Build error
Build error
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then | |
echo "No commit message provided. Aborting!" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
# Create .gitignore if it does not exist | |
if [ ! -f .gitignore ]; then | |
touch .gitignore | |
fi | |
# Ignore large files. Note: It appends to .gitignore. | |
# The loop handles file paths with spaces correctly. | |
find . -type f -size +100M | sed 's|^\./||' | while IFS= read -r file; do | |
grep -qxF "$file" .gitignore || echo "$file" >> .gitignore | |
done | |
# Function to add a line to .gitignore if not present | |
add_to_gitignore() { | |
grep -qxF "$1" .gitignore || echo "$1" >> .gitignore | |
} | |
# Example of how to include a subdirectory using '!' | |
# The following line would include the 'list' subdirectory if it existed inside 'mmhuman3d/data' | |
# add_to_gitignore "!mmhuman3d/data/list" | |
# Use the function to add lines | |
add_to_gitignore "pose/data" | |
add_to_gitignore "pose/Outputs" | |
add_to_gitignore "pose/checkpoints" | |
add_to_gitignore "pretrain/data" | |
add_to_gitignore "pretrain/Outputs" | |
add_to_gitignore "pretrain/checkpoints" | |
add_to_gitignore "seg/data" | |
add_to_gitignore "seg/Outputs" | |
add_to_gitignore "seg/checkpoints" | |
add_to_gitignore "__pycache__/" | |
add_to_gitignore "*.pyc" | |
add_to_gitignore "*.ipynb_checkpoints" | |
add_to_gitignore "*.so" | |
add_to_gitignore "*.DS_Store" | |
add_to_gitignore "*._*" | |
add_to_gitignore "*.egg" | |
# Push using the git command | |
git add -A | |
git commit -m "$1" | |
git push | |