import io
import boto3
import requests
import numpy as np
import polars as pl
from PIL import Image
from botocore.config import Config
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# S3 for sample images
my_config = Config(
s3_client = boto3.client('s3', config=my_config)

# Set basepath for EOL pages for info
EOL_URL = ""
RANKS = ["kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "species"]

def get_sample(df, pred_taxon, rank):
    Function to retrieve a sample image of the predicted taxon and EOL page link for more info.

    df : DataFrame
        DataFrame with all sample images listed and their filepaths (in "file_path" column).
    pred_taxon : str
        Predicted taxon of the uploaded image.
    rank : int
        Index of rank in RANKS chosen for prediction.

    img : PIL.Image
        Sample image of predicted taxon for display.
    eol_page : str
        URL to EOL page for the taxon (may be a lower rank, e.g., species sample).
    '''"Getting sample for taxon: {pred_taxon} at rank: {rank}")
        filepath, eol_page_id, full_name, is_exact = get_sample_data(df, pred_taxon, rank)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error retrieving sample data: {e}")
        return None, f"We encountered the following error trying to retrieve a sample image: {e}."
    if filepath is None:
        logger.warning(f"No sample image found for taxon: {pred_taxon}")
        return None, f"Sorry, our EOL images do not include {pred_taxon}."

    # Get sample image of selected individual
        img_src = s3_client.generate_presigned_url('get_object',
                                                   Params={'Bucket': 'treeoflife-10m-sample-images',
                                                           'Key': filepath}
        img_resp = requests.get(img_src)
        img =
        full_eol_url = EOL_URL + eol_page_id
        if is_exact:
            eol_page = f"<p>Check out the EOL entry for {pred_taxon} to learn more: <a href={full_eol_url} target='_blank'>{full_eol_url}</a>.</p>"
            eol_page = f"<p>Check out an example EOL entry within {pred_taxon} to learn more: {full_name} <a href={full_eol_url} target='_blank'>{full_eol_url}</a>.</p>""Successfully retrieved sample image and EOL page for {pred_taxon}")
        return img, eol_page
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error retrieving sample image: {e}")
        return None, f"We encountered the following error trying to retrieve a sample image: {e}."

def get_sample_data(df, pred_taxon, rank):
    Function to randomly select a sample individual of the given taxon and provide associated native location.
    df : DataFrame
        DataFrame with all sample images listed and their filepaths (in "file_path" column).
    pred_taxon : str
        Predicted taxon of the uploaded image.
    rank : int
        Index of rank in RANKS chosen for prediction.

    filepath : str
        Filepath of selected sample image for predicted taxon.
    eol_page_id : str
        EOL page ID associated with predicted taxon for more information.
    full_name : str
        Full taxonomic name of the selected sample.
    is_exact : bool
        Flag indicating if the match is exact (i.e., with empty lower ranks).
    for idx in range(rank + 1):
        taxon = RANKS[idx]
        target_taxon = pred_taxon.split(" ")[idx]
        df = df.filter(pl.col(taxon) == target_taxon)

    if df.shape[0] == 0:
        return None, np.nan, "", False

    # First, try to find entries with empty lower ranks
    exact_df = df
    for lower_rank in RANKS[rank + 1:]:
        exact_df = exact_df.filter((pl.col(lower_rank).is_null()) | (pl.col(lower_rank) == ""))

    if exact_df.shape[0] > 0:
        df_filtered = exact_df.sample()
        full_name = " ".join([:rank+1]).row(0))
        return df_filtered["file_path"][0], df_filtered["eol_page_id"].cast(pl.String)[0], full_name, True

    # If no exact matches, return any entry with the specified rank
    df_filtered = df.sample()
    full_name = " ".join([:rank+1]).row(0)) + " " + " ".join([rank+1:]).row(0))
    return df_filtered["file_path"][0], df_filtered["eol_page_id"].cast(pl.String)[0], full_name, False