(out) > 1: return {"name": path, "type": "file", "size": out[2]} else: out0 = [{"name": path, "type": "file", "size": None}] else: out =, True) out0 = [o for o in out if o["name"] == path] if not out0: return {"name": path, "type": "directory", "size": 0} if out0[0]["size"] is None: # if this is a whole remote file, update size using remote FS prot, _ = split_protocol(self.references[path][0]) out0[0]["size"] = self.fss[prot].size(self.references[path][0]) return out0[0] async def _info(self, path, **kwargs): # calls fast sync code return async def _rm_file(self, path, **kwargs): self.references.pop( path, None ) # ignores FileNotFound, just as well for directories self.dircache.clear() # this is a bit heavy handed async def _pipe_file(self, path, data): # can be str or bytes self.references[path] = data self.dircache.clear() # this is a bit heavy handed async def _put_file(self, lpath, rpath): # puts binary with open(lpath, "rb") as f: self.references[rpath] = self.dircache.clear() # this is a bit heavy handed def save_json(self, url, **storage_options): """Write modified references into new location""" out = {} for k, v in self.references.items(): if isinstance(v, bytes): try: out[k] = v.decode("ascii") except UnicodeDecodeError: out[k] = (b"base64:" + base64.b64encode(v)).decode() else: out[k] = v with, "wb", **storage_options) as f: f.write(json.dumps({"version": 1, "refs": out}).encode())