Runtime error
Runtime error
Metadata-Version: 2.1 | |
Name: fsspec | |
Version: 2023.6.0 | |
Summary: File-system specification | |
Home-page: | |
Maintainer: Martin Durant | |
Maintainer-email: [email protected] | |
License: BSD | |
Project-URL: Changelog, | |
Project-URL: Documentation, | |
Keywords: file | |
Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta | |
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers | |
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License | |
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent | |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 | |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 | |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 | |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 | |
Requires-Python: >=3.8 | |
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown | |
License-File: LICENSE | |
Provides-Extra: abfs | |
Requires-Dist: adlfs ; extra == 'abfs' | |
Provides-Extra: adl | |
Requires-Dist: adlfs ; extra == 'adl' | |
Provides-Extra: arrow | |
Requires-Dist: pyarrow (>=1) ; extra == 'arrow' | |
Provides-Extra: dask | |
Requires-Dist: dask ; extra == 'dask' | |
Requires-Dist: distributed ; extra == 'dask' | |
Provides-Extra: devel | |
Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'devel' | |
Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'devel' | |
Provides-Extra: dropbox | |
Requires-Dist: dropboxdrivefs ; extra == 'dropbox' | |
Requires-Dist: requests ; extra == 'dropbox' | |
Requires-Dist: dropbox ; extra == 'dropbox' | |
Provides-Extra: entrypoints | |
Provides-Extra: full | |
Requires-Dist: adlfs ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: aiohttp (!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1) ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: dask ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: distributed ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: dropbox ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: dropboxdrivefs ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: fusepy ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: gcsfs ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: libarchive-c ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: ocifs ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: panel ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: paramiko ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: pyarrow (>=1) ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: pygit2 ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: requests ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: s3fs ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: smbprotocol ; extra == 'full' | |
Requires-Dist: tqdm ; extra == 'full' | |
Provides-Extra: fuse | |
Requires-Dist: fusepy ; extra == 'fuse' | |
Provides-Extra: gcs | |
Requires-Dist: gcsfs ; extra == 'gcs' | |
Provides-Extra: git | |
Requires-Dist: pygit2 ; extra == 'git' | |
Provides-Extra: github | |
Requires-Dist: requests ; extra == 'github' | |
Provides-Extra: gs | |
Requires-Dist: gcsfs ; extra == 'gs' | |
Provides-Extra: gui | |
Requires-Dist: panel ; extra == 'gui' | |
Provides-Extra: hdfs | |
Requires-Dist: pyarrow (>=1) ; extra == 'hdfs' | |
Provides-Extra: http | |
Requires-Dist: requests ; extra == 'http' | |
Requires-Dist: aiohttp (!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1) ; extra == 'http' | |
Provides-Extra: libarchive | |
Requires-Dist: libarchive-c ; extra == 'libarchive' | |
Provides-Extra: oci | |
Requires-Dist: ocifs ; extra == 'oci' | |
Provides-Extra: s3 | |
Requires-Dist: s3fs ; extra == 's3' | |
Provides-Extra: sftp | |
Requires-Dist: paramiko ; extra == 'sftp' | |
Provides-Extra: smb | |
Requires-Dist: smbprotocol ; extra == 'smb' | |
Provides-Extra: ssh | |
Requires-Dist: paramiko ; extra == 'ssh' | |
Provides-Extra: tqdm | |
Requires-Dist: tqdm ; extra == 'tqdm' | |
# filesystem_spec | |
[]( | |
[]( | |
 | |
[]( | |
A specification for pythonic filesystems. | |
## Install | |
```bash | |
pip install fsspec | |
``` | |
would install the base fsspec. Various optionally supported features might require specification of custom | |
extra require, e.g. `pip install fsspec[ssh]` will install dependencies for `ssh` backends support. | |
Use `pip install fsspec[full]` for installation of all known extra dependencies. | |
Up-to-date package also provided through conda-forge distribution: | |
```bash | |
conda install -c conda-forge fsspec | |
``` | |
## Purpose | |
To produce a template or specification for a file-system interface, that specific implementations should follow, | |
so that applications making use of them can rely on a common behaviour and not have to worry about the specific | |
internal implementation decisions with any given backend. Many such implementations are included in this package, | |
or in sister projects such as `s3fs` and `gcsfs`. | |
In addition, if this is well-designed, then additional functionality, such as a key-value store or FUSE | |
mounting of the file-system implementation may be available for all implementations "for free". | |
## Documentation | |
Please refer to [RTD]( | |
## Develop | |
fsspec uses GitHub Actions for CI. Environment files can be found | |
in the "ci/" directory. Note that the main environment is called "py38", | |
but it is expected that the version of python installed be adjustable at | |
CI runtime. For local use, pick a version suitable for you. | |
### Testing | |
Tests can be run in the dev environment, if activated, via ``pytest fsspec``. | |
The full fsspec suite requires a system-level docker, docker-compose, and fuse | |
installation. If only making changes to one backend implementation, it is | |
not generally necessary to run all tests locally. | |
It is expected that contributors ensure that any change to fsspec does not | |
cause issues or regressions for either other fsspec-related packages such | |
as gcsfs and s3fs, nor for downstream users of fsspec. The "downstream" CI | |
run and corresponding environment file run a set of tests from the dask | |
test suite, and very minimal tests against pandas and zarr from the | | module in this repo. | |
### Code Formatting | |
fsspec uses [Black]( to ensure | |
a consistent code format throughout the project. | |
Run ``black fsspec`` from the root of the filesystem_spec repository to | |
auto-format your code. Additionally, many editors have plugins that will apply | |
``black`` as you edit files. ``black`` is included in the ``tox`` environments. | |
Optionally, you may wish to setup [pre-commit hooks]( to | |
automatically run ``black`` when you make a git commit. | |
Run ``pre-commit install --install-hooks`` from the root of the | |
filesystem_spec repository to setup pre-commit hooks. ``black`` will now be run | |
before you commit, reformatting any changed files. You can format without | |
committing via ``pre-commit run`` or skip these checks with ``git commit | |
--no-verify``. | |