import streamlit as st import os import pathlib import textwrap from PIL import Image import google.generativeai as genai genai.configure(api_key='AIzaSyCeNgXfZx0kJ736XFVtxXxev_RdscB0i5s') ## Function to load OpenAI model and get respones def get_gemini_response(input,image,prompt): model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro-vision') response = model.generate_content([input,image[0],prompt]) return response.text def input_image_setup(uploaded_file): # Check if a file has been uploaded if uploaded_file is not None: # Read the file into bytes bytes_data = uploaded_file.getvalue() image_parts = [ { "mime_type": uploaded_file.type, # Get the mime type of the uploaded file "data": bytes_data } ] return image_parts else: raise FileNotFoundError("No file uploaded") ##initialize our streamlit app st.set_page_config(page_title="Gemini Image Demo") st.header("Generative AI : Invoice Reader") input=st.text_input("Input Prompt: ",key="input") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an image...", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]) image="" if uploaded_file is not None: image = st.image(image, caption="Uploaded Image.", use_column_width=True) submit=st.button("Tell me about the image") input_prompt = """ You are an expert in understanding business cards. You will receive input images as business card & you will have to answer questions based on the input image. You have to extract information from business card images and give correct tag to the output text like person name, company name, occupation, address, phone/telephone number, email, website, etc. """ ## If ask button is clicked if submit: image_data = input_image_setup(uploaded_file) response=get_gemini_response(input_prompt,image_data,input) st.subheader("The Response is") st.write(response)