import gradio as gr import folium from folium import plugins import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime import time import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import os # OpenSky API 인증 정보를 환경 변수에서 가져오기 USERNAME = os.getenv("ID_AUTH") PASSWORD = os.getenv("PW_AUTH") class OpenSkyApi: def __init__(self, username=None, password=None): self.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(username, password) if username and password else None self.base_url = "" def get_states(self, time_secs=0, icao24=None, bbox=None): """Retrieve state vectors for a given time.""" params = {"time": int(time_secs) if time_secs else int(time.time())} if icao24: params["icao24"] = icao24 if bbox: params.update({ "lamin": bbox[0], "lamax": bbox[1], "lomin": bbox[2], "lomax": bbox[3] }) headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0', 'Accept': 'application/json' } try: response = requests.get( f"{self.base_url}/states/all", params=params, auth=self.auth, headers=headers, timeout=15 ) if response.status_code == 200: return StateVector(response.json()) elif response.status_code == 401: print("Authentication failed. Please check your environment variables ID_AUTH and PW_AUTH.") return None else: print(f"Error {response.status_code}: {response.text}") return None except Exception as e: print(f"Error fetching data: {e}") return None class StateVector: def __init__(self, states_json): self.time = states_json.get('time', 0) self.states = [] if states_json.get('states'): for state in states_json['states']: self.states.append(State(state)) class State: def __init__(self, state_array): self.icao24 = state_array[0] self.callsign = state_array[1] self.origin_country = state_array[2] self.time_position = state_array[3] self.last_contact = state_array[4] self.longitude = state_array[5] self.latitude = state_array[6] self.geo_altitude = state_array[7] self.on_ground = state_array[8] self.velocity = state_array[9] self.true_track = state_array[10] self.vertical_rate = state_array[11] self.sensors = state_array[12] if len(state_array) > 12 else None self.baro_altitude = state_array[13] if len(state_array) > 13 else None self.squawk = state_array[14] if len(state_array) > 14 else None self.spi = state_array[15] if len(state_array) > 15 else None self.position_source = state_array[16] if len(state_array) > 16 else None # OpenSky API 인스턴스 생성 api = OpenSkyApi(USERNAME, PASSWORD) def get_states(bounds=None, max_retries=3): """Get current aircraft states from OpenSky Network with retry logic""" for attempt in range(max_retries): try: if bounds: bbox = ( bounds['lamin'], bounds['lamax'], bounds['lomin'], bounds['lomax'] ) states = api.get_states(bbox=bbox) else: states = api.get_states() if states and states.states: return {'states': states.states} if attempt < max_retries - 1: wait_time = min(2 ** attempt, 60) print(f"Retrying in {wait_time} seconds...") time.sleep(wait_time) continue return None except Exception as e: print(f"Error fetching data: {e}") if attempt < max_retries - 1: time.sleep(5) continue return None return None def create_monitoring_dashboard(states): """Create monitoring dashboard using Plotly""" if not states: return go.Figure() # StateVector 객체에서 데이터 추출 altitudes = [s.geo_altitude for s in states if s.geo_altitude is not None] speeds = [s.velocity for s in states if s.velocity is not None] countries = pd.Series([s.origin_country for s in states if s.origin_country]) # Create subplots fig = make_subplots( rows=2, cols=2, subplot_titles=('Altitude Distribution', 'Speed Distribution', 'Aircraft by Country', 'Aircraft Categories'), specs=[ [{"type": "xy"}, {"type": "xy"}], [{"type": "xy"}, {"type": "domain"}] ] ) # Add traces fig.add_trace( go.Histogram(x=altitudes, name="Altitude", marker_color='#4a90e2'), row=1, col=1 ) fig.add_trace( go.Histogram(x=speeds, name="Speed", marker_color='#50C878'), row=1, col=2 ) # Top 10 countries top_countries = countries.value_counts().head(10) fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=top_countries.index, y=top_countries.values, name="Countries", marker_color='#FF6B6B' ), row=2, col=1 ) # Aircraft categories categories = ['Commercial', 'Private', 'Military', 'Other'] values = [40, 30, 20, 10] # Example distribution fig.add_trace( go.Pie( labels=categories, values=values, name="Categories", marker=dict(colors=['#4a90e2', '#50C878', '#FF6B6B', '#FFD700']) ), row=2, col=2 ) # Update layout fig.update_layout( height=800, showlegend=True, template="plotly_dark", paper_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0.3)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', margin=dict(l=50, r=50, t=50, b=50), font=dict(color='white'), legend=dict( bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0.3)', bordercolor='rgba(255,255,255,0.2)', borderwidth=1 ) ) fig.update_xaxes(gridcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0.1)', zeroline=False) fig.update_yaxes(gridcolor='rgba(255,255,255,0.1)', zeroline=False) for i in fig['layout']['annotations']: i['font'] = dict(size=12, color='white') return fig def create_map(region="world"): """Create aircraft tracking map""" m = folium.Map( location=[30, 0], zoom_start=3, tiles='CartoDB dark_matter' ) bounds = { "world": None, "europe": {"lamin": 35.0, "lomin": -15.0, "lamax": 60.0, "lomax": 40.0}, "north_america": {"lamin": 25.0, "lomin": -130.0, "lamax": 50.0, "lomax": -60.0}, "asia": {"lamin": 10.0, "lomin": 60.0, "lamax": 50.0, "lomax": 150.0} } data = get_states(bounds.get(region)) if not data or not data['states']: return ( m._repr_html_(), create_monitoring_dashboard([]), "No data available. Please try again later." ) states = data['states'] heat_data = [] for state in states: if state.latitude and state.longitude: lat, lon = state.latitude, state.longitude callsign = state.callsign if state.callsign else 'N/A' altitude = state.geo_altitude if state.geo_altitude else 'N/A' velocity = state.velocity if state.velocity else 'N/A' heat_data.append([lat, lon, 1]) popup_content = f"""
Callsign: {callsign}
Altitude: {altitude}m
Velocity: {velocity}m/s
Origin: {state.origin_country}
Real-time tracking of aircraft worldwide
""" ) gr.HTML("""Map loading failed. Please try again.
", go.Figure(), f"Error: {str(e)}" ) fn=update_map, inputs=[region_select], outputs=[map_html, dashboard_plot, stats_text] ) region_select.change( fn=update_map, inputs=[region_select], outputs=[map_html, dashboard_plot, stats_text] ) # 환경 변수 확인 if not USERNAME or not PASSWORD: print("Warning: Environment variables ID_AUTH and/or PW_AUTH are not set.") print("The application will run with anonymous access, which has lower rate limits.") # Launch with specific configurations demo.launch( show_error=True, server_name="", server_port=7860, share=False )