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Based on
# Copyright 2020 Ross Wightman
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class FeatureInfo:
def __init__(self, feature_info: List[Dict], out_indices: Tuple[int]):
prev_reduction = 1
for fi in feature_info:
# sanity check the mandatory fields, there may be additional fields depending on the model
assert "num_chs" in fi and fi["num_chs"] > 0
assert "reduction" in fi and fi["reduction"] >= prev_reduction
prev_reduction = fi["reduction"]
assert "module" in fi
self.out_indices = out_indices = feature_info
def from_other(self, out_indices: Tuple[int]):
return FeatureInfo(deepcopy(, out_indices)
def get(self, key, idx=None):
"""Get value by key at specified index (indices)
if idx == None, returns value for key at each output index
if idx is an integer, return value for that feature module index (ignoring output indices)
if idx is a list/tupple, return value for each module index (ignoring output indices)
if idx is None:
return [[i][key] for i in self.out_indices]
if isinstance(idx, (tuple, list)):
return [[i][key] for i in idx]
def get_dicts(self, keys=None, idx=None):
"""return info dicts for specified keys (or all if None) at specified indices (or out_indices if None)"""
if idx is None:
if keys is None:
return [[i] for i in self.out_indices]
return [{k:[i][k] for k in keys} for i in self.out_indices]
if isinstance(idx, (tuple, list)):
return [[i] if keys is None else {k:[i][k] for k in keys}
for i in idx
return ([idx] if keys is None else {k:[idx][k] for k in keys}
def channels(self, idx=None):
"""feature channels accessor"""
return self.get("num_chs", idx)
def reduction(self, idx=None):
"""feature reduction (output stride) accessor"""
return self.get("reduction", idx)
def module_name(self, idx=None):
"""feature module name accessor"""
return self.get("module", idx)
def __getitem__(self, item):
def __len__(self):
return len(
class FeatureHooks:
"""Feature Hook Helper
This module helps with the setup and extraction of hooks for extracting features from
internal nodes in a model by node name. This works quite well in eager Python but needs
redesign for torcscript.
def __init__(self, hooks, named_modules, out_map=None, default_hook_type="forward"):
# setup feature hooks
modules = {k: v for k, v in named_modules}
for i, h in enumerate(hooks):
hook_name = h["module"]
m = modules[hook_name]
hook_id = out_map[i] if out_map else hook_name
hook_fn = partial(self._collect_output_hook, hook_id)
hook_type = h["hook_type"] if "hook_type" in h else default_hook_type
if hook_type == "forward_pre":
elif hook_type == "forward":
assert False, "Unsupported hook type"
self._feature_outputs = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
def _collect_output_hook(self, hook_id, *args):
x = args[
] # tensor we want is last argument, output for fwd, input for fwd_pre
if isinstance(x, tuple):
x = x[0] # unwrap input tuple
self._feature_outputs[x.device][hook_id] = x
def get_output(self, device) -> Dict[str, torch.tensor]:
output = self._feature_outputs[device]
self._feature_outputs[device] = OrderedDict() # clear after reading
return output
def _module_list(module, flatten_sequential=False):
# a yield/iter would be better for this but wouldn't be compatible with torchscript
ml = []
for name, module in module.named_children():
if flatten_sequential and isinstance(module, nn.Sequential):
# first level of Sequential containers is flattened into containing model
for child_name, child_module in module.named_children():
combined = [name, child_name]
ml.append(("_".join(combined), ".".join(combined), child_module))
ml.append((name, name, module))
return ml
def _get_feature_info(net, out_indices):
feature_info = getattr(net, "feature_info")
if isinstance(feature_info, FeatureInfo):
return feature_info.from_other(out_indices)
elif isinstance(feature_info, (list, tuple)):
return FeatureInfo(net.feature_info, out_indices)
assert False, "Provided feature_info is not valid"
def _get_return_layers(feature_info, out_map):
module_names = feature_info.module_name()
return_layers = {}
for i, name in enumerate(module_names):
return_layers[name] = (
out_map[i] if out_map is not None else feature_info.out_indices[i]
return return_layers
class FeatureDictNet(nn.ModuleDict):
"""Feature extractor with OrderedDict return
Wrap a model and extract features as specified by the out indices, the network is
partially re-built from contained modules.
There is a strong assumption that the modules have been registered into the model in the same
order as they are used. There should be no reuse of the same nn.Module more than once, including
trivial modules like `self.relu = nn.ReLU`.
Only submodules that are directly assigned to the model class (`model.feature1`) or at most
one Sequential container deep (`model.features.1`, with flatten_sequent=True) can be captured.
All Sequential containers that are directly assigned to the original model will have their
modules assigned to this module with the name `model.features.1` being changed to `model.features_1`
model (nn.Module): model from which we will extract the features
out_indices (tuple[int]): model output indices to extract features for
out_map (sequence): list or tuple specifying desired return id for each out index,
otherwise str(index) is used
feature_concat (bool): whether to concatenate intermediate features that are lists or tuples
vs select element [0]
flatten_sequential (bool): whether to flatten sequential modules assigned to model
def __init__(
out_indices=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4),
super(FeatureDictNet, self).__init__()
self.feature_info = _get_feature_info(model, out_indices)
self.concat = feature_concat
self.return_layers = {}
return_layers = _get_return_layers(self.feature_info, out_map)
modules = _module_list(model, flatten_sequential=flatten_sequential)
remaining = set(return_layers.keys())
layers = OrderedDict()
for new_name, old_name, module in modules:
layers[new_name] = module
if old_name in remaining:
# return id has to be consistently str type for torchscript
self.return_layers[new_name] = str(return_layers[old_name])
if not remaining:
assert not remaining and len(self.return_layers) == len(
), f"Return layers ({remaining}) are not present in model"
def _collect(self, x) -> (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]):
out = OrderedDict()
for name, module in self.items():
x = module(x)
if name in self.return_layers:
out_id = self.return_layers[name]
if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
# If model tap is a tuple or list, concat or select first element
# FIXME this may need to be more generic / flexible for some nets
out[out_id] =, 1) if self.concat else x[0]
out[out_id] = x
return out
def forward(self, x) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
return self._collect(x)
class FeatureListNet(FeatureDictNet):
"""Feature extractor with list return
See docstring for FeatureDictNet above, this class exists only to appease Torchscript typing constraints.
In eager Python we could have returned List[Tensor] vs Dict[id, Tensor] based on a member bool.
def __init__(
out_indices=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4),
super(FeatureListNet, self).__init__(
def forward(self, x) -> (List[torch.Tensor]):
return list(self._collect(x).values())
class FeatureHookNet(nn.ModuleDict):
Wrap a model and extract features specified by the out indices using forward/forward-pre hooks.
If `no_rewrite` is True, features are extracted via hooks without modifying the underlying
network in any way.
If `no_rewrite` is False, the model will be re-written as in the
FeatureList/FeatureDict case by folding first to second (Sequential only) level modules into this one.
FIXME this does not currently work with Torchscript, see FeatureHooks class
def __init__(
out_indices=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4),
super(FeatureHookNet, self).__init__()
assert not torch.jit.is_scripting()
self.feature_info = _get_feature_info(model, out_indices)
self.out_as_dict = out_as_dict
layers = OrderedDict()
hooks = []
if no_rewrite:
assert not flatten_sequential
if hasattr(model, "reset_classifier"): # make sure classifier is removed?
layers["body"] = model
modules = _module_list(model, flatten_sequential=flatten_sequential)
remaining = {
f["module"]: f["hook_type"] if "hook_type" in f else default_hook_type
for f in self.feature_info.get_dicts()
for new_name, old_name, module in modules:
layers[new_name] = module
for fn, fm in module.named_modules(prefix=old_name):
if fn in remaining:
hooks.append(dict(module=fn, hook_type=remaining[fn]))
del remaining[fn]
if not remaining:
assert (
not remaining
), f"Return layers ({remaining}) are not present in model"
self.hooks = FeatureHooks(hooks, model.named_modules(), out_map=out_map)
def forward(self, x):
for name, module in self.items():
x = module(x)
out = self.hooks.get_output(x.device)
return out if self.out_as_dict else list(out.values())