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import gradio as gr
from transformers import pipeline, AutoTokenizer
# Define the model name
MODEL_NAME = "impresso-project/ner-stacked-bert-multilingual"
# Load the tokenizer and model using the pipeline
ner_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
ner_pipeline = pipeline(
def format_entities_as_html(entities):
excluded_keys = {"start", "end", "index"} # Keys to exclude from the output
html_output = "<div>"
for entity in entities:
html_output += (
"<div style='margin-bottom: 10px;'>" # Each entity in a separate div
# Dynamically add all fields except the excluded ones
for key, value in entity.items():
if key not in excluded_keys:
if isinstance(value, float): # Format score if it's a float
html_output += (
f"<strong>{key.capitalize()}:</strong> {value:.2f}<br>"
html_output += f"<strong>{key.capitalize()}:</strong> {value}<br>"
html_output += "</div>"
html_output += "</div>"
return html_output
# Function to process the sentence and extract entities
def extract_entities(sentence):
results = ner_pipeline(sentence)
# Debugging the result format
print(f"NER results: {results}")
entities = []
seen_spans = set() # Track the spans we have already added to avoid overlaps
# Print debug info about tokenization
print(f"Original text: {sentence}")
print("Results:", results)
# it should look like:
# [{'entity': 'org.ent.pressagency.Reuters', 'score': np.float32(98.47),
# 'index': 78, 'text': 'Reuters', 'start': 440, 'end': 447}]
for entity in results:
entity["start"] = entity["lOffset"]
entity["end"] = entity["rOffset"]
entity_span = (entity["start"], entity["end"])
# Only add non-overlapping entities
if entity_span not in seen_spans:
entity_text = sentence[
entity["start"] : entity["end"]
].strip() # Ensure we're working with the correct portion of the text
entity["surface"] = entity_text
label = f"{entity['type']}"
if "title" in entity:
label += f" - Title: {entity['title']}"
if "name" in entity:
label += f" - Name: {entity['name']}"
if "function" in entity:
label += f" - Function: {entity['function']}"
entity["entity"] = label
# print(f"Entity text: {entity}")
print(f"Entities: {entities}")
# Sort entities by their start position
# entities = sorted(entities, key=lambda x: x["start"])
return {"text": sentence, "entities": entities}
# Create Gradio interface
def ner_app_interface():
input_sentence = gr.Textbox(
lines=5, label="Input Sentence", placeholder="Enter a sentence for NER:"
output_entities = gr.HTML(label="Extracted Entities")
# Interface definition
interface = gr.Interface(
outputs=[gr.HighlightedText(label="Text with mentions")],
# outputs=output_entities,
title="Named Entity Recognition",
description="Enter a sentence to extract named entities using the NER model from the Impresso project.",
"Des chercheurs de l'Université de Cambridge ont développé une nouvelle technique de calcul quantique qui promet d'augmenter exponentiellement les vitesses de calcul."
"Le rapport complet sur ces découvertes a été publié dans la prestigieuse revue 'Nature Physics'. (Reuters)"
["In the year 1789, the Estates-General was convened in France."],
"The event was held at the Palace of Versailles, a symbol of French monarchy."
"At Versailles, Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France, was involved in discussions."
"Maximilien Robespierre, a leading member of the National Assembly, also participated."
"Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the famous philosopher, was a significant figure in the debate."
"Another important participant was Charles de Talleyrand, the Bishop of Autun."
"Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, George Washington, the first President of the United States, was shaping policies."
"Thomas Jefferson, the nation's Secretary of State, played a key role in drafting policies for the new American government."
# Run the app
if __name__ == "__main__":