import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid" import puppeteer from "puppeteer" import { downloadFileToTmp } from "../../utils/download/downloadFileToTmp.mts" import { moveFileFromTmpToPending } from "../../utils/filesystem/moveFileFromTmpToPending.mts" export const state = { load: 0, } const instances: string[] = [ `${process.env.VC_AUDIO_GENERATION_SPACE_API_URL_1 || ""}` ].filter(instance => instance?.length > 0) // TODO we should use an inference endpoint instead export async function generateAudio(prompt: string, audioFileName: string) { if (state.load === instances.length) { throw new Error(`all audio generation servers are busy, try again later..`) } state.load += 1 try { const instance = instances.shift() instances.push(instance) const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true, protocolTimeout: 120000, }) try { const page = await browser.newPage() await page.goto(instance, { waitUntil: "networkidle2", }) // await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000)) const firstTextboxInput = await page.$('input[data-testid="textbox"]') await firstTextboxInput.type(prompt) // console.log("looking for the button to submit") const submitButton = await page.$("button.lg") // console.log("clicking on the button") await await page.waitForSelector("a[download]", { timeout: 120000, // no need to wait for too long, generation is quick }) const audioRemoteUrl = await page.$$eval("a[download]", el => => x.getAttribute("href"))[0]) // it is always a good idea to download to a tmp dir before saving to the pending dir // because there is always a risk that the download will fail const tmpFileName = `${uuidv4()}.mp4` await downloadFileToTmp(audioRemoteUrl, tmpFileName) await moveFileFromTmpToPending(tmpFileName, audioFileName) } catch (err) { throw err } finally { await browser.close() } } catch (err) { throw err } finally { state.load -= 1 } }