<script lang="ts"> | |
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; | |
import { toast } from 'svelte-sonner'; | |
import { getBackendConfig, getTaskConfig, updateTaskConfig } from '$lib/apis'; | |
import { setDefaultPromptSuggestions } from '$lib/apis/configs'; | |
import { config, models, settings, user } from '$lib/stores'; | |
import { createEventDispatcher, onMount, getContext } from 'svelte'; | |
import { banners as _banners } from '$lib/stores'; | |
import type { Banner } from '$lib/types'; | |
import { getBanners, setBanners } from '$lib/apis/configs'; | |
import Tooltip from '$lib/components/common/Tooltip.svelte'; | |
import Switch from '$lib/components/common/Switch.svelte'; | |
import Textarea from '$lib/components/common/Textarea.svelte'; | |
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); | |
const i18n = getContext('i18n'); | |
let taskConfig = { | |
TASK_MODEL: '', | |
}; | |
let promptSuggestions = []; | |
let banners: Banner[] = []; | |
const updateInterfaceHandler = async () => { | |
taskConfig = await updateTaskConfig(localStorage.token, taskConfig); | |
promptSuggestions = await setDefaultPromptSuggestions(localStorage.token, promptSuggestions); | |
await updateBanners(); | |
await config.set(await getBackendConfig()); | |
}; | |
onMount(async () => { | |
taskConfig = await getTaskConfig(localStorage.token); | |
promptSuggestions = $config?.default_prompt_suggestions; | |
banners = await getBanners(localStorage.token); | |
}); | |
const updateBanners = async () => { | |
_banners.set(await setBanners(localStorage.token, banners)); | |
}; | |
</script> | |
<form | |
class="flex flex-col h-full justify-between space-y-3 text-sm" | |
on:submit|preventDefault={() => { | |
updateInterfaceHandler(); | |
dispatch('save'); | |
}} | |
> | |
<div class=" overflow-y-scroll scrollbar-hidden h-full pr-1.5"> | |
<div> | |
<div class=" mb-2.5 text-sm font-medium flex items-center"> | |
<div class=" mr-1">{$i18n.t('Set Task Model')}</div> | |
<Tooltip | |
content={$i18n.t( | |
'A task model is used when performing tasks such as generating titles for chats and web search queries' | |
)} | |
> | |
<svg | |
xmlns="" | |
fill="none" | |
viewBox="0 0 24 24" | |
stroke-width="1.5" | |
stroke="currentColor" | |
class="size-3.5" | |
> | |
<path | |
stroke-linecap="round" | |
stroke-linejoin="round" | |
d="m11.25 11.25.041-.02a.75.75 0 0 1 1.063.852l-.708 2.836a.75.75 0 0 0 1.063.853l.041-.021M21 12a9 9 0 1 1-18 0 9 9 0 0 1 18 0Zm-9-3.75h.008v.008H12V8.25Z" | |
/> | |
</svg> | |
</Tooltip> | |
</div> | |
<div class="flex w-full gap-2"> | |
<div class="flex-1"> | |
<div class=" text-xs mb-1">{$i18n.t('Local Models')}</div> | |
<select | |
class="w-full rounded-lg py-2 px-4 text-sm bg-gray-50 dark:text-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-850 outline-none" | |
bind:value={taskConfig.TASK_MODEL} | |
placeholder={$i18n.t('Select a model')} | |
> | |
<option value="" selected>{$i18n.t('Current Model')}</option> | |
{#each $models.filter((m) => m.owned_by === 'ollama') as model} | |
<option value={} class="bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700"> | |
{} | |
</option> | |
{/each} | |
</select> | |
</div> | |
<div class="flex-1"> | |
<div class=" text-xs mb-1">{$i18n.t('External Models')}</div> | |
<select | |
class="w-full rounded-lg py-2 px-4 text-sm bg-gray-50 dark:text-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-850 outline-none" | |
bind:value={taskConfig.TASK_MODEL_EXTERNAL} | |
placeholder={$i18n.t('Select a model')} | |
> | |
<option value="" selected>{$i18n.t('Current Model')}</option> | |
{#each $models as model} | |
<option value={} class="bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700"> | |
{} | |
</option> | |
{/each} | |
</select> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="mt-3"> | |
<div class=" mb-2.5 text-xs font-medium">{$i18n.t('Title Generation Prompt')}</div> | |
<Tooltip | |
content={$i18n.t('Leave empty to use the default prompt, or enter a custom prompt')} | |
placement="top-start" | |
> | |
<Textarea | |
bind:value={taskConfig.TITLE_GENERATION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE} | |
placeholder={$i18n.t('Leave empty to use the default prompt, or enter a custom prompt')} | |
/> | |
</Tooltip> | |
</div> | |
<div class="mt-3"> | |
<div class=" mb-2.5 text-xs font-medium">{$i18n.t('Tags Generation Prompt')}</div> | |
<Tooltip | |
content={$i18n.t('Leave empty to use the default prompt, or enter a custom prompt')} | |
placement="top-start" | |
> | |
<Textarea | |
bind:value={taskConfig.TAGS_GENERATION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE} | |
placeholder={$i18n.t('Leave empty to use the default prompt, or enter a custom prompt')} | |
/> | |
</Tooltip> | |
</div> | |
<hr class=" dark:border-gray-850 my-3" /> | |
<div class="my-3 flex w-full items-center justify-between"> | |
<div class=" self-center text-xs font-medium"> | |
{$i18n.t('Enable Web Search Query Generation')} | |
</div> | |
<Switch bind:state={taskConfig.ENABLE_SEARCH_QUERY} /> | |
</div> | |
{#if taskConfig.ENABLE_SEARCH_QUERY} | |
<div class=""> | |
<div class=" mb-2.5 text-xs font-medium">{$i18n.t('Search Query Generation Prompt')}</div> | |
<Tooltip | |
content={$i18n.t('Leave empty to use the default prompt, or enter a custom prompt')} | |
placement="top-start" | |
> | |
<Textarea | |
placeholder={$i18n.t( | |
'Leave empty to use the default prompt, or enter a custom prompt' | |
)} | |
/> | |
</Tooltip> | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |
</div> | |
<hr class=" dark:border-gray-850 my-3" /> | |
<div class=" space-y-3 {banners.length > 0 ? ' mb-3' : ''}"> | |
<div class="flex w-full justify-between"> | |
<div class=" self-center text-sm font-semibold"> | |
{$i18n.t('Banners')} | |
</div> | |
<button | |
class="p-1 px-3 text-xs flex rounded transition" | |
type="button" | |
on:click={() => { | |
if (banners.length === 0 || !== '') { | |
banners = [ | |
...banners, | |
{ | |
id: uuidv4(), | |
type: '', | |
title: '', | |
content: '', | |
dismissible: true, | |
timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000) | |
} | |
]; | |
} | |
}} | |
> | |
<svg | |
xmlns="" | |
viewBox="0 0 20 20" | |
fill="currentColor" | |
class="w-4 h-4" | |
> | |
<path | |
d="M10.75 4.75a.75.75 0 00-1.5 0v4.5h-4.5a.75.75 0 000 1.5h4.5v4.5a.75.75 0 001.5 0v-4.5h4.5a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-4.5v-4.5z" | |
/> | |
</svg> | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-1"> | |
{#each banners as banner, bannerIdx} | |
<div class=" flex justify-between"> | |
<div class="flex flex-row flex-1 border rounded-xl dark:border-gray-800"> | |
<select | |
class="w-fit capitalize rounded-xl py-2 px-4 text-xs bg-transparent outline-none" | |
bind:value={banner.type} | |
required | |
> | |
{#if banner.type == ''} | |
<option value="" selected disabled class="text-gray-900">{$i18n.t('Type')}</option | |
> | |
{/if} | |
<option value="info" class="text-gray-900">{$i18n.t('Info')}</option> | |
<option value="warning" class="text-gray-900">{$i18n.t('Warning')}</option> | |
<option value="error" class="text-gray-900">{$i18n.t('Error')}</option> | |
<option value="success" class="text-gray-900">{$i18n.t('Success')}</option> | |
</select> | |
<input | |
class="pr-5 py-1.5 text-xs w-full bg-transparent outline-none" | |
placeholder={$i18n.t('Content')} | |
bind:value={banner.content} | |
/> | |
<div class="relative top-1.5 -left-2"> | |
<Tooltip content={$i18n.t('Dismissible')} className="flex h-fit items-center"> | |
<Switch bind:state={banner.dismissible} /> | |
</Tooltip> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<button | |
class="px-2" | |
type="button" | |
on:click={() => { | |
banners.splice(bannerIdx, 1); | |
banners = banners; | |
}} | |
> | |
<svg | |
xmlns="" | |
viewBox="0 0 20 20" | |
fill="currentColor" | |
class="w-4 h-4" | |
> | |
<path | |
d="M6.28 5.22a.75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06L8.94 10l-3.72 3.72a.75.75 0 101.06 1.06L10 11.06l3.72 3.72a.75.75 0 101.06-1.06L11.06 10l3.72-3.72a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06L10 8.94 6.28 5.22z" | |
/> | |
</svg> | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
{/each} | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{#if $user.role === 'admin'} | |
<div class=" space-y-3"> | |
<div class="flex w-full justify-between mb-2"> | |
<div class=" self-center text-sm font-semibold"> | |
{$i18n.t('Default Prompt Suggestions')} | |
</div> | |
<button | |
class="p-1 px-3 text-xs flex rounded transition" | |
type="button" | |
on:click={() => { | |
if (promptSuggestions.length === 0 || !== '') { | |
promptSuggestions = [...promptSuggestions, { content: '', title: ['', ''] }]; | |
} | |
}} | |
> | |
<svg | |
xmlns="" | |
viewBox="0 0 20 20" | |
fill="currentColor" | |
class="w-4 h-4" | |
> | |
<path | |
d="M10.75 4.75a.75.75 0 00-1.5 0v4.5h-4.5a.75.75 0 000 1.5h4.5v4.5a.75.75 0 001.5 0v-4.5h4.5a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-4.5v-4.5z" | |
/> | |
</svg> | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
<div class="grid lg:grid-cols-2 flex-col gap-1.5"> | |
{#each promptSuggestions as prompt, promptIdx} | |
<div | |
class=" flex border border-gray-100 dark:border-none dark:bg-gray-850 rounded-xl py-1.5" | |
> | |
<div class="flex flex-col flex-1 pl-1"> | |
<div class="flex border-b border-gray-100 dark:border-gray-800 w-full"> | |
<input | |
class="px-3 py-1.5 text-xs w-full bg-transparent outline-none border-r border-gray-100 dark:border-gray-800" | |
placeholder={$i18n.t('Title (e.g. Tell me a fun fact)')} | |
bind:value={prompt.title[0]} | |
/> | |
<input | |
class="px-3 py-1.5 text-xs w-full bg-transparent outline-none border-r border-gray-100 dark:border-gray-800" | |
placeholder={$i18n.t('Subtitle (e.g. about the Roman Empire)')} | |
bind:value={prompt.title[1]} | |
/> | |
</div> | |
<textarea | |
class="px-3 py-1.5 text-xs w-full bg-transparent outline-none border-r border-gray-100 dark:border-gray-800 resize-none" | |
placeholder={$i18n.t('Prompt (e.g. Tell me a fun fact about the Roman Empire)')} | |
rows="3" | |
bind:value={prompt.content} | |
/> | |
</div> | |
<button | |
class="px-3" | |
type="button" | |
on:click={() => { | |
promptSuggestions.splice(promptIdx, 1); | |
promptSuggestions = promptSuggestions; | |
}} | |
> | |
<svg | |
xmlns="" | |
viewBox="0 0 20 20" | |
fill="currentColor" | |
class="w-4 h-4" | |
> | |
<path | |
d="M6.28 5.22a.75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06L8.94 10l-3.72 3.72a.75.75 0 101.06 1.06L10 11.06l3.72 3.72a.75.75 0 101.06-1.06L11.06 10l3.72-3.72a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06L10 8.94 6.28 5.22z" | |
/> | |
</svg> | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
{/each} | |
</div> | |
{#if promptSuggestions.length > 0} | |
<div class="text-xs text-left w-full mt-2"> | |
{$i18n.t('Adjusting these settings will apply changes universally to all users.')} | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |
</div> | |
<div class="flex justify-end text-sm font-medium"> | |
<button | |
class="px-3.5 py-1.5 text-sm font-medium bg-black hover:bg-gray-900 text-white dark:bg-white dark:text-black dark:hover:bg-gray-100 transition rounded-full" | |
type="submit" | |
> | |
{$i18n.t('Save')} | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
</form> | |