import datetime import os import subprocess import gradio as gr CUSTOM_CSS = """ #output_box textarea { font-family: IBM Plex Mono, ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace; } """ def run(): output: str = "" try: output = subprocess.check_output(["nvidia-smi"], text=True) except FileNotFoundError: output = subprocess.check_output(["ls", "-alh"], text=True) comment = ("T", " ") ) return f"# {comment}\n\n{output}" def run_custom_command(custom_command: str, secret: str): if secret != os.environ.get("SECRET"): return "You can't access this" print("custom_command", custom_command) try: return subprocess.check_output(custom_command.split(), text=True) except Exception as e: return f"{e}" output = gr.Textbox( label="Command Output", max_lines=32, elem_id="output_box", value=run() ) with gr.Blocks(css=CUSTOM_CSS) as demo: gr.Markdown("#### `nvidia-smi`: How is my GPU Space running right now 🔥") with gr.Accordion(label="Power user mode", open=False): custom_command = gr.Textbox(label="Input command", value="pwd") secret = gr.Textbox( label="Secret", ) custom_command_btn = gr.Button("Run") fn=run_custom_command, inputs=[custom_command, secret], outputs=output, ) output.render() demo.load(fn=run, inputs=None, outputs=output, every=1) demo.queue().launch()