import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os from glob import glob import subprocess st.title('Welcome to introspector lang_agent!!') limit = st.number_input("limit",value=40) url = st.text_input("url",value="http://localhost:11434") prompt = st.text_input("prompt",value="Consider this text as a creative writing prompt: ") source_data = st.selectbox( 'What data source should we read', ( '/mnt/data1/2024/02/12/meta-coq-common/', '/data')) st.write('You selected:', source_data) #in python read directory source_data recursivly and print it in select box in streamlit def get_files(path='.'): """Recursive function to find all files in given directory path.""" files = [] for item in os.listdir(path): fp = os.path.join(path, item) if os.path.isdir(fp): files.append(fp) files += get_files(fp) return files files = get_files(source_data) if len(files) > limit: files = files[0:limit] #st.write(files) mode = st.selectbox("mode", [ "--ollama", "--openai", ]) model = st.selectbox("model", ["mistral","mixtral"]) input_dir = st.selectbox("Select a file", files) st.write(f"You selected file: {input_dir}") if st.button("Process data"): prompt = prompt.replace("\"","\'") cmd = ["bash", "./", input_dir, url, mode, model, "\"{prompt}\""] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in proc.stdout: st.write(line)