import path from "node:path" import tmpDir from "temp-dir" import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid" import ffmpeg from "fluent-ffmpeg" import { pendingFilesDirFilePath } from "../../config.mts" import { moveFileFromTmpToPending } from "../filesystem/moveFileFromTmpToPending.mts" export const addAudioToVideo = async ( videoFileName: string, audioFileName: string, /* * 0.0: mute the audio completely * 0.5: set the audio to 50% of original volume (half volume) * 1.0: maintain the audio at original volume (100% of original volume) * 2.0: amplify the audio to 200% of original volume (double volume - might cause clipping) */ volume: number = 1.0 ) => { const inputFilePath = path.join(pendingFilesDirFilePath, videoFileName) const audioFilePath = path.resolve(pendingFilesDirFilePath, audioFileName) const tmpFileName = `${uuidv4()}.mp4` const tempOutputFilePath = path.join(tmpDir, tmpFileName) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ffmpeg(inputFilePath) .input(audioFilePath) .audioFilters({ filter: 'volume', options: volume }) // add audio filter for volume .outputOptions("-c:v copy") // use video copy codec .outputOptions("-c:a aac") // use audio codec .outputOptions("-map 0:v:0") // map video from 0th to 0th .outputOptions("-map 1:a:0") // map audio from 1st to 0th .outputOptions("-shortest") // finish encoding when shortest input stream ends .output(tempOutputFilePath) .on("end", resolve) .on("error", reject) .run() }) await moveFileFromTmpToPending(tmpFileName, videoFileName) };